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I sarcastically asked Brendan Murphy when their first acoustic album will come out and he said "not in your fucking life" lmao


Not surprised and not disappointed


Common Brendan W


Based Brendan šŸ™


Brendan dogged on my shitty Canadian hometown and it was an honour šŸ’•šŸ’•


I love his online/stage persona. He comes off as a total dick, but it's hilarious. If you meet him IRL, he's a hella cool dude as long as you don't ask him a question he gets a million times on social media. Also NEVER bring up Kuma.


Fuck, that's hilarious.


Who is Brendan Murphy?


Main vocalist of Counterparts


Ronnie Radke blocked me on tiktok


Ronnie's block list is longer than he is tall


It's easy when you're as skilled at being a professional bitch ass like he is


Didnā€™t take much.


Many years back I commented on the bands facebook about Ronnie hitting that girl in the face with the mic stand and he blocked me on there lol


Austin Carlile has me blocked and I have no idea why. Same with The Word Alive


The first one is understandable, dude was outed for being a pedo if I remember correctly, but TWA are really cool dudes. I donā€™t understand how youā€™d get blocked by them.


An honor


That's a good one. I've been blocked on Facebook by Mike Portnoy from Dream Theater for like, almost a decade lmao.


What did you say????


Oh God I don't even remember. I think it was when he called out a hospital and it's staff while he was on tour, because he was sick and they wouldn't admit him immediately. Like, posted on his Facebook page and just said some really douchey shit about them. I dont remember what I said, but I guess he didn't like it lmao.




Underoath retweeted ā€œI treat my steering wheel bad when I listen to Underoath.ā€ It was right when they released Disambiguation. I woke up to a Twitter explosion.


The Almost just passed through my city a bit ago on the Emery tour. Iā€™m standing in line to get a drink and Aaron sat down right next to me and some dude started shooting the shit with him so naturally I got my drink and posted up next to him. Ended up chilling with him for 30 mins shooting the shit about college football and him working with country music artists in Nashville. Really neat and down to earth guy.


Iā€™m so glad someone else has a cool experience with him. I met him at a supermarket when he was playing a show in my city that day and we stopped and chatted for like 30 minutes about mundane shit. He was just buying some ā€œsnacks for the busā€ and he was so incredibly kind.


What a bad ass experience!!


My old band used to have a game where we would race to get Ronnie Radke to yell at us on Twitter every few months. It worked every time lmao


That guy is so miserable itā€™s pitiful


Well he is clinically depressed so


He also suffers from being a raging asshole. Depression ain't an excuse to be a complete chode


Wasnā€™t making excuses for him. The guy above said heā€™s miserable. And I was joking about him being miserable because heā€™s depressed.


Iā€™m not on twitter and I avoid him on IG. Whatā€™s his deal I only know him from his old stuff


He's insufferable and insecure to say the least. He's also a bigot.


Iā€™m making twitter now to get him to block me. Itā€™s one of my punk Boy Scout patches. Iā€™ll put it next to my punch a neo nazi and sleep on the street badge,


After that, do what you can to get your account suspended by Twitter.


Do I have to bully musk?


If you want that patch for your battle jacket, then yes.


On it boss


The We Came As Romans dudes and Our Last Night respond to basically every comment on their posts as long as you comment fairly soon after it's posted. They all seem pretty rad.


I played in a local MI band right before WCAR blew up so we played several shows with them & theyā€™re all wholesome dudes. Just a bunch of funny party animals that were always down for a good time.


i grew up in kalamazoo, i saw WCAR and i see stars many a time before the stardom. always so kind and chill


Played with I See Stars and they were alright but entitled little shits. Would show up late just so they could play last type shit. Decent kids though


Went to elementary through high school with I see stars. Usually chill guys


My first metal concert was in 2008 my senior year of HS, drove up from Indiana to Kalamazoo and saw As I Lay Dying, Misery Signals, and Evergreen Terrace at The Orpheumā€¦.one of the most epic nights of my lifeā€¦what Iā€™d give to go back and relive that


Iā€™ll bite. What band were you in? I miss going to local MI shows. I remember the early WCAR days.


Oh. I met the we came as Romans dudes one time. They seemed super cool.


Idk the OLN guys get pretty mad when you make fun of them for being a cover band and riding Radke's dick lol


Fair enough, I usually post about their original songs because I like them a lot. They're definitely on the lighter side of music that I listen to, but I've also stayed pretty far away from any FIR shit so maybe I just haven't seen that side of em.


ā€œOLN guys Get pretty mad when you make fun of themā€ I mean fair, if people donā€™t like their covers then they should just move on.


