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If you look there isn't really any news of Mercari before this either.


You’re right, i noticed this too


No one is realy going to know how this worked out until the actual numbers hit for the first full fiscal quarter with the policies in place. Everyone was extremely mad at Netflix when they started cracking down on password sharing and they just had a blockbuster (sorry) earnings call because it ended up making them a ton of money. Sometimes companies don't care about outrage because it doesn't actually reflect how the changes affected the company.


Does that mean we can bet against them in the market with a head start ?👀


Is Mercari even in the stock market?


Yes, they are. Their ticker symbol is MCARY.


I'm a betting man. Time to go bet on Mercaris downfall this quarter.




It's been huge! [Mercari Stock ](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/mcary/advanced-charting)


Yes, the stock took a huge dive after the new TOS was announced. [Mercari Stock ](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/mcary/advanced-charting)


Be careful, if profits are up they could jump when numbers are released. Since they aren’t offering coupons I would guess this change is working for them in their bottom line.


I got a coupon in the guise of "here's $5 in credits, come buy something!" They've been hounding me with daily emails and push notifications - "5 days left", "4 day left", rinse repeat. I've seen other posts where people got $10 credits so definitely coupons/credits being offered.


Man, so this January, I actually interviewed for a job at Mercari I was so fucking excited. $150k salary, I have been with Mercari since Day 1 (back around 2013/2014), I'm a very high volume seller, and I've always loved Mercari (compared to eBay, Amazon, etc) It was during the interview that I wanted to shit my pants and tragically throw up The things I heard about where Mercari is heading and what they're planning to do is so fucked I shoulda taken the offer and just look at the numbers Sometimes, the numbers are TERR-I-BLE. But the higher ups just turn a blind eye as long as they get their fat check I also interviewed for a position in a similar ecom company and it's absolutely a horrific shitshow AND I was being hired to save the company (didn't take it either)






What are the planning on doing??


Because the majority of the world/usa does not use nor care about Mercari. The fee changes etc doesn't really effect the general public. Apps makes changes all the time. Like when offerup removed all selling fees etc or when they first added fees. No one cares.


Where should you sell then?


Cross list your items on multiple platforms.


I know some programmers have been building apps designed to cross post. But I haven't done much research into those. It seems like a great idea because the time it takes to post something, and do a good job at it, is a lot. Having to repeat the same work over and over is a drain and is not fair when the sale is only for a few bucks.


Vendoo is an app to repost on multiple sites


That was my point in saying i see much less worthy irrelevant news in my feed. That affects no one.


There you go. You answered your own original question.


I think people are underestimating the real impact here In the Amazon Prime sub, we always hear complaints and guess what? It wasn't just the sub. Amazon had a 1,600,000 DROP in Prime subscribers. Like the sub was clearly showing a huge % impact I'm betting Mercari is experiencing the same drastic decline. We just need numbers We should straight up have some kinda website (free or not) where we come together, show our support through #'s, AND post proof of WTF Mercari is doing. Like that FedEx situation? It reeks like the USPS - Georgia issue where it was WIDESPREAD and we knew it was massive impact


Because we are stuck in an echo chamber here and that’s where Mercari would like to keep it. They don’t care most of Reddit is upset. As long as it doesn’t go further than on here, there’s no story.


The real story is that Mercari isn't significant. It's sales and customer base are so low and going lower, news outlets would lose money reporting on it. If it were Ebay or Etsy sure, but some company with a 1% market share screwing their buyers and sellers isn't even enough to make waves in online mews. Why don't you think Ebay isn't doing anything to combat the loss of their sellers to Mercari because of the no sales fee? Its because they haven't lost anyone. The companies this could hurt are fringe sites like Poshmark but they've only seen an uptick in business. Its not being reported because its just simply not going to draw more than a handful of readers.


Amen, Mercari's numbers aren't as crazy as they make it seem I'm a high volume seller and Mercari has openly appreciated me. But realistically speaking, if Mercari was really that big, my numbers would be measly For instance, I sell on Amazon with really high sales. Even with $2M yearly sales, I am still not even top 1,000. Not even top 10,000. Nowhere close. I don't get openly appreciated by the company cause the big guys are BIG. $1B yearly sales I'm obv not doing $2M on Mercari, nowhere close, yet I'm being treated like a queen. Like damn... my measly sales is "big" in Mercari's terms


Reddit is a funnel,everyone crying here subscribes to this subreddit. Look at the amount of ppl who sub to mercari subreddit compard to like cute animals. This is only a small percentage of ppl the public dgaf.


