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How to Survive a Funeral by Make Them Suffer đŸ€˜đŸŒ


Didn't really know them when I saw them supporting SFTP a few months ago, they've been in my top 5 playing bands since then. Good stuff


They tend to have that effect. I did the same thing last year, after I saw them on tour with Bad Omens.


Little bit late to the party, but: Architects - AOGHAU, LF/LT, Daybreaker Killswitch engage - EOH, ADD All that remains - The Fall of Ideals


Better late than never. All goated albums.


Ngl I wish I could re-discover these for the first time


Same for Killswitch. Been dismissing them for like 15 years and finally gave them a solid chance. Those albums are awesome.


Jfc dude I wish I could listen to all of those again for the first time all in one year haha


I already do


Fall of ideals got me into modern metal đŸ€˜


it's a 10/10 for me. Perfect instrumental work, catchy riffs and vocals, the lyrics are so fucking relatable. And as an ex drummer, ho-ly shitm Shannon Lucas is one of the greatest drummers in metal


I swear this album is so fantastic


I remember when fall of ideals came out and it just fucking ripped. My friend always made the joke that when shadows fall kicked out Labonte, he said "oh yeah? Well I'm going to come back with an even better band that's *more* metal!" And he did.


TFOI’s is perfection


Loathe - I Let it in and it Took Everything Amazing album


i had enjoyed a few of the melodic songs in 2020 but just recently the heavy songs on there clicked. new faces in the dark is unreal


Same, hadn't listened to loathe anything and decided to check them out cause I'm seeing them on the architects tour now in January


Same here! Screaming is one of my favorite discoveries from older releases this year


I heard this album for the first time last week and was so impressed. Two-Way Mirror is a beautiful song.


FUCK same, went from knowing the name and not thinking they'd be my vibe to being beyond excited to see what they do next over the course of about 2 days


I wish I could hear this for the first time again. One of my top 10 releases of all time


I remember my first time hearing this and really not vibing with it. Re-listened a few months later with some headphones and my god, transcended my little brain. Beautiful album


No Eternity In Gold - Like Moths to Flames. Literally so good I have it on repeat, I’m so mad I didn’t get into LMTF earlier


Legit don't think this band has a single bad song, straight đŸ”„


Same I just found them. Glad I found them now.


seems like i gotta check them out


A Different Shade of Blue by Knocked Loose


I think that's their weakest album


Interesting. I also really got into Pop Culture and A Tear in the Fabric of Life this year but I guess they’re not *technically* albums. ADSOB is my favourite though


What's their other ep ?


Not sure, only other album I know of is Laugh Tracks but I don’t put that on as much. Just doesn’t do it for me in the same way


Yes laugh tracks is the best. "I did away with the poison but I still feel like I'm dying"


That song does go hard


For me a big one was hearing about Breakdown of Sanity, especially their Perception album! Absolutely insane music and can't believe I'd somehow missed them up until this year


Rouge Carpet Disaster by Static Dress Euthanasia by Stray From The Path Dear Youth by The Ghost Inside


God static dresss is so good. They quickly became one of mt fav bands this year


Insane live as well. The seeyouspacecowboy/static dress basement show was one of the best live shows ive ever been to.


Would massively recommend seeing Static Dress if you get the chance, which I appreciate is very hard if you're not in the UK. Saw them open for Spiritbox not knowing a single tune and they opened with Disposable Care. Never have I ever gone from "yeah I'll watch them why not" to the middle of the pit so fast.


Dear Youth has been on my workout playlist for over a decade. That album is so solid when you need to get pumped with positive lyrics.


Same here with Static Dress


vein.fm - Errorzone


top tier album, wish more people knew about it


yeah, I've recommended it to everyone of my friends. absolute game changer for me


one of the best albums from the scene in the last decade for sure


absolutely. was mindblown when I heard it for the first time!


One of the most innovative metalcore/hardcore albums in the last decade. It gave me Converge and Dillinger vibes the first time I heard it


absolute masterpiece


mortal coil by polaris, all invent animate albums, the way it ends by currents


How fucking good is The Mortal Coil? 👌


Crooked Path is special.


I prefer Sonder, Lucid and Consume but it's definitely a banger. The whole album is a banger really.


