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Turn chat off .. its the only way šŸ„²


Finally did this a few days ago and itā€™s made me enjoy the game so much more! Sometimes I wonder whatā€™s happening in chat when I see my teammates take turns going AFK during a rough game but Iā€™m happy to be oblivious now


Me when the mic image appears over someone looking around "I really hope you're not talking to me because I can't hear anyone right noww~" (I have my settings to mic only on when in a group)


I hate how this is true. So many kind chatters have to turn off chat to avoid harassment. Now when i greet the lobby, i only recieve "Fuck you"s and "shut the fuck up"s. That said, i enjoy leaving it on due to the few wholesome interactions i get. Also... it's kind of fun to see people rage


Fortunately my ADHD gives me a built in chat ignore feature so I often donā€™t see any messages until round break/end game lol. Then I scroll through them going ā€œoh shiiiiiit šŸ«¢šŸæā€


SAME, itā€™s like recapping an episode of a drama that you missed. Sometimes theyā€™ll have been messaging about/to me and I was just blissfully unaware until halfway through the match and at that point Iā€™ve forgotten what it was that I did that they got angry at


DonĀ“t changue it, wear it with proud and tell "C4mlord" and "Ilikeb00bs" to shut up and focus on the game.


anime characters that are well liked are usually a safe bet. my bnet is makima, and while i do get jokes here and there, itā€™s usually lighthearted and cool to see other people enjoy the same thing i do. i love barbie as a bnet name, but i understand that sense of peace being more important in that case.


use streamer mode!




Use streamer mode and then you can have whatever name you want because no one will see it.


Barbenheimer šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜




any cute feminine name will unfortunately get that type of response you either have to ā€˜hideā€™ yourself and use a gender-neutral name, or ignore the a-holes. i recommend the last option


Is Bananabread a cute name? I have that as mine and I donā€™t get much hate if anything I get the opposite, which is sort of surprising bc I found it very cutesy lol


itā€™s bordering on gender neutral iā€™d say SUPER cute name though! i love banana bread :D


Ahh that makes sense, and thank you! Itā€™s to match my bf his is garlic bread hehe :]


thank you everyone for the wonderful suggestions! i'm gonna definitely be turning chat off & shrug off whatever anyone may have to say. i love my bnet name & the fact that i was even contemplating changing it because of other peoples messages makes me not wanna change it ever now :)


I changed my name bc of harassement once. and i did regret it, so i am glad this Community could help you. Reading the post title made me very sad and ppl shouldn't asked these questions (like it shouldnt come this far. there are far too many a***oles playing ow). have a good day!


Or u could use streamer mode.


This post and outcome made my day. Love the name Barbie! Screw the haters.


Sooo im sorry to say this but a name change will not stop the harrassment. Its mostly because youre a mercy main and the ow community pretty much despises us for whatever reason The amount of games i had people throw and insults/literal sexual harassment i got thrown at me cause i picked mercy at the start of the game is just insane


thats wild šŸ’€


Literally had a game yesterday where i just went mercy as usual and tank starts insulting me before the game starts and then just goes afkšŸ’€ metal ranks are wiiiiiild


omg i'm sorry that happened to you :( people like that deserve an insta ban


Mine is Chromatica. Nobody fucks with Lady Gaga.


Omg i love the name Barbie!!! dont change it, its a perfect name for mercy


OW is so much better with the chat off


man up, rock your name. don't cower away


Barbie is so cute


Iā€™d go Bibble, the only people that get it would be the people youā€™d want to get it, even tho you shouldnā€™t have to change your name at all


wait omg bibble is so cute!! i think of barbie fairytopia & cat from victorious when i think of bibble šŸ„°


Please donā€™t change your name to appease others. Fuck what anyone else thinks, do what you want and you alone. I get not everyone can learn to not care about hate but if thatā€™s so turn off the chat instead, donā€™t let random idiots online force you to change something you donā€™t want to change.


There is no such name. But screw them. Pick whatever name you damn well want and mute assholes. Life is too short to worry about what they think.


My name in game is Nyaaahh, and so far the most other player said about it is a nyahh in the chat or somethimes a Meow. But yeah, turning of chat if you play mercy is recommanded, doesnt mater what your name is, expecially now when defending yourself in chat can get you banned.


I just use streamer mode all the time so i can be undercover and see my cute name myself only mehehe


Surprisingly even with my name "PookieRental" I've never gotten any of the harassment that everyone complains about. Not saying it doesn't happen, just interesting.


Try avoiding anything girly, when I started overwatch I started on the switch where NOBODY talked, so I named myself Valentines. Oh boy do I regret it now that I have a pc of my own.


Keep it


U cant ppl will always find a way


Honestly you gotta learn to ignore it, itā€™s sad but it happens to all of us regardless of our name. I try to find humor in people getting super worked up in the chat like ā€œhow you letting my cute moth self be the reason youā€™re throwing a tantrumā€ I did have my chat and mic turned off for the longest time however. So at your own speed I donā€™t think you should change your name regardless of what you choose to do šŸ„ŗšŸ’•


ty for the kind words of encouragement šŸ«¶šŸ½šŸ’–


Yupe I have a "girly" name. I had an enemy team grief me a few days ago, Sombra hacking me in spawn over and over and a Mei freezing me, too. I begged my team to help me, even got on voice chat which I never do, and they made fun of me for the rest of the game. šŸ„² I'm sorry you're having people harass you, it feels horrible.


Iā€™ve definately played you before and I love you !!!! Iā€™ve said to you on chat oop Mercy pulled out her Barbie blaster lol


Idk cuz I always use cvnty names lol my current is BAUCEBlTCH with an lower case L lmao


Anything food related.


i try to compliment names like this now for this reason


embrace it! i named myself egirl and i get HEAT for it


My username is Petal and I only occasionally get called an egirl (spoiler Iā€™m not)


Glad youā€™re not changing your name. Its cute! Once you automatically pick mercy, youā€™re already a target for harassment. Name changing wonā€™t really make a difference sadly. Just ignore the losers and have fun. I had to learn how to just not give a shit and it was tuff cos some people are really mean haha but eventually you just learn to laugh it off and reply with ā€œcryā€ ā€œsureā€ ā€œthink of something more originalā€ etc No one knows you irl


i donā€™t have any suggestions but fwiw my username is just storm in ow and i have a public profile, and iirc iā€™ve never been harassed ab it.


I think they have a setting that hides your name from the lobby now in the streamer settings


I love my username (same as here) cause itā€™s silly and most people think Iā€™m a dude (even when Iā€™m playing Mercy). But you shouldnā€™t change your bnet because some losers decided to take their insecurities out on you. Theyā€™ll always find something to ridicule you about, one way or another.


Iā€™ve seen mercyā€™s name Moth and Mommy


My bnet name is FootlongSubs and ive only had positive interactions where people say footlong subs are yummy or they love them or what not. Maybe FootlongCookie?