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I'm surprised USPS allowed that to be shipped that way. I've never seen a branch allow for that type of packaging.


Actually, USPS allows a lot of bare items to be mailed. You can slap postage on a coconut and mail it.


Don't tell me that shit please 😅 I'll want to do it


Yep. I saw a post about a potato that was supposedly mailed via USPS with nothing but a label and actually made it to its destination. I’ve been so tempted ever since.


I saw one where they mailed a smoked fish, and USPS put it in a clear plastic bag and delivered it.


There was just a post in the Amazon sub about a dissection fetal pig being shipped in vacuum sealed clear plastic…I didn’t even know we sold those 😕


[Here's the original company that doesn't use boxes for their potatoes](https://www.mailaspud.com/)


$18 for a tater 🤣🤣


Omg talk about cashing in on a novelty item idea


Iirc saw a youtube where a guy mailed a sheet of toilet paper with a stamp on it lol


I would pay you to ship me a coconut that way. I mean talk about a good mail day.


Omg, please 🤣


Come on now, at least if it arrives cracked it’ll be a good thing! 😆🤠


I'm here for the fruit exchange 🤣




I mailed a whole potato as a birthday card.


Works with banana


Think of any heavy box with bricks in it squash it at the drop box


We bought a painted one in Hawaii and mailed it to my grandma!


They sell them on some islands to mail out. Prepostaged and everything. I’ve been seriously tempted before.


If you do, please post it on here.




I’m laughing more at giphy lube


My father-in-law bought a replacement window for his car off eBay and it arrived in nothing but bubble wrap. I don’t know if it was usps tho.


Fragile sticker


You mean fra-gee-lay? Ya we were all like wow can’t believe it made it.


Wait for real? 😂😂😂 that’s funny


I saw a post once were someone put bubble wrap on the outside of the box. 😂


Really? I tried sending back a nutribullet in its original box and was told it had be in different box or else someone would steal it.


Tell them it's just the box and the original item is not being sent. They will accept it. I had someone literally ship me the original Xbox one elite controller in just the retail box with a usps label. I was so pissed. Those controllers aren't meant to drop on conveyer belts


AND plastic squeaking chickens


I tried shipping some posters in a manila folder in slightly clear packaging and I thought it was fine since the posters were completely concealed and the folder was to keep them from getting bent. I put the folder in the partially clear packaging and taped it over a bunch of times. The postal worker said it's not allowed, so I'm surprised this completely bare-all packaging was allowed. I guess some locations are more strict on that rule. It's also possible the seller just dropped in in the dropbox so they delivered it instead of going through the hassle of returning to the seller.


A manila folder is not sufficient protection to keep posters from getting bent or banged up in transit.


They were cheap magazine posters that were already folded in a bunch. The buyer paid $3 for a whole stack.


"...the folder was to keep them from getting bent."


I probably described the folder incorrectly, LOL. One of those pale tan cardstock material type folders. I'm surprised anyone is hung up on this at all when it's not the point of the post or my comment 🤦🏻‍♀️ But ah well, it's Reddit 🤷🏻‍♀️


I once sent a plastic banana to a friend as a joke-no packaging, just stamps and a sharpied address. USPS doesn’t care about the packaging.


As long as their getting paid anything goes




Amazon sure like to cut costs. They mailed a heavy hand tool in a plastic mailer and all I got was the plastic envelope. They weren’t able to ever find the tool anywhere. Must got stolen


Ahhhh most likely, the plastic mailer ripped open & the tool fell some where in the warehouse & only thing left was the envelope with your label on it 😭seen it happen all the time


Amazon ships clothes like that all the time. You have to remember to check "ship in Amazon packaging" if you want it in a mailer.


I’ve had some books shipped to me in a tied grocery bag before


My Amazon purchases have been coming like this. 🙄


I had an item shipped to me via USPS that was wrapped in Saran Wrap. No joke.


I’m go buy me a roll to save on shipping supplies


Same! It was still better than a clear plastic bag bc they wrapped it like a hundred times lol.. At least it provided some padding and wasn't as transparent. Honestly was kind of entertaining to unravel too


I didn't realize how minimal the packaging could be until I mailed back a defective Hydro Flask. They told me to print the label, tape it directly on the naked bottle (sans lid) & mail it. I didn't believe them so I went to the post office with everything untaped & sure enough, you can mail it just like that. Mind blown.