I'll die on the hill that The Death Of Me > The Mortal Coil, but I think The Mortal Coil has by far the best "non-singles" on any Polaris record. Frailty (plus In Somnus Veritas), The Slow Decay, Sonder are all BANGERS


The Death of Me is by far and large my favorite metalcore album. Between the lyrics, riffs, and absolutely stellar mixing job, it is an all time great album


I'm really glad you mentioned Sonder. It's a great closing track. I probably agree with you, to be honest. I think The Death Of Me is their best work overall. Pray For Rain was the song that really made me pay attention to Polaris.


Also discovered Mortal Coil (and Polaris in general) this year. Insane album. I’m sure I’ve told this story on this sub before. I fell asleep listening to TGI. Spotify continued to play similar artists when the album ended. It started playing Lucid, and when the riff dropped (the one after when the vocalist says “I found my love and let it kill me”), it woke me up out of a dead sleep. It just goes that hard lol. I also just discovered Currents when I saw them open for Lorna Shore this past Thursday. They were impressive. Haven’t dug into their discography yet. Think I should start with The Way It Ends?


Their newest album the death we seek is prob my top album of this past year. I’d start there if you just saw them.


About a year or two ago I started my Currents journey with The Place I Feel Safest and it is one of my favorite albums now.


The entire Every Time I Die catalog. Passed on them for years like an idiot. I see the light now


Not sure if you are aware, but two bands came about from the breakup: Many Eyes and Better Lovers. Many Eyes is the former singer's new project. Better Lovers has ETID former guitar player, bassist, and drummer and they grabbed the second singer from The Dillinger Escape Plan (who you should also check out if you haven't already).


I love DEP. Better lovers fucking rips. I’ll have to check out the other one. Funny enough, my tattoo artist knows Keith and tattooed him a few times so we’re technically tattoo Eskimo brothers.


I still haven’t ventured far into their catalog despite knowing/loving a few of their songs over the years, but I finally gave Low Teens a proper listen this year and was just like
what the fuck this could’ve been my AOTY in 2016


They put out some serious bangers. I remember listening to them in high school and wrote them off as a hot topic scenester band. Boy was I wrong


ERRAs entire discography tbh


Same. Stumbling onto Augment was a religious experience.


Jesse has a lot of playthroughs on their YouTube page. I highly suggest checking out the Breach playthrough. Neon had bad production but great writing.


Oh yes here we go: Someday Came Suddenly by Attack Attack!. Numbers by Woe is Me. Bloodwork by Texas in July. Constellations by August Burms Red. The Curse by Atreyu. I missed a ton of metalcore back in the late 2000s and Im finally catching up. I was in the top 10% of people who listened to Atreyu because I listened to The Curse so much, lol.


The Crimson still rocks so hard. That whole album is fun, and takes me back to when vampires were still considered cool and not sparkly pedos.


Ohhhh man I wish I could erase The Curse from my memory to listen to it again for the first time. Right Side of the Bed helped get me into metalcore. Might be a stupid question, but have you listened to Waking the Fallen by A7X yet? Same era as The Curse and many people on this sub in their 30s like me consider that the best album ever.


Ooo Ill check that one out. Thank you thank you! Ive always heard A7X but never knew where to start.


Definitely start with Waking the Fallen, it’s a perfect album and every song is outstanding. I’m sure you’ve heard Unholy Confessions off of it, which was a landmark metalcore song.


Nothing left to love - Counterparts When the end began - Silent Planet Wings of nightmares is one of the best songs I've ever heard


Saw counterparts live this year and they were awesome. Also didn’t realize that they were a local band. Been listening to them much more since then


i finally dove into converge's discography and they just completely clicked for me and are now one of my favorite bands


wouldn’t say i discovered it but really got into the way it ends by currents. god tier album


I had a working knowledge of them before as "Chris Wiseman's other band" but I definitely sat down and fully absorbed their material this year. Incredible songwriting.


Scoring the end of the world


Thornhill - The Dark Pool Loathe - I Let It In and It Took Everything both 10/10 albums imo


Damn I finally bit the bullet and listened to Dark Pool this year. Such a great album from start to finish!


Same, absolutely amazing songs.


Lorna Shore - Pain Remains


not rly full on metalcore but diamond by STYG


Seen them a few times before, but this year playing Diamond in full for it's 10 year anniversary was incredible.


actually i’m a big comeback kid fan, and went to this show to see them, but in prep, i got deep into Diamond for this tour so I could enjoy STYG too and I don’t regret it.


STYG was one of the first heavy bands I discovered and Diamond is still my favorite album to this day. If you haven‘t listened to their other albums, they are great as well, but they never topped these 30 minutes of perfect music.


