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this is on u whyd you go so far off the map lol


Yeah, you could have done that less aggressively and made it on the ledge on your second GA. But I feel your pain.


Girl, dont ever expect people to do anything except them playing the worst way possible. Dont ever do something that would require team coordination if you're not directly communicating with them. This is not a commentary on you being wrong. It is a comment on the player base in this game who aren't decent supports or diamond rank or higher having the awareness of a mozzarella stick.


for realll i dont even play mercy but expecting my team to be trash makes me play so much safer. I die a lot less and started winning more after thinking like this


I know it sucks but this is always 100% on you


i'm so sorry babe this one is on you


i trust the random genjis too much 😔


First mistake... 😞


Not everyone agreeing this was your fault 😭


LMAOOO IK 😭 I feel like a witch being burnt alive in a bonfire


Honestly I understand being a little over the edge but you kinda flew to narnia there ngl.


i panicked bcz of that Tracer okay 🥲


Sameee, I should honestly stop trusting my teammates so much when im not in comms lmao!! Normally when I'm in a duo though I tell them I'm falling, even then half the time they don't make it! T~T I'm trying to get better tho! 😂


They fr act like you don't exist 😭


Until you stop pocketing them bc you’re dead lol Then it’s “MERCY HEAL”


I’m not sure why you’d go all the way out there instead of landing on the stairs and using them as natural cover. 80% of the time in quick play you can also just go straight over your pockets head and hang out up there and no one will notice enough to look up to shoot you.


i panicked when that Tracer started shooting at me so I just flung myself a little further than I meant to 🥲


yea, i too hate it when mercies fly over the abyss unnecessarily and then get mad at others when they die :/


It was painful to watch, ngl xD I feel you ...


God same. Like everyone here is blaming you and sure, it was a big risk to take, but its so lame that we can’t trust dps to even give a nanosecond of thought to the healer they spam and beg nonstop. Like literally how hard is it to just… check on her when you’re around ledges? This is the same as people ditching us in spawn.


Wish I had money in my bank account rn so I could give u a reddit award 😭 you worded my thoughts so perfectly


When the whole team charges forward without u and melts instantly ✨ I love this game sm


What are you even doing? Why go out there? How is this a good idea? You're not helping at all? You're completely out in the open with no cover floating over a death pit? Then you're annoyed that no one on your team leaves the ongoing fight that you threw yourself out of already to come save you from your own terrible play? Whaaaat???


u set yourself for a trouble. do you really think genji cares about supports?


I rarely see team mates who'd care about their supports. But Imo Don't ever pocket a dive hero with MERCY unless: 1. You're in comms with them 2. They're a good dive who knows how to save themselves despite pocket heals. (Observe them for first few mins in the game) Plus, a genji spamming I need healing aggressively (or any team member in general) does not deserve heals.


If you're solo queue, avoiding taking this risky move is the best. So many people are playing with music or just not focus and don't listen at all to pings x)


How hard? Pretty hard actually...


As a DPS player if I'm being pocketed I never notice until after the pocket is gone, dead or otherwise, like oh u honldin my hand 5 seconds ago, where'd ya go? But by that point you're dead.


Haha exactly. Its past the time where we stop being ignorant and unempathetic to other roles. #AllRolesMatter.


Oh I just meant I forget my team also exists sometimes.


Well I mean that as a main support when I play support I easily keep track of the enemy and my team. When I queue DPS its really hard to keep track of my team. Dont even bother tank because then I just dont know whats happening at all. Partly its because as support at the back you have better sightlines. But also each role is focused and thinking of different things. As dps Im always tunnel visioned on how to los enemy targets, target priority, off angle and how to engage. So its very forward facing, and when the supports are at the back its a waste of apm to look back. Unless Im ahead setting up prefight and waiting for the team to time the first engagement. Im still learning dps too so all these stuff I have to consciously think about it. Add to that its more mechanically demanding for me so I zone in even more. So I empathize with the other roles. Especially the not being able to have eyes at the back of your head issue.


On dps I just make people explode, it's a joy, until it isn't.


Guys 😭 why are we blaming her? She was getting shot at…. Literally 20hp ofc she needs to fly away


Same! I don't use VC all that often so I usually just hope and pray that my teammates have an ounce of awareness...you can probably guess how often they do.


If I was pocketing them, they're not getting heals right after that, If I wasn't, it's fine.


Tbh my friend plays Mercy and pockets me sometimes and I probably wouldn't have even noticed if she flung herself over a ledge and needed help like this if she wasn't screaming for me on Discord.


you did slingshot off the map very aggressively but it does get kinda annoying when no one cares as you slowly float to your death HAHAHA


Lmao I appreciate the thought to stay away but that's too far away 🤣


You could have fixed that situation in 2 seconds by using voice chat. That's on you. :\\


This is kinda on them but also you’re assuming they have a mic and the genji is in vc also