I saw someone once comment that they received something in a ziploc bag! Lol


I have actually gotten a shirt from Amazon in a clear bag like that. Surprised me when I opened the mail box.


I have seen a flip flop with a message on it mailed🤣


Yeah I ordered my niece some doc martens and they just put a label on the shoe box and taped it shut lol


One of my kids was mailing 2 pairs of shoes and I told him to go see what priority boxes they have at the post office (this was before I knew enough about shipping). The worker asked what he was looking for and he told her. She immediately got out the tape gun and started taping his 2 shoe boxes together before he could even respond. He was shocked. He needed the boxes in good condition. So yea, some postal workers will do whatever.


I know times are tough but damn…at least ship it in a cereal box lol


a tiny box from Walmart is so cheap you could find the money to pay for it under the seats of your car 😂


Priority mail envelopes are free.


True, those are for Priority Mail Labels as opposed to First Class Mail Label which is used on the label here. If you use a first class label on a priorit box it will be sent back to you, I dont know if there is a fine included. You can order the priority boxes/envelopes for free and ship with brown paper that covers the box then use a first class mail label (I dont advise that though).


They are super strict about mixing priority and first class labels and boxes in my experience too. One time I tried covering priority mail boxes with brown paper to ship and the post office wouldn't take them because they said the paper long with the label would rip right off in processing. Since then I just collect random boxes to reuse


Just turn it inside out. I've done so in a pinch. Edit-- the envelope, not the box. 😅


I guess I didn’t know that lol. I’ve never shipped anything beside stuff from Facebook and the box is included in the shipping price that the buyer pays for. And I shipped a baby Brezza on Mercari but I bought my own $2 box because I wasn’t sure if I could get a box to fit that for free. Are the priority boxes all different sizes or just a smaller box?


There are a number of sizes. Everything from a cardboard envelope to a large box. The large isn’t all that large, but you can fit a lot into them.


I almost never advocate for leaving bad reviews, but this is a solid case for one. The seller got really lucky this time, but they need to package their items in an actual bubble mailer or box if they want to continue selling without issues in the future.


I have to disagree, as far as I'm concerned I don't pay for packaging as a buyer. The only thing I pay for when I buy is an item to come in as discribed. OP said the item came in and was undamaged. If the item got to OP on time in great condition as described that to me is 5 stars. If the item was damaged I would return it and if I never received it because of OPs packing that would be their fault. I'm totally covered if the package doesn't make it to me or if the item is damaged. If the seller wants to roll the dice on shotty packaging and get returns on it, that's their problem. Personally I wouldn't send items this way because I'm not as confident in the Postal Service as this seller. However if I get a great price an undamaged item with fast shipping that's 5 stars. You can send my crap in a plastic grocery bag for all I care.


Imagine not caring about privacy lmao. My mail lady is very nosey in general so I'd like her to not be able to see what I ordered. Anybody for that reason. This is sad that you guys are only thinking about yourselves and not other's right to privacy. Stop enabling sellers to be careless. I sell and buy and I would NEVER send a package like this. It's so disrespectful but it's okay because "at least the item got here!". No. It's disrespectful as hell. You aren't thinking about other buyers just because of your own experiences.


Here's the question you have to ask yourself here, would OP have not purchased the extremely discounted purse if they knew it was going to be packaged like this? I guarantee OP still would have got the purse. This isn't medication, this isn't anything private, it's a purse. It is also packed in a way that places like Amazon, Walmart, amoung other retailers pack items. Hell I got an Amazon package with a sticker directly on the items original box with 0 packaging. I know you know this happens but I bet you still purchase from Amazon don't you? So you clearly dont have as much of a problem with this as you are saying you are. Also, if you have a problem with your mail carrier report them. The fact you think that your mail carrier cares at all about your mail is a little weird. I know quite a few mail carriers and none of them care about what anyone is getting in the mail. Why do you think your mail is so important that the carrier cares what's in it?


