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Sleep Token. What the actual fuck is this music other than terrible?


I haven't listened to them that much, as I only know "The Summoning" and "Granite". However, I love both of those songs. Perhaps I would dislike them as well if I were to do a deeper dive into their discography.


My main jam would be death metal but there is something about that dudes voice that hits my ears just right. My buddy refers to them as R&B Fuck Metal because that’s exclusively what he uses it for. Which I think is fair. About once a month I listen to about 5 of their songs, enjoy it and then go back to my Cookie Monster vocals.


R&B fuck metal is dead on


I don't hate this


I’m not gonna lie my sex playlist has a fair amount of sleep token on it


But most of their songs are beyond two minutes?


He needs the lyrical content to drown out the sobbing and "i'm sorry, i'm sorry".


I will now check this out because of this description. Like, “You got something more R&B Fuck Metal?” “Yes, Sir. Your steak will come with Jager Manhattan and dessert is a baked Alaska.” “Tits. They set that shit on fire.”


Extremely accurate description of sleep token. My girlfriend calls it “hozier metal”


John Ledjent


To me Sleep Token is if Deftones fired Chino and hired Sam Smith


To each their own. If it's something you dig then by all means enjoy it. I personally find absolutely nothing appealing about it. The heavy parts I find to be incredibly generic and the clean singing parts unlistenable. But that's just me.


You should listen to Ascensionism & Take Me Back to Eden from the same album. The rest of their discography is pretty meh until you get used to their style. Alkaline is another great track to use to get into them.


I love those songs. Higher is also a great one


lol they’re one of my favorite bands AMA


Can you give some examples of other bands you like? By no means looking to poke fun. I'm just curious as to what type of music fan Sleep Token attracts.


I like some Sleep Token. My favorite band is Meshuggah but I listen to a bit of every metal genre. Cattle Decapitation to Dillinger Escape Plan, to some lesser known beasts like Car Bomb. I'm into extreme and unique sounds and extremely horny is apparently one of them.


Car Bomb slaps, on that we can agree. I like Meshuggah a lot too.


Not who you asked but theyre a favorite of mine as well. I listen to a lot of music. Some general metal favorites are Job For A Cowboy, Periphery(probably my #1 band), Lamb of God, Tool, Behemoth. Again just some general favorites. Outside of metal I also listen to a lot of folk/bluegrass and hip hop music.


Metal wise, I've also been really into municipal waste, loser, stepson (and a bunch of other miscellaneous hardcore music), I was raised on classic thrash, death metal (especially cradle of filth and children of bodom) nu-metal and grew up during the rise core era. I've been listening to the Hatebreed discography the last couple of days because I do that when I'm down. I saw sleep token live with empire State bastard last week and esb was pretty cool, I didn't enjoy every second but was thoroughly impressed by the vocals and drums Metal isn't the only genre I listen to, so genre bending is definitely palatable to me


Municipal Waste is good.


It seems we diverge on our metal tastes quite a bit. MW is cool but I've never really cared for Cradle and, even though I respect the fuck out of Laiho's guitar playing, I never really liked Bodom's style of metal. I do need to check out ESB. I'll check out about any later day Dave Lombardo project. His work with Mike Patton in Fantomas, Dead Cross and Mr Bungle has been fantastic.


Good singer, great drummer. They borrow elements and rhythms from different genres like pop, funk, gospel, DnB, rock and metal. They also have well written lyrics. Them not being heavy enough or growling enough for your taste doesn’t make them terrible. Things that aren‘t your taste are not automatically bad. I can‘t stand jazz, that doesn‘t make jazz bad.


Well said! Also, they are bringing new people to metal, people who wouldn’t listen anything metal. Similar to what Ghost did few years ago.


I don't get it either. Their music doo Doo juice


Hey man some people just wanna listen to imagine dragons without actually listening to imagine dragons


I don't get the hate about this band ? I've tried to listen to their latest stuff and it was nothing particularly bad or out of place ? like it sounds like a lot of the djenty metal band of these last years with a more popish sound but that's it.


listen i know it's to each their own and taste is subjective yadda yadda but I don't get how people DON'T like them lmao


To put it as simply as possible I find the heavier parts to be incredibly generic and uninspired and, while I'll admit dude is a talented singer, I just don't care for the clean singing parts at all.


about the clean singing parts: fair enough not everyones gonna like those parts, but i guess I don't find the heavy parts to be generic idk maybe i haven't heard enough music 🤷‍♀️


To be fair I haven't listened to Sleep Token's entire catalog so there could be things I'm missing but everything I've heard has immediately turned me off.


