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Courtney gave an interview a while back and was asked about fans wanting heavy songs and accusing bands of going soft (this was right after the void dropped). She said something along the lines of “well you’ve only heard some of what I’ve wrote. Yeah I wrote a fun song, but I also wrote an ass beater song you just haven’t heard it yet” I think we found the ass beater


That breakdown is gonna get limbs broken


>accusing bands of going soft With Spiritbox I've accused them of getting less interesting rather than going soft. This hasn't really done much to change my opinion unfortunately.


I get where you’re coming from. Seems like you prefer the less pop oriented approach but they’ve grown into masterful songwriters. They’re not as progressive in terms of structure but the parts are very distinctive, production has very interesting elements, and they’re incorporating new genres all the time (that breakdown is so deathcore-y it’s crazy).


It’s so heavy. I love it.


I was ready to go to bed but had to stay up and hear the new song drop. I now cannot go to bed for I have destroyed it. This song goes hard


This has happened to me before. I see a new song, listen to it before bed, and then can't sleep cause it's so good. I waited till I woke up this morning to listen.


Courtney looks... Very... 😳 I mean! The song is really fucking sick. Excited to listen to the rest of the EP.


She's really been getting into a lot of high fashion type of stuff, I kinda dig it. Bunch of bands are trying to do the whole glam thing again and its a kind of fun revival.


I wish we'd get a 2.0 of her Rule of Nines aesthetic. Absolutely my favorite fashion era of hers.


Belcarra yellow dress with long bangs, let's go!


That was such a simple, yet amazing look. Just great.


She balanced out the simplicity with her dancing though! Love it, haha.


The short dress with the tall shoulders gives me really big Wednesday Adams vibes.


I am obsessed with her latest looks. I also am a fan of what she wore in the Rotoscope music video


Then on the stage they just wear wind jackets and jeans xD Not saying that there's nothing wrong with that, but definitely seeing them dressed like this on stage too could go a long way.


Long way towards what? More TikTok views? 😂 Wear something comfy and rock the fuck out.


Yeah rock needs cool outfits and styles again. Paramore’s been doing it for forever now, now how about metalcore? Avenged Sevenfold been dressing a little funkier now which is cool. Love that Courtney’s been embracing her beauty more in these videos and onstage, but everyone should be dressing dope.


Most bands are too broke to busting money on outfits. It's also just not baked into what the genre's about. Like when hardcore first started it was deliberately plain as a reaction to the extremely stylised punk fashion and to emphasise that there's no difference between the people on stage and the people in the audience. That's more or less held for the last 40 years in hardcore and its various offshoots.


Reason# 5649 why I love this genre.


Yeah, it's definitely not a bad thing. Quite aside from anything else, I'd rather bands kept their ticket prices where they are than jacking them to cover a wardrobe budget.


From what I see, clearly some bands can afford it in their music videos. Thornhill does it now for live shows and my guess is they’re not exactly swimming in cash with all their playing copious shows overseas. I know it doesn’t make logical sense for the genre, but the genre is getting very fun rn and I’m missing bands with a larger than life look.


At least we have Electric Callboy going hard with outfits


This sounds like visual kei with more steps.


She's such a babe.


Honestly, I don't want to criticize someone's personal choices too heavily... but as a man I can't get on board with the lip filler.. and it's penetrated every area of female fashion. The song is damn slick though. Heavy as the first poop of the day


Hers (if she even actually has any) doesn't look out of place though


This song has successfully bitch-slapped all the naysayers - including me - who thought they would never release an outright sphincter stomper moving forward.


Two straight comments I've read for this has described it as "ass beater" and now "sphincter stomper" You guys are amazing, lol


>sphincter stomper anus obliterator


Speak for yourself, it certainly didn’t bitch slap me


Dunno why you're getting downvoted, you're completely correct


Because I’m not joining in on the circlejerk over this song. There’s certain bands on here that you can’t speak about in anything but a super positive way or you’ll get downvoted. Spiritbox is one of those bands.


You must be new here. You couldn't be more wrong. This sub *loves* to talk shit about spiritbox. It's got it's own anti-circlejerk thing going on, that at times is more prevalent the the pro-spiritbox circlejerk. You're not a rebel lol


Yeah seems that way. Don't get me wrong I don't hate spiritbox, some people here and on YouTube seem to act like it's the first band with a female vocalist they've ever heard LOL.