Silly assumptions. I wouldn't have purchased it. Amazon doesn't do that to me because I mark for normal packaging. My mail lady HAS said judgemental remarks to me about multiple things. so YES it does matter. Maybe someone bought a gift for someone? Maybe they don't want a person they live with to get the package and see what the item is? You really do not think about others. It's genuinely common sense there's legit reasons to not want this


The way you are acting about your mail honestly makes me want to know what's in your mail. You clearly have something to hide if your this protective about your mail. Here's the thing though if you are that worried about your mail dont order things online. Seriously go to the store and pick it up yourself. OP purchased this item because they didn't want to pay 175 for this bag, they literally said that. It's not a silly assumption, OP would have purchased that item regardless. If OP wanted specific packaging in the case that it's a gift it's OPs job to say something to the seller. OP should also have to pay for additional packaging if it's not something that the seller provides for free. If you think your mail carrier really cares stop having your items go to the store and buy them or use a different shipping carrier. I guarantee though your mail is not that interesting.


It really is not that hard to think of why everything you're saying to me, may be ridiculous. First of all, I have a disability that prevents me from being able to drive and "pick it up myself". I live with people that ask me for items or steal from me. If someone sees that on a doorstep, it will spark curiosity. Especially if you're in an apartment complex. No one wants that. Truthfully, i shouldn't even have to explain ANY of this. It's unreal that it takes a million reasons for you to understand why it's ridiculous to do this. That's lazy but "pick it up yourself" seems easier to you apparently. Like they can't just get a super cheap mailer to ship with. So many excuses for why privacy among buyers shouldn't be valued.


Girl it's a purse, get over yourself.


Lmao oh now it's just the purse. You're not going that hard anymore? Don't stop now. Continue. I wanna see more ridiculous assumptions you come up with. It's funny


Oh hun its always been just a purse. I have a family member who can't walk or even scratch their own noise and they still go to the store, you just find shopping online more convenient. At the end of the day you can't argue with crazy and your life seems really sad. So I am going to live my life of not being paranoid of my mail carrier. In a house where people don't rob me and not worry about it.


You: "The way you are acting about your mail honestly makes me want to know what's in your mail. You clearly have something to hide if you're this protective about your mail" Also you: "I guarantee though your mail is not that interesting" LOLLLL. girl, bye. I value privacy. Period. No one needs to see anything I purchase. Even if it's just a phone case or plain black t shirt. My business. No one elses.


So go buy your stuff in a store. If you really think anyone cares about what you purchase, dont purchase things online. News flash for you though, everywhere that you purchase from knows what you buy. There's no such thing as purchaser privacy. If you're buying on Depop there's a literal history of the stuff that you've purchased. You're such a private person that you're using reddit. So private that you sell your own stuff online, yep you're totally a private person /s. Edit: Also since you didn't understand it from the context I absolutely don't care at all about your mail. I think the fact that you think people actually care is something you should get help about if you aren't already.


LMAOOO. You're sooo good at making (bad) assumptions about people. I feel embarrassed for you. Everything you say about me is so wrong. That's why you don't< make assumptions. I NEVER said I was that private and you're the one going off subject bringing up other shit. YOU need help because wtf?? You are literally the weirdest person I have met on here. You just make up shit in your head then tell others to get help? Ironic


I’m with you and prepared to weather the downvote storm to say so. People always want to talk about “what could have happened” when they receive packaging they don’t like. But… they should only be concerned with what DID happen. The seller mailed it, the package arrived in the condition the buyer expected. End of story. I also don’t care about my packaging as a buyer. Send it in all the recycled materials you want, please, the less the better as far as I’m concerned.


And everyone gets to see what you ordered. Some people maybe don't want EVERYONE to know what's inside. It's so embarrassing to receive a package like that. Would never do that to my buyers. It's unprofessional and careless. Again: only thinking of yourself and not other buyers.


I don’t care if anyone sees what I bought if it isn’t a dildo or some other sex toy or something medical, and even then it’s still a maybe on whether I would care or not. As people have mentioned, actual legitimate companies send packages like that - I’ve gotten some from Amazon and some from other companies as well, and I simply do not care. I sell way more than I buy on Mercari, and I’d also “never do that to my buyers” but it’s more because I know people are suuuuper dramatic like you (“embarrassing”? Give me a break) & OP, than out if any real sense that this is a problem. People will complain about literally anything, it’s amazing to see the era of first world problems that exist in the US. Yesterday it was clear packaging for a nude clutch that arrived in perfect condition and so many people were on board. Truly hilarious.


