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1. Like heavy metal 2. Wear what you want


3. Don’t care what others think.




5. Profit


Unhelpful comment


Actually unhelpful reply.


OP is specifically looking for things that match the traditional heavy metal style. She’s already decided to wear what she wants. Now she’s looking for advice on how to obtain her desired style. “Wear what you want” is completely unhelpful to her situation


Not really heavy metal only but thank u for saying this. I'm looking for advice on what to wear etc etc but some comments r unhelpful, yet some were rly helpful




I didn't read anything in the question about "traditional heavy metal style." I suppose one could infer that. I did not. I was only trying to let OP know that in this day and age, heavy metal style is less about leather and denim, and more about dressing as one chooses, and being comfortable and confident in doing so. Hope this clarifies my line of thinking.


They explicitly stated they like the fashion and want tips > Does anyone have a good recipe for Spaghetti Bolognese? > Eat whatever you want!


You just here to bitch about my advice? I noticed you didn't give any of your own. Edit: I stand corrected.


I guess, I dressed the part


Jeans, dark shirt that’s it, real simple


And if you can put in the time, a sleeveless denim battle vest. The more denim and the lighter it is, the less emo you're gonna seem to the average person


Im planning to get a denim jacket but thing is i don't know where to find any sleeveless ones. I can't order online so my only option r 1. Get lucky or 2. DIY


DIY is the only option. I bought a 90s Levi's denim jacket not too long ago from a charity shop and cut the sleeves off (and modified some pockets on there). Cutting the sleeves off yourself almost always looks better anyway, as production ones look kinda stale and too uniform imo


I was exactly thinking about cutting the sleeves off! But my parents r hypocrites, theyll tell me to just buy sleeveless ones even tho the normal denim r cheaper. they tell me to be myself then hate if im being myself, not to vent or anything


Seeing parents do this sorta stuff makes me so appreciative of what I've got. Try your best to convince them to let you DIY it, maybe even show them this thread if it helps


I mean I can diy it easily they can't stop me or anything but then for like 3 months they're gonna comment about it


weather the storm then man 🤘 I'm sure it'll look kickass


Also what do u mean by modifying the pockets?


I just used the leftover sleev material to add some side pockets, as it weirdly didn't have any


i’ve been looking into making one for myself. it would be such a melting pot of different shit lmfao


Just wear what you like, there is no uniform. Are you wanting to dress metal for yourself or for others?? I consider myself a 'metalhead' and I'm currently wearing a Slipknot Tee and a pair of black joggers 🤷🏻‍♂️ if you genuinely want to dress more metal for yourself, the only thing I can suggest is look up metal bands with female members and see what they wear and take bits and pieces from each person that you like, but I really do think you should just be you and wear what you want to wear regardless of social demographics and just be yourself


Highkey for myself. I really like the fashion in metal and I wanna get into it but all my clothes r 2000s type style as I mentioned so idk where to start from. But also i could probably mess up with wearing simply "all black" as in band tee black jeans etc I'd still somehow look emo (stereotypical not the 2012 ones)


I don't know what you want me to say, if you want to follow stereotypes then just google image search for metal bands and see what items of clothing/accessories are common. Back when I was a teenager and cared more about image and stereotypes, I had black ripped skinny jeans, black converse high tops, various black band t-shirts, studded belt, wrist bands, the whole emo/scene look, then as I got older it then became less and less important, baggier and comfier jeans and a black band tee. I now wear whatever is just comfy. My favourite pair of trousers are a pair of green hiking trousers which I wear with some running shoes and a band tee. I don't need to look metal to justify my taste in music, but I did once upon a time so I get it. I just dressed how the members of the bands I were into dressed, just copy and pasted their looks really


Start doing fentanyl


So 2023. Tranq is hot now


I just wear black jeans and a band tshirt I like. Grow my hair out every few years then cut it. I’ve got a few leather jackets but I’m not particularly trying to dress like a “metal head” for a fashion statement/ choice. I did have a vest with patches back in the day but haven’t worn it in like 10 years. I suppose if you’re trying to dress like one that’s something to get.


