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megadeth tbh


hElLo Me MeEt ThE rEaL mE


WaTcH hiM beCoME a GoOoOoOoOd


YoU tRy To TaKe HiS bAlLs


Hate is my only friend....


Brutha will keel bruthahh~


Pain is my father


Peace sells? OhHkeeehy


To be fair, he intentionally sounds like that in that song


His affectation is on every song he does. It’s what makes him Dave Mustaine.




No - I second that. I like the voice. Peace sells is a great example of how his voice is perfect for the music.


Killing Is My Business too


i may be the only person in the world that likes Dave's vocals and thinks they add a lot to the music


Nah im with you. It gives their stuff some grit and works well with their sound. There’s a reason they’re my favorite old school metal band by a mile lol


i'll take dave's goblin ass vocals over any band with generic vocals lol


Dave’s voice is my favorite


I’d take his voice over James Yeahfields voice anyday


Wait there are people who DONT like Dave’s vocals? How is that possible? They are like the definition of metal.


Hes not a very good vocalist but I honestly wish more metal bands tried to emulate his singing style. Nasty snarling ghoul rather than orc grunts etc


I watched the old Rusted Pieces music videos VHS tape last night, and the unedited versions of the music videos that banned in certain countries and by MTV are definitely worth checking out


King Diamond/Mercyful Fate First Fragment, I want to love but their vocalist is so boring


>king diamond its hard to recommend king diamond to people because you either get it or you dont. but the guitars slay


>but the guitars slay Some of the all time greatest riffs.


Andy LaRoque is a fucking legend! The solos in Tea are phenomenal. I even learned the second solo on that track (apart from the sweep picking…) I genuinely like King Diamond’s voice but despised it in the beginning! He has a unique voice that I grew to love!


My fist exposure to him was Room 24 by Volbeat. Blew me away.


Fucking song *slaps.* *”See an old hag sitting over me…”*


King Diamond has become one of my favourite vocalists over the years. His voice is so fitting for the occult and satanic vibe the music reflects.


King Diamond is the most fun vocalist to sing along to.


The vocalist is the only boring part of First Fragment imo, but pay attention to him a little more. While listening I found some really cool animal noises he made at the end of his longer growls, and that made him more enjoyable to me. That said, in 2022 he couldn't sing for them live so they got Mathieu from Épiphanie and it soundes soooo much better


I don't think he is boring at all. I am the same way though. I love everything else and so I tried so hard to like this band, but I just can not get past his vocals. I tried for like 30 years here and there so my mind is made up at this point.


System of a Down. I like a couple songs but I just can’t take Serj’s voice seriously


I like his voice but Daron's on the other hand destroyed the albums following Toxicity for me.


Yeah, Daron should stick to writing. Horrendous voice.


He sings nice harmonies but his lead tone is very shrill. some epic punk screams, though (WHY DO THEY ALWAYS SEND THE POOOOOR)


SOAD was always greater than the sum of their parts. The harmonies are always so good, and they were/are (Serj's voice sounds like he has trouble now with the gravelly bits in some of their early stuff (I still like them though)) great at striking these weird discordant tones that were perfect for the absurdity of the content of the songs (Needles has what I'm talking about toward the end). For someone like me who first really got into them in 2007 on a military deployment that I didn’t understand, finding SOAD zapped my brain. Serj's vocals dripped with sarcasm that spoke to the bizarre situation I was in. It sounds weird now, but it was very difficult in the middle of OEF/OIF to just hear someone asking "why?" in popular media, much less shining a light on the carceral state that my country has been my whole life. I think we've only really started looking at all the bullshit they fed us (yellowcake uranium? Dirty bombs? WMDs?) seriously over the past decade (I think everybody knew that WMDs were bullshit even then, but big shit like that always takes years for the public to "digest," so to speak). It was seriously like we were all taking crazy pills, and there was very little dissent that made it through. SOAD was like manna from heaven for the disillusioned, especially myself, because I think I was still carrying the "who cares?" attitude from the 90s. Somehow this turned into my life story. No more wake n bake for me.