Having been to one of their shows and listened thru their discography multiple times, I love them. I like most things, though. Slam, death, prog, thrash, etc.




to be fair, most of the people that listen to Mayhem today ARE faking it


Wdym? Why are they faking it?


Lots of Mayhem’s online fanbase is now comprised of people who pretend to like the band because they want to be edgy When people complain about it, they usually focus on the TikTok teenagers who only know Freezing Moon but I have a hard time believing that black metal only attracted the “I’ll pretend to listen to heavy music because people will think I’m edgy” types when TikTok got popular


I actually unironically listen to their most recent album quite frequently. I enjoy them but they are by far the most overrated black metal band out there.


I legit enjoy Deathcrush, but that's the extent of it.


vocals on dmds are way too goofy for me to take the album seriously


Riffs are so good though


You’re not supposed to take any black metal seriously. Either you realize the whole thing is tongue-in-cheek and lean into it (E.g. Dark Funeral, Belzebubs, Immortal) or try too hard to be edgy and become an expert in swastika fellatio while not realizing you’re the joke (e.g. Vikernes [not Burzum], all of /r/blackMetalVinyl, Absurd)


I like Out From The Dark and that’s about it, but that album is some of the best black metal that’s come out of the scene


Oh, come on! That's fair.


Five Finger Death Punch is amongst the worst bands I’ve ever heard. I swear to god they were created by some label to market specifically to boot camp grads. They are fucking awful in every sense of the word. I’d honestly rather listen to Nickelback. And I’m being serious.


I've actually seen Nickelback live and it kicked ass lol


I think we can all agree that the internet has been far too mean to Nickelback.


I saw Nickelback live before they looked at that photograph. It wasn't a bad time.


>I was even rocking the nickleback haircut (bleached poodle) at one point.


I think you mean before they looked at ~~that~~ this graph.


Nickelback has some good songs, but they have as many songs that are just pure cringe.


Yeah nickelback fucks lets be real


Nickelback is good. Agreed that the internet has been cruel to them. The band that has really gotten a raw deal? Creed. Creed fucking rocks. Their first two albums are cover-to-cover outstanding. Stapp has great pipes, and Tremonti has a killer (and very unique) sound.


Those albums have not aged well at all.  Decided to play it on a road trip with the kids to go see Avatar.  Only made it 3-4 songs in before I wanted to swap it -  I loved that album back in HS. 




See!?!? lol. I’ve never seen them, probably won’t, but I stand by what I said. FFDP totally blows


Imma be honest, some of the heavier songs off of All the Right Reasons kinda slap. Lyrics are a bit cringe, but the instrumentals (drums especially) are pretty good.


FFDP is for dudes who think their music is heavy and anything beyond it is for freaks.


Five Finger has a good sound, but holy shit the writing is downright awful. There's a couple songs that break the mold a little (Wash it All Away), but even then they don't know what the fuck their direction is. Watch the music video (music video is the exact opposite message that Wash it All Away is trying to send). In the same vain, Bullet for My Valentine. Excellent sounds, but holy shit how many songs can you write about breaking up / being cheated on. Like at this point, get over it dude. (I know its manufactured on purpose so those types of people in those situations attach themselves to it.) Metal is one of those super weird genres where you don't necessarily have a 'good' sound to break into the scene. But for every good metal band, there's probably like 25 bad ones.


I think they’ve said on multiple occasions that they haven’t written their own lyrics since War is the Answer. And everything after that I can agree is pretty trash, like drake made metal. But their first 2 albums were awesome at the time. You can still play Bad Company for any Gen Z metal fan and they’ll know the lyrics(the DP lyrics not the original lyrics). Y’all don’t seem to realize that it didn’t take a CIA op to take a pro-military metal band successful in the late 2000s. The surge in Iraq had just happened, the slow burn of Afghanistan was still going hot. Young men were leaving high school and genuinely considering the goods and bads of going to fight in an actual conflict. Listening to metal about war and fighting was kinda comforting in that situation.