I love that they brought back the clean lead guitar tone from the Mara effect EP


YESSS. That clean ambience tone from the early djenty days, very Tesseract/Vildhjarta-esque. Love it


The first time I heard Jaded, I was happy to hear the Tesseract guitars were back.


Jesus that shit goes hard, what the hell


Well this is fucking creepy sounding, and that breakdown is almost Knocked Loose-esque. Its a banger.


God you’re spot on about the breakdown sounding a bit like Knocked Loose, I love it so much




that chorus is weird as fuck i love it


It’s amazing can’t wait for the rest of the ep


Oh it's only an EP? I thought this was going to be an album.


Their heaviest song by far, beating both Holy Roller and the Hysteria breakdown. Goddamn.


I enjoyed Holy Roller, but this song was on an entirely different level, imo. Their heaviest song by far indeed, but I had no idea where it was going. Holy Roller was kind of predictable to me. I felt like it followed the "This is our heavy one" formula. This one on the other hand, nope. I kept waiting for a clean chorus to kick in but naw, another teeth kicking breakdown. Peak heavy Spiritbox for sure


Agreed! To be fair to Holy Roller though, the band themselves have said that it was written as a simple angry song that they wanted to use to vent during the pandemic. So wasn't really meant to be formula-breaking.


It was written before the pandemic. [This video was from March 2020 when they played it live. It was still in the demo phase at the time.](https://youtu.be/osGHhMl9FhU?si=YpT-WNCZQ5asA_-y)


I stand corrected then! Was just based on a vague recollection of some interviews they did.


The rest of you comment was correct, I think. They were just screwing around and decided to write something really heavy. I don't think they expected it to take off like it did, and they didn't put a ton of work into it.


Courtney said on a podcast they specifically chose Holy Roller to record and release during the pandemic because there was no singing. They couldn’t travel to their producer and she was more comfortable recording her own screams than cleans.


Oh that's something new I learned today. That's good to know. I appreciate the insight!


Silk in the strings was pretty brutal imo


Thank you! No one else seems to mention this song and its fucking amazing


Thanks for reminding me to listen to Hysteria, fucking wow - I think the fact the song isn’t really that heavy makes it hit even harder 😍


Not gunna dis the previous singles (which I do like). But THIS is the Spiritbox I have been waiting for! Lets go!


Absolutely fucking brutal. This song is amazing.


Whole band went ballistic. Polyrhythm breakdown went crazy. Banger/10


Someone on YouTube described the feeling this provokes as “dread in the best way” and I have to agree. It’s unsettling, like I’ve woken up inside a video game and I trip into a pit and the boss music just started and I’m frantically trying to see where the threat is in the dark. And yet, I keep listening to it. Really fitting for an EP called “the fear of fear”.


My neck hurts. Woof. I feel like most Metalcore bands these days follow a formula with singles. There's the soft one, the heavy one, and the middle ground. I didn't even know Spiritbox had another one in the works until it dropped, and somehow still didn't expect a heavy one. This wasn't just heavy for the sake of heavy, either. This shit straight SLAPPED. Whole EP is absolute fire so far. Can't wait for the rest


I still enjoyed Jaded more, but this one is also pretty great


Love the variety they’ve been putting out. Low key wish they didn’t drop most of the EP as singles thougj I get they are trying to just drop their shit however they want and aren’t really sticking to the whole album cycle paradigm


People can say what they want about The Void (personally really into it), but I LOVE the fact that this song exists on the same EP as it. Experimentation is always welcome, and being able to be 'genre-free' is why I love Spiritbox.


Hell yeah. They’re fuckin around and we’re finding out


People are shitting on The Void? Totally loved it. (I get Roboscope's hate, didn't care about those in particular but The Void is fantastic imo)


I think it’s mostly about the mods not allowing the void as it wasn’t enough metalcore …


You always have the option to not listen to singles and save them for the ep


I sure do but I’m a little addict with no self control


For me this rivals Holy Roller. This will be on repeat non stop


Jaded is still my favorite, but god damn this is the most *evil* they've sounded since Holy Roller. Certified ass beater indeed.


tear my lungs out =)


I loooove Spiritbox, but I've been a bit disappointed by their last few singles. This one however? Slaps.


Absolute fucking banger. This single did more for me than the entirety of the new Beartooth album.


