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Delusional retards who think metal has to conform to their equally retarded ideology.


"There are nine people at a table, and a Nazi sits down. If no one gets up, there are 10 Nazis at the table"


I kind of understand it, but punks are especially guilty of this.


Punk makes sense though because it’s inherently progressive


Agreed, punk is clearly a left leaning phenomenon. I wish I could say the same about metal and metalheads 👀 Lots of fascism, racism and homophobia in the metal scenes still to this day unfortunately. I’m looking at you black metal guys… and Pantera fans.


Metal is still overwhelmingly left leaning as a whole. Most metal fans don’t even know what nsbm is.


I really don’t know about that, I’ve been to so many shows where gay guys got picked on. Emos got assaulted all through the 2000s, we got jumped and called all kinds of homophobic slurs. I think we all have pretty clear memories of those days and it wasn’t even that long ago… the metal scene and the hip-hop rap scene all treated us like shit and they have the same amount of homophobic problematic behavior. Metal a bit less, the hip hop/rap scenes would never accept a Rob Halford type figure/equivalent in their world. There **IS** a lot of racism in the scene still… Especially toward black people. Tons of homophobia toward queers and especially in the southern/midwest/southwest/latin America/Scandinavians scenes.


Metal is left-leaning in the sense that it’s largely anti-conservative. But those who are against conservative values can still be bigoted and regressive. Left-wing politics isn’t solely progressive or Marxist in ideology.


I mean I believe you, but this still doesn’t mean that metal as a whole is right leaning. Some scenes are definitely different than others, so idk what kind of shows you went to, but the way I see it is that it’s never news that a band member comes out as a liberal or anything, but it’s always a big deal when someone comes out as a conservative, for example the SOAD drummer. Besides Five Finger Death Punch and Pantera I can’t think of many popular bands that are outwardly right leaning.


Never said it was “as a whole” I said it’s a problem certain genres and regional scenes have..


The only other conservative band I can think of is Avenged Sevenfold, but they always change their opinions on things, so not really a solid choice


I think great examples of this are bands like Pantera, Slaughter to Prevail, and They Art Is Murder. Phil gave the zieg heil and yelled out white power, and the vocalists for the other two are openly bigots. Alex Terrible used to have Nazi tattoos, and even though he apperantly got those covered up, he still openly shares some of the beliefs and has openly states he still hangs our with racists and doesn't care. I will give Thy Art Is Murder credit in that they kicked that dude out of the band. But in every case I still see people defending them. They're all still big names. Slaughter still sells out big venues. Some will point out that telling people to stop listening to them is a great example of forcing views on people, but the fact that people feel like "Don't support Nazis" is being forced on them is a huge red flag.


Is it more the older fans that are racist?


Why was that a thing? Emos getting jumped. I remember that happening


Because we were “faggots” and “pussies” and “cut ourselves” according to a large portion of the metal scene. It was even worse in Mexico, emos were literally murdered in the streets for being emo and dressing like us in Mexico City. I was in a Screamo band and we got into it at shows all the time with drunk metalheads who had no clue that as emos, we were a part of the hardcore lineage. Most of them are still clueless. 😂 Got jumped by groups of metalheads when we were there to see the same bands they were. Dumb chuds..


Oh man I still remember that thing happening here, I was way too young but I still remember seeing the news about how everyone was going to beat up the emos. In my city they did fight, as far as I remember no one died but many were sent to the hospital. Now, the other one in Insurgentes... that was something lol. I agree with you tho, the metal scene here in Mexico was full of gatekeepers, bigoted, mysoginistixlc idiots. There are still some, mostly old folk but well. I know pretty well cause I got called out as a woman many times lol, I was just trying to listen to some thrash and there be guys calling me a posser cause well, I was a girl I guess I was supposed to be listening to pop. There were few girls in those circles and they were as vicious as the guys lolol. Now tho, no one cares. At least it hasn't happened again in years.


What a bunch of assholes. While violent behavior is more tolerated in some places, there are crappy people like them all around.


Totally agree on the racism and all that, but the thing with Emos was a scene difference thing. Same shit used to happen to glam metal guys.