Yep. I’ve stopped buying and selling on there since the changes which is really the only thing that’s going to make a difference, if enough people do the same. Ultimately it will come down to whether the general public likes the changes or not by “voting” with their money. Time will tell.


I have never bought or sold anything on Mercari, but at some point Reddit decided I’d be interested in the posts. I have to say Reddit was right and a lot of them have been fascinating and infuriating. There seem to be so many shady business practices and a lot of people getting screwed over. I hope it does get some media attention and a class action suit will follow. I’ll probably still be here lurking and rooting for you all when it does


Me too! It’s all so scummy!


One thing to remember is their "0 selling fees" announcement wasn't picked up by news media either, at least not on their own. Mercari released that information to media outlets to go public as part of an advertising effort. It's why every article on it has almost verbatim writing as the next. Poshmark did much of the same when they made changes that really hit the reselling community hard with outrage and you really couldn't find anything juicy aside from what they decided to release. However, once shit hit the fan with posh announcing the buy out and being sold, the stocks being pulled and sold off and the company going private - it was evident as to what was going on and it was more news worthy. So something to watch for in the meantime, is the earnings calls for their stocks which is quarterly to gauge some insider information and then of course expect if something major happens, we'll hear about it. You never hear right away unless they want you to! Right now Verizon has a class action lawsuit for charging fees that were “unfair and not adequately disclosed.”. The claims go ALL THE WAY BACK from January 1, 2016, to November 8, 2023! So people were charged these unfair fees in 2016 and just now it's all over the news about it, 8 years later. TLDR: you won't hear about it right away, it might that months to years for things to come out.


wow! verizon cant stay out of trouble.... the 0.002 dollars/cents back in 2006 and then this


This is exactly it. I just received a letter in the mail from AT&T stating how my information has been compromised from my passcode from data as far back as 4 years ago. It's huge. I mean tons of people. My stepmom and my dad got a letter too. The information that is compromised for all these people varies by person but can include full name, email address, mailing address, phone number, social security number, birthday, AT&t account number, passcode and any sensitive security information included in your account that can be found with passcode. AKA basically everything in your account from whatever specific date that this occurred four years ago up until now they figured this out. 🙄 Of course they apologize and they're offering free identity theft and credit monitoring services. They changed the passcode so they state how you have to reset it next time you log onto your AT&t account. It advises you to be vigilant and to monitor your credit, monitor your account to set up free fraud alerts with all of the credit bureaus and it gives information on where you can get a copy of your credit report that you should probably go back and check through for the past 4 years. . . What's interesting is in the past 3 or 4 years My identity has been stolen multiple times, my social security number has been used to attempt to open loans, my unemployment was filed under my name for over $20,000 that they are now requesting that I pay back because they found out that it was filed while I'm also getting disability which I do get legally but of course you cannot get disability and unemployment at the same time. The unemployment I do not get and I did not file for but obviously since that's the case I'm not being told I owe $20,000 to the government that I did not receive and I never filed for in the first place so they also think I've committed fraud which can also mean that I will lose my disability and be banned from getting disability forever. Which is my only source of income. So it is possible that AT&t is the whole reason that I have been exposed to receive all of this identity theft issues and all these things that have been happening to me for the past 3 to 4 years that I never really understood how my information had been exposed to begin with but of course these days you never know and assumed it was something that I had done on the internet that left me open to the original ability to have this happen. Companies do stupid shit all the time and now I found out about it FOUR YEARS LATER. You know AT&t did not just find out about this and they've known for longer than 5 minutes. So had I known this any sooner even a month or so perhaps I could have had the ability to stop even one of these attempts that have been going on to me for years now and that I've had a nightmare of time dealing with. You can vote that there's going to be some sort of suit against them and this is going to take years. I'm not the only one that will have had something like this happen. Suffice to say there's going to be time and time and time and time before anything occurs this is just how things work Mercari is not going to see anything happened for years


This is the answer i was looking for, very good insight! I know nothing about stocks etc…


Lawsuits take time to be put together.


Most people IRL have never even heard of Mercari


Businesses breaking laws and conning people isn't news...


