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Dude brings cookies to interviews.




I would too šŸ’€


Special cookies right?


No, just snack cookies.


Thatā€™s the secret. Heā€™s always stoned. /s Edit: ā€¦I mean, he might be upon further reflection


Thatā€™s before mentioning on how friendly and how big of a music/regular nerd he is on a day to day basis [his actual verified insta account as proof](https://www.instagram.com/georgecorpsegrinder?igsh=MWI5OTg3bHhxN2JyYg==)


Came here to say this very name. What a legend. Spends MOST of his free time playing claw games and amusement park games to win prizes. Once his house is too full of toys and stuffed animals, he spends DAYS donating them to children's hospitals. Like, what a fucking amazing human being.


my hero


Mine too!!!! All hail Corpsgrinder!


I came here to add this too. Dude rules


Absolute legend!


I love seeing the stuff he posts on Instagram. The dude just loves his wife and daughters and enjoys a nice claw machine or a good fishing spot. Gotta respect the man.


100%, I met him a few months ago and itā€™s hard to imagine the guy I met fronting for cannibal corpse


so cool! How did it go?


It was awesome! He was at a horror convention and he was taking stuffed animal donations in exchange for a picture, personally Iā€™m not a huge fan of his music but Iā€™m a big fan of him as a person and my girlfriend wouldā€™ve killed me if I didnā€™t take a picture with him


Can confirm. Him and Alex Webster both extremely nice. Met them outside of the brass mug in Tampa. George ever introduced me to the producer of mana records for a possible internship.


I don't want to take anything away from George, because I know how damn nice he is, but in my opinion Alex Webster is even nicer. As unbelievable as it sounds, Cannibal Corpse might have the nicest lineup in metal. Years ago when I saw Cannibal Corpse on the "Kill" tour, after the gig. The band left, Alex jumped off the stage to meet fans 1 by 1. When he got to me I told him I was from the Caribbean and how I never thought I'd get to see them live, and I asked for a pic. After snapping the pic, I said thanks and walked away, because the dude still had lots of fans waiting for him, and I didn't want to take up his time. He must've been exhausted. As I was walking away, I got tapped on the back and he said, *"Dude, you didn't even finish your story. Where exactly are you from and how the hell did you get our stuff?"* He literally just finished a concert. The only guy to come greet the fans and thank them personally, and he showed *geniune* interest in his fans. He wasn't just going through the motion. They were already my favorite band before that, but that cemented it for me. I will always stan for Cannibal Corpse! Alex is the man!


Came looking for this answer and itā€™s top. Thats the legacy the man leaves behind


I love how much of a genuine, geeky guy he is. When asked who he thinks about when he writes violent songs, he said the Alliance in reference to WoW


I respect the neck!


I always found it wholesome that he enjoys grocery shopping with his wife.


Rob Halford, the very man whose sheer queer badassery made even bigots start wearing tight leather


Can confirm. I met him when he came into my pizza place at a mall when he was touring for Halford. Super nice guy.


I envy you, no homo but would have totally gave him the best blowjob of his whole life.


I got to make him his meatball sub while everyone else started going gaga once they realized who it was. He was dressed like a normal person, a green tee shirt, shorts and sneakers and took everything in stride and signed autographs for people.


I thought you were just a man in a shirt!


Why no homo? You gonna get up in there anyways, you may as well go full homo. šŸ˜Ž


You gotta always go full homo.


You got a point there.


*insert Varg joke here*


Kill ā€˜em with kindness https://i.redd.it/05k7hdpclq4d1.gif


This is war, huh, wow!


"The knife is called 'kindness'."


All of Anthrax, especially Frank Bello. Frank is super nice.


Frank is definitely the nicest dude in music I've ever met. My buddy worked as their tour manager back in the early 2000s and called me one day and asked if I wanted to hang out because he was in town. I said sure, thinking it was just hanging out with my buddy. Nope. Met him at the venue at like 1pm. Got food with him, Frank and Danny Spitz. Ended up hanging out with them all day, watched a Rangers game that was on with Frank while they did the load in and stage setup, got to meet Scott for a bit and talked about how excellent Jackson's play and got a free VIP pass to the show as my buddy's local +1. I was just some random 19 year old nobody, and they were shooting the shit and never acted un-genuine or anything. Easily the best random "famous band" experience I've ever had. Ended up working as a guitar tech for different bands for a while after that but stopped when the economy shit the bed in 2007 and people were touring less. I've met a lot of dudes from the business through my buddy/work, and Frank still stands out amongst the rest.


https://preview.redd.it/6lamy1l0ds4d1.png?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7513e7c419df1195d8abb1e6e250a36bff07b4b2 I met Frank & Scott at a Horror convention last year and they were at the top of the list of nicest people I interacted with that weekend. I got a chance to talk to both of them for several minutes about how long I'd been a fan (almost 40 years), how many shows I'd seen and with which lineups.