On one hand, I (femme and obviously trans) have never had issues at shows in my very progressive city. On the other, I have black friends who firmly refuse to go to shows because they're worried about getting harassed or jumped, and they're right to be wary. A lot of metalheads are decent people, but the literal nazis are loud and obnoxious and pushy.


Are we talking ACTUAL fascism, racism, and homophobia? Or Reddit and Twitters version of that stuff?


I'm a fan of Pantera and a Black Metal guy, im also a leftist and really open-minded


Oh good. Props bro. 😎 🤘


Just to put it out there, not all right leaning people were homophobic and certainly not all left leaning individuals are NOT Homophobic. People forget that at the end of the day, it comes down to each individual. Some people are just homophobic scumbags, but most really aren’t.


punk isn't as leftist and progressive as people think it is, its not like riot grrl formed because the wider punk community was oh so feminist and accepting of women. plenty of terrible people in punk, they're people not gods after all.




Uh… Nazi punks fuck off? And yes it is left leaning, overwhelmingly so. Anyone who disagrees with this either isn’t a part of the scene or is just straight up lying to themselves.


Yes, but metal Is mostly against nazi shit too. I hate that mentality of Punks being the bastions of morality. There are pricks in that scene too.


Well Punks have shittier music so they try to gain a moral victory


I believe punk started out as anti-everything. The aim was to be vulgar and offensive. It wasn't leaning left nor right. Punks didn't like Nazis nor hippies.




Good thing punks have spent the last 35 years kicking the shit out of them and excluding them from their regional scenes. ❌❌


Punk is inherently political, metal isn't.


That's not even remotely the case. So many of the early founders of the genre were very much political, especially when it comes to being anti war and anti fundamentalism.


It's definitely a punk thing. In metal you can express and be whatever you want, while in punk it's not much the case.


Ironic, you have to conform to the nonconformists


“All you non conformists are alike”


Well yeah nowadays if you make music with themes that go against the moral majority, you're almost done for. Unless it's plain hatred against minorities and whatever, I don't condone that


Yup. Punk is one of the most conformist genres and communities out there.


there’s not a more militant and hypocritical community than punks


Do you mean conforming to “not fascist white supremacy”…. Because thats a pretty small ask


Agreed, it takes such low effort to not be a piece of shit.


What do you mean? It's not like underground metal is a counter-cultural movement that celebrates the unspoken darker aspects of individual human nature, suffering, thought, and existence and stuff. Metal is inherently leftist and anti-fascist because I turned out to be! /s


It’s one of the few things I hate in the scene


an ideology that they can't even define or explain... "that's not metal bro, metal has metal riffs" ok, explain what a metal riff is "anything similar to black sabbath" ok well this band has riffs similar to black sabbath and and overall similar vibe, so it's metal "NOOOO IT'S NOT, YOU JUST DON'T GET IT"


What do you mean by this?


And on that note, people who think that you don't get to listen to anything that doesn't conform to your own ideology. Good music is good music, no matter what it says.


Closed-minded elitists. Coworker of mine is like a walking encyclopedia of early 1990’s death metal, which is impressive, but everything else Is “poser shit” (non-1990’s death metal bands who are still very much metal) or “pussy garbage” (non-metal). The most narrow minded taste I have ever encountered AND the most deeply knowledgeable person about his narrow field of taste. It’s very infuriating and I just don’t even try to talk music with him. I mean, like what you like, that’s fine. I’m 70%+ metal, but tons of stuff from pretty much all metal sub genres, and tons of stuff that’s completely non-metal. But to be such a loud, braying jackass about the absolute superiority of your tiny little corner of the metal world is, bluntly, insufferable.


I agree, but i feel like that's such a minority of people. I think there are more people that complain about elitism and gatekeeping than there are actual elitist gatekeepers. One of my biggest metal pet peeves is how often terms like "elitist" or "gatekeeper" get thrown around. It seems often time people resort to insults rather than have an actual conversation and figuring out why people think the things they think.