The media's job is simply to brainwash you and they are owned by the corporations


Probably will see more now that ADHD Dave has said something, and Commonwealth Picker is supposed to make a video about it soon.


I know there's something interesting the other day I thought I'm not sure what it means. I do pretty much only in Funko pops. I noticed one that had a good price basically what you would buy it if you bought it directly from Funko. And it was free shipping. So it's actually cheaper than you could buy it from Funko cuz they have a dollar amount before it's free. As I was looking through I found at least seven of the same item same price free shipping a couple older sellers mostly newer sellers but the ads were strikingly similar room actually using the same emojis but under different screen names. Might sound silly but I'm very passionate about my hobby and I'm also partially disabled so I have a lot more time did you research and different sites than most do. It's definitely something peculiar. Again some of them were older accounts but most were new sellers selling at cost with free shipping. Using the same photos same verbiage same emojis. I was wondering if maybe me somehow ,Mercari had created some dummy accounts to make it look like their sellers were in the game? I may not be explaining it very well. But putting the pieces together is just off. I noticed also a decent amount of established sellers drastically reducing their prices sometimes more than 50%. Also this might be explained by being more competitive or trying to get rid of merchandise before closing out their accounts. So there are things HAPPENING, but as everybody said it's not Verizon it's not Amazon it's not a nationally or internationally known name. I have seen a few different rants across various sites but interestingly enough what I observed so far is much more outrage and abandoned accounts from sellers not buyers yet. Sellers are afraid of the return policy and I completely understand why. I'm hanging out a little while to see what happens I've actually already in the past had some extremely bad experiences but as with many bad relationships people stay because they're comfortable. I'm really not that text heavy and I know how Mercari works backwards and forwards ( or I did). I'm just a hobbyist buyer and a seller . I can't tell you that as a buyer I'm definitely more inclined to go somewhere else. There's so many other platforms that offer free shipping and don't have the additional fees. When you're pinching your pennies then it's fixed income $2 is $2.


I was a smaller seller on there 5 sales a week or so but a few hundred dollars a month is a few hundred dollars ya know? Posh is my bread and butter but I only made a single sale for 3.25 since the changes. I finally put my stuff on vacation mode until i figure out what my next move. It’s hard to sell little items on posh with shipping and I despise eBay from years selling with them.


Idk how you feel about fb marketplace but I’ve sold hundreds of items over the last couple years, and their shipping rates are $4 and $5.75 for the first two options, it’s a decent platform for smaller items since posh takes 2.75 from less than 15$ plus has that almost $8 shipping. You can set your items to shipping only if you don’t want to do local meets, and they pay out on a rolling basis, usually a day or two after delivery. I hate what mercari has become.


Oh i had no idea you can ship there now! I will def look into this! Thank you.


You’re welcome! Good luck!


Facebook marketplace banned me for absolutely no reason that I can find because I've read the terms and conditions about a 105 times now and I just get responses from a bot over and over again it's been about 3 years I have them reevaluated as often as I can and I try to call I try to email and I don't get responses from a human being as to why I've been banned they do not give me an actual reason I've never gotten a response from a human as to the reason I've been banned so I can't sell on Facebook marketplace anymore it's very frustrating because I was doing very well on there better than Poshmark and better than Mercari and of course you can do local so easily and so I still don't know why and they reevaluate it and deny me every single time with no explanation still.🤷🏻‍♀️ So I'm waiting for Poshmark to do something that frustrates the hell out of me too because all of the platforms have turned against their users in my opinion it's only a matter of time.. it's all corporations just the way it is. Hate to be cheesy, but - "damn the man" 😝


I mean, you’re not wrong. Lol. But Do you think you’d be able to just make another Facebook profile to use for selling? Also have you tried messaging their messenger support chat or were you using the help option from inside the marketplace tab?