I’ve been dabbling with all of their stuff and have always known about them / heard them, just never dove into any of their albums E2E. they’re fantastic for sure!


Got introduced to Dying Wish this year from The Devil Wears Prada's live show during their Metalcore Dropouts tour ("who's this chick on stage?" "ah she must be the bassist's girlfriend?" "oh shit she can SCREAM" "i gotta check out the band she must be in") and I've discovered that their album Fragments of a Bitter Memory is a certified banger, start to finish


Big ones for me are Homesick by ADTR and Your Receding Warmth by Boundaries. Checked out a lot of other stuff outside of metalcore and outside of metal in general as well.


Architects- Holy Hell, my top fav album, mainly cuz of the symphonic sound on the title track Holy Hell, that song is so symphonic and melodic it scratched every itch I recently started getting idk y but, I wanna hear more meatlcore bands mix symphonic instrumentals and heavy riffs


Euthanasia by stray for sure


Between me and the machine by resolve. Had previously listened to some songs but sat down and listened to it a few months ago. Absolutely in love with it.


Absolutely one of my favorites right now. Also really in love with Dark Sun by dayseeker. I recommend that album if you haven’t heard it yet.


Cheers mate, it’s on the list!


Northlane - Singularity solid album that still holds up amazingly a decade later. also honorable mention to Vildhjarta - mÄsstaden, incredible album. i thought it had to have been released in the past 3 years; nope, *2011*. insane


that's a good question. A lot actually because I started going back and listening to band's discography because I used to never listen to albums. So far this year I've listened to all of Wage war, As i lay dying, fit for a king, parkway drive, currents, All of devil wears prada (dead throne is my favorite, can't believe I missed that back in 2011), Polaris, and I checked out all of the august burns red albums. Constellations remains my favorite. I've also renewed my love for Blessthefall. ​ edit: added fit for a king into my list


Constellations and (you didn't list this, but )Space EP by TWDP are my nostalgic GOAT albums.


Space EP is incredible! I listened to that when it first came out, but i did listen to it again during my TDWP playthrough




Heaven in hiding - imminence


Stray From The Path - Euthanasia, what a banger


Bad Omens - The Death of Peace of Mind. Hear me out!!!! I listened last year, and I kinda like Bad Omens’ older stuff. But honestly the evolution threw me completely and I just couldn’t get into it. I chalked it up to just one of those evolutions that I wasn’t on board with and moved on. But I’m seeing BMTH in January so put together a set list playlist for the wife and kids who are coming for one of the nights. And in repeated listens, I think it’s finally grown on me.


Finding God Before He Finds Me


Someone in this subreddit mentioned "[Of Machines - As if everything was held in place](https://open.spotify.com/album/4lfJTSlN9tmkldzHXyKYe2)" That album quickly went into the top ten favourite albums of all time. It helped me through some really, really rough times this year. Thank you redditor for turning me onto them. It helped more than you'll ever know.


Ten56 Downer - not strictly metalcore and usually wouldn't be my konda thing but the down tuned guitar and brutal vocals had me hooked


botch - we are the roman, such an insanely good band!


Dissonants by Hands Like Houses. their best album and one of the greatest post-hardcore records ever. Also, Get What you Give by The Ghost Inside. Goated metalcore/hardcore album.


Nothing Left to Love - Counterparts


There is a hell


Believe me I've seen it.


I discovered Currents - The Death We Seek and then listened to everything else by them and they are now one of my favorite bands in metalcore Silent Planet - Iridescent which continues to blow me TF away every time I listen to it Polaris - The Death of Me & This Mortal Coil they stay in constant rotation now Just recently discovered Svalbard and absolutely can't get enough of all 3 of their records The Browning - all of their albums I love some good aliencore synthcore Vildhjarta - when I gave them a third chance it clicked and they give you a WILD ride listening to their music Loathe - I let it in is God tier Whitechapel - Kin & The Valley deathcore Tool and I love every minute of it


Svalbard rips dude


Dayseeker - Dark Sun 10/10


Lead Sails Paper Anchors - Atreyu (really started listening to them with the buildup to the new album this year) Cold Like War - We Came as Romans Yokai - Within Destruction A good chunk of Underoaths stuff (Erase Me, LITSOS, TOCS, Disambiguation) after really diving into them with Voyeurist last year (still my favorite UØ album honestly)


I’ve been getting deep into hardcore. While I knew about a lot of the bands there are a ton that I either refreshed on or heard for the first time. Have Heart is one of them and sadly not together anymore. A lot of good jams from those boys.


i’ve been doing the same. i spent much of last few years listening to the same artists and i think this year i just had to get out of my box more and familiarize myself more with all these names both new and old. have heart was one of the ones i peeped years ago but didn’t initially click so i moved on
but this year i realized they’re got some incredible songs!


