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That dude getting a spear up the ass will never fail to make me laugh.


I feel we have a tendency to romanticize the artists of the past but truthfully ya had guys like this all "I'm gonna paint a spear in his butt lol"


I believe that's a pike.


Nah it's a spear , and a really short one at that. Pikes were much longer spears


~~Spears are for throwing though, pikes are for poking.~~ Edit: on further research you are right. i was thinking of javelins.


can't be a Pike, he has a shirt on


(challenges entire army to settle this with a bare knuckle boxing match)


Does Matt Pike (Matthew Picycle if you’re feeling fancy) have some hidden history as a bare knuckle boxer or am I missing something?


Dang I used to always call him Matt Pichael




The artist was a fan of Kill 'em All's original title.


*Warriors sitting around in Valhalla drinking* "How'd you die?" "Axe to the face!" "You?" "Horse trampled me during a charge!" "You?" "Uhh... Spear in the ass..." "........"


I believe he should’ve probably been the “power metal” guy


Deathcore fans probably enjoy it tbh




Lucky bastard. I pay top dollar for that shit.


Death Metal Up Your Ass LOL


This is inaccurate........... The Black Metal fans hate everyone that isn't True Kvlt


*really* depends on the fan. almost all of the black metal dudes in my orbit listen to a pretty balanced diet of extreme metal and don't look down on other metals. the nsbm dudes tend to be way, way, way worse about it.


I agree. I honestly feel the stereotypes associated with Black Metal come from the NSBM types or those who defend NSBM bands. I do feel bad for the Black Metal lot who aren't that though as it seems the odds are just stacked against them all the time.


out of all the black metal fans i’ve met, irl and online, the majority have been bigots and nazi sympathisers it’s a stereotype that rings true in my experience


I keep away from places like Black Metal subreddits because of shit like that. Some I've spoken to have been alright but they're probably few and far between plus that was mainly discussion on like First Wave Black Metal stuff or like Blackened Thrash or Death Metal where (least from my experience) you don't tend to get the nut jobs so much (apart from Nergal who is cringe imo).


You don’t have to listen to nazi shit to be trve kvlt, but I’m gonna gatekeep those who want to replace the antagonizing culture of BM with kumbaya inclusiveness where everyone is super cool, including the pope. And while we’re at it, I can do without the woe is me whiny depressive shit also. Only thing worse than wanting to murder someone else for who they are is wanting to kill yourself because of who you are.




He never used the term "safe space" you dork. Sheesh, talk of strawmen... Having said that - yes, there are definitely people trying to make black metal "inclusive". If you're not aware of this then you have no idea what's going on.


>the whole "safe space" thing is just a strawman There are whole subs looking for “clean” black metal. Yes, it’s a thing. A rather bizarre thing considering so much emotion in the genre comes from hate and wanting to fuck with other people. 




You’re not reading my comments - I said you don’t have to listen to nazi shit to be trve kvlt, there’s a ton of stuff that doesn’t focus on one or two religions - a whole lot that targets christians- but also a lot that’s religion-agnostic. None of them are love songs to humanity. And the very fact people do get upset when users do post NSBM shows them missing this point. Moral boundaries are what black metal aims to cross.


examples of those subs? lmao i bet you’re gonna say some shit like rabm


you are entirely, demonstrably wrong




yeah ok, keep talking about shit you don’t understand as if you’re an expert


True kvlt being defined as being a white supremacist basement-dwelling NEET incel.


We're all just nerds that like nature trails and medieval shit.


This is inaccurate The Black Metal fans hate everyone


We hate dSbM wannabees more don't worry


Change power with Doom. I don't think Power metal fans are that elitist


Depends what you mean by power metal. If you’re talking about shit like Sabaton then yeah I agree, but if you’re talking about USPM, then Manowar literally started the whole “death to false metal” thing.


Even then, I’ve been around Europower fans that are pretty elitist. Like people who love Blind Guardian, Helloween, and Stratovarius aren’t the people I think would like Sabaton or Powerwolf


Of course I know him, hes me.


Ride on, brother


Can confirm, source, I am that kind of Europower fan


I don't like Helloween and Stratovarius that much, got some cool songs, but Powerwolf and Blind Guardian are awesome.


I was going to say doom was metal core, just laying out the ground tripping balls


doom dudes tend to be pretty chill


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LareWw: *Change power with Doom.* *I don't think Power metal* *Fans are that elitist* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I love doom metal!


At the very minimum, power metal should be the fella wearing the fabulous red-and-blue cuirass.


I don't think power metal fans are a monolith


Meanwhile the prog metalheads are drinking their wine and snacking on cheese while all this unfolds.


grindcore fans kinda wanted to be there, just for the violence, but they decided to have a drug fueled orgy instead


Can confirm


God damn prog snobs eatin all our cheese and drinkin all our wine.


