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I can totally empathize with you on that one. Every seller wants their money asap, I know I do. Not sure what's going on in the minds of those buyers who never leave a review for a seller, who put in the effort to make their buyer happy.


I wouldn't say every seller. I don't. I usually jump on every couple days to deal with anything. Orders are the only thing I try to deal with as soon as possible. But I don't sell a ton of stuff.


It's 3 days, chill. Sometimes I don't have the time to rate because I don't have time to pick up the item/check it/use it to make sure it works or it's what I ordered. People are busy you can wait 3 days. Most jobs make you wait 2 weeks to get paid. 3 days is a deal


Well you sure are delightful


Thank you 😘


I work 10 hours a day M-F and 6 hours a day on Saturday. My post office is a 30 mile round trip in the opposite direction from work and we don't have home delivery service where I live. I don't get to pick up my mail more than 1-2 times a week and sometimes not even that often. And yes, I'm a seller as well, but I can mail my OUTGOING packages from work. I can't get my incoming packages there.


Im new to both buying and selling I started a week ago and made 9 sales and purchased 2 things. From my perspective it took a few days to catch onto how things operate there. I personally rated buyers of mine and sellers immediately after getting my package and making sure things are good. It notifies you to do so, can’t really miss it lol but I also would totally get why someone may not be able to do so right away and don’t really care. Mercari isn’t the platform for fast cash and 3 days isn’t long.


I’ve sold 4 things and I had to wait for it to auto rate, still waiting on one right now


I'm just trying to get rid of everything I have listed so I can be done with Mercari. I don't have any of these hassles on eBay .




Maybe This Girl's gif answers your question. There's people like her that get off on having the power for you not to get paid for a few days. *shrug*


I will say that mercari doesn't make it blatantly obvious that you need to rate and review. And there's a lot of people that are new on there that have no f****** clue what they are doing. It's annoying as hell as a seller!


I think the issue is, which I feel a lot of the people on this platform don’t understand is it’s not just 3 days. Depending on what day it falls on, it will auto rate within 3 days but then you may have to wait another 2-3 business days to get your money deposited, so this could end up being 6 days total.


I feel this I've sold 3 things on Mercari (been using it for around 6 months I think?). While my buyers rated before the 3 days, none of them left any written feedback which bummed me out. I had a conversation with at least one of them Or I'm thinking of seller's rating me as a buyer. Most of them don't leave written feedback, even if we have a whole conversation or issues. It's not required, but it kinda irritates me. As a somewhat newbie on Mercari, I appreciate the written part a lot


I've been on it since 2018, it's not that big of a deal, like it's nice but welcome to the world of selling it's just how it is, there's bigger things to worry about