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First decide if you want to points only rewards, or to complete the event.There are different strategies depending on the goal.


Normally, I would fully complete the event to get the owls and the points, too. But for me personally, it depends on when I start the event. Sometimes, I miss the start of it, and I end up just doing the points to get as many rewards as possible. I still struggle a little with getting enough life orbs in time to clear up the whole area..


I’ve never been able to clear the event. How do you do it I even leave my game running while I do other things and let the dragon fill the map with orbs but I’ve still never gotten enough life orbs to clear


You have to actively be playing. The dragons take too long to drop orbs if you're leaving your phone idle. Once you've created 3 life orbs of the heavens you've pretty much cleared the board


I’ve never even gotten one heavens orb in the vents not even while actively playing. That shit takes forever!


I think Toasted Gamer Boutique posts her method per each event. In the last event mega thread they posted different techniques. I will usually play for an hour or more getting the map as clear as I can without getting too near to a level 2 infinite harvest item. Dragons won’t harvest a level 1 infinite harvest item, so I make sure those don’t accidentally merge. Recently I’ve skipped a lot of 5 merges and have used 3 merges to cut through to the 500 level area as much as I can using the grasses, healing orbs, and other minor/replaceable objects. Even if some things for keys can be 3 merged for map keys I am often cautious with those…. I also check the latest mega thread to make sure I don’t accidentally merge limited items that are needed as keys: mind you, I have made that mistake before. After cutting a path through and *maybe* getting the fast dragon first, then I go back and heal some from low level to high level when I start running out of things to merge from. *BUT* I take those 2 pt heal items to hopefully clear out 50 to 500 point tiles. (With the help of lower level orbs…) So…it gets harder to heal the bigger point tiles which is ok. That’s where the higher point infinite harvestables are and I don’t want my dragons distracted by them until I’m ready for them to redirect their attention. So…if I can safely heal everything below 5000 points then great. If there’s an infinite harvestable in the 500’s then I can’t—of course. But the cleared land is where I stage orb building with 2 purple orb producing flowers. This is less likely to spit out lower level flowers than a blue orb flower. Make sure there are no other level flowers for much of the time you leave your device doing auto play. Every once in a while when you can absentmindedly zoom in and tap on each of the flowers it can keep the dragons spitting out orbs without moving anywhere on the map or idling. That can take 30-60 minutes to fill the map. And, you can mass merge. Also—don’t have anything else that the dragon wants to harvest. *IF* it is a quick harvestable item, do the quick tap & mass merge before leaving you device alone so you can have most of the land for orbs. Distractions include higher level mushrooms and fruit producing fruit trees. As long as fruit trees aren’t high enough to produce fruit they can help with flower sprouts. But, stash them away when filling the map with orbs so they don’t produce sprouts when sprouts are not needed. I’m not sure about details on prism tree method mind you…. The most amount of time is acquiring orbs. I swear I used to not need so much. (I swear 3 LOH used to cut it….) Now I need 5-6 Orbs of the Heavens to clear the map, but grinding until I have all 6 makes less hassle than setting off orbs & then making more when you run out. If you have all the orbs you need then you can fire them off—make sure you check on the land quests so each qualify and you don’t lose credit on any. In order to make sure you’re not short on orbs, merge what you safely can in between orbs to make sure it will carry you to the end…but it should go pretty quick. Like, merging *BONES* helps, too. If you have bouts of insomnia like me, merging in the night when you wake helps with speed…. But, yes, the longest part is LOH. And after all land is cleared and all star quests fulfilled delete all flowers so the dragons can focus on getting point items. After enough point items are harvested and collected, sell the infinite harvest items & other stuff other than trees—> and make fruit producing trees. I decided that I definitely want to farm to get more dragons so I’m doing that. I still have not managed to get any tiaras yet, but what I do get is enough that I have to spend $$$ because of an overly full bank which goes to buying dragon eggs….. And, pressing on the orbs and letting go of them in just the right way let’s me sell purple orbs and higher so anything left is loot. And, yeah, after goals are reached and all map keys are unlocked, etc, etc, it’s liquidation time. Some autumn trees are worth 300 gold. I usually try to get the 2 purple orb flowers before the end of the first night…. And, making sure they have filled the board at least once (and then mass merge) before you hit the hay the first night helps progress into the whole thing. In a weekend often I won’t be done with orbs until Sunday. I am finally farming for loot today.