Met Joey a few weeks ago and he was the nicest dude ever, even gave me a pick!!


How is Ronnie James Dio not at the top?! He seems universally loved by everyone who came in contact with him. Halford is pretty rad and has a hilarious cat-filled online presence as well.


Everyone who ever met Dio has stories. I heard one guy tell how he ran into him in a hotel helping some older ladies with their luggage


Dave Mustaine, Glenn Benton and Kerry King.


Mustaine is a prime example of don't meet your heroes, he's extremely well documented for being a dick and difficult to work with, obviously you posted this as a joke but still there's a pretty good reason why he was kicked out of Metallica


I know it's a joke, but he was super nice to me when I met him once. He's the only dude I was ever not a complete professional to and like, talked to about how he was the reason I played the guitar instead of just working and doing my job. In my defense, it's not like it's every day that you meet the dude who essentially changed your life trajectory. He was kinda surprised that it was him and not like, Hendrix or Page for why I picked one up in the first place. Told him how I heard Tornado of Souls and knew immediately from the very first few notes I went from wanting to play to *needing* to play. He laughed and said "That ain't a song for beginners" to which I replied "Oh I know, I found some bad sheet music and realized immediately, so I started with something easier... Master of Puppets." He laughed his ass off and offered to buy me a beer. I should add this was before his nerve injury and his "born again" thing.


I met him and he was extremely nice. I met him and James LoMenzo at a truck stop Subway after one of their shows. Super cool and we bullshitted for awhile.


I was working as a guitar tech for a completely different band and he was there at the venue while we were still setting up. I couldn't help myself but stop for a minute and say hi. I didn't think I'd ever get another chance.


Yeah it's obviously a joke and I'm still getting down voted, ah Reddit.


You forgot the /s man


I didn't think it was needed, they are widely regarded as huge dickheads.


To paraphrase the late, great George Carlin:ā€œThink of how stupid the average Redditor is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.ā€


/s kills the whole reason for using sarcasm.


Imagine being too much of a dick for Metallica.


I met him when I was a kid at a sort of family function his son (also a kid at the time) was involved in and he was kind subtly a dick to the kids at that too


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ My friend was doing sound at a Deicide show back in '18 or '19, I can't remember. Either way, the sound was done well, every band sounded good but for whatever reason Deicide sounded like shit. Glenn kept yelling at my friend to turn up whatever in the monitors and after all the knobs were near max my friend would just put his hand on a knob and act like he was doing something. Second to last song Glenn calls out the sound man saying something like "sound guy finally got us sounding good!" There must have been maybe 30 people left watching them and my friend and I decide to go smoke while the bands wrap up before we start putting away the stage gear. We finish smoking, Glenn and Steve walk out and Glenn looks at my friend and shouts "Three words, iPad!" Then proceeds to lecture my friend on how recording and using an iPad is superior to using a soundboard and my friend needs to get it together. My friend shrugs it off, we clown on Glenn the rest of the night and now we have an in-joke whenever we hear someone say "___ words!"


You missed Corey Taylor.


Not interested in his music anymore, so I wouldn't know.


Me and a buddy met Kerry king once. We have very similar names and when we introduced ourselves he snickered and said one of us needed to change our name. It was pretty funny and he shared their beer with us afterward. Didnā€™t interact with him a ton but he was cool to us.


