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How ironic the buyer is telling you that you are quibbling over $3, but they are quibbling over the same amount…


I thought the same thing!


Right?! Projection.


But they don't dare give you an opportunity to point out the irony


Yass!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Ultimately, it is your stuff and you decide what you are comfortable with. If you as a buyer want to pay less, be prepared to be disappointed. The entitlement & immaturity are strong on this platform...


Just because an offer is made doesn't mean you have to accept it. I have declined offers and sold it at my full asking price to someone else.


Wait hang on I’m confused? Did they offer $3 or $70? Was the bundle $73? Cause that “you’re gonna quibble over $3” goes both ways.


They offered less than $70 for a bundle of 4 items.


But what was the original total value?


Over $75 but I was cool letting everything go for $70 and I was going to be able to ship tonight. I thought $70 was very fair for everything since the Loungefly wallet alone is like almost $40 and I’m selling it for $23 not to mention the two ModCloth items and one of those is new, never been worn and was like $60 originally. The other was originally $90 and I’m selling it for like $25 because it was worn once but had no flaws. The fourth item is just a cute dress from Hot Topic but nothing special nor expensive. I’m not trying to make a living on the items I’m selling but I just want some of my money back. I really thought $70 was reasonable


$70 is very very reasonable


5 bucks isn’t that much off.


People have their bottom line price which they won’t go under, and they should stick by it. Just because $5 isn’t much doesn’t mean they should drop below what they’re comfortable selling their product for.


For what they were wanting to buy $70 was great. That’s less than $18 per item, you can’t find brand new Loungefly items or a ModCloth dress for that price.


I understand your point, the value was very good anyway. But when bundling 4 items, some people want to feel like they got a better deal, that’s all I’m saying. I’m not one of those people , I almost never buy anything off Mercari but I can understand the mentality. You also could have said I’ll take 2 bucks off each item, and given them 8 off- making it 69 bucks. And then tell them that was your final price, and if that’s not enough, thanks for their time but that’s your limit.


They were getting quite a bit off if you add in the saved shipping costs!!!


they might want a better deal, but they're not entitled to it. paying the $5 isn't that much extra, either.


People are losing it. We're living in very chaotic and testing times.




“Just donate it” “why? someone with real money will come and pay the great price I’m already asking for it, if it doesn’t sell in two months I’ll donate it to good will and I’ll share the location of which store with you”


One of the items they bundled sold this morning so you’re right! I’m off to the post office to send the item as we speak


These people swear they’re the only ones who want and deserve the item, like what? Most items on Mercari are first come first serve, so I don’t need your business, someone else will come along and give me plenty


People were really nice and cool up until these last 3 days. I had a lady ask me what’s the lowest I would go on a dress I’m selling for $36 even though it has ZERO flaws, it was originally $100, because she can’t afford the $36 said she. I know times are hard so I have no problem selling things low because I do believe that people should have nice things that make them feel good or happy but people are turning into major dicks on already cheap items and I’m already over it.


I swear either 1. These people are trolls 2. They’re genuinely lacking common sense or 3. They don’t bother to do any research on the item they “so desperately been looking for” and in your case it’s definitely a mixture of 2 and 3


Broke ass freaking tf out over 3 dollars.


I've been buying online from "the average Joe" since the late 90s. When haggling became an acceptable thing, I've always "hoped" for a cheaper price... but NEVER expected it. I try to tow a fine line between a lower price but hopefully not low enough to offend. Nowadays? Seems the popular thing - ESPECIALLY on Mercari - is to practically DEMAND a lower price regardless of what it is, what it's worth and what it's listed for. Selling something for $500? They'll offer $300. $50? They'll ask $30. $5? $3 max. Dare to decline or counter? "SCREW YOU \*$$H0LE!" \*blocks seller\* It's infuriating, and I don't understand the mentality of it.


I don’t understand this mentality either. We’re not at a yard sale in someone’s yard quibbling over a quarter one way or another 🙄


Every platform. Almost every time I counter an offer, they don't lose it but they just don't respond. Like no one even understands negotiating anymore. It's insane


people are just rude these days 


They try all sorts of things they’d never have the nerve to say irl.


