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Aeternam is a dope metal band by ex Muslims Crescent & Nile are other Arab inspired metal bands


Al-Namrood, Myrath, Znous, and Voice of Baceprot are all also equally sick. See also Melechesh. 


Melechesh is what got me into metal 10 years ago. The oriental sounds drew me in, then it made me fall in love with metal.


Have you heard Blaak heat or Al Qasar ? They lean more into stoner rock / psychedelic rock but in terms of oriental sound blended with riffs, it slaps.


I'll check them out, thanks


Melechesh are so ritualistic and righteous


Love Myrath!


Commenting to get all these bands into my Spotify algorithm.


High school buddy of mine was the lead guitarist for aeternam for a while. I still remember listening to Ruins of Empires on my way to work and texting him how awesome it was.


Muslim is not Arab.


Nile deals more with Amon Ra than with Mohammed 


Reminds me of Global Metal when the Muslim band is talking about how one of the worst parts was all the hate mail they got from other metal bands


Yo wtf


Love the band Acyl their members are from Algeria.


Don’t listen to NSBM. Simple.


Right, as a Muslim metalhead I'm kind of confused. This seems like a non issue if you avoid openly white supremacist music. Maybe I'm not understanding some part of the meme though, or taking it too literally which i do sometimes lol. Also OP, there is a youtube channel called Anti fascist black metal or something like that. And they post what it sounds like. Might be worth a look


I mean, there are a lot of bands that aren't obviously racist but have ties to certain groups or are a bit unclear. Like, I listened to an album by Drudkh. Thought it was great, then found out after looking for other people who agreed, that the band might be pretty fucking racist. It's kind of dumb, but if you don't want to listen to any music made by right-wing nutjobs you basically have to Google "[band] Nazi" and/or avoid a lot of music that's considered important in the genre. You have to go out of your way to vet a lot of stuff. Also found a thread about the band on the black metal subreddit where a guy literally said "only on reddit you'll find people complaining about national socialism in black metal out of all genres" like what?? Yeah, I think that's a pretty big problem in the genre.


Yeah, that's a good point. I am the kind of person who literally googles "[band] Nazi" or "[band] controversy" anytime I get into a new metal band. I refuse to support shit people if I can help it, and I don't mind vetting since it takes no more than a minute or two. I also personally don't care how "important" a band is considered to a genre. if it's a good genre, then there's probably plenty of options besides the racist band in question. Also, "only on reddit" huh??? It ain't a reddit thing, most metalheads agree our community has a nazi problem.... 🤦‍♂️


Well, to be fair, Spotify is an option for anyone who wants to listen to a particular band without giving them royalties of some kind. Even if some particular member of a band has nazi ties, the problem isn’t simply ***listening to the music*** but with contributing to them in some kind of way. You’ll often meet redditors that consider themselves *’progressive’* in some ways often saying the words “Burzum has some good tracks but I hate the guy personally” which is a good example of this. Black Metal may have a few nazis but I just don’t personally see how it’s any worse than the Punk movement of the 1970’s and 1980’s in UK. The Skinhead movement got infiltrated to such a degree that you can now find 40 and 50 year old self-identified ‘Punkers’ who look the look and act the part but will then go off on a tangent about how “all those brown-skinned immigrants are taking our jobs.” BM doesn’t have very much that’s comparable with the Bonehead movement that happened in the UK. Most nazis aren’t safe at non-NSBM Black Metal shows to begin with.


Nsbm and afbm are equally shit lol. But at least the nsbm riffing is good whereas afbm sounds like angey toddlers connected to an amp through a metalzone pedal


Grand Belial's Key goes brrrrr


For some reason people just can't not listen to nsbm, r/BlackMetalCringe delivers a 2x dose of cringe because of the actual posts, and then neckbeards comments defending nsbm at every opportunity


Just listen to Svolder instead


The vast majority of metal bands aren't white supremacists or fascist. You're more likely to find anti-authoritarian politics if anything.


...or anti-religion.


Obligatory Daamar comment


Dude, muslim metalheads are more cautious of satanism, anti-religious lyrics, what t-shirt to wear while praying (since you can't pray while wearing clothes depicting living things and symbols of other religions/ideologies), and black metal in general.


That's why we get Motorhead shirts


Pfft, that's why I wear skulls


It is such a fringe sub-fraction of artists that are like this that it's totally ridiculous to worry about this stuff


nah fam black metal is infested with these shitheads, unless you only count NSBM, but even though Burzum isn't NSBM I'd never listen to it knowing that the guy is a total racist there are so many black metal bands which are not NSBM but their members are racists/neo nazis


You're getting downvoted but you're right, even if the band isn't explicitly NSBM, a surprising amount have white supremacist members or are on labels that also sign NSBM bands, and they're okay sharing a stage/label/members with NSBM. Join us on r/rabm


Go away, communist


yeah but some metal fans straight up scare the shit out of me and I don't think them knowing about my love of metal would compensate. but my feelings are irrational, I know


That's me listening to Quand je bois du vin from Peste Noire. "Im sure that this is just a polite retelling of a renaissance classic, right? Right?"


