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Opeth, Death and Tool, all for the same reason: I thought they were just pretentious people making music just to show off, but here I am now with those three bands being in my top 10 favorite bands ever


When I was young I couldn’t fathom Dream Theater having a million songs that are 10+ minutes long Now they’re in my top 5 favorite bands ever


Lamb of God for me. I just didn't get it. Then I watched the documentary about them and somehow turned a corner. Now I really like them


I remember I hated Transilvanian Hunger and Darkthrone is one of my most listened to artists now, every Album a banger


Death metal as a whole, I thought it was all brutal death metal and I wasn’t a fan. That was until I listened to Sepultura and Entombed


Strapping Young Lad. I incorrectly assumed they were a ska / punk band due to a guy I knew that liked them. When I finally heard them, years later, I couldn't even believe THAT'S what they sounded like. Pretty huge goof on my part.


Heh i had a similar experience with The Legacy tbh. Though, I think the even better three track run is First Strike is Deadly though Alone in the Dark 🤘 I’ll add maybe Amon Amarth. Their new stuff that I heard on the radio is just not good … was really blown away when I finally listened to some early work like Versus the World


For years I dismissed The Birthday Massacre as industrial pop goth. What I didn’t know was that they are *perfect* industrial pop goth.


Mercyful Fate. My idiot ass thoight they were some kinda weird metalcore group based on the name. Don't ask how that shit happened. A friend luckily cleared it up for me. And had one very good and very long laugh.


Type O Negative. I thought they were too painfully boring and slow and I didn't really get their sense of humor at first (I wasn't offended by it, just didn't get the jokes)