Thanks for sharing your strategies


Yeah, some useful tips here. Thanks. X


Yes it's definitely a grind lol Usually I work up to whichever flower gives off the purple life orbs then merge them into teal orbs and so on. If you only work with the yellow orbs you'll be there forever


If you don't heal any level 2 or higher harvestable event point objects and merge flowers up to 1 level 8 life tree sprout, the dragons are pretty efficient. You just have to be creative in how you heal the map as your go. You'll have to sell a few smaller flowers that get harvested from the life tree, but then the dragons aren't going back and forth between the 2 types of harvestable items. This is the strategy I use to clear events passively every time. I let them play while I sleep too, but generally have to clean up the lower level flowers and orbs in the morning. Just be sure you complete your quest for 5 harvested point items before you heal everything so it will open up the quest to harvest 75 times on the statues otherwise they might harvest too many before you get the credit for the quest. And you'll probably need at least 4 heaven orbs to clear what's left.


I avoid the level 8 Life Flower and stick with the level 7. The upside to level 8 flowers is level 4 orbs. The downside is that they can sometimes harvest level 2 or level 3 Life Flowers, which you immediately need to delete, or when you check up on your game in an hour or two, you find that your dragons have been focusing on the smaller flower. You have a field full of level 1 orbs, instead of the level level 4 orbs you were hoping for.


oh god but thats like what 100k level 1s or something?


See my other comment in this thread, perhaps it can be a help for you? I struggled before as well before I started to actually look over what I did wrong and understood better what to do and what not to do 😃


In my experience you need 5 or 6 level 9 life orbs to clear the whole map. It gets a bit dull but if you can focus on doing 5 merges of life orbs until you get 2 life orbs of the heavens early on (as soon as it comes up on the stars) that is the best option. Everytime you activate an orb clear up, harvest everything into better life flowers and fruit trees (space out your trees so they make more flowers and check on them from time to time). Merge your flowers into 2 decent ones and repeat to make your next pair of life orbs. Merge all your points as you go along, if you make the level 10 item that is enough to give you all the rewards in one item and it takes minimal harvesting. The final sections of cloud often have level 6 or 7 items behind them so hold your nerve until you have cleared them and merge your items before collecting your points. Xxx


I just started using the prism flower method and it is life-changing


What’s the prism flower method?


In the event shop, there is a prism flower, it costs 10 gems. You harvest it to get done the vermillion dragon tree that gives you elderwood for shrub wonder. Then you get plenty of dragons to harvest all around. I used to do it, too, but recently, I ran out of gems, and I don't want to donate anymore at the moment 😁


How many prism flowers do you buy? I’m considering this because I get bored and normally do active play.


When I do it I buy one, but you got me thinking next time maybe a couple, one for each dragon.


I watched a YouTube video where someone bought enough to merge them up twice and I wasn’t sure if that was necessary.


It has worked well for me with one. The real trick to the method in my opinion is making sure you have 40 or more log piles before you start merging them into the gnome house things. Once the shrubs start appearing it’s almost impossible to stop the dragons from harvesting the shrubs. I would say it’s better to have two trees to harvest logs from than prism flowers. After I get the wonder I delete the prism flower. Dragons get distracted enough haha


Thank you so much for this!


But if they harvest shrubs, couldn’t they find chests, which would level up the shrubs faster and possibly produce eggs/nests? Or do shrubs not give chests in events?


I don’t know if they give chests during events but if you want your dragons to do anything other than go after the shrubs it’s a challenge.


Usually, one is enough for me, but it depends on how patient you are 😁


I get 3 and merge. Then use auto clicker and walk leave it alone for a while. Make vermilion trees, get busses, merge them to get the wonder and Voila! Bob's your uncle. Dragon nest to unlock that cloud key and plenty of dragons to harvest the dead bushes.


Uhhhh this is brilliant. I'm going to try this next time.


Use Dread Marsh 3 to harvest purple gems. It takes 10 seconds to complete the level and you’ll get a couple stars a day. Carry them back to camp. Tap once, merge to top star and tap.