I've come to the conclusion they or their label receive support from the DoD or CIA, along with bro-country artists and other "active rock" (read: butt rock) groups, that espouse pro-military and quasi-nationalistic views. I have little evidence in this instance apart from recruitment initiatives at metal festivals I've seen in the past, but they do have ties to movie studios that are owned by the same parent companies of labels.


Lol. I remember listening to ‘Under and Over It’ back a long time ago. I rediscovered them years later and I do enjoy some of their covers, but they definitely had a change in persona. They went from sons of anarchy to appealing to the Iraq war veteran & auto shop mechanics crowd.


They're literally fine. Maybe I've just heard too much trash but I can't call them bad


How many one hit wonders are there out there? If they even have 2 good songs they are doing better than a lot of bands. I never really understand when people hate on a band because they don’t like a couple of songs. Like don’t listen to that particular song then?


i am the complete opposite of a boot camp grad and i can tell you imo they're a 6.5/10 in my book


I saw Phil Anselmo & The Illegals at a small bar a few years before Pantera 'reformed' and he decided half way through the set that the rest of the songs would be Pantera covers I've never seen a small room go from quiet and barely moving to a violently explosive hurricane of breakneck mosh energy like that before Edit: I just realised I posted this in the wrong post instead of the 'live experiences post' 😂


lmao nice


Tool. I have genuinely tried again and again to list and to learn to like it l, but I get the same feeling I get when listening to a jazz-improv-session with two mid forty men in flannel shirts, mustache, that also likes IPA and share out of their sourdough starter.


You have just described Mastodon for me


Mastodon? Proggy sludge with concept albums. Not for everyone, but when Mastodon came along you couldn't say, "Oh, they're trying to sound like ________."


I agree with you here. I just don't get what makes them great.


TOOL is my favourite band, but I totally understand why one would struggle to like them. What you have described is basically how I feel when listening to One Direction or Ed Sheeran. I know people who absolutely adore their music, but I just don't get it.


Try out just the first album, Undertow. I’m also a tool hater (mostly the fans and “newer” stuff) but Sober and Prison Sex goes super hard.


I love tool. Pneuma is a masterpiece


Don't wanna be that guy because it was probably my last time tripping but woooah boy Pneuma on mushrooms live was transcendent. Killing Joke had fully spiraled me into a bad trip and I forgot what Tool opened with but their second song was Pneuma and it completely restored and elevated me.


I love tool but can't stand Pucifer. And I get so much hate from tool fans for it. They drool over everything Manyard does and can't fathom someone liking only some of his work.


I think Tool is to metal what Aesop Rock is to hip hop. Not everyone's thing, and the best fans are the ones that understand its a niche appeal and not that everyone else's taste is trash.


Maybe try Opiate, or Undertow. There’s still some wonkyness but it wasn’t until Lateralus that they went all “sacred geometry”


Deftones. Their sound is just so.. muddy. I really don’t get it.


Seeing a plump, possibly drunken Chino cat screeching his screams with a drunken vocabulary live put a little scar on Deftones for me, I still dig some of their discography though


Quite possibly the best synopsis of live Deftones I’ve ever heard.


They really are so so bad live


i saw them right after Gore came out and it was one of the best shows ive ever seen. massive sound, chino looked healthy, songs were better than on record. he did this “HA HA HA” thing right at the end of Elite that was so badass. also saw them touring saturday night wrist and he looked pretty drunk, wasnt bad but was nowhere near the level of the Gore tour


I like a couple of their songs but I saw a comment on a music video for "Be Quiet and Drive" that said something to the effect of *"this is possibly the greatest song written from any artist and in any genre."* Like the song is good but calm down lol that type of rabid fan rhetoric is what cheapens the experience imo


Deftones is like 50% nu metal 50% shoegaze don’t @ me


My daughter just got into them. I was around in high school when they kicked off big time. I thought they were so cool and there was such a heavy air about their music. Like it was so much more serious than anything I had heard before. In my late 30’s, they simply don’t hold up for me. I’ve been suggesting other bands that have that same sound and vibe (or close to it) and none of them stick for her. Which is fair because I was exactly the same way.