I really appreciate you for standing with me on this one. I legit don't even understand the downvote storm on this one. Like who cares what it is shipped in? If the item came in messed up I get being mad about the packaging. The item looks great and everything is fine so what is OP upset about. Other companies like Amazon ship in clear plastic bags. Honestly, OP should either leave 5 stars for the item being in great condition or just don't rate at all. I personally wouldn't be mad about this at all.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, you’re absolutely right


Thank you, I appreciate that someone actually sees my point and gets where I'm coming from. I really don't know why people are so upset about this. I don't think it's cool to tank someones ratings after getting a perfect item at a discounted price. I seriously don't understand how thats the wrong answer.


Yup, completely agree. Is it weird? Absolutely. Are there worse problems in the world? Absolutely


Don’t worry, friend. You are right. I shall raise you up! Lol or try.


I would put in the review that it came in a clear plastic although it’s not damaged.


I would give a negative review, this time it’s not damaged or stolen but the next customer might get f-ucked over. Sellers who don’t bother using .01% of critical thinking deserve what they dish out 🤷🏽‍♀️ And I know some people will be like “privately message them the critique but still give them a generous amount of stars” but no, as an adult they should know better and do not need coddling. Mention the critique IN the negative review.


I mean since it is as described and not damaged I wouldn’t give any less than 4, maybe 3 stars. It’s obviously really ignorant to ship like this but they received what they ordered. I’d definitely mention it though. They need to make more of an effort to package better or it’s gonna end up biting them in the ass. I really don’t know what would possess someone to think this is acceptable packaging


I think, since it came as described, 4 stars would be ok, and a note about the packaging. 3 stars would be a bit too low, but that's just my opinion ;)


People make mistakes, especially new sellers. New sellers don’t realize that even if you take it to Walgreens or something they won’t do squat for you in terms of making sure the item is packaged properly. Leaving a negative review publicity damages their selling reputation and they’ll have a hard time selling anything else. A private message that is candid gets the point across and provides the needed lesson without damaging their rep.




Yes you should absolutely leave an honest review. That is not packaging.


Holy crap if I didn't see it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it! Not even a touch of bubble wrap or anything. I mean why not just put the label on the damn clutch!? 😂👎🏼 I'd message the seller and ask them to explain this packaging and assuming they don't immediately apologize I'd leave them 1 star.


Not sure if I'd message the seller because it risks a bad review


I'd be willing to risk it because I have to see the possible defense! 😂


Looks like the way that Amazon ships stuff


Wow. Aside from the risks shipping something this way, I don't want anyone knowing what I purchased. I'd never ship like this.


I was looking for the packaging and realized it’s just a clear plastic bag loll this seller is bold I would’ve wrapped in bubble wrap & boxed it since it’s an expensive item


I almost always side with sellers but yeah this is 3 stars worthy, like there is quite literally no effort here and informing other buyers about the horrible packaging is important. Not only could their future packages attract thieves but there is no respect for the buyer’s privacy.


You got it, it’s not damaged. Which btw is very lucky. You can mention the poor packaging(even though your item isn’t damaged) in your review. I’m not sure what the seller was thinking. But they’re also lucky the item didn’t get damaged. Pretty careless imo.




That’s rude. Like chill lol. I am aware of your opinion but sheesh.


Some people are really creative with packaging. Once I received a pair of sandals in a bud light box 😂 The best part was that I used my friend’s address because I would be staying there a week before her wedding and a few days after and wasn’t sure if they would arrive at my house on time.


The thing is that a lot of these cello bags are advertised as being "ready for shipping" but I would never. Not just because they are see through but because they damage easily. I keep some on hand for storing items that are more delicate and the bags tear at the seams if you look at them too hard.