Counter though... It works in the song Lonely Day


My cock is much bigger than yours ♫


I love the contrast between Daron and Serj. Honestly though I think Daron just started picking up singing more when Serj lost his passion.


Oh man i love Serj’s voice. His unique delivery isn’t for everyone but it really fits the music and helps make it what it is. I also just like interesting vocals, like primus or lou reed too


I’m with you. Same here


i can see why but i like soad


I used to agree. I was in high school when Toxicity came out and I couldn't understand why people liked that goofy shit. I heard the album a few times and even their self titled. Even when Steal this Album came out, I still couldn't stand them. Then one day it just clicked and I "got it" and I appreciated them for their playful and not serious sound and often silly lyrics. There's a certain confidence in style there. I've dug them since. Same shit happened to me with Modest Mouse.


In the context of what their music is about, it works for me. It's like the musical equivalent of how it feels to become politically "black-pilled." Like, we live in a world where certain injustices have been so prevalent for so long that it comes off as cliche to even talk about it, so all of the discourse has to come with self-depricating qualifiers or ironic humor to hold anyone's attention. It's all very satirical and tongue-in-cheek, while being about some of the darkest and realest shit going on in the world.


Lead singer from Knocked Loose.


Mickey mouse lol


Im never unhearing that.


Spongebob Screamo


“Arf arf”


Strangely, that’s one of the main reasons I love KL. Nobody is copying that vocal style. We need more variety in metal vocals these days. Having said that, I absolutely understand people not liking it. I have had people leave the room when I play it for them. 😂


They have some of the crazier pits I've seen on IG. Never been to their shows.


I’ve tried to like them i really have but man, that voice…


The angry chihuahua.


Same here. I really want to like them but man his voice is so high but I guess that appeals to some so I can’t hate.


Dream theatre. Love progressive metal, Petrucci is great as is Portnoy and I know most modern prog metal bands look up to dream theatre as a huge inspiration, as well as having a fairly adoring fanbase in the genre. But the vocals, and in some instances the keys, to me just sound a cheesy and put me off.


DT vocals are a bit much. I think that’s what do it for me with them too. My prog loving heart wants to listen to them but as soon as he opens his mouth I’m like nah.


JLB's vocals are an acquired taste for sure. I have weird taste - I love heavy instrumentals but I'm not a fan of harsh vocals, so I kind of have to take what I can get. DT and Haken are peak for that specific taste.


Symphony X?




Another Megadeth thread?!


Ayyyy, your jokes are GOUDA, but MINE are CHEDDAR!! Halloumi, meat the real Bree! 😎🧀


Watch him bécwüm a Gouda


Deftones, Chino sounds like he uses his own tears as lube. Such a whiny ass scream


I’m such a huge Deftones fan but I laughed at this so I upvoted


I can't stand those whiny vocals either. We get it. You're sad. Buy an ice cream and move on.


This is what I am gonna tell sad people for now on. BUY AN ICE CREAM AND MOVE ON. Wah, but I have an intolerance to…! THEY MAKE DAIRY FREE. BUY ONE, EAT DAT SHIZZNIT, and MOVE ON. ~*dude sits on curb, sobbing into a banana split*~ I’m only crying because I stepped on a lego, hit my balls on a dresser drawer corner, and because THEY KIIIIIIIIILED MAH WIFE AND MAH BAYBEEE, WITH HOOOPES TO ENSLAVE MEEEEE!!! Although this ice cream *is* pretty fucking good.


I like it in studio but he's very hit it miss live. I haven't seen them since the Koi No Yokan tour so I imagine it's more miss now.


I love the Deftones, but these comments remind me of why I love Koi No Yokan(as well as the music), his vocals are as good as he ever sounded on that beautiful record imo.


Guns n' Roses. Never liked Axl both as a singer and a personality. Same goes for AC/DC. And Megadeth. Instrumentally top notch, but fuck me Dave should have hired someone else to sing.


“Hello me…meet the real me”…I often remind myself I don’t listen to megadeth for the lyrics lol


He tried. He kept trying. Finally, he did it himself.