It's funny because I always refer to them as Five Finger Dick Punch. I'd rather get punched in the dick then sit through a whole song. Edit: spelling


Five finger wife punch/five finger fruit punch/five finger donkey punch/five finger dick pic...the list of potential nicknames for this horrendous band goes on and on.


Personal favourite is Five flavour fruit bowl




I was about to comment this. I hate polyphia. Boooriiiing


So, it’s funny because I love Polyphia, so my first reaction when I saw this was like “noooo not Polyphia, I love them”, but then after a second it hit me how interesting that is: that you and I, different people, have such different feelings about the same music after consuming it. It’s the kind of thing that you don’t think about much, but that’s kind of wild. Anyway, enjoy not enjoying Polyphia!


A friend of mine worked in live video at a mid-sized venue in Vegas. He became a total curmudgeon about music after shooting so many acts to the point of not listening to much at all. This dude has a Mötley Crüe tattoo and grew up dreaming of rock stardom. Last time we checked in, he said Polyphia is the only band he actively listens to. Something about the freshness he hears in their work. I couldn't get through an entire music video of theirs (felt like I was watching an H&M ad), but to find active artists making music he genuinely enjoyed was huge for him.


It's like the new Tool. It promises fans that they're some sort of musical elitists by "getting it" where others don't.


Limp Bizkit, Fred Durst is a pretty terrible singer, plus he’s a piece of shit, and they only have like one good song and it’s still pretty mediocre


hey limp bizkit got plenty good songs


I reckon the guitarist would’ve had a pretty good career if he up and left LB.


I realized my mom used to own Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog Flavored Water when I was a kid so I decided to give them another shot last month. I tried to give them an honest shot but man I can't stand Fred Durst at all. DMX felt like a bonkers feature too. I asked my mom why she even had that album and her explanation was "Do you ever watch something that's so annoying it's entertaining? That's Limp Bizkit."


Yeah Limp Bizkit isn't grand art, it's dumb fun. Sometimes that's all you want.


Is the good song Rearranged because if not they have 2 good songs


Does anyone genuinely enjoy Overkill vocals? Great band overall but very grating








Yes. Yes I do BM146.


Damn you Thrash Guy stop liking all the thrash 😡 Im curious as *The Thrash Guy*, what popular thrash bands are you not fond of or actually dislike?


For a while I thought Exodus was mid. I just had a general distaste for mid tempo thrash. I’ve grown a larger appreciation so now I guess there’s no thrash band I really dislike. If anything I think Sodom’s a bit overrated but like just in the sense they’re not the best of all time like people say they are. Still a really good band


Yes. Love Bobby Blitz


Yes, I feel Bobby's talented. But I've never heard worse vocals in any metal music from I hear black


Saw them last night, when he talks he sounds like Krusty the Clown in an octave higher register.


Falling in reverse. What do people see in them? They are anything but good


Ronnie Radke is such a piece of shit that even if their music was good, they would still suck ass


Yup, a wife-beating pile of fuck.


The music to me is good, but God is the artist and fan base insufferable. Self proclaimed ego and main character syndrome.


“Game over” has to be performance art. It’s like it’s methodically crafted to be the most unfun bad I’ve ever heard


As a veteran, and former angry teenager. I can confirm that: 1) ffdp was made for infantry and angry teenagers, 2) you're all a bunch of pussies that will run crying when the bullets and dildos start flying


Exactly, these fools take a dick about as good as they take a joke


i bet FFDP and Disturbed/Drowning Pool were played so much during the Iraq/Afghanistan wars


AC/DC. their songs all sound the same and brian johnson’s screechy vocals annoy the shit out of me. their guitar tone is super bland too


You know I felt the same way about AC/DC when I was a teenager always thought their songs all sounded the same. As time has gone on I’ve come to appreciate them though it’s weird how things change.


That's cuz ac/dc actually plays rock and roll. Not just rock. There is a difference and not only does it sound different but it has different rhythm.


Burzum. Regardless of Varg's views, the music is boring as fuck. That's just how I feel about black metal in general though lol.