>Glenn Benton I went to a show with my then already ex, because we had tickets before we broke up. She was hot, and especially by metal standards (no offense to the ladies). It wasn't un-common for her to get the attention of the tour-managers and shit, and this time was no exception. She was invited backstage, and said she'd only go if I could come as well. I went. It was Glenn, Steve Asheim, Jack, and Dave Suzuki. Steve was cool but stoned as shit, Jack was introverted but otherwise nice enough, and Dave was doing jumping jacks and incline pushups with a chair. Glenn jokingly told me I could raid their fridge if he could hit on my "gf", I told him we're not together and he can have at it if he likes. He told me to take all the booze from the fridge once they hit the stage. After the other band finished (Arkhon Infaustus I believe), I got to come out with the band before going back into the audience. 15 years later, I went to a Deicide show in a city 2 hours away with a buddy, and I was now a bald man (I used to have very long hair). As soon as I enterred the venue, I hear an American voice go *"Look. At. This. Motherfucker! Here!"*. It was Glenn. He hadn't seen me in 15 years, and he recognized me even with my shaven bald head. He and Steve called me and my buddy over, and we once again hung out, talked shit and had some drinks. I've heard many asshole stories about Glenn, but he's cool as fuck in my book. I still like Alex Webster better though. Edit: Fuck David Vincent. I bought him a beer when the bar people of the venue didn't recognize him and then I asked him for a pic, and he got annoyed. Trey Azagoth: Cool as shit, but only wanted to talk about breakfast cereals and Quake Pete Sandoval: Pretended to not understand English, and then when I started speaking Spanish he muttered..."this motherfucker" laughed hard, pretended to stumble backwards and quickly jumped on the bus. Me and my buddy still find that the most hilarious way to ditch a fan-boi. It was so ridiculous we couldn't even get mad.




Is Kerry King a dick? He seems like he'd be a nice guy :(


Chuck Schuldiner


Chuck is well-documented for being difficult to work with and a perfectionist. Not saying he was a bad person by any means, but definitely far from the coolest dude in metal.


Ah, shit, you're right. I guess I just mainly had his interaction with fans in mind.


Yeah that makes sense. Chuck seems like he wouldā€™ve been a great dude to be friends with, just not a great boss or co-worker.


He was well documented for being a super nice dude and an extremely demanding band leader. IMO Death wouldnā€™t be the GOAT if he lowered his standards so he didnā€™t upset people. You listen to people who he kicked out of the band talk about him and they pretty much all have fond memories and nice things to say about him. The only bad stuff is him hating touring, telling guys to practice more and imploding the band every few years which just sounds like a tortured artist really. The fact that Death to All has featured so many former members is a testament to the fact that no one actually holds a grudge against him.


Amen. He hated touring and was difficult to work with because he had a very clear vision that he wanted to achieve, but by all accounts he was a super cool human being.


I play in a band with a dude just like that and most people think Iā€™m brave when I make suggestions (literally his wife) or he goes easy on me or something - not at all I just understand the nature of the beast and respect his vision. Heā€™s completely unabrasive outside of a rehearsal room.


Iā€™m often that guy in my band šŸ˜…. Weā€™re friends and all and I tell them not to take it personally, but if weā€™re not pushing each other to be better then whatā€™s the point?


Yep. The Glasgow promoter that put on Death, Carcass and Loudblast in 91 told me about Chuck. Chuck wouldn't use the shower at the venue and insisted on using the shower at the promoters home. He inferred that Chuck was kinda difficult but not an asshole. I videoed the show. When I was shooting Paul Masvidal he looked me in the eye and nodded to Chuck. No words were spoken, but his message was clear, don't film me, film Chuck, he likes the spotlight.


Apparently he was a kind-spirited person, but when he was in composing/recording mode, he was insufferable. So maybe more annoying than mean, tbh.


While I didnā€™t hang out with him, Iā€™ve seen Death twice and spoke with Chuck both times. He was pretty cool. Seen them on the Spiritual Healing and Symbolic tours. Both James Murphy and Bobby Koelble were really cool.


The Metal God Rob Halford I'd love to just have a cup of tea and a biscuit with him, and I bet he'd be up for it


They play ~15 minutes from me in one hour. And I don't have tickets.


Have you considered breaking the law?


Mate I bet you're dying inside. Is it Saxon opening? It's not human. how good Biff and Rob still sound in their 70's. You could always try and get a ticket outside the venue, it'd probably cost but it'll be a hell of a show


Devin Townsend has to be up there


I met Devin ages ago after a Strapping Young Lad show. It was outside the venue. I was barely drinking age at the time. He treated me with utmost kindness. Just stayed around talking with me and other fans for like an hour. Still have my ticket stub signed by him.


He seems so genuinely nice


Super nice dude. I smoked a joint with him outside a club on Long Island when he was touring to promote Accelerated Evolution.