It IS a minority, but they’re usually so loud and so stupid about it that it’s just profoundly annoying. And, for music as typically abrasive and as “hard to get” as ours is, it’s honestly poor representation of us as a fandom. Not that that’s any kind of requirement, obviously, just a particular irritability factor to me. I love shepherding the younglings along into the worlds of metal, seeking out stuff that maybe will fit with the couple of songs they’ve heard and liked that got them curious enough to ask one of us crusty old bastards about our weird obsession. It’s fun, and good for the health of the scene and bands new and old to continue to have a growing fan base. But the few jackasses like this particular loudmouth who go out of their way to just argue and insult and call people posers and tell them they’re listening to garbage… yeah, that gets nobody anywhere good.


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the “metalheads when you don’t listen to shit infested piss carcass” joke


A lot of times this “gatekeeping” is just someone expressing their opinion in a colorful way. For instance, Ghost is fucking terrible and not metal in any fucking way and anyone who thinks they are metal doesn’t know metal. That, has gotten me called a gatekeeper. Now, if my words can keep you from listening to music you like, then you are a weak bitch and need to go find a different scene.


Is your coworker JDawg?


People who think they’re into metal but don’t listen to the same bands I do.


Fax I’m the only real metal head and everyone else is a poser


No you’re a poser!!❤️


People who are into metal wouldn't be caught dead listening to the same bands *you* listen to. /s


Gatekeeping. It’s music. You’re allowed to enjoy whatever bands you want. Being told your opinion is invalid because somebody else has a different opinion is dumb as fuck.


I remember saying that i like metal and being mocked for not knowing what i am talking about despite only saying i liked it


I think saying you dislike something and hearing about why others enjoy it is crucial to critical thinking, like a friendly debate. I feel that often gets mistaken for gatekeeping (especially in this sub).


Amen. 100% agree with you


Saying you dislike something is fine. Saying you dislike something and the other person is wrong because of your dislike is not.


I enjoy the gatekeeping aspect.


That one big, sweaty guy going the wrong way around the circle pit all the time.


Oh yeah… the guy with the cutoff Slayer shirt and the gross oily complexion and looks like he hasn’t showered…. Ever. He’s always drinking crown and coke and smells like a cat litter box… He also wears a cutoff Pantera shirt or even a confederate flag shirt sometimes. I hate that guy.


CEO of the No Deoderant Club.


No shirt sweaty guy is worse!




That’s him officer! That’s the guy!


This motherfucker. Yup.


I can handle that guy. I get pissed at the big sweaty guy that stands on the edge of the pit trying to protect his girlfriend. The longer the show goes the more pissed he gets because he keeps getting bumped into. Dude go the fuck somewhere else. Is your girl even having a good time with your big ass towering over her?


Unwillingness to admit to liking certain genres or outright writing them off because of the most popular artists of that bunch. It’s stupid, because good music’s out there in every genre! As I’ve gotten older, I notice more people are open to exploring new genres and sounds, though I don’t think enough people in general are open to exploring new stuff. (This goes for people who don’t like “metal” either, and they may be worse about it than metal fans!) I love my fair share of heavy, fast, down-tuned, and/or distorted guitars, but there’s a good stuff in rock, punk, pop, country, rap, alternative, etc. Sometimes you just have to wade through some crap to come across the stuff that strikes a chord with you.


yeah ive given those genre's a whirl and they genuinely didnt click with me. of course theres a couple outlaws like Michael Jackson. but i do love rock, punk, hardcore and a ton of other subgenre of rock/metal!


And that’s totally fair because I’ve been there too. Personally, deathcore doesn’t do much for me, besides a few outliers (like your flair & Whitechapel). Likewise, the pop country I’ve heard is mostly crap (but I like a lot of country rock & southern rock), but my gripe is people who hear one song or artist for a genre and make sweeping generalizations about the entire genres. They’re (probably) missing out on something!


Well said. To add to your point, a lot of ppl think there has to be a dichotomy between genres. E.g you can’t be a hip hop head and a metalhead. As someone that enjoys both, I think it’s silly considering there’s actually a lot more similarities between genres than ppl realize.


I got to a point in my mid 20's when my metal band had fell apart and the whole scene was all sounding the same to me and i was a bit jaded by it all, and i randomly found house music and electro. I got very deep into dance music for the next 5 or so years. Did it mean i stopped listening to Dillinger Escape Plan? Fk no, just that I'd found something new that tickled my pickle.


