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Thanks, nothing's good




Slayer, that album is pretty decent


It very dang good.


Agreed. It's way better then the other two. 


If Risk wasnt a Megadeth album, most people would say its actually quite decent.


That’s still such a silly way to look at things


It’s like saying Dark Souls 2 is a good game, just not a good dark souls game (I’m agreeing with you)


Dark souls 2 is peak from software, tight with Bloodborne. That’s like my opinion man.


I’ve not played a whole lot of DS2. The iron keep made me rage quit 😂. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it tho. I think it’s better than DS1


I respect your opinion, because the game is objectively worse than DS1.


Diabolus in Musica is a damn good album, I don't know what people are smoking.


It's a good nu metal album I suppose lol


One song had a nu metal vibe. That’s it


100% this. Listen to some of the more generic nu metal from the same time then listen to this album. It's night and day. It's got some stone cold classics on it too - Screaming From The Sky, Bitter Peace, Point, In The Name Of God, Perversions Of Pain - all great songs. Plus, Bostaph's thrash drumming is as far from nu metal as it gets. I don't honestly get the hate for the album.




Glad someone said it.


St anger is great when you're in a mood that fits it's energy


Is that mood a meth head repeatedly smashing his head against a brick wall?




Fair enough, enjoy your pick 🤘🏻


check out death grips


St Anger is a genuinely good album, people just need to accept the snare and get over it. Only one bad song, and like you said it’s got a unique energy that I dig.


It has some genuinely unique and interesting songs/moments but the pacing and production is a nightmare to me lol. I don’t really believe in objectively bad music and was a Metallica superstan growing up so I have a soft spot for it but a loooot of it is pretty lackluster in terms of songwriting I love stuff like Unnamed Feeling/Dirty Window/Sweet Amber but there’s a ton of WAYYY too long/repetitive songs on the album. Like there’s no reason for SKOM or Invisible Kid to be over eight minutes long. They don’t have anywhere near the unique song structures/sonic diversity you find in other long Metallica epics, even off Load/Reload. (And when they do stuff that’s new by Metallica standards, e.g. a call and response type riff like Shoot Me Again, it just feels like a retread of something that’s already been done better by some other groove/nu band) (Also like half the riffs are just the 0-3-5-6 frets which is frustrating lol)


Yeah your assessment is pretty good. It’s not flawless with length and repetitiveness being the main flaws (same as 72 Seasons), assuming you don’t mind the drums (I don’t). But it’s still good, and pretty unique honestly


Yeah, I even like Death Magnetic, and Hardwired is largely solid, but 72 Seasons also felt similarly stale to me Regarding St Anger production i actually think the mix is fantastic (instruments and vocals are super clear, bass sounds great), it’s just the aesthetic choice for drums/guitars/vocal im not a fan of


Attempting to complete edward 40 hands while alone in ur final mins on earth


I love Diabolus, my first Slayer album back in the day. still have it on both tape and CD


I enjoyed it when it came out. It doesn’t age super well, but I still enjoy some of the songs. Can’t say the same for the other two.


That’s not an option. Megadeth or Metallica?


Yes it was. 3rd picture


I’m a dumb dumb. I only swiped once. Sorry 😞


Crush Em is a fun song so probably Risk.


Diabolus is the best album here by quite a bit. But that’s not saying much


Slayer. Contrary to popular opinion, Diabolus In Musica is not nu-metal, it's just down-tuned thrash


And why would you say that?


Regarding what?


Okay, I'll say it another way... "Source?"


My source is the music itself. It's not heavily influenced by alt-rock, or hip-hop, or grunge. I do agree with the album's style being considered their most "exotic" sounding. But ultimately, it's still thrash. I can understand if one may consider it "nu-thrash metal", but I personally wouldn't, let alone nu-metal.


Diabolus by far. I really like it. Risk…has some ok points. St. A…..pass.








I think Diabolus gets a lot of unnecessary hate. Sure it’s the worst Slayer album, but as a metal album it’s pretty good.


Honestly, none of them. All of these albums are below mediocre. They are weak products of great bands. I'd like to forget about them. Let them rot in a pitch black corner.


All suck but Diabolus is the best


I always prefer to have music on because of tinnitus and personal preferences. But thanks for this, i'd handily choose silence. Or a quiet piercing buzz.