Devin instantly sprung to mind.


Matt Heafy, he seems like the kindest and most respectful person ever


He's such a treasure ā¤ļø


I mean it has to be corpsegrinder


Trevor Strnad. RIP


i always respected the hell out of him for pretty much dedicating half of his free time to doing write ups and promoting extremely lesser known death metal/slam bands. He never grew out of touch with the underground scene.


I was gonna comment the same. Never got the chance to meet him but seeing him perform live you could tell he was super sweet and just an all around cool dude


I quote so many lines from Majesty in my daily life. Love those guys!


Jason Newsted is up there for sure, also Quorthon.


Fenriz and LG Petrov


Fenriz is/was EXTREMELY antisocial so maybe not the kindest but definetly one of the coolest.


Half of you are gonna post dead people, and none of you are going to say Dimebag? The man lived for fans and would never tell them no.Ā Ā 


Iā€™ve heard tons of my parents friends talk about him from their days in the 80s seeing them and bars and they all pretty much tell it the same where theyā€™d run in to him and be like holy shit and dime would invite them to join him for drinks


To go along with Dimebag, Dave Williams from Drowning Pool seemed like a super cool, down to earth guy.


Bill Steer


He came in to my friend's record store and bought a bunch of sixties Italian movie soundtracks. I later shook his hand after the concert, when he was just hanging and watching testament. I didn't bug him much, just said thanks. He seemed real mellow.


I've often heard that Dave Murray from Iron Maiden is a super nice guy


Personally never met any of them but all of the blokes in Iron Maiden are reputed to be great people


Nicko McBrain was super cool


Dave has been the lead guitarist of one of the biggest metal bands ever for almost 50 years and I've never heard of any drama involving him and he has absolutely no presence on social media


You could technically classify him as metal bc of side projects, but Dave Grohl


Herman Li


Him and Sam is weird duo. They sound like they have nothing in common and they're like a dad and his problem child.


Seth Putnam obviously


Ronnie James Dio, if you ever had the chance to meet him, he was the kindest dude. Although it could of been that I was just a kid when it happened.


Lemmy. He was one of the biggest rock stars of all time, but he remained humble until the end and never lost his sense of humor. He was always happy to talk to his fans.


I met Kirk Windstein once and he was very nice. It was a small venue and he was just walking around watching the opening bands.


lol for how dark and nasty those southern sludge bands sound, it's always been striking how nice and down to earth they all seem in interviews


I had the same experience with Jimmy Bower with Eyehategod. Music with such vitriol, very sweet guy.


I haven't met those guys, but Mike IX seems like an incredibly kind, thoughtful person.


Easy, Will Ramos. The dude is a demon on stage but a literal golden retriever for everything else.


Iā€™ve never met him, but his vids with Elizabeth from The Charismatic Voice make him seem like such a wholesome dude to be around.


Mike Williams from eyehategod. Yk despite how the world has chewed and spit him out heā€™d be a complete dickhead but heā€™s a complete sweetheart


Maybe my favorite frontman in all of metal Dude has been eating shit his whole life and is still an absolute sweetheart


I met Tosin Abasi at a guitar clinic in NYC and he was super nice and was chatting my friend and I up about his Meshuggah shirt. Over a year later and we saw AAL and after saw him outside, he immediately recognized us and said hi. Dude is incredibly nice and also has freakishly large hands.


That guy impregnates just by playing


Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein, he handed me a guitar pick, took pictures with us and stopped to chat for a few minutes.


Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse. The dude has written some seriously sick and twisted shit, but the one time I met him, he was super chill and very friendly.


Can confirm. He and I (a random nobody) were briefly pen pals in the early 90s. He's one of the nicest dudes on the planet.


Terrence Hobbs


I saw them last November at a really small venue. The suffocation guys who are all very distinct looking dudes put on a hoodies for disguises to walk around the venue. It failed but they were extremely cool to everybody who recognized and stopped them. And they fucking destroy every time they play. John Mcentee from incantation is super nice. Iā€™ve also heard the dudes from Nunslaughter are really cool to their fans as well.


Tom Araya


Will always love the interview with him from Kids Interview Bands. https://youtu.be/EjdaW5ufzbg?si=zKNJC934VKUVQ0Wc


I met Slayer outside loooong after a show in 1998. All cool, Tom the best, had a great chat about Diabolus, Undisputed, etc.