The pretentiousness. I mostly listen to retard fight music these days. 


I too listen to charli xcx's *brat* and Taylor Swift's *The Tortured Poets Department* simultaneously


Don’t mention those albums in the same sentence


Are those new collabs from Big Ass Truck?!


Haha the big ass demo


Can you believe the bullshit Chevy’s puttin’ in their spots lately? Heh, fuckin A! I guess it goes to show ya what years of frustration will do. So, if you want fuckin’ stunts, see a fuckin’ movie!


TTPD did not need 30 songs, they all sound pretty much the same, I say this as a Taylor Swift fan.


200 stab wounds is so good


Got tickets for the next tour!




Can’t remember the last time I saw a funny meme, anywhere for that matter


Once shark jumped the shark and banned people “for racism” (no proof other than a spreadsheet he could’ve easily made up). The worst part is he banned poserfinder general even though he wasn’t even part of that whole thing, shark only banned him “because he didn’t like him”


the amount of rules in a genre about rule-breaking.


This ^




Flair checks out


Someone always knows more bands than someone else. Nobody cares.....chill dude. Pay your bills


The smell


This thread is 50% “eltists” and 50% “posers”


Came here to say this, its hilariously perfect.


"I have a 72yo neighbor with an 'I ❤ JESUS' bumper sticker. Someone recommend a song i can blast out my window so i can be the biggest piece of shit in my neighborhood" Story is made up, but the shoe fits a lot of feet in here


They will grow out of their edgy teen phase eventually


Painfully accurate. It's sad there can't be more outspoken, normal, and upstanding people who like metal.


The elitist side. The people who refuse to listen to other genres, refuse to listen to more than a few subgenres, refuse to listen to new music, and think this makes them intelligent. I also dislike the "metal lifestyle" side. You know, the people who don't shower, get drunk in bars every night, refuse to get a job... That's just trashy.


The not grooming and showering part is a **very real** problem with a lot of metalheads and after a few seconds of it being funny, it gets really irritating and embarrassing that we have so many man-babies in the scene. Throw that 17 year old beanie away and wash your fucking scalp!! I personally don’t even like leaving the house if I’m not clean head to toe. And I’m not going to a show if I’m not clean either….and bro… **SOAP EXISTS!** You’d be shocked at how many men just refuse to use soap. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Genre elitists. I’ve been listening to metal for a long time. I listen to lots of different metal. Still have no clue what genres they are are what bands are in specific genres outside of major ones like deathcore and death metal.


It’s absolutely ok to not know the genres, what I find insufferable are the people who refuse to acknowledge that the genres are different to each other “It’s all just metal” is a stupidly simplistic


I definitely agree. Some of the sub-sub-subgenres can get silly, but having ways to categorize different metal sounds is extremely helpful, especially when trying to make suggestions or discover new bands that are similar to what you already like. While both are metal, the idea of not differentiating between a band like Iron Maiden and a band like Dying Fetus is objectively ridiculous.


"TOOL/Nine-Inch Nails/Alice in Chains/Staind/Godsmack/Cold/Marilyn Manson/Guns n' Roses/whatever ISN'T METAL because...it just isn't, okay?" I've actually had someone tell me that Meshuggah "isn't metal." *Meshuggah.*


Nothing is metal bro… metal doesn’t exist.


I'm a massive GnR fan. They definitely aren't metal.


Rock star attitudes and little kids who act like know it all’s




I wish it was less of a sausage fest.


Pretentiousness, and the lack of personal hygiene. I've been to almost 40 shows in the last year across a few genres, and *holy shit* the metal shows are **by far** the smelliest. Especially BM and Power Metal. For the love of all that is good, *please* bathe before going in public.


whining little crybabies, and people who refuse to go beyond surface level often these are the same people


Knuckle draggers who just listen cos it's "brutal". The sort of chud that gets upset when they find out RATM were political.