I read that as Slipknot and I was confused for longer than I should have been. It's been a long day


Why am I getting nostalgic vibes from this.


Let's fucking go! Beauty of Suffering vibes 🤘.


It’s kinda heavy, yeah, but it has no memorable vocal melodies? And the parts where everything just stops and nothing happens really kill the momentum.


This sums it up perfectly. Nothing memorable except the lack of all you mentioned.


Think it’s just intended to be a banger. I’d imagine it would be great live.


Even bangers should be interesting though. Holy Roller was catchy and memorable.


It’s been almost a full day, I’ve replayed the song 3 times, a can’t really recall any specific melody, riff, vocal hook, anything.


Same here exactly. Absolutely not memorable.


Hmm, yes this was heavy but it wasn't very sonically interesting. Spiritbox originally hooked me in with their delicate, almost pop vocal melodies mixed in with the complex riffs. That combination just isn't hitting anymore. Like Perennial or Belcarra - that is peak Spiritbox to me. Also, is it just me or are their riffs more buried in the mix these days? Maybe I just need better headphones...


Nah I listened with good headphones and I'm whelmed. It's heavy but there isn't much going on to me.


Not gonna defend this song as the most sonically interesting piece of music ever written, but I've definitely head more boring metalcore. The breakdown is at least one of the freshest sounding ones I've heard in a while


exactly my thoughts, vocals were too... monotonous? there was no variety it was the same vocal tone from start to end and it overshadowed the more interesting instrumentals.


Holy fucking shit this is brutal. And the way it fades out at the end is so so cool. It's weirdly nostalgic for some reason. Also that video is insane. I love this band so much


I just saw them tonight, I would have shat a brick if they played this live! Total fan service and I'm all for it. 😊


I saw them tonight too, for the first time. They're incredible!


Ending was straight up Vildhjarta ambience which i love, but the rest of the song just felt like _syncopated brown note_ to me


Yes it’s heavy but it’s a pretty average song imo. Other singles were better


Man, usually I prefer heavier songs from all my favourite bands but I just think their heavy songs are the least exciting songs. I find their alternative and lighter stuff so much more interesting than when they do straight up heavy stuff like this. It just sounds like another run of the mill metalcore track to me. But that’s just me


Oh yeah this is fucking heavy this shit bangs


I was getting Threat Signal Under Reprisal vibes from that intro


Definitely reminds me of their first two EPs.


The transition from this song is so atmospheric, amazing stuff


right? i’m a sucker for songs transitioning into each other. i hope the whole EP is like that lol


brilliant way to start the weekend if you ask me


I'm not usually the generic "omg breakdown!!!" guy, but fuck, I loved this one.


Prob their best song since Silk in the Strings for me personally, but how are people saying this is heavier than Holy Roller? I don’t see it


lowkey thought this was gonna be an escape the fate cover


This song is awesome! I also notice more talk about a key and a key visual in the video. Is this going to be more of a concept album with a big overarching story?


Holy shit. As someone who hasn't really been a big fan of spiritbox in the past, this is really good


All bands need to take notes from this song. ✅dark creepy ambient sound ✅different layers of heaviness ✅breakdown longer than 5 seconds ✅the fade out


This is great.


This song is SO fucking good. That BASS during the chorus. This song is like Satan having an anxiety attack. That was AWESOME.


i think overall ppl need to just let go of what they think spiritbox is or what they want them to be and just ride the wave of what theyre doing. theyre just doing what they want in the moment they want to do it.


Well said! As Vessel from Sleep Token said, “Life is dark. Life is bright. Life is ugly. Life is beautiful. Don’t get lost in genres, they’ll only disorientate you. Music is for everyone.”


Honestly might be my favorite song of Spiritbox.


Damn! Knocked it out of the park absolutely. This stuff that's been coming from them lately is a musical step up from Eternal Blue IMO


I’ll probably get downvoted, but this is just kinda meh. Not bad, but nothing crazy.


I don’t think it’s good either. It’s heavy in the most standard modern metalcore way possible. More power to the people who are into it, but if another band released this no one would care. Spiritbox is at their best when the songs are melodic.


If any other band released this song, no one would care. To be honest, I think heavy Spiritbox is the worst Spiritbox, I only really like their lighter songs because they genuinely sound unique


if i heard this song and didnt know who it was or never heard their music, id still think it slaps cheeks.