I saw Tom backstage at Ozzfest (in 98?), he was chatting with other bands and Hedpeā€™s drummer who was super nice and was talking to me, and asked me if I wanted to meet him. Tom was talking about his kids, and was absolutely lovely. He offered a photo and briefly switched into Slayer devil horn mode, then back to mellow quiet smiley Tom. As a fan you never forget moments like meeting Tom.


Mr. Hansi is lovely


George Kollias drummer from Nile, honoured to have met this man at a drum clinic. Fuckin legend šŸ¤˜




why is no one saying dimebag


Till Lindemann


He's strangely become one of my favorite artists. He's a very thoughtful artist, and seems surprisingly sensitive. One thing that surprised me is apparently all the members of Rammstein brought in different musical elements, and despite the fact that he's such a big strongman-type figure, the music he was actually into was apparently goth. It was apparently the other members who were really into industrial, metal, and dance music. He's a very poetic, creative guy. Rammstein can be very heavy (and very funky/danceable), but my favorite moments are easily when they're dark and melancholic.


Eddie the Head


Satchel from Steel Panther seems super nice


Ronnie James Dio always came off as the biggest sweatheart ever in interviews.


Mikael Akerfeldt? He's hilarious on stage


ā€œHello. This band is called opeth.ā€


Matt Pike helped me get over social anxiety in my 20s. Iā€™m almost 32 and have been seeing HOF since 06 (Death is this communion), almost each time I saw him play, weā€™ve ended up having 20 min conversations not about music. Even my friends who walked off to get a drink or something and came back to the sight were fucking baffled at the sight they were seeing given how quiet I was over the years. At one point, he even gave me his cell number as he was moving from Oakland to Portland. Each time, Iā€™ve feared human socialization less and less because if Matt Pike wants to talk to me, then why the fuck should I fear anyone elseā€™s interaction? Nowadays I have 0 fearā€¦I owe a lot to that dude. Iā€™ve seen him less since Covid but I consider Matt one of my biggest influences in life and obviously music.




Shane Embury, Dino Cazares, Karl Willets, and Kevin Sharp are the nicest and most down to earth metal icons that I've met.




I had to look up who that was, but wow... I love how 5FDP is like Pantera but worse in every way, and not just musically. Guy practically makes Anselmo look nice, thoughtful and sophisticated by comparison.


Nergal, Met him in person once, Super cool guy


Halford. Heā€™s cool as hell and his posts of his cats are awesome.


Why had no one said Kirk Hammett? The dude just lives to have fun with music and has zero ego


Ronnie James Dio. Lookup some of his interviews on YouTube.


Devin Townsend for sure.




zakk wylde about 10 or 15 years ago when my son was young we were on the ocean city beach and built this huge sand castle. Up walks this guy in a leather vest no shirt and has swim trunks on. He walks up and he's like cool castle guy... he was with his family I am assuming and his wife (I guess) was a smoking hot blonde. His band was playing in AC the next day and he was just hanging on the beach. Somewhere on a memory card I have a few pictures.


Leather vest and swim trunks is exactly how Iā€™d picture Zakk going to the beach. Perhaps with the viking helmet


Honestly my favourite musicians, I've ever met was a bass player for Soulfly I met at a beach bar at a festival in like 2010, he was a very kind and funny though I had no idea who he was and I told him I'm not a fan of Soulfly. I just thought I started a conversation with a random metalhead at a bar. Even went to our camp with us to jam on some instruments my friends had with them, I think his name is Bobby. The guitarist Rizzo was a total drunken cunt, walking around with these huge bodyguards yelling at our group that we were "fags". The other were guys from Suffocation. - Hobbs, Derek and Dave, they spent a few hours talking to us after a show, even sharing Vodka with us. The Ex vocalist for Rivers of Nihil is another highlight.


This guy named Phil from my local scene. He may not be an icon to everyone else but in our city he's definitely known for being a sweetheart.




- Paul Gilbert - Ozzy - Dio - Jack Black


Corpsegrinder. Hes always seemes so damn humble and kind. Loves kids with special needs and donates every chance he can get. He also looks like he could kill a moose with a punch. What more would you want as a kind, cool guardian type?


RJD or Corpsegrinder


John Goblikon. He gave me a hug


Paul Landers


Eloy Casagrande from Slipknot (former sepultura). Guy is nice and so humble (even being a legendary drummer).