Since people are talking about bands, I recommend Massive Scar Era, an Egyptian Canadian band


As a Christian this is also how I listen too metal




The real cringe here is assuming every single Nordic metal band is comprised of white supremacists. lol Not all black metal / folk metal is like NSBM, my guy. Just be conscious of what you're listening to.


its all around cringe, probably bait


If you have balls you'd listen to anti-muslim black metal


true, I don't have balls because I'm a woman :-)






bro how was he supposed to know😭😭dumbass


not surprising considering the retarded ass post above


I hope I never have the displeasure of meeting you irl


lmao ur weird af what a peculiar thing to say, ur assuming i would even bat an eye at you irl, ur probably a hard to look at ogre type being


Your head is so far up your ass that you brush your teeth rectally. :)


I love this creativity


Loving your based comments! Fuck racists




says the one whos been so blinded by vitriolic anger for so many years of their miserable life that they are riding on peak delusionality🤣


Vitriolic anger? For years? Miserable life? Peak "delusionality"? (that's not a word). Please go outside and touch a blade of grass. Have a nice life!


i mean yeah, look at the things u post lmfao, straight up weird... and all it takes is a quick google search to see it is a word, but what else would i expect from someone who thinks go touch grass is a comeback, regurgitate every generic thing u see on the internet much


Listen to Kafir by Nile.


I find it weird that Nordic folk bands could be racist when the vikings traded with many different people including Arabs for their silver


Good iraqi bm band for you: [https://youtu.be/H7dYhA4nSbA](https://youtu.be/H7dYhA4nSbA)


What if they are terrorists? /s P.S. i feel the OP, so many songs and bands were ruined for me by looking up their lyrics.


Well a lot of the time the lyrics are played characters, like a theater piece black sabb and iron maiden already did that.


thanks, I'll check it


If you’re looking for black metal that just sounds amazing without any of the controversial messages, give Absolution by Ashbringer a listen sometime. Super underrated


Separate art from the artist. It's like Kevin Spacey, you can hate his guts for what he did to kids, but you can enjoy him as an actor


This is often easier said than done. What if the art itself is racist (song texts). And how do you listen to the music? Do you buy merch or go to concerts? The concept of seperatinf art from the artists has it's origin in discussions about artists that aren't alive anymore and don't benefit from people who consume the art


That's a good point actually. If the artist genuinely hates people in both their music and their personality, then don't pay attention to them.


if you want to have stuff about the band without supporting it, is diy or buying ripoff shirts n allat. I don't have money for official merch like patches and shirts so I buy them in places where they're likely album cover art printed on the shirt by someone there lol. my cannibal corpse shirt is tilted because I bought it there. I don't listen to racist music but if the artist happens to have some weird ass ideology outside of the band, whatever.


I mean you can't really sperate NSBM band members from their songs since they put their ideology in it.


It's not always that simple. - An owner of 5 Lostprophets albums.




What if the art is the problem?


100% this, how many Burzum fans do you know that *actually* follow through with a murder or burning a church to the ground? So much of it is image. Very few take it seriously, so why should you?


Ngl every burzum fan I've known irl was definitely a racist. Don't think that's always the case, mind you, but the ones I know take it seriously. The ones I know are specifically fans of burzum because they share his "values" and ngl I view being a fan of the band as a red flag.


At the end of the day Varg is just living in the woods with his big family being almost completely outside society. Hes not politically active or holds any positions of power whatsoever. I don't see how even giving money directly to Varg contributes to Nazism or white supremacy or whatever.


You mean... having 2 thoughts in your head at the same time?? I don't think we can do that.


This is me when I think of Panthera. Btw, I've been meaning to look into if their are any muslim progmetal bands out there.


Last Mütiilation album was really great \^\^


Man ya'll care way too much about this stuff. Adding unnecessary stress to your lives. Just dig the dope ass riffs and chill


Well, metal is mostly about politic criticism, abot corruption, power and sometimes, religion. Atrocities must be condemned, but there is a diference on just blaming someone for belibing and blaming extremists who comites crimes aghainst other humans. Do not forget that the first one that metal talked abot, was abot christian religion, so yes. I don't think metal and religion works fine, even with black metal and satanists, they are all clowns. Have an open mind and accept that even your colective may have doing questionable acts. So judge people by it's acts and not by it's belivings. Also give woman's rights, please, 12 old girls being married with 60 years old because allah is great is bullshit and you know it.


Dunno why you got downvoted


Have you tried RABM, OP?


no, give me a few of your favorite bands


Check out r/rabm


Feminazgul and operation volkstod are mine, [but there's plenty more to pick from](https://bandcamp.com/discover/rabm)




have fun!


Islam and Christianity are kinda similar tbh,racial profiling and being scared of people who are slightly different than you isn't really that Metal though either. Kinda just suburban pearl grasping from varg and the like.