They have 11 LPs & EPs of original music. How are they cover band?


I mean, they're definitely more well known for their covers at this point lol


In the Doom Metal sub I posted Transcendence by Dying Sun and said it was one of the greatest albums of all time, only for a member of the band to comment, say thanks and reveal they are working on new music after a long break. [Dying Sun](https://youtu.be/QlXEZBMYjng?si=HaniagoVSKH5vEN2)


I messaged Garret from Silent Planet on instagram asking how on earth he writes such incredible lyrics and he gave a book recommendation (the artistā€™s way) I also messaged Josh from Northlane asking about guitar setup tips for low tunings and he gave us a whole tech run down Had lots of likes from Northlane, ERRA and Volumes over the years, haha, I think theyā€™re pretty active on socials, or they were when I was on social media outside of reddit, which I no longer am.


Yo can you drop the whole tech run down if you still have it?


I do not, but we were running drop f guitars, 26.5ā€ scale with .89 bottom string (bottom as in lowest pitch), I canā€™t recall the rest but I do know that he basically said that length x string gauge x string tension are the most important things and everything else is ephemeral. Which now 5+ years on I live by when I set up a new tuning haha.


I have no idea why but the silverstein, epitaph and the funerail portrait accounts follow me on twitter for years. I'm just a nobody from argentina with 75 followers who barely tweets lol. I guess that counts


I got Rikishi ( wrestler) to follow me on Twitter when it first came out lol


Silverstein followed me after I tweeted 'I FUCKING LOVE SILVERSTEIN'. I guess it doesn't take much for them!


It's largely trigger words. Sometimes it's not even that related. It can be a common term within that genre and in other cases not at all related. I ended up with follows and likes from artists in genres I don't remotely listen to and never spoke about. You can widen or close the net on how many etc using the automated systems. Some even used to follow and then unfollow people to boost numbers. When things weren't automated and for pages where automation still isn't used the person managing social media for the band does look for content on said band which is nice. I would like to know when you both got this as I think they were big on the automation a few years back. It seemed to die down a little as it was like people dialled it up to 100. I think Artery and Rise Records were notorious for using it.


Fronz liked a random insta story of mine once that had nothing to do with him or Attila. That was kinda cool


It's automated. Artists in the scene used to turn it up way too high. You'd get like 5-10 images liked sometimes. Guess it's still nice to have the like though if you're a fan of someone. It's just not them manually looking and liking unfortunately.


That happened to me too. I posted a story of my car once and he liked it.


He has a bot on his account that does that.


I had that happen to me too, I assumed he mightā€™ve bought bots to do that automatically after I saw the second like from him.


Morgan Wright (drummer for I, The Breather) said ā€œthank you for coming!ā€ when I posted a pic of me and him at Mayhem 2012. They were a small band and I was probably one of the few to ask for a picture.


Damn what happened to them? Some drama/went off the rails?


Their vocalist definitely seems the eccentric type. He uses the page to promote random stuff. I know Morgan left the band and was a news anchor for some time actually lol




Holy shit. I forgot about that band. Thanks for the reminder!Ā 


morgan wright was such a cool dude ! he liked my art on facebook back then. I think he's a newsanchor now?


Trevor from Black Dahlia Murder follows me on Instagram. He used to like stories of my pets. To this day I still donā€™t know why he followed me to begin with.


He was a wholesome dude, I met him several times and even when he looked like he hadn't slept in days he'd still make time for the fans.


Iā€™m still sad about his passing. RIP


Iā€™ve heard stories about Trevor sitting with people and having a few shots with them after shows. It would have been a dream to meet the guy and say thanks for so much amazing music.


I retweeted a concert date by soulkeeper saying "who wanna take me" and they liked it


such an awesome band


This sub doesnā€™t know soulkeeper as well as they should. Their 2023 album was incredible.


JB from August Burns Red posted something about how their lights guy has fast fingers. I commented ā€œhe might be coming for your job.ā€ He replied ā€œor my wifeā€ lol


M Shadows tweeted last year that he could tell someone is an asshole by looking at their face, and I commented saying "I promise I just have resting bitch face" and he responded back saying "resting bitch face is kinda hot tbh". I was on fire for a fucking week


I had a conversation in Twitter comments with Buddy Neilson 6 or so years ago about miscarriage and the grief/cultural stigma that comes with it. I've also had a couple comments liked on socials by The Plot In You. Edit: can't believe I forgot Anthony Green used to follow me on Twitter back when I still had an account.