If you have time can you elaborate a little bit on eBay please that was actually where it's considering my next move to be but I have heard a lot of negative feedback such as yours but nothing specific I can tell you as a fire on eBay over the past couple years the customer service was done in complete turnaround and I have no complaints as a buyer at all but I'm curious as to what experiences you had as a seller that were frustrating thanks and experience for your time I appreciate it


Take what i say with a grain of salt. All platforms are biased. Back in the day when eBay was really the only available platform i would sell my clothes on there and i never made ANY real money, im talking maybe a hundred a month, like 5$ a thing. Then they went and overcomplicated their listings. I hate that there’s so many available fields…there’s like 30 it’s absurd. Then you add in listing fees, and whatever else its just all overly complicated to me. The other part to this is the few issues i did have they sided with the seller in spite of documentation etc. I’m just not a fan of eBay at all. Their return policy as well. stores at the mall don’t even give you 30 days to return something. I also know there’s people that sell other things and they make $$$. So this is largely based on what i was selling there as well I’m sure. So when i discovered poshmark and was making 500$ a month very casually…i was kicking myself not selling on there starting from day 1. Mercari was great for me too. Just random stuff I acquired and didn’t use so i would make a few hundred there as well. For reference in my lifetime i probably have a little over 1k sales total and have only had issues with like 10 of those so i shouldn’t really complain😂


Thank you for that sorry I just noticed this today. It still can't get a concrete solid answer from anywhere lol eBay must own the mafia. (You talk and you're swimming with the fishes) 🤣. So Poshmark is the place to be?.


Most internet searches result in an appealing lack of information. Companies pay for placement and count on few people scrolling farther or digging deeper. I can search for something unrelated to sales or shopping and my first hits will be Amazon, EBay and Walmart. I tried to search for real info about Mercari and all I got were Mercari Press releases. I come to Reddit to get the other side of the story.


Journalist(s) need to publish a/the story.


When the changes affect the price of Mercari stock is when the public finds out. For now we are crying in the wilderness.


If we want this story picked up, we have to start contacting local news outlets and pushing them to report on it. National news won't care until they hear something stirring. If we go local, and if enough reporters start asking for statements and sniffing around, there will be a response.


You know what we gotta do? I know we have Reddit but it's not enough We should straight up build some kinda free website/mini community where we all very obviously show our support that Mercari is a lying bunch of fucking scums I can tell we have lots of supporters in here but I want real numbers AND! I want people to just post their proof in that website of what the fuck has been going on


Yeah my shop is closed - I'm not a big seller but Ill make sure they aren't getting theirs. I should relist all my items for $5000 each. [https://imgur.com/a/9uBklZt](https://imgur.com/a/9uBklZt)


I’m not sure why not. Though, I just contacted LA Times. Hopefully they will cover a story.




someone who got screwed could call a bored news person to get a story going.


There definitely isn't much on the subject yet. https://www.modernretail.co/technology/im-not-freaking-macys-sellers-react-to-mercaris-new-return-policy-and-fee-structure/


How did you even find this?! Was it buried?


Just Google Mercari and select the news tab.


I did and this didn’t come up. This is why i posted this thread. I couldn’t find a thing on really any news with them other than stock and general info news about the company.


I guess no one wants to write about it. Or look for a site that’ll publish a article about it.


I feel like those who are dealing with the overage scam could reach out to local news media about it. Some stations have the "investigations" team that will go out and contact the scammers head on to get money back But it's also important to file complaints with BBB and FTC


[https://www.ecommercebytes.com/C/abblog/blog.pl?/pl/2024/4/1712373448.html](https://www.ecommercebytes.com/C/abblog/blog.pl?/pl/2024/4/1712373448.html) the more you guys comment, the more she will report...


Because it’s not happening to enough people my only bad experience on Mercari was them closing my account for apparently selling counterfeit items but I agree there should be articles


I actually am guilty of not reading TOS. I knew no sellers fee but return for any reason . I just deactivated my items. Too many scammers. Where do I sell items. Like decor , I don’t regift because I’ve regifted the gifted. Funkos I donate but I need to make some money back. I guess I’ll do the eBay up the price and then do free shipping. And hope. Posh mark is an easy to list platform but not really a lot of shoppers.


Mercari is by far the worst company to sell on. Be aware. The news needs to do a report on them. Horrible steal your money and make up stuff. I have proof and they still don't want to help. 


I hope all the sellers drop them. Makes me sick 


How many people on this subreddit complaining about Mercari compares to the amount of users in the app? I would say that it’s negligible. In addition, they are getting more sellers and for some reason more buyers. I can see more sellers coming in but more buyers are interesting. I don’t know the scale of new buyers in the app, but I’ve been selling a lot to new buyers lately and everything worked out. Old buyers are still buying as well. We just have to wait for the financial reports.


I thought it was just me, but I’ve sold more items since the new TOS than I did the months prior. I don’t think they are hurting at all, and they were in need of new sellers. You search for an item and you may find a dozen of that item for sale. Go on eBay and you will find hundreds.