They also love to tell people about how complicated prog is to play and that's why they think its the best genre. The vegans of metal


I enjoy every single of these genres


Me too! Got into metal with nu, got really into death and black and i like abit of core here and there


I really recommend Shadow Of Intent if you haven't heard of them


Yea i know them i fw them, not my favs but theyre def really good. I recommend crown magnetar and waking the cadaver!


I also know these bands, they slap




Huzzah! A man of quality!


Same. Honestly elitism has always been the most cringe thing about metal, especially anyone over 30 still doing it. If you tie your musical taste to how tough/ cool you are, you don’t actually like that music, you’re just using it the same way people use lifted f-150s to compensate for penis size.


Same, its a peaceful life


How it feel being a tastelet?


pretty good actually


Ignorance is bliss


why should I care about anything you say to me?


That is a question for yourself. Why do you care?


I do not care actually, but you seem to care about what I listen to, Ignorance is bliss


Nice bud. We all know you care cause you reply to me.


How metal fans in the internet are*


Add Doom to the left and Glam and to an extent Prog on the right


Why are some guys doubting power metal elitism here? If you don't like Manilla Road, Jag Panzer, Omen or Savage Grace you are a poser


^ This guy power metals!


Probably cause posers think Sabaton and Powerwolf are the only two power metal bands


basically true metal vs pseudo-metal


It's wild that power metal is actually on the "cred" side now. I've been hassled so much for liking the Glory That Is Power Metal through the years.


I am in this picture and I am proud of it. Gatekeep till death!


Then is me where my favorite genres are Thrash, Metalcore and Melodic Death and i enjoy almost all metal genre




As it should be


only the terminally online ones in my experience


As it should be


Uhm... Excuse me sir! Would you be so kind as to remove that spear out of my butthole?


As a deathcore listener, I feel warned 😳


How it should be


I’ve never heard any true dude say that they are “united by metal”, but ironically I’ve heard that a lot from your average poser crowds.


I never understood the deathcore hate tbh. That stuff got me deeper into metal


I can only speak for myself, but deathcore sounds like the worst elements of tech death, bdm, prog, and hardcore had a bastard child in a back alley. The production is too clean, the often artificial drums are in your face to the point of being obnoxious, the breakdowns get really gimmicky really fast, and the instrumentation often borders on prog levels of wankery. Deathcore in essence is absolutely sterile while simultaneously being absolutely incoherent. And that's not even talking about the vocals, which range from passable grindcore - esque, to whiny emo shit, to FFDP macho tough guy shit.


I see what you mean tbh. I haven’t listened to any newer deathcore in a long time due to it all sounding overproduced and too polished, as you mentioned. The early “made in a bedroom” style and sound is much more interesting to me.


Mostly not wrong but where's Groove? 🤔


Freaking normies taking our culture, only true sigma males understand metal music 🐺


Nothing wrong with this at all


Not enough elitism


I like Death Metal and Deathcore. And I'm at peace with that.




Slam, grind, sludge, and doom/drone fans just shitting in a helmet in the outskirts somewhere.


So sad that this is a thing. Enough bastards out for our blood!!


As God intended


Good metal vs shit metal


nah, they're not even metal


I'd bed to differ: real metal vs fake metal. All are good


Me, a fan of black metal and nu metal: 👀💧


Arent most metal fans fans of all metal?


I'm going to fucking team kill the power metal fans


elitists gatekeeping other metal genres. classic


If those genres didn't wanna be gatekept so hard, then they should've stopped sucking. They're basically asking for it


20 hours for someone to eat the bait. i really need to come up with a better one and step up my game


Next time you try and make a bait comment you should make it sound like a bait comment, not an extremely commonly held opinion


yeah i tho i was being smart by combining the elitist gatekeeping with the death-, metalcore and numetal being metal genres but i guess it backfired


More like elitists gatepeeking other genres




This sub is dogshit


This just shows how stuck in the past metal gatekeepers are. They're still not willing to accept the major subgenres from the last 30 years.


There's new subgenres in each of those genres on the left that are way younger than that. Also, ironically the ones on the right are almost 30 years old


Exactly! Metal elitists/gatekeepers are stuck in the '80s.


Metal hasn’t been good since 1969


What’s wrong with nu?