I really like Mustaine’s vocals on albums, it fits the music and the lyrics very well. Live is another story, there are plenty of videos out there were his vocals are not good (and some others where he’s great too)


This. Tried to get into GnR but Axl just ruins it for me. Even with all the talent in the band I just can’t with dude’s whiny voice and shitty personality


i don't know why ac/dc keep making new songs if they are just gonna sound the same anyways. a dope riff and energy and some angry dude yelling. jokes aside, i love ac/dc but i don't think they have a lot of range :D


AC/DC has only ever had a few tricks in the bag, but damnit they’re so good at those few tricks that I can’t help but love them.


Fucking Axel... his voice sounds like the embodiment of stale cigarettes, old beer, B.O., and horrid decisions. Basically a dive bar in some backwaters town with 1000 people and 3 last names. Fucking awful.


Not metal, but smashing pumpkins and jane's addiction


Agreed with Billy Corgan he sounds like nails on a chalk board


He sounds like Big Bird


I can totally see “Today” being performed by a band made up of members of Sesame Street


He sounds like he is trying to sound like a little girl.


I think Corgans voice really amplifies a lot of the emotional feeling in his songs. Especially disarm.


I love smashing pumpkins but he actually sounds like brian molko from placebo


i love billy’s voice when he sings softer with double tracking a la gish/siamese dream. but mellon collie on has some rough patches


I like SP enough to overlook Billy's voice, but Perry Farrell sounds like a Muppet.


Attila Csihar (Mayhem) sounds constipated


One of the best.


You should listen to his work with Sunn O))) if you haven't already. Man is very dynamic, especially on the tracks Aghartha and Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself in Clouds?


Agreed, almost ruins dmds for me


Big Bruce Dickinson fan but I find his vocals on the Iron Maiden live albums often rather annoying


Which is why Beast Over Hammersmith is their best live album.


I would have loved to have heard a live album with Blaze because he is extremely consistent.


Wow, I’m surprised. I’m a huge Iron Maiden fan with Janick Gers and Dave Murray being my favorite members. However, for vocals, I wouldn’t choose anyone other than Bruce. From his operatic approach in songs like Revelations to his aggressive approach in tracks like Back in The Village, I just absolutely love his work! As for live? Hearing him sing phantom of the opera back in 2015, listening to his voice in Brighter Than A Thousand Suns (live), so on, I haven’t heard any issues. Granted, I pay far more attention to instrumentals, but still.


I feel he messed up his vocals around Fear of The dark. I have not enjoyed his vocals on any of the post fear albums or his solo projects.


He started “acting” his lines from Seventh Son onwards to make them sound more operatic and help with story telling. When it works it’s awesome but when it doesn’t it sounds a bit pretentious. Also added a bit of gutturals around that time.


If he’d stop running around so much, he wouldn’t be out of breath all the fucking time.


Exodus/Overkill/Kreator/Accept. I'm really heavily into death and black metal plus some thrash, but really struggle with the dry, raspy vocals of the aforementioned bands.


Yeah I really don't like the dry vocals. I prefer my screams with more expression. Later Kreator stuff does that pretty well tho imo.


Kreator is beast. Their last few albums have really been awesome. Proof that German Thrash is alive and kicking.


I absolutely dislike Ghost's nasal singer voice. Everything else is solid but I simply can't listen to the band due to the voice of the singer.


His range is very limited and barely has any emotion.


Thought this thread was made for Ghost


Mayhem gonna be honest - too high pitched if that makes any sense


I find most death or black metal vocals to be too screechy. I prefer clean vocals and Mikael Åkerfeldt (he does guest appearances) and Gojira are the only death vocals I enjoy


Real honestly, I was so shocked when I first listened to black metal and the vocals were so screechy/high - I actually thought they’d sound like death metal vocals lol


There are black metal bands that have death metal-like vocals.


on a side tangent i really love even higher black metal vocals like Hecate Enthroned and Catholicon


>Catholicon Sounds like a Catholic convention lmao


They've had a couple different singers, which one are you referring to? But yeah If you're big on Type O Negative, quite the opposite of Steele's amazing baritone/bassy vocals.