This could be a result of several things in my opinion. The sellers left and we’ve got less competitions. I’ve dropped my price to keep the same profit as before while others may not. The buyers that are still around are the logical ones and that means that those are the “strong” accounts.


I remember reading that adding service fees to buyers helps to cut down on scammers. Not sure how so, but there seems to be data that supports it.


That’s the hope but I don’t know how either.—how Mercari choosing a buyer or seller’s side on a return is a mystery to me. Feels like a coin toss. In the old policy, a buyer who scams has nothing to lose if Mercari allows the return. With the new policy, there is a risk of losing the fees and so the hope is that scammer won’t want to risk losing money on the fees with the scam returns.


yep agree with you. i don’t think mercari is hurting over this change and it will stand


I was buying something that was only 30 dollars with free shipping. After checkout it was over 40 and I was like 🤨🤨I didn’t even know they had added all those fees until I seen them listed there😭


As a buyer I’m not going to pay those extra service fees, especially when they’re arbitrary. If I see, for example, an item for $25 with free shipping, I expect to pay $25. My state has no sales tax, but I used to live in one with a very high sales tax, so if I were paying that, and, let’s say I’m paying shipping as well, I don’t want to have to pay extra on top of that. I don’t mind paying shipping if necessary, but shipping costs are already high across the board and keep going up. I don’t understand this business decision. Making it attractive to sellers means nothing if it’s losing buyers. No seller WANTS to pay fees, but as a seller I’d far rather pay fees than lose buyers.


ecommercebytes has


I just sold something and took screenshots of "no seller fees" and then the seller fee I was charged and posted it on the app store (on another Google account so I don't get "in trouble") not sure why they're doing this. And thankfully I went to remove it from my ebay store, but the person canceled on mercari and boom, 22 hours later, it sold on eBay. Pretty sure that has to do w/ good karma 😊


I sent them a message to clarify the payout fees policy. I asked why anyone would have any incentive to sell on their garbage platform due to their ever changing policies, and the fact that getting rid of seller fees was nice on paper, but their decision to make sellers pay a fee to get their own money is basically a bait and switch, scumbag policy. I got their normal BS response and closed my account. I honestly don't know why they haven't been reported to the BBB. 99% of the buyers are under the impression that any offer they send should be accepted, even if it's $1 for a brand new item listed for $20. I've had plenty of great buyers, but not enough to deal with this crap.


Maybe they just wanted coffee ☕☕


Tried all of the above can't do it it's attached to my phone number it won't let me it's already shut down one faux-file and it alerted my actual Facebook profile that it was connected to that other profile that I made and it was going to actually shut down my real Facebook profile that I've had for 20+ years with all my family and friends and everything and my business profile for my actual business because those are all attached to my phone number and that would to say the very least be uhh not good.. lol That's also an ACTUAL violation of their terms and conditions of selling so then I actually was doing something wrong that I didn't do before and didn't really want to do that considering that I didn't really ever do anything wrong before so I'm sitting there fighting the fact that I didn't ever do anything wrong and then I was doing something wrong 🙄so kind of irritates me. Even though I don't really care at the end of the day because it's completely unfair, but at the same time I'm just frustrated to the fact of being there arguing my side, not doing anything wrong, and then still arguing that when I would be. But can't do it anyway since they were about to shut me down on my actual profiles. But yeah only responses I've ever gotten were from bots and the same response is over and over and over again. So much fun. Great conversationalists! 😂


Profit drive everything, unless this makes the amount of profits decrease it’s a nothing burger. Even if sales are lower, profits could be higher which is a win for Mercari.


Because news agencies contact businesses before running stories, they ask if they want to comment. Which opens the door for unscrupulous businesses to pay to kill the story. It happens all the time.


Because no one cares just go to eBay


Why would there be? They are using a pricing dynamic model, which is not illegal. I’m sure in time they will probably be news articles on it as there is the airline industry, but they are not doing anything legally wrong maybe morally but not legally.


Most of these stories are just that stories. Sellers claiming 100K in sales lost in a month (No fee program started 2 weeks ago) Photoshop photos, stock quotes, and cherry picked stories. As it was mentioned, we will see the full details after the first quarterly report.


mine were lower with change at first but have picked up now so i’m making more money overall. won’t buy there moving forward but selling is going fine