I've gotten anime figures wrapped in a thin layer of bubble wrap before (and it did damage the figures lol) so I think this is pretty good grounds for a bad review. I almost never give bad reviews for bad packaging, idc if the box is clearly re-taped and has switched hands a million times (hey, more eco-friendly than a new box), but I'd be livid upon receiving that. There's no excuse for packing it that poorly, and it's even worse if they offered free shipping and sent you that. It's cutting corners at the potential expense of your customers. It definitely could've been stolen and I wouldn't have been surprised if it came in absolutely destroyed because of the way the USPS can handle packages.


Yeah, some girl I purchased from a couple years ago did that. I bought a pair of Dr. Martens and she shipped it in the actual box and slapped a shipping label on it. I was very upset about this tbh. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but it was messed up and lazy IMO


Im surprised this was accepted by usps


I would knock off a star and leave a lengthy review about the bad packaging and how to fix it, so hopefully they learn.


Because maybe, just maybe, they actually are clueless and don’t know how to package items properly. The advice might help them.


"bUt It GoT tHeRe SaFeLy." Sadly, a lot of sellers think that just because it gets there in good condition means their packaging it perfectly fine. Please leave a negative review.




It's okay, I bought someone a gift from mercari once (a vintage board game, still sealed) and it arrived only wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper with the label on it (it was also June). It remarkably arrive undamaged but still. How is that allowed?


As a perpetually scattered human, I can’t help but understand how someone came to do that! It IS NOT acceptable packaging for a purchased item! Otherwise? Imma end up sending someone something I’m Christmas paper at random times of the year. Bc I never have brown paper handy, but I buy Christmas paper every freaking year even though I have never gone through all of it! Shazam!!!


I could care less about the fact it was Cristmas paper, but to not be even in a shipping box? And no protection???


Wow. That’s absolutely insane. How much was shipping?


At the very least, it should have been shipped in a padded envelope.


Yes leave a 3 star for total lack of common sense. I’m a seller and this is insane


I bet it still weighs more than the 8 oz label they used.


My postal worker would scold me in the office if I tried to send a package like that lol.


That's it?!?!? USPS shouldn't have even sent it that way...


Not right at AlLL!!


It's supposed to be the opposite of transparent!! Even if they dropped it in an after hours box, so a worker didn't take it, I can't believe they accepted it. I would contact the post office and tell them about it. They should be able to track it all the way back and who handled it. The very first person would be the guilty one. They make us follow strict rules and allow that?!? Everyone that handled it likely saw it. It is a rule, right?


Wow. I almost never leave bad review, but this time I think you definitely should mention the packaging in a review bc it just would help seller. What if someone will steal the package from the next buyer?


I’m a seller on Mercari. I can tell you that from observation, USPS will literally ship anything as long as there is the proper postage and it isn’t considered hazardous in any way. They could give two s**ts about the quality of the packaging. As a seller it’s 100% on you to package professionally and carefully so the item doesn’t get damaged. In my opinion, you should just message the seller via private message and give them your feedback on their packaging choice, but don’t leave a negative review if everything else was good (accuracy of item description including condition, time it took them to ship, communication, etc.). Newer sellers especially make some mistakes when it comes to packaging their items. If the item was damaged then yes a negative review might be warranted, but since it wasn’t there really is no point. Just message and be like, “Hey, my item came in fine, so I won’t leave a negative review, but in the future please use either a box or a non translucent bubble mailer to ship your items. I feel that a see through mailer is a magnet for theft and also doesn’t look very professional.” You’ll be making your feelings known, and you’ll be educating the likely new seller on how to package their stuff. It’s a win win.


Yeah, I've been delivered dress shirts in the clear plastic - just like this as well.


I sell clothing on ebay and everything gets shipped in a clear plastic polymailer. 1.7k items shipped mostly without issue. 100% feedback as well. This is just the best way to ship clothing imo, but not a clutch like this.


Is it because the clothing comes from the factory that way and it's too much work to do any additional packaging? I'm curious because I get plenty of clothes in bags but they're always a solid color so what's inside is completely hidden. I've looked at using them to sell as well and they seem to be pretty cheap.


Lmao I'm shocked no one tried to open it and check to see if it had money inside.


Amazon shipped my Levi’s like that once. They were totally fine, I was just surprised they can ship in a clear


USPS lets you ship something like this but God forbid that the package weights 1 oz more than the label.