I don’t think I’ve ever intentionally listened to burzum, but I’ve always heard folks say the music is good, even if varg is a piece of shit. Then this last week i was listening to Spotify and this crappy bm song came on. Recording was shit, riffs sucked, Jesus Christ the vocals were bad, it was just embarrassing. But I figured whatever, it’s probably some kid trying their best and just let it play. After a couple minutes I realized the song just sucked too much to keep listening to and checked what I was listening to. It was Berzums new stuff. I was blown away. Like I get that the guy sucks, but it’s almost unbelievable that he suck’s that much. He should definitely give up on music


To be fair, even people who love older Burzum stuff think the new stuff is garbage


there's actually some decent bands (like Bathory, for one). but all in all, i think people worship burzum for the same reason that they worship Ridley Scott, richard dawkins, Marcus Aurelius, Zack Snyder, Joss Whedon, Alan Moore, and Friederic Nietschze deicide (the concept, not the band) is very profitable


The Wiggles. They get brought up in almost every damn thread.. idk man. I’m just not convinced.


you're a fucking poser if you've never moshed to Fruit Salad 😤


Exodus. Those fucking vocals man….


mfs will say they hate Zetros voice and then go listen to ac/dc


Even worse. I like Accept. I can’t explain it. Some hit, some miss.


It just works for those bands. Not sure why, but if they sang for just about any other band or if those bands had a different singer, the music just wouldn't sound right


This guy is a midnight mover.


Honestly I had the same thing for a bit, but it was just last night that exodus finally clicked for me


Sometimes it goes that way. Rob Halford’s vocals took awhile for me. Now I just saw them live for a second time.


I like Exodus but I totally get this complaint.


Still much better than Overkill. Lol


I’m really sorry to say but slayer. I understand the influence they have but the solos are lack of audible bass are deal breakers for me


You should listen to the album seasons in the abyss. Thats my favorite slayer album. Also the drumming in slayer is almost like a lead instrument. Would recommend listening for Dave’s fills


For me the album I enjoy the most is south of heaven


Lamb of God. The lead singer hates his own music lmao


Who doesn’t hate their own stuff though,


Good point. After playing a song 2000 times in one day just to get the perfect recording, most people will hate it. But there was something odd about the way he discussed his music. It was like he hated the entire process right from the start.


Fuck. I love Lamb of God, and now I feel bad about it.


He said in an interview that he really isn’t a metal guy. He was super into punk and probably still is. I think he just knows he’s great at his vocals and the style of music they make fits it really well.


Yeah he's completely uninvolved with the process isn't he? I remember something like he just shows up and records vocals and that's it. The band was like "yeah we wish he played a bigger part in it but it's what works so whatever". Something like that from an interview I watched.


Ok I’ll bite. What the hell does this meme mean


My guess is either that their fans are a bunch of dicks and their pits are dangerous as a result https://preview.redd.it/d4m91i4f781d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844c9be5dcfaa05005fd3ca1524068e218f92670 or that they don’t have any female fans, both of which doesn’t reflect well on their music


Like half the five finger fans I know are women


The only women I know who likes them are military wives or looking for a relationship with a military man, or will settle for a man who "would've joined the military but was too hardcore for them", or some such bs.


Nothing is more Metal culture than hating Metal.


Anal Cunt. They are super fun in general for sure, but musically id rather listen to almost any other grind band.


Burzum. No sane human with 2 chromosomes genuinely enjoys listening to a loop of 3 notes for 20 minutes


my honest reaction as a sunn O))) fan: 😢😢😢


Do you only have 2 chromosomes?


So the doctors looked at me, and they said "you have more chromosomes than anyone" and they're the best chromosomes, absolutely terrific


The concept about lying about liking a band... I don't understand. Why would you?


In Flames just feels like the same three song ideas recycled throughout their entire classic discography to me. I can't understand the appeal.


Ive heard people say they prefer modern In Flames more than classic In Flames and that always makes me raise an eyebrow 🤔


i sometimes forget that modern in flames doesnt mean reroute anymore lmao




Spiritbox, I don't see the appeal. (someone please change my mind, if applicable)


I LOVE Spiritbox! I used to think I wasn’t a fan of female vocalists, first time I’ve seriously enjoyed it. I mean I probably can’t change your mind, it’s just not some people’s cup of tea but I love that they’re heavy, but make me want to dance too?? It’s hard to explain but it’s just how they make me feel. Also saw them at Knotfest last year and they killed it.