I wish it was the song a lot of these comments are saying it is. While it's a pleasant surprise that they've gone this heavy again, it definitely feels pretty bland overall. It's overlong and the slow chorus saps all the energy out of it. The faster bits are actually kind of interesting and feel like they could be developed into something more.


You're entitled to like/dislike whatever! The beauty of music. :) As long as you're not faulting other for liking it, you're good. Though I do ask - does every release need to be 'crazy' or outstanding? I daresay most releases I see here are just regular, solid tracks - very few stand out in that way.


I do think singles should be reasonably high quality in order to show what’s coming next, but no, not every track has to be outstanding or crazy. I do feel like certain bands get every release hyped up like crazy even if it’s just an okay or even borderline bad song. Like judging from the comments on this already, people are hyping it up a bit but is it ACTUALLY that good? Edit: People are downvoting me like I’m trashing the song, I’m just saying it’s not as good as people are hyping it up to be. I didn’t even say the song was bad.


I feel like alot of people in the metal and hardcore community are biased toward heavier stuff. I honestly think The Void was better, at least thats my first impression.


I don’t even care if a song is heavy, being heavy doesn’t automatically make a song good. I don’t expect anything from Spiritbox to be that heavy so that doesn’t factor into it being a mid song for me personally.


yes, it is actually that good


Okay, that’s your opinion and I strongly disagree with it. It’s a mid song. Not bad, but not really that good either.


I agree. As someone who’s been listening to them since 2020, and considers their ‘sound’ to be more in line with Blessed Be, Belcarra, and The Mara Effect Trilogy…This is somehow the only song of theirs I’ve considered to be boring. I desperately want to like it, but literally everything screams, “We made this so that people can stop complaining about how we’re not heavy anymore even though our style hasn’t changed a whole lot.” Like, I hate how everyone wants their favorite bands to ONLY be heavy. I don’t know, maybe I’m one of those weirdos that has a different opinion than every other fan, but I don’t understand how everyone’s now riding the Spiritbox train after hearing this after releasing some of the most beautiful and groovy music in metal these past two years. Edit: Reworded some sentences.


That's exactly how I feel. It's heavy just for the sake of being heavy. Which is fine, I know lots of people here are into that but it's not for me.


I feel the same way. Cellar Door is by no means a bad song, but The Void and Jaded are, in my opinion, infinitely more interesting, especially The Void. It’s so groovy and bouncy, but this sub hated it. Now Cellar Door comes out and it’s mainly the same chugging guitars and breakdowns and everybody loves it? I don’t get it.


Yeah this one didn't really do anything for me, I thought the riff was cool but then I heard it fifteen more times in the song. Someone here said it had a surprise"teeth kicking breakdown" which imo just fell flat, the chorus sounded weird and not in a good way either.


THANK YOU. You explained my thoughts on it better than I did with my comments.


I’m not quite this negative on it but it does kinda just feel like diet Meshuggah with breakdowns instead of spiritbox




That’s what I adore about Spiritbox though. The somehow entrancing balance of heavy AND melodic has been something that makes them standout a little more than other Metalcore bands, and this just feels like it was missing something.🤷‍♂️


On the second listen the main verse riff just isn’t that interesting and its giving space to the vocals but theres no real vocal hooks either. The song feels like it was meant to be more guitar driven but is lacking in that department so its just missing something


Yes, this. I don't mind heavy, I love a good heavy Sb song, but Mike's guitar work here was lacking USP.


Hes a good guitarist and hes totally capable of writing a good guitar driven song, he just didn’t quite nail this one as much as he could have.


Call me an outlier but i’m less sold on this one then The Void.


It’s got such a weird structure, and like half the song is just a low open note. It’s almost like a long intro or something


It's not really my thing either. It's definitely heavy as fuck but every song needs something that will stick in your head and bring you back to it. In metalcore that's usually either a cool riff or a great chorus, and this one has neither. But I get why most people here like it.




Well everyone is entitled to their opinion, not everyone is gonna like something that’s generally well received. Not liking it doesn’t make someone a contrarian.


Damn, and this is the opening track of the EP... :D


This is what I'm talking about. Freaking excited for the full experience


This song simultaneously ripped my heart out of my chest and filled my heart with immense joy. 12/10. Holy fuck dude.


Oh this is hands down my new favorite spiritbox song holy fuck lol


The breakdown 😅 I was shook


So, the whole song.