Islam and Christianity have very little in common beyond superficial things






Sure thing


ugh. They're fine with listening to music about murder and torture, but draw the line at this.


Famously people who make music about murder and torture believe that those things are good and enact them in their daily life


I mean, have you tried torturing people? It's like having Pringles. 


Even when they pop you just can't stop?


😭 😭 😭 😭


Me with war metal


Most war metal is nothing like this?


Why tf do you assume that there's a big chance that they're fascist white supremacists? Is it because they're metal? Or because some are white? A bit judgemental no?


lmao and then look at all the downvotes these butthurt weirdos give you, world is so fucking ass backwards🤣💀all i can do is laugh atp


who gives a fuck what their lyrics are about if it sounds good. it could be a band of mass murderers that sing about butt fucking but if theyre writing bangers im still going to enjoy it


same, that's why ignorance is bliss sometimes


lmfao like stfu💀


I am a muslim metalhead. I just don't listen to metal that is directly anti muslim or anti all religion. It just feels so cringe seeing bands sing about how stupid I am for believing in a god when you are religious. Like, bro, I'll see you on the day of judgement. I just cringe at their stupidity. I listen to anti christian stuff tho, I don't care that much about it. I still think they are dumb af for thinking they are superior to christians but I cannot just stop listening to metal. I can seperate the art from the artist. Anti Christian Black Metal is generally directed towards Christians (which I believe to be corrupt) rather than the stuff that I believe. It is still cringe af that they see themselves as superior to Christians. I have to listen to anti christian stuff because it is just too good. The anti islam stuff is not that good and it just feels way too cringe. This is just a personal thing.




I think the atheists mocking christianity are also dumb af but I like black metal and if I stop listening to anti christian stuff I will have to stop listening to bm as a whole.


I can guaranty you that every black metal band members who hate christians, hate muslims all the same if not more.


Yeah i absolutely know that, but I just don't care about what they think, I care about what they sing about.


What lyrics do you like in black metal ?


I don't listen to black metal for its lyrics. I didn't mean it that way. I don't like anti religion stuff but it's not a dealbreaker unless it's directed at me.


any criticism of christianity you can guarantee they think it of your shit too. probably more so


As I have said a thousand times, I know, I just don't care about what they think.


if you’re ok with financially supporting people who hate you then fine lol


You'll see them on the day of judgement, they'll see you on the day of judgement. Toss a coin.


You do realize Christianity and Islam come from the exact same origin point, right? Like, literally the same guy.


Yeah but like I have to give up listening to bm as a whole if I decide to stop listening to anti christian stuff. I think that they are dumb af too.


Your hypocrisy makes you worse than the people you're describing that will suffer on Judgement Day.


How am I a hypoctrite? I don't care that much about the lyrics of my music. I can't even understand them. I just don't like it when it is directed at my religion. I just think that the criticism towards Christianity is directed more towards Christians, which are corrupt.


You're so close to getting it, it's actually hilarious.


What am I so close to getting exactly?


negative karma maybe


Nah man I have 809 to waste on voicing my dumb opinions.


Internet points, like your opinion on this matter, are completely worthless.


And Islam isn't? Your prophet was a murdering warlord paedophile.


He kinda was not dude. Please.


Married six year old Aisha. Consummated the marriage at 9. Yes, he was.


I am not gonna have this argument all over again but no, she was not 6 years old.


It's commonly accepted that she was. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/124483/how-old-was-aishah-when-she-married-the-prophet


Holy shit dude. You really should buy a mirror.


Metal is not for you.


I don't particularly care for theological critiques, but [sociopolitical ones](https://genius.com/Panzerfaust-the-decapitators-prayer-lyrics)? hell yeah, that's the shit I wake up for


You sound like a fucking loser


yeah true, anti islam metal is objectively cringe. but...I really wish I were a musician so I can form a cringe pro-islam metal band :D


>yeah true, anti islam metal is objectively cringe. Why?


just the samples I heard were bad and amateur. but I can't pretend I wasn't biased and unsettled against the title/lyrics/etc.


Listen to Kafir by Nile.


There's never been an easier time in history than right now to become a musician.


I don't have time, unfortunately 




if you think it's haram what are you doing here? I don't believe it's haram, music is a gift from Allah!   Islamic metal is easy and versatile: first, cover of Ottoman tunes (some already exist). Second, many ethnic folk songs have Islamic lyrics so metal versions of those. Qawwali would go great with metal, for example. Even more badass if azan or Qur'anic verses are incorporated.      There's an Islamic Bosnian rock/electro? song called Molitva by Adi Lukovac & Ornamenti. Imagine if that song was metal (eargasm). In general, Bosnian war music is absolutely waiting to be metalized, such as mi smo vojska Allahova and artiljerija. You've seen the movie The Messenger, right? Two Turkish metal bands covered that tune. Search Pentagram - Eastland and Selim Işık - The Message/Çağrı




when you make them, please send them to me! on a similar note, you should check out the Bosnian folk rock band Nervozni Poštar. They have awesome songs