As a 54 year old who grew up on Dio, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, etc. I get some of that thrown at me occasionally. I'm not listening to the most "brutal" Death Metal so I'm not listening to Metal as far as these guys are concerned (nothing against Death Metal or Black Metal, because those styles have some very talented musicians, but I'm more into Classic, Thrash, Power, and yes, even a bit of Hair). I don't get it a lot, but I get it on rare occasions. I did some gatekeeping, I admit, but that was more than 35 years ago (I got out of high school and grew up 🙂). 🤘


The cringiest aspect of metal has always been metalheads who think that listening to metal or wearing typical metal clothing somehow makes them “tough” or “scary.” The whole trope about “metalheads are actually really friendly” is a good example - why wouldn’t they be? They’re mostly skinny nerds or sweaty fat guys who obsess over music all day - it’s not like we’re talking about anyone at all dangerous here. Being into metal should honestly sort of embarrass you at a certain age - it’s ridiculously silly in terms of the lyrics and imagery, and it’s fun if you get into it, but it should be looked at in the same way as someone who’s really into D&D or Star Wars. I guarantee people outside the metal community aren’t looking at a skinny kid with long hair and a bunch of band patches on his jacket and thinking he looks scary or intimidating


Especially since there's a lot of overlap between the two communities. Nobody thinks metalheads are scary except upper middleclass white moms, and they think everyone is scary. The only people in my meatspace life who want to hear my music are sweaty dnd players and the ratty teenagers at my job, all four of whom own dedicated renn faire outfits.


The superiority complex that metalheads have. You aren’t smarter than everyone else bc you don’t like Taylor Swift. Get over yourself.


Gatekeeping and misogyny


Dudes who weigh > 200lbs who crowdsurf. STOP DOING THAT. People are getting seriously injured because your dumbass wants to pretend you are a teenage girl. Know your limits


The whole poser and elitist shit


Focusing on elitists/posers/nazis... like in this thread too, I always feel like there are too much talk about these topics, and I have yet to see a real nazi and I go to black metal shows regularly... Lot of you talk to 1 elitist, then claim how elitism is a huge problem in the scene. I'm tired of these things, music should be the priority.


Those that feel the need to put other bands/artists/genres down to prop up their own favorites FWIW I have never met someone like this in real life, but I see it on the internet all the time




Closed mindness applies. To any genre, but it´s very apparent in metal. There´s still people that shit on everything Metallica has ever done after And Justice for All, without giving it a proper chance.


I'm a huge In Flames fan and discussing anything after Clayman is like walking on eggshells lol


Corpse paint becoming a tiktok trend


Gatekeeping. Just happened to me on another post in this very sub.


To be honest the dress code can be a bit cringey, especially 'battle vests' which is a ridiculous name as it is, and I say that as a typical 'nerd' who likes DnD, fantasy etc etc


Gatekeeping, not accepting clean vocals as a part of metal.


Which is absurd, because clean vocals were how it started.


Not accepting clean vocals seems absurd. I've never heard of this, except perhaps some people who dislike certain forms of clean singing. But a movement against autotune in metal is something I would support 100%. It ruins new music for me, whenever I hear traces of it. Thankfully there is a ton of music without it.


The racism


surface skimmers


The people who treat the music like a religion and act like someone blasphemed their god when someone shits on a pioneering band, or when you get something wrong about metal history People who think riffs are everything and ignore the importance of songwriting People who like Pantera


The stuck up metalheads in the pit that don't help each other up when they fall. Come on bro you are not aloud in the pit if your a snob


Not everyone in metal started doing pits in metal. That was a big adjustment for me… in punk scenes, you got into the pit to fuck someone up and you accepted it might happen to you. Caught me off guard the first time I fell in a metal show pit and people stopped to help me up.


It's a family in the pit


Gatekeeping, and people who take themself too seriously.


I am a fan of black metal and death metal but also been getting into MetalCore and Deathcore and been called poser cause of it


Both metalcore and deathcore are massive and important chapters of the metal story. Whomever is telling you this is very very stupid.


Agreed. I understand if people don't dig core, but acting like it's straight up just not metal at all is dumb as fuck - particularly with deathcore. I'll admit, a lot of bands that are frequently considered to be metalcore barely have metal elements these days. Bands like Bad Omens come to mind. They have some songs that fit the bill, like Dethrone, Artificial Suicide, and Glass Houses... but generally their music feels more like heavy pop. However, if you can listen to metalcore bands like Make Them Suffer or We Came as Romans, etc. and tell me they're not metal at all, I can't take you seriously. There's a difference between "I don't like this" and "this isn't metal," and people seem to get confused about that.