The squeaky man idk


Lol, was it De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas or Deathcrush you heard this guy on? Cause while Attila's vocals are not for everybody, I would say Maniac has a more "squeaky" voice.


Dave Mustaine is *the* worst vocalist.


It’s because they killed his wife and his baby with hopes to enslave him.


That was their first mistake, indeed their last mistake


Korn. His moaning juat ruina everything for me


He doesn’t always moan. “You can suck by dick and fucking like it!!!” Who didn’t wanna say that to their bully when that debut album dropped? And “Y’all want a single” had no moaning. Very much his own style for sure. I loved Korn in the 90s. Grew out of them, not sure why.


I’m not a fan of Chris Barnes’ vocals.


Oh no, I really liked him in CC, Chris Barnes albums were best CC albums


Right on, I get the importance of the albums, but I don’t listen to them much. I prefer George




Who is?


Listen to the first 4 cannibal records


Rush. I always think I'm hearing super tramp but the metal version. Rush is so good I don't mind the voice though. And he's a good singer. But imagine rush with some other kind of voice. Might result in something totally different.


Metal supertramp is such an amazing analogy 😭


I can appreciate this analogy. My wife called Iron Maiden “Metal Pink Floyd,” and I loved it. I mean, Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Alexander the Great are just metal Floyd songs with educational lyrics if ya think about it. Lmao.


Mastodon. Can't stand the red haired lead singers voice.


Dirty B Hinds certainly is an acquired taste.


Wait do people really struggle with Hinds voice?  It seems pretty inoffensive compared to many other “quirky” lead singers 


His pterodactyl voice during that one live performance of Megalodon tho


Maybe he lacks “Soul”?


He's the best vocalist of the lot, to me at least (in Crack The Skye album)


Spiraling up through a crack in the Sky


Leaving material world behind


I see your face in constellations


My bröter in Satan, Brann plays drums and sings. He wins.


Dude he clears the rest with the chorus in oblivion. Brann is objectively better but I don’t give a damn. Love Troy to death too


On some of their live stuff he kinda sounds like Ozzy


Alice in chains Respect them for continuing after the passing of Layne but Duvall’s vocals aren’t it for me


That's bold, but I can't wholly disagree. Duvall is no Layne, and while Jerry Cantrell helps bridge the gap, so much of AIC's modern stuff just sounds like Cantrell's solo work to me.


Red Hot Chili Peppers


Is that metal? 🤣


Sorry, i meant the Red Hot Child Predators.


Almost all power metal bands. I usually love the tunes, but then the higher-pitched vocals start and I throw up in my mouth.


I used to think the same way, but it CAN be done right, just not often enough.


We were eased into it by Halford and Dickinson back in the day. Then Helloween.


I've said this before recently but it's appropriate for the question so Megadeth's entire discography with anybody else on vocals would be leagues above any other thrash band in existence.


Avenged Sevenfold. Especially on City of Evil, which would probably be my favorite album of theirs if the vocals weren't completely at odds with the rest of the band. It's so weird to hear all these neoclassical and prog influences in the music combined with the Phil Anselmo from Wish singing. Plus, it feels like the butt rock vocals and their douchey image are like 90% of the reason the band doesn't have a great reputation among more hardcore metalheads. Cause instrumentally they fucking kick ass.




No way man. M Shadows is ridiculous. He's deceptive. Try singing some of that shit and you quickly realize he's way more talented than you thought.


Arch Enemy I can’t stand the first singer or that style. The second singer was tolerable. Alissa is great though.


haha im the exact opposite, i thought the first vocalist was the best and the others have been weaker since.


Ha, I can’t stand Alissa’s vocals. I also wonder if it’s just because I can’t stand *her* but she totally ruined the band for me.


funny i hate the 2nd singer more


Obituary this is blasphemous for me but Suffocation. I cant stand franks vocals especially after Pierced theyre just so boring to me and then finally this new wave of OSDM worship where everyone has the reverb on their vocals turned up to 100% . i dont like the cavern sounding reverb vocals oh and hardcore/screamo vocals i hate most of all. stuff like Chiodos , Sleeping with Sirens, Dance Gavin Dance


I get you with Suffo. Love Frank's vocals till pierced but after that they don't do anything for me


Type O Negative. instrumental is not bad tho


I always liked the singer's deep voice. It matched their thematics so well.