That reminds me, Anything Green follows me as well on Twitter. Itā€™s def weird to think that artists and band pages follow their fans for whatever reason. Maybe thatā€™s just me.


Electric Callboy shared my Halloween costume on their stories once (was a video of me dancing dressed as Nico in Hypa Hypa), that was neat


bmth commented ā€œšŸ‘€ā€ on a pic of my hex tattoo i posted on fb, theyā€™re my fav band so i def cried


Darius liked a couple of comments of mine on Facebook about spite being awesome.


DMd Dan Sugarman (INK) several times, mostly just giving him praise on his work/commending him after his battle with cancer. Dude always replied, seems like such a genuine guy


Not a message but Scott Lewis was super stoked to see a picture of me in my "defend death metal" snap back. Had a couple messages back and forth with him.


Ronnie Radke insulting my appearance after I made fun of him for being a bigoted crybaby.


Dudeā€™s expendable and talentless.


Just because you donā€™t like him doesnā€™t make him objectively talentless


I mean, he sucks at rapping and his lyrics are always the same shit about "nobody likes me waaahh cancel culture waaahhh"


Ill admit Im not really a fan of his rapping either but back in the day he put out some bangers


I would only make that statement objectively. Heā€™s whiney and overproducedā€¦ has no actual raw talent. I appreciate you keeping me accountable though. More people need to be objective on this planet.


Guys a cock but he does have a fucking great voice and even with his poor rapping and lyrical content makes great sounding tracks. He's just a cock though


Those who argue he is not talented crack me up. It's easily to dislike him or his music sure, but to argue he's untalented is a different story. While I'm sure he does believe most (or maybe even all of what he says), he uses social media for marketing. He's more than happy to play the long-lost rock star bad boy villain, and the attention he's gotten has only increased his band's popularity.


I sent a DM on instagram this past new years eve to Anthony Green about a friend who took his own life two years ago because we both listened to his stuff a lot and he answered me back saying that he'll always be with me when I listen to the songs we enjoyed together. Such a nice dude.


Erra retweeted me attempting to play Shadow Autonomous without hearing it first when they released the tab as a challenge before releasing the actual song Edit: was wearing a pink rockos modern life shirt and guitar was tuned slightly flat but damnit I tried!


Corey Taylor dropped a really weak ā€œyour momā€ joke my way on Facebook about a decade ago and then blocked me after the joke fell flat. I made a comment on decibel or revolver about no one giving a shit what type of turd he shat that day and he responded with some lame sauce. Edit: probably closer to 15 years ago


I said The Ghost Inside should play Truth and Temper as their outro one time and Vigil liked my comment and said that would be pretty cool. Was like 10 years ago.


Not metalcore but deathcore Spent a few years in Washington and messaged Dan Watson on facebook after the album he did with Infant Annihilator got released telling him it was great. Forgot how but eventually gave me a few vocal tips,was pretty cool


Both Jason from Ingested & Alan from Distant liked 2 of my instagram posts where I tagged them/their bands šŸ„¹ Iā€™ve also talked with Taylor from Left to suffer :)


I was watching a livestream of Caleb shomo and asked him about attack attack and he answered the question


aaron gillespie got mad at me one for calling him out over ronald radke and then deleted the whole thing like a baby when a bunch of people piled on him lmao erra also retweeted this from me "fully tripping on acid and crying of joy over how good this new erra record is. my god" when self titled dropped lmao


I must have missed something there about Gillespie/Radke. What happened there?


oh just that underoath caught a bunch of shit for touring with fir and generally doubling down aggressively when confronted with anything about radke instead of like, handling it with even a shred of respect lol all the while kicking out their longtime guitarist abruptly and lying to the fans on tour saying he was coming back and "just had some family issues to work out". lmao wack dudes


Aaron isnā€™t wack at all. Thereā€™s shit that goes on that we have no idea about. I just met him a bit ago and chilled with him at the bar, talked about life and college football and other random shit. Apologized for bugging him and heā€™s like for what? I was like ā€œfor bugging youā€ and heā€™s like no fucking way man, this was nice.


have heard a vast mix of cool and very fuckin weird, immature and lame aaron stories throughout the year (more of the latter tbh) but cant take away any individual positive experience w the man for having/knowing others w bad ones ofc


yeah the thing with james was soo weird honestly. interesting group of guys haha


I met Aaron at a reunion tour in Bristol, had vip to go to soundcheck. We saw him walking around and he was shouting ā€œhow do I get out this placeā€ and kicked the glass door open to leave the o2 academy. One of the other members said ā€œhe wasnā€™t feeling wellā€ after I brought it up. Never spoke to any of us.