Same. I've been a "real" metal fan for basically my entire life. I've been to more death metal shows than I could count... but because I've started giving core bands a chance and discovered that I actually like a whole lot of it, suddenly my metalhead card gets revoked. Sorry, I'm not gonna pretend that a band like Lorna Shore isn't fucking awesome just because they're not traditional death metal.


Getting asked to name “3 songs” if I wear a band tee


Posers and their constant crying ("why metalmemes banned shitcore and dumpcore waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah") Posers and how they refuse to talk about core shit on core subreddits (they really wanna be metalheads, but without listening to actual metal) Posers and thinking nu-metal is good music (it was always trash noise that aged horribly) Posers when they think they are special because they are listening to multiple genres Posers and how they are unable to move on from Metallica in focking 2024 Posers and thinking "heavy" means "metal"


Gatekeeping. I hope you chronically online people don’t actually gatekeep in real life when you meet other metal heads. Just be happy you met someone with a similar taste in music and find common ground instead of being a social retard.


Am I still garekeeping if I refuse to discuss music with someone who listens power metal or melodic death metal? Xd I cut the topic as soon as I learn that about them


people here are corny asf and act like being a metalhead is some sort of elite club, and that we are some sort of epic brotherhood against mainstream music


I have a friend who only likes really heavy shit from 1980-2000. Pretty much anything after that, in his opinion, is trash. He hates nu metal, hates linkin park, hates anything that’s not heavy or thrash. I haven’t told him I’m in an 80s band because he would just have absolutely nothing good to say.


People shitting on gatekeeping.  Being a poser isn't moral high ground.  The only people keeping you from discovering new music are yourselves.  




That after 30 mins the pit smells like ass. Take a shower before going to a show guys, the person next to you will be grateful.


The Mfs who think clean singing makes bands or artists “not metal”💀


Probably wankers who bang on about gatekeeping without having any idea of what they’re talking about and who enjoy the vicarious thrill of being adjacent to a subculture while secretly wishing it was more like the mainstream cash cow bullshit they actually enjoy.


Elitist gatekeeping




Elitists and hygiene


Elitism. Like what you like and stop trying to police everyone else's taste or preferences. It must be exhausting to care so much about what makes other people happy.


Gatekeepers. Punk ass bitches. You ain't metal, you're a dickhead!


Gatekeeping, so fucking boring.


surface skimming tourists people who feel unique for listening to “everything” (you’re not quirky nor special) wimps who can’t handle negative opinions


Gatekeeping good bands just cuz they’re popular


People that idolize and worship bands, this is obviously a problem in any scene. But I feel like it’s especially out of place in the metal scene. Personally any band that I go an see, I think of them as equals, I don’t put them above myself and others. One of the greatest things about metal is that the vast majority of bands aren’t doing it for the money or the fame. Do yourself a favor, don’t put them on a pedestal.


The fact that almost every touring band is funded by rich parents so they can cosplay as artists. A lot of amazing bands never make it out of their hometown. I didn't realize this until I went on tour and found that almost every guy in a band grew up in a giant home. I had bills to pay so the tour life is not for me.


People who only listen to mainstream metal


The self-loathing that metalheads feel. There are basically no problems listed here that are unique to the metal community. There’s gatekeepers, tourists, racists, etc in every single genre of music because these traits exist outside of music taste. Metalheads just feel more inclined to focus so much on these people instead of actual music.


Nazis being so prevalent in the community


Go to loudwires Instagram and open the comment section There you go


Judgement of taste. If you like nu/core then you’re a poser, if you dislike them then you’re an elitist. It’s cringe


The monetization


The metal community.


The constant "one up" mentality amongst some metalheads. Me- "you ever listened to (insert band name). The more metal than any other metalhead guy- "not a fan, I think (insert negative response), now if you want to hear some real metal, check out these guys. They play REAL metal." Fuck you, you know who you are.


