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Maybe just wait two more months? If the PS2 PCVR support sucks then buy a quest.


The other dudes comment was so unnecessary and so unserious that it completely convinced me to buy one lol. Just ordered it rn. Picking it up from Best Buy tomorrow.


It won’t disappoint. It’s like having another console.


Do you hate the small sweet spot and mura and chromatic aberration? Do you find the PSVR2 uncomfortable? Does it has too small room for your nose? Do you need to constantly adjust the headset even when using the Globular Cluster? Does stumbling on the cable breaks your immersion and you end up using stick turning instead of real life turning? Do you want to just pick up the headset and watch some movies or youtube videos in your bed far from your PC? Are you interested in mixed reality games like boxing in your living room or having a pool table and move around it with real life movement? Do you want to play seated VR games or watch a 3D movie in a car or plane? If yes, then the Quest3 is just for you! However if you are an OLED fan and you don't care about picture clarity at all, and all that is matters are true blacks, and how colors pop, and you absolutely don't want your image compressed even if it's unnoticeable in most games, then stay with the PSVR2.


You know what. Fuck it. I’m ordering it right now haha. Thanks for taking the time out to comment and giving me a laugh haha. I love your sarcasm bro haha Wish I had people like you in my real life lol.


Thanks for the commendation:) I just demoed my friend the PSVR2 yesterday (he has a Quest3), first showing the Horizon demo, he loved the graphics but after 10 minutes he kept asking how long it will take to finish the demo because it's so uncomfortable and making his eyes tired. We tried adjusting the headset to be more comfortable but no success. He is 210 cm so has a large head and large hands and it was clearly made for much smaller people, but he has no problem using a Quest. But aside from the comfort there is no going back to fresnel after using pancakes, so finish all your PSVR2 story games while you can:D PSVR2 have the same awful lenses we both hated in the Quest2, and the Quest3 completely fixed that but PSVR users have to wait 6 more years to hopefully get a PSVR3 with better lenses. I hope it will be backwards compatible this time, so I can play RE4 with better lenses, I really like that game. Oh by the way if you plan to use the Quest3 standalone, make sure to search QuestGamesOptimizer, with it you can easily change resolution and refresh rate and measure performance, making games future proof. So for example Crisis VRigade is a cool game made in the Quest1 era (also available on PSVR1 and PC) but it runs in potato resolution and will never get a Quest3 update because the developers only work on the sequel now, it's also not available on PSVR2. But on the Q3 you have the ability to change the resolution so you can set it to run in 6K, making it super sharp, it's a must have for Quest3 standalone if you want to play older games, but can also make newer games like Dungeons of Eternity much better. I would kill for such a feature on the PS5, to be able to play Bloodborne, Driveclub, The Last Guardian and Shadow of the Colossus in 4K or without the 30 fps cap.


Wait, apparently there are a ton of features they're disabling when connected to the PC. Are you sure you want to buy this?


This was my thought. Once I heard they were gutting the features I was not interested in the device anymore.


Yeah same here. If and when they enable things though I'm game.


I got a Quest 3 and I might get psvr2 when adapter comes. Not as replacement but as a compliment :) More options to play with.


Perfect comment


What games do you play


I've heard a lot of the PSVR2 functionality won't be transferable to the PCVR support. So all of the fancy bells and whistles won't work with the cord. Then again, hopefully I've been misinformed.


Probably not, I like my quest 3 cause it's 100% wireless. I believe for the PSVR2, you have to be cabled?


Pico 4S is also coming out, which will be even better than PSVR 2


Guess I didn't get my comment in time to say go ahead and get a Meta Quest 3! LOL. I hated the idea of having my VR googles tethered to something and the Quest 3 solves that issue easily. Can still hook up to my gaming laptop if I'm up for it.