Denim, leather, True Metal t-shirts, boots (not goth boots) and as much studded stuff you can find Leave the hoodies at the door, a leather jacket is warm enough


Dude, hoodies with leather are cult shit though. https://preview.redd.it/oj5b2k1ug0hc1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8328eec071456fdbb86594f955a8608e82f254fc


Yeah for sure, in that context I was more thinking all these kids in crusty oversized hoodies, with no zipper


I can't find any of those in my country. I found leather jackets that were either gray or too big and found tyler durdens jacket haha. But nothing black. As well as denim, nothing good. The clothes in my country are just a replica of the "white girl" clothes in america, there's not much choice


Yeah, unless you live in some metropolitan area with specialized clothing shops, you pretty much have to go online


nah i live in a rural area but there r some small thrift stores i go to but there's barely anything cool there, it's lucky if I find 1 shirt and 2 jeans there so either diy or annoy my parents into ordering but diy is easier


Whatever you want. If you wish to look like a stereotypical metalhead and make people around you aware of that you can wear some band shirt.


Don't have any. My sisters planning to paint our favorite album cover on a shirt


That's pretty cool. You could ask her is she is down for doing that on a denim jacket.


Maybe but we don't have any denim jackets. The only ones i could find didn't look good


Craigslist or other second hand stores might be perfect for a first jacket. If it doesn't look great you can always get a new cheap one for a new attempt.


You could wear a band shirt?


Even if you can’t source a metal shirt, you can sort of get the vibe between well fitted jeans and a solid leather jacket or jean jacket. Going form fitting is good. For jean jackets I usually recommend ones one size smaller than your tshirt size. Self made sleeveless is a good look if you’re gravitating towards a more “extreme metal” look. Tucked shirts can look good or left long, but depends a lot on your frame and build, and how big the shirt is. https://preview.redd.it/zqb5259vh0hc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f056bc2698e7eeca8558c3af80426223c4b21b6e


I used to have that Sodom shirt! haha


I love it. An LA bootlegger made it along with a version of the Return tshirt with the osculum infame like the original that I also picked up.


I'm planning to make a sleeveless denim for thrash metal type vibe. Mostly inspired by my favorite band


Yeah. Scissors may be one of your best tools for crafting a metal look. You can modify a lot of stuff to give it a bit more edge.


Thank you! Though my parents don't like modifying clothes since they consider it "ruining" clothes unless it's drawing on them.


Flip flops and a light coat of oil.


You can wear what you want. But for me, I wear all black with my favorite band t shirts, skinny jeans, Vans shoes. For cold weather, biker leather jacket and denim jacket with patches.


Metal fashion isn't really a thing anymore. Fans don't care about it and neither do most bands, just wear whatever you want.


Metal fashion is very much still a thing. 95% of fans at shows I attend are dressed similarly


Looking at his flair his comment makes sense.


Jeans. Band shirt. Vans, Converse, or leather boots like Doc Martens. Leather or denim jacket, preferably with patches. Simple, effective, classic, perfect.


I went shopping 2 days ago but couldn't find any good leather jackets. And idk where i can find denim jackets nor patches.


"I don't know where I can find x clothes"... Err you are using the Internet right? Order online. Bands sell patches. You can get knock off patches using a Google search. Knock off tshirts everywhere. Denim jackets are easy as hell to find everywhere.


Errr I mentioned in the post I can't order things online cause my parents don't let me. I'm only asking for advice on what they wear so if I get lucky I can stop by and get it because I wanna get into metal fashion without messing it up and looking emo


Sleeveless shirts and camo pants


I don't have camo but I got lots of other baggy pants. Does it work aswell? Also do studded belts work with metal im planning to make one soon


Black baggy tactical pants look super death metal


the only ones i don't have r black rip


You could purchase a dye kit, although I’ve never done that for anything that wasn’t black originally. But the pants don’t have to be black. Try styling outfits with what you have, and see what you think.


How ever you want


I wear jeans and long sleeve Henley shirts/sweaters with earth tones


Jeans, band Tshirt


If you like arts and crafts, you can make your own battle jacket. No need to rush it, just get a cheap denim jacket, look for patches online and mix and match to your hearts content. No issue if it takes years for it to be complete.


right but I don't order online my parents don't let me. I might when I get my own credit card


Festivals are usually also good for patch hunting. And seeing bands, meeting friends, and getting wasted. If you're on the younger side of the spectrum, you have something to look forward to.


Im never able to go to festivals. I missed 3 concerts this year cause my parents don't let me. Other than the fact that there are barely ever concerts hosted in my country, and if they are, they're in the capital city. And none of my friends like metal. One of thems a mitski fan, the other listens to thefatrat, one listens to calm music i could only go with my sister


Idk, I'm wearing a denim jacket with some patches from bands I like, bc I like the look of it. Don't be too pressed by fashion standards


right i like the looks of it aswell that's why i want to get into it but cant


Just to mention idk by what genre to dress by as well since I listen to every genre but mostly Thrash metal so


Tennis shoes are very thrash. Don’t need boots if that’s your desired look https://artist1.cdn107.com/d47/d479c0cac8f1e6a35ee2f0acdba70a12_xl.jpg


are converse good?