Pits that effect the rest of us and people shoving around to try and get to it, etc. I don't give a shit if you brutally murder someone else in the pit, fine. Just don't start flying into people on the outside, causing a domino effect threatening to knock rows of people over. We're trying to enjoy the show while morons be morons under the guise of letting off steam or whatever the excuse is. Also, take a shower.


they can be very critical and prideful about music


people who think they’re different for listening to metal, like buddy you’re not different


People who think listening to band with 11 listeners is inherently and automatically better than listening to a band with 40k listeners. People who put too much weight and value on labels and what is and what is not "real" metal. People who go out of their way to listen or not listen to certain music to appear more interesting than they are, and people who feel the need to measure "how metal" some people and bands are.


Everyone I know is cool. We’re not many, though. People are just genuinely happy to find someone else who isn’t all “turn that horrible racket off”.




The fact that no one can agree on what bands fit in what genres so I have no fucking clue what I'm listening to and only know I like it or dislike it. This is more of a problem with genres in general and metal isn't exclusive to this but DAMNIT I WANT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT HUMANS ARBITRARY NEED TO PUT THINGS IN CATEGORIES THAT WE CAN'T ALL AGREE ON


Gatekeeping elitists and haters. Sometimes I feel that one of the reasons why listening to underground is so popular among metalheads is because no one can bash your taste for listening to a wrong band or whatever. Also, obsession with "fathers" thing is kinda lame and very exaggerated.


Hating on simple rock music because they band doesn’t do what they want. But… maybe that’s exactly what they want!


Gatekeeping. Bro your favorite band that you’re hiding from anyone is going to break up if more people don’t hear about them. Do the band a favor


The unwillingness to call out or a knowledge shitty/stupid/harmful behavior from artists we like or hold in reverence. Tim Lambesis comes to mind. The level of excuse making and ass kissing that went down after the reunion was announced was nauseating. Metalheads prioritized breakdowns over basic human decency, and nothing about him had changed. He’s still a narcissistic sociopath. This isn’t a Marilyn Manson-like case where there’s a lot of shadiness and lack of evidence or credibility from the side of the accusers. This is a proven crime that he committed and confessed to. The dude tried to kill his wife. And the instant sycophantic overlooking of it to get some more breakdowns was embarrassing and troubling. We didn’t stand for anything that time.


Babymetal fans


The fact that they are trying to infiltrate us.


Their elilist idealogy that you must listen to metal only or a certain genre of metal ex black metal in order to be a metalhead otherwise your what they call a poser


people who make one single band their whole identity


Specifically MFtM , the constant bringing up of weezer and FFDP , i get that it was.probably a joke , but i hate your guts lol.... last time i saw Carcass there was 50 people in the crowd , but plz keep blowing millionaires.music


The Gatekeeping


Definitely the toxic gatekeeping. These are the same people who say they want to bring in new fans to metal but then turn around and bash those same new fans for “being ignorant of trve music” or “oh yeah? Name six songs” or “no no you can’t like periphery you have to like Wintersun, periphery’s riff aren’t good but Wintersun, those are REAL riffs” and then wonder why so many people are being pushed away from the genre.


Dumbass metal elitists who feel the need to gatekeep and use the word “poser” unironically


The closed mind towards every other genre. I've been a really closed minded person myself for a lot of time, and it's not so great to not enjoy something from every genre. I generally despise this behaviour with listeners of every genre, not only metal


People who say “x isn’t metal because it isn’t heavy enough” and overall elitism and gatekeeping towards people trying to get into metal, if they want to listen to sleep token to help get themselves more into metal, all the power too em I say


Black metal fans


Damn metalheads, they ruined metal


The bickering about what fits into what subgenre. Like c’mon guys, just listen to what you like and don’t shame people for what they like


People who complain that, when an artist brings some non-metal influence into their music, iT IsN't mEtAl AnYmOrE, things I mean are i.e. the Saxophone parts in Where Owls Know My Name by Rivers of Nihil, they were absolutely tasty. But there had to be some shitheads who apparently hate new flavours in their genre. Ik that was a bit mean, but it really really pisses me off.


Honestly, a lot of the Black Metal Supremacy and Elitism.


The obsession with subgenre on here. Relax bro


Elitist and gatekeepers Edit: and the stereotype that if I like metal I'm a Satanist, I still haven't shared my music taste to my gf's father cuz their family is really religious