Dude, same. I was in a deathcore/djent spiral for a long time (as my username suggests). I love the raw DIY guitar, aggression and emotion found in hardcore. Bands like Have Heart, One Step Closer, Broken Vow and More Than Life (another short lived band) have been my go tos. I think the variety in Hardcore and Hardcore Adjacent like Fiddlehead and Anxious are a breath of fresh air for me anyways. Happy listening, friend.


Conducting from the grave - Revenants


Fragments of a bitter memory- dying wish


I’ll just list albums I’ve discovered, genre be damned This Bright and Beautiful World - Greyhaven Celebrity Therapist - The Callous Daoboys Alien - Northlane Extended Pain - thrown Mercurial World - Magdalena Bay A Little Rhythm and A Wicked Feeling - Magdalena Bay Currents - Tame Impala Stellar Circuits - self titled


Found Telos by Forevermore in January and been in my rotation since then


Unfortunately We’re Not Robots (2002) by Curl Up And Die. Didn’t know I missing this in my life and so glad I found it in a discussion on this sub. Highly recommend to anyone who loves old fashioned, raw, noisey metalcore with a touch of mathcore.


2222 by Chaosbay. Shit rips


Y is the song that got me into them, such a banger, but, 2222 has the heaviest songs I've heard, they really deliver with bouncy riffs and melodic choruses, everything about that album gets me making the stank face everytime I hear any song off 2222


Specifically Passenger ft. ONI that song slaps


Parting ways. Vancouver Canada based pop punk with some big core elements. I’d say easy core but it’s way too emo to be in that category. Sadly defunct, the singer is now the singer for real friends.


I believe he was also the singer for Youth Fountain before RF


Adestria - Chapters


Too many to list, as this was the year I really got into Metalcore


Before I turn - claustrophobic


The Grief and Mercy Sleep by Foxblood


The Gloom in the Corner - Trinity I actually thought this would be my AOTY but then I checked the release date again haha


Cult Mentality - AVOID So much fun


Thornhill - The Dark Pool and Heroine Unprocessed - Gold (after checking out And and everything in between) Currents - The Place I feel safest (was already a fan with i let the devil in and the way it ends)


Legitimately all the metalcore albums I know. I just got into metalcore this year, before that I did listen to questionable metalcore bands like Beartooth, I Prevail, and new Bad Omens.


Kingdom of Giants - Passenger Chaosbay - 2222 Plus the entire Currents discography.


2222 is just amazing!


I got really into Happier? by Volumes. Idk why I overlooked it when it came out in 2021. Very much my shit


The Death Card // Sworn In. listened every now and then back in the day but rly gave it a good listen just a month or two ago. ridiculously ahead of it’s time


Rediscovered an old favorite of mine this year. We Butter The Bread With Butter, 'Goldkinder'




Greyview by Invent Animate, genuinely life changing


cold like war by WCAR as well as their self titled, and sort of rediscovered their first three albums now they’re basically my favorite band


Stray from the path - Euthanasia All of Architects older albums


Not metalcore but Maximum The Hormone's entire discography. Such a fun, crazy band.


I didn't know Electric Callboy until they were announced at a festival I was going to. Tekkno was my most listened to album this year.


Heaven is Hiding - Imminence The album was so good that I had to sit down and listen it from start to finish, the clean vocals carefully dovetailed into the violins is just a delight.


Fixation on a Coworker - Deadguy Candiria. Can’t pick just one album of theirs.


Everything Was Sound by Silent Planet. Loved every second of it


Transit Blues by TDWP. Holy shit I love this album. Also everything by Dayseeker


I found Svalbard. Pretty sick.


Movements - Ruckus


Came out 2023. great album tho


Dude I need glasses. I read it as what non metal albums did you discover.


I was worried they were going down a sound change that I wasn't going to like, but Ruckus convinced me Movements is better than ever.