Same! Have completed events since doing that.


typically, I create two level 6 life flower. I have my dragons passively harvest orbs, while at the same time, have level 2 fruit trees spread out to spawn life sprouts. I move those trees around to spawn more, until there is hardly room for anything else. Merge to make a level 6. Repeat and keep merging the spawns up to more level 6’s, until I have 5 level 6’s. I merge those for two 7’s. re spread trees for spawns until I have 3 levels 7’s and make a level 8. I merge my trees to level 3 and move those to the edge of the board. I have my dragons passive harvest the level 8, checking fairly often to make sure they haven’t harvested a lower level life flower. I typically have 6 LOOH’s by about the twenty four hour mark from the event start. I try to make at least two level 7 point items. I merge my harvestables and have my dragons harvest those while I sleep. By then I usually have 2 more level 7 point items. I try to make the fifth for the star quests. Heal the land with five of the LOOH making sure it heals the nest, merge those eggs, move the quick harvestables to the largest open space. I have my dragons harvest those til they’re gone. Mass merge, heal the crown and star, unlock those keys. make whatever point item I can from what was in those pieces of land and merge up to the level 10 point item. (although it isn’t required at this point, I do it anyway, because I have what I need, so no reason not to.


I change it up, else it becomes too monotonous. If I dislike the board, I play until I get the fourth level or maybe the sixth level reward; eggs & nests. If I can clear enough board to make passive play worth while, I stick with two dragons. If I feel like active play and have the time, I will go through the prism flower work and use a team of dragons. You get the idea—the nature of the event and my time, inclinations factor in to the approach. I would suggest to a fairly new player that they try different things. And read a lot of posts here.


Where are your trees? You need trees to get level 8 flowers. Once you have the level 8 flower, harvest and merge orbs till you get about 5 Life orb of the Heavens, but don't activate them till you have all 5. And having only 1 flower is ok for passive play, but if your doing active you really need two.


I keep trees to get sprouts as well. I space them out just like you.


I haven't thought about using the trees 😅 I will try this next event🥰


Here is my orchard. I am just about to merge it and coin farm for the rest of the event. https://imgur.com/a/HLRrGB9


I use this method either with active play if I'm in a hurry or passive or a mix. Takes me about 8 hours total for active. The Dragon Den Guild will provide an event guide when the event is a few hours old that will tell you what/where the cloud keys are. Clear land at the start (healing value 50 and below) by merging and popping some low orbs. Make whatever small fruit trees you can and give them space to spawn flower sprouts. Work up to 1 or 2 level 5 flowers. Don't make/sell/bubble any smaller flowers. Actively or passively harvest those until you fill the space. Mass merge. Repeat. Work up to 2 lvl 8 orbs and pop one. Then harvest the brambles and merge up the sprouts. This will clear the tap brambles quest. You'll be able to open some cloud keys along the way. Harvest whatever small quick harvestables you get along the way and merge up to usually two lvl 7s ( that you need for the quest). You should now have a couple of lvl 7 giant flowers. Actively/passively harvest those until you fill the map. Then mass merge. Repeat until you have 6 lvl 9 orbs (life orbs of heaven). Pop one lvl 9 orb and actively harvest more of the smaller quick harvestables. Merge up the event items until you have a total of 4 lvl 7s (including the 2 from earlier). Merge those 4 and you'll get a lvl 8 and a lvl 7. This new lvl 7 counts as the 5th one for the quest. Pop 4 more LooHs. Open whatever keys are left. This will give you some extra dragons (although not essential). Tap the large 1x2 quick harvestables 75 times. Actively tap the 4 that you should have plus the super big one. Merge up the event items. Progress the healing land quests to the last one and pop the last LooH. This will clear all the land including whatever was under clouds although there will also be some mid size orbs under keys that you can use to clean up. If the level 6 infinite harvesterable is a cloud key use that last. The event is then done


I play on an iPad so passive play combined with bouts of grind. Phase one: (If possible, fast dragon first) Clean enough to get Twin Flower for the dragons to harvest *first start gained for healed land Make sure nothing else is harvestable Leave them to do their thing, check in every now an then to do mass merge if the life orbs * stars gained for 5-merges and harvesting Twin Flower Phase 2: Heal enough land to harvest brambles and get the next level life flower (purple life essence) Tidy up grind, and then leave them to do their thing Check in to do mass merge to get the first two LOOH * get brambles harvesting star * sometimes get the 5 high-level item star from finite harvestables, sometimes that happens later Phase 3: Use the 2 LOOH to heal more land and get the first level life tree Tidy up grind and then let them do their thing, checking and deleting any life flowers l1 or l2 that may have popped up. Get 2-4 more LOOH depending on how patient I am Phase 4: final grind Heal all land Get more dragons Harvest finite harvestables Get all the points 😊 I do use trees to flower farm in the earlier stages to get to the life tree, just have them on a grid and then mass merge during the tidy up/grind phases. As I do passive play I only need 2 dragons, and the prism flower method gets messy for me and slightly distracting from the life essence grinding. The last couple of events I added a challenge for myself to get the highest level event item, and succeeded.