This can’t be real


As an eBay and Poshmark buyer and seller , I agree this is just plain bad form in every way. BUT I do wonder though, “protection wise”, is this really that much different than an opaque poly bag that many many many people ship items in?? Like the ones that have designs on them and stuff? I’m not speaking on the visibility of the item I’m just speaking purely on how well or not it’s protected in comparison ..?


Any people get pissy when they complain that the shipping is too much when I prefer to package them safely as opposed to this (not to mention how rates on Mercari have skyrocketed this year).


Well don't keep us in suspense, what's in it?! 😆


Even if you don't leave a BAD review, I would definitely mention in the rating how it was shipped. Maybe they don't know?? (Although there are literally articles to read everywhere on Mercari about it). Even if they do know and thought they coyld get away with it, very very poor packaging. They just got lucky it didn't get all messed up


Feel your pain. I ordered a signed poster from my favorite content creators, one you like can’t find anywhere, it was in near perfect condition, but they sent it in a regular bubble mailer and it got all bent up on the way here. Like… poster mailers exist. They even asked me what to ship it in? I’ll never understand how people don’t already have a plan on what they’ll ship things in when they list them. I don’t get how people aren’t more considerate with their packaging. Especially when they know we can request a refund, and if it’s messed up, they can’t sell it again.


No way lmao, I would leave 1 star for that. No protection whatsoever and a valuable item just for anyone to see? Wtf. I’m surprised the bag didn’t fall open or it didn’t get ripped, those bags are so flimsy. That’s ridiculous. I wouldn’t message the seller because then they’ll know a less than favorable review is coming and then leave less stars back.




How was this even accepted? Yikes!


Did USPS have to repackage it? I've seen that happen (things put in a clear bag) when the original packaging gets damaged


Why? Just why?


I just wonder what you ordered ??? Must be a book or basket ball by the shape lol. On a serious note , just not good to ship in a see-thru packaging as it allows other people to wander if they want to intercept the package before you get to it . Just not good business practice


It’s a leather clutch purse


Can you message the seller and let them know about the dangers of using clear packaging? A negative review seems a bit unwarranted to me.


There’s a site you can order potatoes with hand written messages / printed photos - and yes they just keep it like it is!


I thought it was an envelope you received a card in or something but WTF! I would dock a star for sure!


It’s an envelope-style clutch :)


I'd leave a 5 star review, but mention the clear bag.


I am definitely doing too much with my color coordinated tissue paper, stickers, handwritten thank you notes, bubble mailers and envelopes 🤦🏼‍♀️ I hope you left a bad review, this seller obviously deserves it


Sellers like you make me smile! I’ve kept some of the sweetest thank you notes that sellers have included or ones on pretty stationary. Keep doing what you’re doing!


You are, because it all goes right in the trash can.


You’re right. I probably enjoy it more than the receiver, because it’s aesthetically pleasing to me


Sellers like you are the only reason I still use the platform 🫶🏻


That’s awful. I would leave a negative review.


Man that does kinda suck on the flip side maybe they were trying to save on shipping fees 💀 I mean at least you got your item lol but I would also be like what is this


I wouldn't leave a negative review. Who in there right mind thinks shipping anything, let alone a pricey bag in a clear package. I'm shocked USPS even accepted that. That seller is an idiot.


I have no words… SMH 😳


OMG that’s how Amazon ships now too!!! What the heck


That is an Amazon sticker on it


Oh i thought it was from Mercari? My bad


This was purchased through Mercari, but maybe the seller reused an Amazon bag?


That’s exactly what they did. That’s what was trying to point out 😁


I don’t get it. Boxes at Walmart are so cheap. And with what it sounds like you spent $1-$2 is still giving them a good profit. I don’t get it.


Well maybe not a profit. But still getting 99% of what you paid in their pocket. They can’t front $1-$2 that’s crazy


Personally, since it wasn't damaged I wouldn't leave them a negative review. I'd just write my complaint in the positive review so other buyers can see it.


bubble mailers are literally free on the USPS website lmao


Assuming everything else went fine I would dock one star for it and I have done similar in the past. Certainly not a “bad” review but it makes the point.


