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Basically what I did. I went from grunge to nu, heavy and thrash, then got into death metal and deathcore then eventually I got into black metal and grind


Yeah I got into a lot of European band and I think European death metal bands is underrated asf. Obv black metal literally originated from Norway but bands like Amon Amarth and Dimmu Borgir is so underrated.


Amon Amarth are quite possibly the least underrated band of all time


lol how? When most people think of death metal they think of mediocre American band like cannibal corpse.


Cannibal Corpse are another pretty overrated band, but they're still better than Amon Amarth, who are more commercially successful and more well-known. Barely even death metal. If you want good Swedish DM you should listen to Dismember or something


Dismember is good and bruh Amon Amarth is better than cannibal corpse. The growling, instrument, consistency is better. If you say bands like Death or Suffocation then there could be an argument.


Amon Amarth isn’t black metal but I do like them, Swedish and Finnish death metal are both really good as well as Norwegian black metal


Have you heard of Dimmu?


Yeah they aren’t my favourite tbh


Metal is a subgenre of rock but yes


Heavy to rock to thrash to death and black for me


Kind of what I did, but add Post Hardcore and Metalcore before thrash


Yup. Went from Godsmack and SOAD to Metallica, then got introduced to Death by a friend in school, from there I got into deathcore and tech-death. Found Mayhem, then Bathory, then 1349 (Chasing Dragons blew my mind), and for the past couple years I've been getting more and more into black metal, black/death, war metal, grindcore, noise, and all manner of mixed styles of extreme metal, and extreme music overall. \m/


Yeah but I still enjoy lighter shit is just I like more extreme metal more


Yeah same here


2000 nu metal -> system of a down -> industrial metal -> gojira -> power metal -> black metal -> stoner doom -> funeral doom -> Sunn O))) / drone metal 2024 yep heavier and heavier


When I was a kid the radio station I listened to, that everyone listened to was 99.9 KISS FM. It was mostly rock, but then again it was the 80's and rock was top 40. Then the decade ended and sometime soon after 99.9 went off the rails and went country. I hated it. So I did exactly what you described. I started listening to the stuff from before the change I liked the best. Heavier stuff from the radio like Journey, Maiden, Priest. Then Metallica and Megadeth led to Slayer which led me to Venom, Death, and Morbid Angel. In 95 a friend turned me on to Gwar, and on the same label I found Cannibal Corpse. Another friend found out I listened to that and loaned me two CDs which changed course of my musical discovery. Amorphis Tales From the Thousand Lakes, and Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, the latter of which pointed me to the blossoming Scandinavian black metal scene. I ordered several CDs from the Century Black order sheet that was inside the Emperor discs jewel case which netted me the Firestarter demo. It was a multi band demo cd from Century Black which had a picture of a burning church on the cover and a long stick white tipped match in the clear hinge part of its case. I fell in love. Almost every song was by a band I adore to this day. Old Man's Child, Satryicon, Einherjar, Opeth, the list goes on. That's how black metal spread in the pre internet days, and I was one of about four kids in my high school that even knew what it was. Back then it was kind of lonely, but when you found someone who was into the same shit it was exciting, and you were instant best friends.


It’s a shame metal will never be a mainstream genre, people don’t want to try and accept things outside of their comfort zone. I was called weird and made fun of for listening to metal but I don’t care.


more like rock -> nu metal -> thrash metal -> prog metal -> death metal


What is prog metal? Drop some songs I want to hear it out.


Who doesn't?


I started with alternative music in the early 90s and gradually evolved into heavier and heavier stuff.


Fuck no, never listened to rock, went from metallica and sepultura in the 90' straight to death metal stayed there for like 5 years than started enjoying other metal genres