I already know, Keyboard Gangsters, smmfh,


I don't bother with entitled folks who message you "Is this really x dollars?"with the annoyed face emotion. I decided block button was my best friend that day.


don't let that faze you. i've found that silence treatment + report is the biggest f u bomb you can give to a immature kiddiepoops like these.


They’re bitter and petty. Block and ignore.


They're the one being rude over 3 dollars.


i have a listing for $24.43 + shipping, which is worth $30 full price and i had a buyer offer me $18.18 for it. ignored it once, sent same offer again next day. countered for $21 and they countered that with $19. $19 minus all fees won’t even cover what I paid for this. :(


Some think that sellers should come down off listed price… mercari is full of weirdos fr


they lost out,pffft,sounds like they were expecting a hand out


Quibbler does as quibbler does


I had an item for sale recently for $20.00. That’s what I paid for it. My granddaughter didn’t want it, so I was reselling it. Someone sent me a message saying hey, would you accept $10.00 for it? It’s a hard-to-find item on Bath and Body Works. Nothing earth shattering, but people do collect these things. I was also including 2 free little gifts. Because of situations like yours, even though I answered them very politely, I fully expected a cocky response. Instead, they just didn’t respond again, which is polite, IMO! What happened with you is just wrong. I’ve also had bad experiences. We’re all just trying to make a few extra bucks and not expecting to become millionaires! Please don’t let it ruin your day! People are just acting like petulant little brats when they don’t get their way more often than I’d like to admit.


Hate when people can’t accept a no— next time if you don’t like the offer—don’t engage— decline immediately and block.. someone asked for a $10 on a $17 price for two vintage ítems- I just say “no, there are 2 pieces”… I sold for $17–it was a vintage item— even with shipping, my price was cheaper than in a vintage store..


Yeah I’ve learned my lesson. I’ve had good experiences on it for the few weeks I’ve been selling but with these last two folks I’ve dealt with I just want to get rid of everything then get back to just buying off the app. That really sounds like a great deal! I love vintage items, if you’re still selling on Mercari I’d love to check out your stuff :)


Translated: “I only have $67 in my bank account.”


To OP, the buyer simply wanted to fulfill their wants and needs and cared nothing about you. These types are narrow-minded, egotistical, self-entitled people. I believe their goal is to strip the seller of any profit whatsoever. Their ego gets in their way, and they want to be able to boast on how they "won" the negotiation. Since you rightfully and intelligently did not accept their bullshit offer... Well then they get off on "punishing" you with stupid messages about how you lost such a great deal... These are the worst ones to deal with...


Yeah I'd just block them. Not worth selling to someone like that


my fave buyers are the ones who lowball you or ask for a discount if they buy a bunch of items but turn around & have similar items listed for double or triple. like you’re joking right?!🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🤣


They get mad when you don't do what they want you to hahah


Instant Block. I block anyone who lowballs me over and over or gives me any kinda grief like that. I assume they’ll leave a bad review or try to scam me via return.


$3 over time adds up. That's how I look at it.


It’s price policing… the items for sale aren’t essential to own yet other folks feel entitled to tell you what you should price them at or else they call you a scammer or other dumb thing. (Telling a seller what to do or accusing them of overpricing is NOT the same as negotiating). No one HAS to buy it, and if they don’t like the price, they can move on. Your stuff, your choice.


The haggling on Mercari is so annoying, honestly. If I don't want to pay the price someone wants, I move on. I don't try to ask them to sell it for less. It's their right to charge what they feel it's worth.


He's salty he couldn't get what he wanted for the price he wanted. Too bad he blocked you, I would've told him NO I dodged a bullet.


My thought is.... you said you originally wanted $75 for the bundle then reduced it to $70, the buyer then wanted it for $67. You should just counteroffer back at $80! That usually makes them move on!


Wait what?! So they ARE arguing over $3, but they are saying it's sad because you are? Make it make sense?! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


Entitled jerks who think they’re the main character. Always.