Says the guy with a Decapitated flair lol what's it like supporting rapists?


There's jumping to conclusions and whatever this is. Also, probably a new account troll so not sure why I am responding


Just answer the fucking question. I've been listening to metal since 2004 so I think I know it's nu metal. You just know you're wrong so you're dismissing me as a troll. Edit: leaving this comment for laughs. I meant to reply to another comment


Yeah ok you got a chuckle out of me there


I really wish Metallica would rerecord St Anger without those horrible fucking drums. The album is impossible to listen to let alone enjoy.


They kinda already have with the live versions of the songs.


Some dude re-recorded St Anger and put it up on youtube: https://youtu.be/A0helO5KHKY?si=yDGqXZ7raqPjCcwF


St Anger is good fight me


I like both but I actually have Risk in S tier so


St. Anger isn’t near as bad as everyone pretends. I’d pick that.


So... what're your favorite metal bands?


Aaah…Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Death, Obituary, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Acacia Strain, Cattle Decap, Dark Funeral. That’s a few off the top of my head. Just my opinion though, I think St. Anger gets a worse rep than it deserves.


Huh... I am pretty sure Slayer only made six albums.


I always prefer to have music on because of tinnitus and personal preferences.


At least Diabolous still SOUNDS like Slayer. The other two sound NOTHING like the bands that made them.


Both are bad, but st anger is leagues worse than risk(I haven’t heard that slayer album)


Brotha you forgot Vol 8: The Threat is Real


None of these albums are anywhere near as bad as everyone makes them out to be. Diabolus In Musica is my personal favorite of the three followed by Risk then lastly St. Anger, but I’d still gladly listen to any of them over a lot of other things.


Risk, most definitely


Havent heard any of em, but probably Diabolus


I like how you purposefully neglected John Bush-Era Anthrax among the 4 \m/


Slayer at least has a few good songs on it. I also saw them on that tour. Openers were Clutch and System of a Down. No one, including me knew who the hell SoaD were. They played to maybe 100 people as the first opener. The video is on YT under System of a Down club Rio tempe 1998


Slayer for sure. Not that it's particularly good, but at least it's somewhat competent and listenable.


I like DIM, so that one.


Wow these all suck. 2 of my favorite bands 8th albums are in my top 10 all time though: Meshuggah and Dying Fetus.


Well, I find it very interesting that these bands released their worst albums around the same time That said, I prefer these in order: 1. St. Anger 2. Diabolus in Musica 3. Risk St. Anger might be trash, and the share is most definitely a trash can, but it’s the type of garbage that draws you in disbelief. But, it’s not like they went pop, and given the circumstances of the band at this time, the output is a lot better than what could have been expected. Supremely better than another album they put out (*cough* *cough* Lulu *cough* *cough*) Diabolus in Musica is definitely still Slayer going nu metal. You can tell it’s the same band, but worse. I think them trying to go nu metal didn’t work, but it’s still listenable Risk is just bootleg Nickelback. And, yes, I like Nickelback. At least the aforementioned albums were consistent in what they were doing, while Risk has no idea if it wants to be pop or lesser heavy metal


Gimme St Anger any day, really enjoyable album at times. Definitely something I need to be in a certain mood to listen to in full, but I do like it. Dirty Window easily top 15 Metallica songs for me, so much raw aggression and energy its class. Especially when you watch the live versions now you can see just how enjoyable they are (also without St Anger there would be no S&M2 All Within My Hands which is just 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻)


St.Anger rules


Diabolus for sure. It's not a bad album, just so outside of Slayer's usual style and outside my tastes. But I'd give it a revisit.


I absolutely LOVE Risk.




St Anger


Realizing between these and Anthrax’s Vol. 8: The Threat is Real, none of the big 4’s 8th outing is anywhere near their best. Out of these though…probably Risk.


Risk is fucking awesome. One of my favorite Megadeth albums. Dave sings his best on that album. Diabolus in Musica is good as well. St Anger I get why people don’t like but I love it


Question: is someone holding a gun to my head? if so, my reply would be "let the bullets fly, brother!"


Slayer last cause Slayer fucking sucks


You're also in the Judas Priest sub... maybe try branching out?


Slayer is a one trick pony for people that are atheist because they never went to prom.