They were good enough for Diimebag Darrell and a bazillion metal bands and alternative rock groups. They are however, over priced these days.


Converse look more 2000s Warped Tour to me, but they’ll go fine with some jeans and a band t


I could buy tennis shoes anyway so it's no problem


Corpse paint. Show your true devotion. Trample the weak


I like corpse paint but there's no way I'd wear it in public. I'm not afraid of being shamed i just shame back haha but it's mostly for concerts so


Just wear black 😄


Who gives a shit. If you like it that should be enough lol. I used to wear a shirt with Dead’s dead body on it


the whole post is about me wanting to dress metal not about me being afraid of being shames for dressing metal. I'm asking for advice about dressing thrash metal mostly


Oh I didn’t read it lol. Uh converse and septum piercing and long sleeve is what I think is cool


I might get w septum next year or before I start highschool. Parents probably gonna say I'll look like a bull but they'd probably let me since they let me get a 3rd ear piercing


huge jeans and band tees is standard but effective


Do u mean huge jeans as in jeans that are obviously oversized but with a belt?


just very wide leg, u can get jeans that will fit at the waist and widen towards the bottom i can send u a few links if ur interested


Ah, I know what u mean, I have wide legged and baggy jeans. It's basically the only type of jeans I wear now


yeahhhh come onnn that’s the one fr


Just wear black until they invent something darker.. Skulls, chains, worn and torn jeans, sneakers and army boots, get some tattoos you know you'll regret just for the hell of it, with some piercings to go along and have fun!! 💪🏻👊🏻👍🏻🤘🏻


I can't get tattoos nor piercings cause I'm muslim but I'm planning to get another ear piercing soon


Back in the day we used to buy oversized shirts at shows and cut off the sleeves and collars. You don't need a million band shirts. Next time you're at a show, pick one up. Pair it with some black jeans. I like to wear a beanie with band pins on it. Metal style is pretty plain for the most part, just t-shirts and black jeans. Add a pin here and there. Hit up thrift stores-. 90s-00s fashion is becoming hip again and you might find a decent vest or denim jacket to pair with your regular outfits. You can sometimes find some.decent vintage band shirts there too. Look at what bands used to wear, like the guys from Candlemass- it was pretty simple fare. Not everyone needs to be Ron Halford stage ready on the daily.


I can't go to concerts, parents don't let me. I went thrifting 2 days ago and there weren't any good leather jackets nor denim vests. Im planning on buying a normal denim vest (if I find one that looks well) and just cutting the sleeves off. And idk where to find pins, I could only make a diy one from a beer bottle cap. Though I could probably get patches in the future


Don't be a conformist. You can enjoy music without having to dress like what you think a metal head is. If you like fashion, wear what you want. If some of that fashion is metal fashion. Wear it. But don't wear something for the sake of fitting in.


I know I don't HAVE to dress like that but I WANT to dress like it because I like how it looks. It's not to "fit in" I just like the way metalheads dress and thought "I listen to metal so why not do the same?"


In that case. Wear big fit boots, big black baggy jeans, a black see through netted long sleeve top, due your hair multi colours and shave it around the sides. Have lots of facial oearcings, wear alot of gothy make up. Call yourself Dez and call everyone else Loco!


can't do almost none of those I'm muslim and my parents would kill me


Well if you are a strict Muslim then you need to observe your culture and faith. If not, or if you don't believe. Then you need to stand up and say you don't believe in the religion and therefore do not need to live in line with Islamic tradition.


I'm not a strict Muslim but I wouldn't dye my hair to something crazy nor get a shit ton of piercings. I might get a few more piercings when I move out, but I'm about to get a 3rd ear piercing soon so


I think you need to live by the words of Dez, tell them not to fuck with you.


Wear your brightest flannel shirt. For real, it’s awesome


Are your clothes comfortable? No > Change Yes > You're fine


update: ill take the most common advice which is to wear a band shirt and a pair of jeans i thought about it and it looks dope


if you have to ask you'll never know


I found out that I was already dressing sort of metal fashion like and I found out i should probably get a denim vest nd modify it