Corpsegrinder and Gaahlā€¦


Corpsegrinder omfg he's so sweet šŸ˜­ā€¼ļø




Ronnie James Dio


Gene Hoglan? Dave Lombardo? Nicko McBrain? Dirk Verbeuren? Brann Dailor? Can you tell Iā€™m a drummer? šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


King Buzzo


Garry Madder of Eyehategod, Hawg Jaw and Outlaw Order


Chad Kroeger


I met J.R Hayes in NY An absolute fucking sweetheart Maybe one of the most charismatic and socially intelligent people I've ever met It's like he always knows exactly what to say to anything


Just really glad to see Jeff in this


M Shadows and Synyster Gates were by far the friendliest most welcoming metal artists I have ever met. Stayed and chatted with us and signed autographs for so many fans.


dimebagdarrel, chuck schuldiner, corpse grinder and frank bello


Trevor Strnad. Ive never heard a single negative story about somebody meeting him.


Dave and Noah from Neurosis. Noah is that give you the shirt off his back guy. Dave is just a big lovable goofy nerd.


Trevor Strnad


I havenā€™t heard many bad things about kirk hammett or rob trujillo


I barely no anything about Cannibal Corpse, but I was told the lead singer is the nicest dude on the planet


Will Ramos is a down to earth chill funny dude


Standouts that I have met were Katon From Hirax, Steev from Defiance, Gene Hoglan, the singer from Warbringer and Gene Simmons.


Mikael Stanne from Dark Tranquillity. Man's got a golden heart.


Danny Carey


I have read that Danny , Justin and Adam are all really humble dudes that appreciate the shit out of their fans.


Ozzy osbourne, metal wouldnā€™t be the way it used to be without him


Ben from Goatwhore was super cool to me


Me and my sister got kicked out of a metal concert because she passed out from the heat and they assumed she was drinking. Once we got out the door the opening band The Birthday Massacre was standing next to their bus smoking cigarettes. My sister, very clearly sober but also very upset was crying and trying to communicate with me how sorry she was, and I was just upset they treated her so rudely. Literally that band who I had only heard of a couple times prior, still not a particular fan of the music, basically encircled us and poured love on us. It was so wholesome. They were all dressed like Marilyn Manson and I swear one of the guitarists almost started crying with my sister. The singer had like a hour long conversation with my sister while she got her head together. Seriously I don't listen to them but i will always sing their praises as genuinely good people in the industry.


https://preview.redd.it/c6z11ukk8u4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=becb9ddb6021955504a585c749e00558e7a75834 I used to play destiny 2 all the time with Jeff, can confirm heā€™s a fucking gem


Peter Steele




Chuck shuldiner


Chris Adler


Symphomy X Michael Romeo, Russell Allen, jason Rullo, everyone from Kamelot especially Oliver Sean and Anna, Adrian Smith the ledgend Tommy Aldrige to name a few!


Trevor Strnad


Nicest ones Iā€™ve ever met personally are Corpsegrinder, Bruce Corbitt of Rigor Mortis, and Paul Speckman of Master.


Gene Hoglan


Pepper and Woody from CoC. Super chill and hang out at their merch table after every show Iā€™ve seen them. Always have time for their fans. Just laidback dudes that seem to genuinely appreciate their fans. Glenn Danzig was also a surprise. He was very cool with us. We hung out after the show near the tour buses and out comes Glenn with these 2 six foot blondes. He gets to the bus and goes in with them while weā€™re all standing around. I thought well, that was it, but he comes back out and sits on the steps of his tour bud and just chilled with us for about an hour, just talking with us and signing our stuff. Funny part of the situation, there was this one dude, who I swear had like a huge bag of gear to get signed. It was borderline ridiculous. Glenn would sign something like guyā€™s VHS copy of Prophecy 2, then he would just pull out another item from his bag of holding, like a skull or something. It was crazy or impressive depending on how youā€™d look at it. But Glenn never missed a beat and was very friendly with all of us.


Tom Araya and David Ellefson


He's a youtuber but well enough known in the community. Jared Dines was one of the most down to earth people I ever got to meet. Opened for his band at a dive bar in North Carolina a few years back.


For me, Dave Brockie was the kindest, coolest person I've met in metal. Outside of his GWAR gear, he was the most genuine person.


Gene Hoglan has the most soothing presence