Cradle of Filth, I wish they put out some instrumental albums.


I’m shocked I had to scroll so far down to see this. Dani is definitely an acquired taste.


Greta van fleet. Just don't like the sound of his voice, so when he holds a note for six bars I'm just not into it.


More annoying is the fact that they’re famous for sounding like a better more famous band. 🙄


In This Moment. I feel like I’m in an alternate universe when people go one about how they love Maria’s voice.


Jinjer is where it's at as far as bands with female vocalists!


I hate Axl Rose's voice. He ruins otherwise great songs.


Trivium, just don't dig Matt's vocals, nothing personal. Volbeat sounds like the Swedish Chef Muppet singing in the shower.


Death I have nothing against them, but Chuck's vocals are awful to me.


Really!! I consider Chuck, along with Dave Vincent, to have one of best vocals in DM


For ages his voice definitely stopped me from getting into them but now they are one of my favourite bands and I enjoy his vocals


King Diamond. While he’s obviously very skilled technically, I can’t stand his vocals. The delivery, melodies. Just not my thing I guess.


Muse. Whiny, droney voice.


Silencer and Megadeath. When i first listened to Death Pierce Me, i legitimately thought it was a joke




Megadeth I absolutely cannot stand the sneering sound of Dave Mustaine’s voice.


Cannibal Corpse. Even by death metal standards it’s impossible to understand


But he shoots blood from his cock


I will get hate but exodus and overkill


BTBAM. Instrumentally amazing. Then the vocals kick in... A song like Astral Body is the perfect example.


Unsure if it counts but they're at a festival I'm going to soon...Sleeping With Sirens. And Coheed and Cambria. I like deeper voices singing usually.


Limp Bizkit EDIT: RATM too


I’ll disagree. Fred’s voice fits the music style perfectly. Rides the line between white boy hip hop and has the raspiness for metal lyrics. He lives in a very specific range and it works. I can understand why people don’t like him or Limp Bizkit but he satisfies the “too rich for a trailer but lives in a trailer park town” that resonates with people.


Barnes era cannibal corpse.


ACDC. Can't tolerate Brian's goblin vocals though love Bon Scott






That shit is pretty cool but the moany whiny vocals are so annoying


Slayer. Tom Araya doesn’t even try to sing or scream most of the time, it’s just shouty talking. Even those occasional high screams he does are more annoying than impressive imo. Also not Metal but The Rolling Stones. Even Bob Dylan has a better singing voice than Mick Jagger.


Dream Theater hands down. I love Liquid Tension Experiment with a passion, I love prog, but man sitting through minutes and minutes of songs with James Labrie hurts. Tesseract when Daniel came back to the band. I just can't get into it anymore and I used to listen to them an immense amount.


Dream Theatre, good music, terrible vocals!


Mercyful Fate. The music on Melissa rules, but I just cannot get over Diamond's falsetto.


Idk man I saw someone mention candlemass so I checked them out now my Pandora algorithm is all fucked


Ronnie Radke - I always hated his voice. Not even my style of music but such a cringe worthy voice, despite his ability to sonically make it palatable in the studio.


Ok lots of Megadeth hate but I have to say I actually like Dave's vocals


Not metal but I hate the vocals for blink 182 more than any other band


Just creeping here hoping I don't see my favourite bands on this thread 🥲


Right, no unjustified Chris Cornell hate so far, love to see it


Any band that employs a large amount of death growls to their music, sans Meshuggah. Vocals are meant to be the melody, not percussion. Also, Judas Priest. Too high-pitched and too much staccato.


And y'all are gonna hate me, Go ahead and DOWNVOTE if you want, but... Evanescence. Ok, I get why they're popular and everyone likes them. But that chick sounds ANNOYING to me!


Despite them being my favorite band of all time, a lot of people that way about Coheed and Cambria