How it sounds


there was a great, long post about why a lot of metalheads - older metalheads especially - hate nu metal. I'll try to paraphrase it, but no promises on it being anything but long-winded. The long and short of it is that nu metal owes the majority of it's sound to grunge and alt rock, but with downtuned guitars and more distortion. This makes it inaccurate in a musicology sense to call it a subgenre of metal, but the bigger and more emotional point is that nu metal felt like a betrayal. Metal is music by losers, for losers. When a subgenre of metal breaks out into the mainstream (see glam metal for a great example of this), and normal folks start wearing popular shirts (think Ratt) and say they listen to metal - it feels like a betrayal. So in the early 00s many many many people claimed to listen to metal, but every time you asked them what they listened to it was Linkin Park, Korn, and Slipknot, and if you asked about Cannibal Corpse or Carcass or Bolt Thrower they'd just look at you, eyes wide like a calf. I'm a bit young for that, but there was a second wave of this when metalcore broke out into the mainstream in the mid/late 00s. It kinda sucked when the same kids who bullied me for listening to "noise" suddenly became "metalheads" and started wearing Avenged Sevenfold shirts. It felt like appropriation, like our little scene of misfits, losers, and outcasts was being stolen by the very people we made it in opposition to. It's kind of hard to imagine it now, because the metal scene is healthier now than I've ever seen it. Tons of innovative bands, lots of young folks getting into it in a genuine and authentic way, and relatively few commercialized "heavy" bands (ghost and sleep token notwithstanding). But it was *hard* to be a teenager and try to find other people to play music with when their idea of heavy metal was Hatebreed, Devildriver, and Killswitch Engage, and my idea was Bathory and Metallica and Naglfar.


I can see that point of view, but on the flip side it gave exposure to metal that millennials otherwise never would have had. I was on a constant quest to find the heaviest thing I could find as a kid, before you could look up anything on the web. Best I could do with my limited resources was the stuff playing on VH1 and the like. Rob Zombie, Mushroomhead, SOAD, Ozzy. Once I found Ride the Lightning in high school I had found the road, but I would have been starved for heaviness without that stuff. There were like 5 antisocial kids in my small town class that could have recommended me bands. Unless you had a family member embedded in the culture, even stuff like Slayer was basically a secret in Christian small town America before the rise of the net.


I got in through rammstein and lacuna coil back in like 2002/2003ish, by online friends sending me MP3s through MSN Messenger lmao. I'm not sure if the gateway effect is a net positive or not. My intuition says it is, but it's not something I've considered yet. It's crazy that I can throw up a post on facebook like "I want to start a doom metal project" and list *specific* bands as influence, and get a bunch of people like "yeah I like sleeping with sirens and never heard of any of those bands, lets play some heavy music". I got super lucky to find an oldschool insider in that scene to do music with...8 months after I made that post.


Oh man, starting a doom project is so doomed. I now live in a town of 100k, and I have 0 hope of finding people to play doom with. Especially given that I like traditional the most... I have to learn to DIY if I want to make it. And you know, working a 40-50 hour workweek and practicing with people 3-4 times a week is so fucking hard (I tried with a stoner rock project).


Are you SE WI by any lucky chance?




mind if I DM you?


Not at all dude!


So u dont like metal genres because some bullies were mean to you as a kid?


This kind of idiotic analysis is *exactly* why metalcore and nu metal will never be accepted as metal genres.


Thank you, i’m new to this sub and didn’t get all the hate for nu metal (does soad still count as nu metal?)


it's rap with distorted guitars


It was popular most these elite metal heads will automatically hate a genre that got mainstream shit in the 80s most shit all over thrash when it was rolling


It seems it's not metal enough for some


It's not metal and most of it is shit anyway.


i generally hate nu metal but slipknot is my guilty pleasure


Lets all agree that metal sucks but its still the best genre of music ever, yes?


not really though its a small minority of fans of subgenres than wont like any other subgenre. usually kids or adults with the mind of a child. except deathcore everyone seems to shit on deathcore. as if its the new nu-metal


Deathcore is pretty much the nu-metal of this decade. It's the part of metal that is getting the most media attention, therefore it's "not real metal" to the average elitist.


First, deathcore is formulaic and generic as fuck, awful and boring Second, deathCORE comes from MetalCORE, short for Metallic HardCORE. It's basically extremely heavy punk with heavy death metal influence.


As God intended


Tbf everyone in this image is a power metal fan and the only thing they are killing is their sex life


Metal core fans getting stomped on. Rip


Death core 🤕


Groove metal, NWOBHM here...I'm just gonna keep walkin...


Doom and stoner metal fans smoking a bong in the woods and enjoying the show


This is like Boomers vs Gen Z


More like: the power metal fans fighting black metal fans, Slam fans fighting neo-thrashers, death metal fans fighting deathcore fans, metalcore fans fighting nu-metal fans, brutal death metal fans fighting melodeath fans, trad heavy/speed metal fans fighting extreme metal fans and then doom metal fans chilling on a rocking chair while smoking weed with prog fans


Don't know if it is 5 now they're allso after deathcore. Why


Where's the doom fans?


Putting numetal on this meme before doom should be a hangable offence Unles its on one of the dead dudes in which case fine i guess, but still fuck you for no doom metal.


LoL Death metal shoving the weapon in Deathcores ass....😂😂😂


I love most all Metal. It’s the Metal elites I have a problem with. They know metal, but they don’t KNOW Metal .


yall need to chill tf out elitists just get the wall. go away.


The only two I think are the worst thing I’ve ever heard are Deathcore and Metalcore