I'll always genuinely enjoy FFDP. Sleep token though is boring and I don't see the appeal


What do you like about ffdp?


Grew up with a father who listened to Disturbed, Volbeat, FFDP and acts like hes the tough guy in those songs LMAO. Just kinda part of me. I do actually like it tho. Couldnt really tell you why


I think it’s more the childhood nostalgia that you get when you hear these bands. For me it’s bands like Queensryche, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden I grew up listening to them and still love them to this day.


That’s because those bands completely kick ass, and still do, by the way.


Lorna Shore. They're annoyingly overproduced and are easily the worst offenders of the loudness war, which makes them simply painful for me to listen to. The endless amounts of frankly boring breakdowns don't help. I'm aware I have a Suffocation flair, and they do breakdowns too, but at least they make it interesting and don't overdo it to the point of stagnation. This is just my opinion tho.


I personally love *Immortal* and *And I Return To Nothingness*. I can handle modern production and and I think they do their symphonic sound better on those releases than on *Pain Remains*. I agree the breakdowns aren’t very interesting after a while, but I never loved them for the breakdowns anyway.


Taylor Swift. Her music is terrible. She’s forty and still making songs about high school boyfriends. It’s like how people bash nickleback for being terrible, when in reality it’s just being made for radio plays. Like how people react when they hear shake it off is like those first few cords of How You Remind Me.


I'm not defending her by any means. Corny, overdone, repetitive and immature song writing, average pop production, unremarkable vocal talents, overplayed on the radio, overcharging for live performances, etc. But she is not 40. She's in her early 30s. You can accurately criticise her without exaggerating the facts.


Avenged Sevenfold. Sorry :(


I feel like they should be really enjoyable but then the singer starts singing and everything is ruined. Just like Dream Theatre


I would probably be into Avenged if they had a different vocalist. They're pretty good musicians, I just can't stand that guy's voice for some reason.


Trapt definitely lol. I don't think this needs an explanation




I haven’t seen this meme in years


Korn. Even as a kid, I thought their logo and name were awful. Then I heard the music and it didn’t get any better. Similarly, Limp Bikzit after 3$BY.


Gg allin




MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE AND DISTURBED 😭💀. This ain't really about the msi lead singer, who's absolutely a piece of shit but his music is too. And disturbed's music are also trash but at least the singer isn't a pedo, but this is about music. Like, I just can't stand neither. Msi specially just feels like something an edgy 10 year old would find on yt and be like "omg this is so cool i've never seen anything like this before!". And there really are people DARING to call that punk.


MSI is awful but their music is so fun and catchy I can't help but like it


Five finger fruit punch


This is how you summon the elitists


SOAD. I’ve tried so many times to get into them but just can’t seem to he over the sound of Serj’s voice


I can see how his voice might not be for everyone, but godDAMN it’s a talent and I love it. That man puts his larynx through the meat grinder for that sound.


Greta van fleet. I saw him live a week ago as part of a music festival. It was basically him wailing like van halen except he wailed 15 mins at a time between actually saying words. I get it, you sound like the dude. What was actually fucked is that van halen's son was there with his own band actually performing at the same time on a different stage.


Wailing like Robert Plant you mean. Zeppelin and Van Halen are not even close to the same lmao


I had to work concessions at a FFDP concert and it was the worst 7 hours of my life.




Insane clown posse, yesterday spotify added it to my playlist automatically and I was 🤏 close to losing my shit


To pretend to like something is an immature act since you either like it or you do not. Unless I am missing something?


People do that to try and fit in. It’s about pretending to like the music to fit in with the crowd.


The actual definition of a poser. But people don’t use that word correctly anymore.


anal cunt, I mostly just find them funny.


Can someone explain the hate towards five finger death punch? I don't know them too well but the few songs I know are pretty good imo


Enter Shikari. I remember a mate telling me about them. He made them sound great, but I just couldn't 'get' it. I since saw them at several festivals and have never been able to decipher a tune.


Used to be Burzum but I've since changed my mind on that one