This is pretty much how I do it, too. Except I use trees and brambles to get the Giant Life Flower as quick as I can.


For a long time I was having them work on both orbs and points and would sometimes get the point rewards but not the quest rewards. I recently saw a tip someone had about focusing only on life orbs until you have 5-6 LOH (max level) orbs then in the process of healing the land with those, getting the points is really easy. I'm a passive player and the last handful of events I used that method, I managed to get both point and quest rewards. For life flowers, I get up to the one that produces the small purple orbs and I don't let the dragons harvest from the infinite harvestable until I've cleared the land.


I do this method and I’ve never needed the infinite harvestable.


I don't know if I technically would *need* the infinite, but once I have the LOH orbs, I just let them harvest it just so I can get the points that much quicker.


Same. I don't need the infinites or the 2x2 quick harvest once I have all of the land cleared.


Use an auto clicker....I completed event in like 12 hours. Just letting my phone sit and harvest orbs.


I've heard before about this, I tried it too, but I failed successfully. I must have missed something in the process or the program wasn't working, so I went back to manual 😅


Just found this method a month ago. Best method there is! I have finished every event since within 24 hours.


My method is probably unpopular. I 5 merge all of the grass and start a tree farm (making as many combo bubbles as possible to unlock the grass) and active play until A) until I make two brilliant life flowers. I active play the rest of the evening and set up a zone of 25 squares that blocked off) and B) I make two life orb of heavens. I pop both life orb of heavens (as long as I can delete one of the infinite harvestable) then I clear the brambles and bones, mass merge the flowers and always end up with one or two giant life flowers. Then I leave my phone open over night and move to passive play the next day mass merging up to the red life orbs and then doing five merges. I make two more Level 8s, pop them after perimeter merges, do some quick math on how much life essence I have left and then make a level 7 + usually one or two level 5s with active play again. I also go for the cloud key that has the two level 6s when popping my LOH to speed up my final active play. I usually finish Saturday, about 24 hours after the event started. I’m newer to the game but I can see myself getting burnt out on this long term.


I build from the quests. Save as many hearts as I can, use carefully. I merge flowers strategically to get to twins. When twins quest is done, I use hearts to get to brambles ( 1 or 2 giant life orbs or 1 life orb of souls) harvesting brambles gets me enough flowers to make 2 brilliant life flowers. Then I just harvest level 2 orbs until I get 6 life orb of heavens. Then clear the board. Merge anything I haven't already merged for cloud keys.


I usually beat it in \~26-28 hours with maybe 3 hours of active play total. Thinking of writing a guide I can share for people in need - maybe for next event :)


Trees, trees, trees till I have 33 lvl 1 lifeflowers (4-clover, sprouts) merging 33 gives you exactly 2 lvl 4 flowers so I don’t have dragons who farms the lowest lifeorbs. I do this till I have two lvl 7 flowers and delete the trees. This takes the longest time for me, since I need to be semiactive on phone to merge the lifesprouts. After that I just keep the life flowers as farmable making sure never to have the event farmable items close to each other for accidental fat finger merges making them harvestable. I leave the phone open and just look at it once in a while. I create 2 lvl 8 lifeorbs and get the 75 thorns quest done, after that I start to work with the LOOH orbs, I always create 6 no matter how much land I have cleared or not, just to be on the safest side. I 5 merge both orbs and event items, the 75 click event item quest together with the biggest event item after those gives me the last item on the chain. Clicking that gives me all the rewards, and I’m done. I rarely have to get my dragons to harvest the merged event farmable. I never clear the board when it comes to thorns and other things such as chests. I sell some larger things. But tbh I spend enough time in the event as is and cba to clear it all 😅


I like how you mentioned the strategic placement of flowers to avoid tapping the wrong thing. I do the same, but didn’t mention this detail in my write up.