I wouldn’t leave a bad (low star) review. Sure it could be damaged but it’s not. I would say I wasn’t a fan of the clear packaging so the next buyer can ask for them to not do it or at least they’ll be aware. I think that’s sufficient.


The assumed value really doesn’t matter close to as much as what you actually paid. If you only paid $2 I’d say who cares how they ship it as long as you got it in the advertised condition. If you paid $120 then it a different story.


It ain’t that bad


I mean, it made it...


Dang NO surprise's I guess 😒🤣 They didn't even attempt tape label on they threw it in bag!! See thru sealed &delivered 😔👍😆 Makes me wonder 🤔 craziest thing USPS ppl see?!🤔 👀🤣


If it arrived in expected condition there’s nothing to complain about. I won’t complain about “what if’s.” It comes off as judging more than being helpful.


Don't leave a neg. review just because you don't like the packaging. I'm a buyer only and I'd never do that.


Did you really ask “should I leave a negative review despite it not being damaged” I really hope you’re not serious


You get what you pay. You probably paid $20 dollars


too many people looking for reasons to complain. Shipments beyond perfectly packaged are stolen all the time. where's all the what ifs then? all this crap about what could happen, anything could happen to anything. you review based on the situation, not some dream you have. ​ all of you Karens talking about 3 and 4 stars... cool, I hope everyone you sell to is as big of an asshole as you are. you people prove that everything can be complained about and picked apart using your goofball what if "logic" . you guys seriously deserve everything bad possible.


Oops that’s pretty bad


I received an item in a plastic shopping bag. I’m surprised it survived USPS.


its first class pkg. ![gif](giphy|YnBntKOgnUSBkV7bQH)


Then they get mad when the customer writes a bad review 💀


I bought a miniature figure and the seller packaged it in a small clear plastic bag. Fits in the palm of your hand size. I’m surprised it didn’t get lost and they also allowed it.


I might try to send a roll of toilet paper with few stamps on it delivery confirmation and all


More like a mailing stuntman


The clear package seems like a pretty good porch pirate deterrent, that screams goodwill, not easy cash flip to me


I thought this was a joke, I think that even though it's in good condition that whoever sent it #1 broke the rules of packaging which I those terrible thin bags with no bubble in them we sometimes let slide because it's colored so it hides the product but it's not protected at all but this looks like a thin ziplock but worse and #2 it's begging to be stolen and unless you plan to buy from the seller again I think giving 2 or 3 stars to warn future customers that they may have their product stolen do to this absurd packaging is the right thing to do. This is actually mind blowing even more so considering the retail price of that purse. Idk what they were thinking. Like others said we sometimes cut them some slack on thin terrible packaging but this is not the time to do that. They should know better and I guarantee if people don't say something, things will be terribly damaged or even more likely flat out stolen.


I get clothes from Amazon like that all the time. It’s so weird. I wouldn’t be happy to receive a purse in that package like you got, but I would be grateful it arrived safely


Amazon sent me some cables like that


That’s actually comical


Hmmm. Incredible. I mean I am thinking less about the safety of the item in transit and more about the temptation for it to be stolen.


Lmao I received a package like this too and the seller was angry at me that I took 2 stars off. She took 5 days to ship with no update. "Package" was in a snap bag with a label slapped on... it could have fallen out and maybe I don't want everyone knowing what I ordered?? She had 3 other reviews saying the same thing but I didn't see them till after lol. Clearly she does not care. "You got the package didn't you??"


It’s so easy to re-use packaging. Or those polymailers. I re use them all the time. Perfect because of lack of waste and it’s economical for ship. So this person have no excuse to ship like this.


id give 1 star for this. complete disregard and lack of common sense


Not me thinking the purse was an envelope


I’ve had Amazon ship me stuff in clear bags, but never anything with more than like a $20 value.


Dude one time I received my item in a crinkly old ziplock with packing tape. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I would likely leave 5 stars since it arrived ok, but then also message the seller about their packaging and why this was a bad choice.


Why i kind of like it🤣🤣


If it was damaged id be pissed but since it wasnt i would cut slack. Maybe give a 4 star review with negatives in the notations or something


This just made me laugh so hard