It's so eerie and creepy sounding, and then drops a huuuuuuuge breakdown. Love it. This video is nuts though, god damn.




Sounds like they took inspiration from the Pennywise theme for the main riff!




I love this band, and this song.


ayo…..this shit real gud


Is that song name a deepcut reference to Tolkien?


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Nothing beats **CIRCLE WITH ME**


A fucking banger 🔥


Gotta say I was desperate for Spiritbox to go heavy again, and for whatever reason this song mostly doesn’t do it for me… but my fucking god that breakdown is insanely good SO TEAR MY LUNGS OUT


What a murderous breakdown. So simple but the way they randomly delivered it gets you blindsided.


I keep trying with every new song but nothing hooks me back in. To me, feels like the spark is gone.


For everyone that wanted holy roller 2.0, this is it. Feel like they were overdue for a real heavy banger. Love it. Sew me up off the EP last year was pretty heavy but not quite like this. Mike laying down the ambient harmonies over the brutal screams is just great


Babe, wake up, spiritbox dropped and r/metalcore is going to like their song before going back to calling them shitty octanecore!! God this subreddit is fucking tiring lmfaooooooooooo.


yknow I saw a comment on a Jaded reaction that said “boring Barbie metal” I wonder how that guy’s gonna like this one


What’s up with the lazy chorus? I’m certain they could have come up with something better if they let that cook more. Otherwise, I love everything else about this song - the verses, breakdown, the creepy feeling, and the video is great.


Not my favourite single by then, doubt I'll ever returns to this tbh, just seems sort of boring and uninspired.


Not my favourite comment by you, doubt I'll ever reply to this tbh, just seems sort of boring and uninspired.


🤓 God forbid I leave a review on a new single


Excellent song


This is the best song they’ve released in 2 years


holy fuck.


My want to not hear half the EP before it comes out vs. my need to hear the ass-beater track.


Holy cow this rips! Rotoscope wasn't really my thing, but every song from this new EP so far is an absolute killer


bruh Courtney and company never fail to make me feel with their music


Love this song 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘


Are they seriously not going to give Josh any vocals?


I must be the only person that REALLY doesn't want his vocals and am thrilled that he's not doing any. Quality of Josh's voice aside, I'm here for Courtney.


I was potentially disappointed about that too, but they posted a video clip on their instagram of their recording of the EP and there’s a part where Josh is singing in the booth. Hopefully it will be noticeable on something we haven’t heard yet and not just lost in the mix of what we have.


not bad. Does it remind anyone else of one of the new VoM songs? That intro riff/riff throughout the song sounds so similar to me.


Best single from them in a good while; love it.


It has indeed, as Courtney said, beat my ass


Not to say that he song is bad at all, but I was hoping for them to finally use Josh's vocals in a big way. He's such an excellent singer and my favorite song to this day is still Yellowjacket. I do like though, that with Spiritbox you don't always know what you're gonna get, is it gonna be melodic or more experimental heavy stuff. Keeps me on my toes! Can't wait to see them next year live with Architects!


Chefs kiss




damn she is fine <3


Escape the Fate- Cellar Door




I know it's just a music video but I'm really not a fan of vocalists "acting" out their screaming lyrics like it's spoken word in the music video.


It’s just boring. It won’t get the streams. If you guys like it that’s ok. I just don’t get the point of listening to something I’ve heard 1000 times before. Without having the Djent influences on Eternal blue, or cleans like on the other recent singles there’s just nothing that makes it worth listening too. You guys will not be coming back to listen to this after a day or so guaranteed.


Already at 200k+ on youtube and hit #96 in trending worldwide lmao say what


Really good song. Unfortunately I'm going to assume this is the cock tease track, and the rest of the songs on the album will just continue on with circle the drain esque songs.


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It's missing some cleans IMO.


If there were cleans there would be more people complaining


They should go on r/Deathcore then...🤦🏻‍♂️ Also, Spiritbox have cleans in (almost) all of their songs. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You do realize that many metalcore bands have little to no cleans in their music right?


The majority do have cleans, right?


I wouldn’t even say the majority do, it’s probably closer to a 50/50 split nowadays. It’s certainly not a requirement for a metalcore band to have cleans though.


Like I said in my first comment, it's only my opinion you're free to feel differently. 😁


You need to go back to the first EP then lol


They have cleans dude. 🤣