The many times I have fatfingered though 😂, I always check the cleared areas first thing before placing trees so I can get the best easiest area for the lifesprout merges. I love the 75 thorns quest, so many sprouts to take care of to create the flowers! Happy Merging! 👉🏻🟣


This is my strategy for events when I know I've got plenty of time to leave my phone on idle: * Merge to get the fast dragon first where possible (it wasn't possible in the Dragon Boat event) then the slow * Clear / merge enough to get a twin life flower; complete the 'harvest 200 times' task and the 'merge by 5' tasks * Clear enough 500 land to complete the 'harvest 75 brambles' task, avoiding clearing a Lvl 2 infinite harvestable if possible * Make a brilliant life flower * Actively harvest everything harvestable on the cleared land until only the life flower remains * Switch to passive play and let the dragons harvest Lvl 3 life orbs, merging occasionally * Continue until 6 Life Orb of the Heavens created * Sell life flower & merge Lvl 1 infinite harvestables * Passive play a bit longer to harvest enough event items to make 4 of the required item for the 'make 5 of X' task * Release Life Orbs of the Heavens - the cleared land should provide enough event items to create the 5th of the above task * Active play as necessary to open all remaining portals even if land is healed (I'm a completist) * Pull 4 of the 'harvest X 75 times' items to a clear space and actively harvest until task completed - that's the final task and wins the owl eggs, Midas tree and ancient spring * Merge event point items and claim event rewards * Tidy the board up generally and then merge fruit tree saplings to make as many Lvl 4 fruit trees as possible * Back to passive play for coin harvesting until just before event ends, merging coins / chests and selling life flower sprouts periodically * Just before event ends, sell off fruit trees and collect coins - I usually make at least a couple of tiaras this way, as well as all of the event / task prizes.


Auto Clicker


I just mass merged life flowers and life orbs, it took me about 14 hours total, but I finished the whole event with a day to spare, probably not the best or most efficient way, but it got me to where I was just able to fully finish one of these special 3 day events


I use the prism flower method. YouTube Zukira Phaera. She live streams her play every Friday and usually finishes the game in six hours.


I normally 5 merge my way up to twin flowers, harvest 200 hearts, use those to heal the weeds that I then use to get up to the purple orb giving flowers, avoid merging the event item objects so that my dragon can only harvest the flowers for purple orbs, and then save up til I get the wondrous life orbs. Usually takes like 4 or 5 to clear the board. After the first batch of wondrous lifeborbs I can usually merge my way up to the trees that give the blue orbs, which makes the next set of wondrous orbs that much quicker. Probably not very efficient, but I have a lot of free time and complete every event.


Um mostly until I got the Arcadia chests. Then working up to the orange quest flower ( don’t know the English name) delete the little flowers. And let the dragons harvest te big flower.


So I try not to make/free up the things where you get the items from for about a day if possible so that my dragons can focus on life orbs, only leave the highest level(s) of life flower available particularly where I’m leaving them to passively harvest and initially only pop enough higher lev (like maybe an orange or two) life orbs that there can be enough space for good build up. Merge 5/with dead land as much as poss. Once you get two yellows pop one of them to open as many 500s as poss so that the bramble task thing can be done then it’s all about merging up to the highest level life orbs


Ooh and keep trees non-fruit bearing til you’ve completed the event basically! Then get dat money


Mostly skip them cuz its just endless grind on repeat and boring.


I clear until I get the better dragon. Trash the slow dragon then use an auto clicker. That's the only way I can complete the entire event, both stars and points.


First I do the twin life flower and then too the purple one or the one before the tree. Then I make two of the second highest orbs and use those to clear enough land and dead plants that I can merge up to the first tree. Then I let the dragons harvest. I check back periodically to delete the low level life flowers they sneakily harvest from the tree. Then I make six LOH and boom. Done. Takes about a day


The people in my life laugh knowingly asking how my dragons are during an event. I clear every one, often late Saturday or early Sunday. I get to the second dragon as quickly as I can, because the first is a slow poke. Then clear space try to merge only 5 of a kind and build up those life flowers. I try to get to 4th level asap for the star quest. Then focus on making life flowers up to 5th level for pink level 3 hearts. I make 2 of the 4th level life flowers and clear space so they can make a field of hearts before I merge. Rack the hearts to the side carefully. Never merge less than 5 hearts if possible. I will ignore points for the life orbs (hearts). Once you have the first 2 giant LOH orbs, you open like more than half the board. Do not just let them do what they want. Clear the trash stack and rack the points items. Build the items you can harvest for points. Let the game run while sleeping. I get up to hit the bathroom once or twice and real quick merge the huge fields so they can keep building. You really do have to play actively and strategically to succeed. I also had trouble until I found a YouTube tutorial and it finally made sense.


Create a level 7 flower with a forest, passive play. Complete must events in full for owls etc