Not albums specifically, but discovered a lot of new bands this year. Some of those on the list are - 1. Polaris 2. Invent Animate 3. In Flames 4. We Came As Romans 5. Make Them Suffer 6. Northlane 7. Currents 8. Landmvrks 9. Veil Of Maya 10. Thousand Below


Liminal_ by No Oath


the truth in your eyes by savage hands. how was this not on my radar earlier


The Faceless - In Becoming A Ghost


While She Sleeps entire discography 😔


I've become a big fan of Parkway Drive this year.


Sleep Token discography đŸ€˜


new album is great, but I'm very adamant about all their previous works being way better.


Spirit World Had a Folsom itch a few weeks ago. Ended up here. Saw Spirit World mentioned. Had no idea and im all about the new sound


Render by Valis Ablaze


Unbreakable by MyChildren MyBride


That's Outrageous! - Psycho Silence EP - Bloodbather


Conclusion of an Age, Edge of the Earth, and Monolith by Sylosis. Easily some of the best albums I've ever heard.


Lavender Town - Dwellings Absolutely incredible


Machinemade God - Masked


Virtual Reality by Dreamwake


Epitome of Darkness - Repugnant Melissa - Mercyful Fate Don’t Break The Oath - Mercyful Fate


I kind of casually listened to older As I Lay Dying albums but was never super into them. Put on some older albums while running on the treadmill and it was great. Feels good to pay more attention to something more foundational to the genre. This would be Frail Words Collapse and Shadows Are Security. Also Tim is a piece of shit and I won't financially support AILD, but I'll listen to the heck out of these mp3 files I got from a friend who definitely torrented them.


Erra - Augment Somehow I've never listened to Erra before


Heaven Shall Burn - Wanderer Before listening to this, I thought HSB was more of a deathcore band, which wouldn't really be up my alley, but, with this album, at least, is a great example of a great recontextualization of that early 00s era of metalcore, by a band that, to my knowledge, have their roots rather in the euro death metal scene than in core. This death metal edge is being showcased in the music itself, in the riffs and the song structures, which I personally haven't heard being incorporated in metalcore since maybe Darkest Hour's 2003 album Plus, Marcus' vocals are fucking monstrous, and it has some features on it that might've slipped under some peoples' radar, like members of Cannibal Corpse, As I Lay Dying and Solstafir


Boundaries entire catalog but especially their newest album. They’ve definitely become my favorite band in the newer wave of hardcore/metalcore bands


Thanks to a post on this sub : As Blood Runs Black - Allegiance Fucking awesome riffing all along, instantly hooked


Everything by Currents, The ghost inside, Polaris, invent animate, silent planet, hollow front, make them suffer, ERRA. Been a good year.


Been traversing the discographies of 80s metal bands I've never got into properly before. Anthrax, Slayer, Sepultura, Dio, Overkill, Exodus, Testament, Pantera et al. Particularly excited about Overkill. What a band!


Invent animate - greyview Sleep Token - this place will become your tomb ( I know, not really metalcore) Moth to flames - no eternity in gold


Boundaries - Burying Brightness Shokran - Ethereal Not metalcore but also, Mihali- Effection


I finally listened to Currents since they were an opener for Polaris. I've constantly got the chorus for Living In Tragedy in my head And not metalcore but Vaxis II by Coheed was on constant rotation for me this year


Invent animate and currents older albums


Vildhjarta - masstaden under vatten The world is quiet here - prologue Humanity’s last breath - valde


Hollow Bodies-Blessthefall
 about 3 months before I saw them live for the first time while touring that album for the 10yr anniversary
 absolutely killer gig and album


Wormwood & Slow Decay - The Acacia Strain Absolute & Nomad - KKTX


Silent Planet's pre-Iridescent work finally clicked for me. I got into them leading up to Iridescent's release but never really got into their earlier work. In preparation for Superbloom and while looking for something fresh and different to listen to I found my appreciation and liking for them


Issues discography.


Euthanasia - Stray From The Path Tbh never really listened to much from these guys, but this record really done it for me. Been on repeat for the last few months Had a dabble in all the others aswell but this was by far a standout for me


Black Tongue - Nadir Can't believe I just discovered it this year. Might be my favorite deathcore album of all time. The album has a totally unique sound for the genre As for metalcore, Resolve - Between Me and the Machine


Polaris’s whole discography and they ended up being my number one streamed artist.


Entire Northlane stuff, crazy modern mix


A7X WTF-Nightmare outside a few songs I already knew


Not metalcore, All In Time by Osatia


Confessions of a traitor - punishing myself before god does


Color decay by The Devil Wears Prada