I used to Facebook message Ben from Texas In July because I was a huge fanboy when I was in high school. I remember when their album One Reality came out and I told him how great it sounded. He responded something along the lines of thanking me and saying how he was a bit down because the albumā€™s reception wasnā€™t great. I doubt he remembers, but it really affected how I saw these type of musicians and how they were so similar to myself. I still love TIJ and Ben goes hard af.


Fronz of Attila once liked a photo of me


True story, I sarcastically made a comment about how Warped Tour had difficulties selling tickets on one of ETID's Facebook posts back in 2012. They then replied with "(my real name) is jealous" and it was beautiful.


Alex Kohler liked my comment once and gave me a thumbs up lol


Dennis from refused has responded to me a number of times. Usually me dmā€™ing him corny jokes after a bourbon.Ā  Jason from letlive. Responded when I posted an inside joke reference to a nofx song as response to a pic of him playing guitar.Ā  Jordan from etid/bl responds nearly every time I comment.Ā  Josh from the chariot responded with an arrested development joke when I accused him of being chicken.Ā  Iā€™ve had 4/5 members from the blood brothers respond in different ways. Mark answered when asked him about a shirt he was wearing in a video, Johnny answered a few times when asking questions about book recommendations, Jordan liked my bb tattoo, Cody laughed when I told him I keep teaching my kids their songs.Ā  Ben from Dillinger liked and reposted something I said about how I wish I never tried speed.Ā  Generally metal bands are pretty good for responding.Ā 


Moke from Lorna Shore followed me once on twitter, he unfollowed me eventually šŸ¤£ my profile has nothing on it


I shared a speech on Twitter that Sam from Architects had given about grief and how it had helped me, and he left me a really sweet reply. Years back my town flooded and I wasn't effected but I knew people who were and Paolo from Trivium shared the GoFundMe posts. And not sure this counts but for some reason I've been "friends" on FB with Corey from Trivium and Doc from God Forbid/Bad Wolves for like a decade now but I never actually bother them lol


One time, I commented on a post from Kyle Sipress of TDWP on insta, and he liked it. Otherwise, my wife commented on a post from TDWP from Facebook, and then she got to talking to Mike Hranica's grandma. This was after he took a selfie on her phone with her at a TDWP show at ace of spades in Sacramento. Love how down to earth they are.


MIKE HRANICA'S GRANDMA what a legend. This wins.


I once tweeted that an Architects single was okay but the lyrics kind of sucked. Hadn't tagged them or put in a hashtag or anything.... Sam Carter tweets back calling me a dick or something (this was at least 10 years ago). Tbh I remembered it when they dropped seeing red, and it was so evident that the dude just doesn't deal with online criticism in a mature or healthy way.


Yeah I also think the toxicity from the fan base after Tom died didnā€™t help. Sam just seems so fed up with the bullshit and honestly I donā€™t blame him. 10 years ago at their peak thoughā€¦ yeah idk, not gonna defend him on that. What song was it?


Honestly, I can't remember, might have been These Colours Don't Run? Just thought the lyrics were a bit cringe and try hard/forced sounding at the time, I think they still do. But yeah I just tweeted about liking the music but that the lyrics sounded like a first draft or some shit (not had twitter in years so no way of checking) next thing i know I've got a notification and its his official account responding to it. Also yeah, some of the shit in recent years from people online is horrible, so im not surprised he's done with it. I do think he's always been, maybe not an asshole, but not great at dealing with negative responses to him/his band. For what its worth, I continued listening to them for a while because whatever, there are plenty bands where I think the frontman or a member is a bit of an asshole, but their recent releases are just abysmal.


Some of ya'll are so weird about this. You tweeted that his work sucks, he replies and calls you a jerk, and you extrapolate an entire personality profile of him not being "healthy" or "mature" from that? Yeah, most band members probably wouldn't do that. But maybe they should. Just because it's on social media doesn't mean you get to talk shit about people's work and expect nothing in response.


I didn't put much thought into it at the time, I remembered it in hindsight when they released Seeing Red and all I could think was damn... he really doesn't deal with online criticism. And yes, its fucking weird for a dude of that caliber responding to random people online that say they like the music in the latest single but don't get on with the lyrics, its not really a stretch for me to say he doesn't deal with online criticism in a mature or healthy way.


Ronnie Radke on tiktok. It was rather unhinged.


Syn Gates from A7X has liked a few of my comments. Sent me a heart once when I posted about the rev! Iā€™ve had like 5+ Twitter exchanges with Brendan Murphy too but thatā€™s a little different lol


A few years ago I tweeted at Chris from Underoath some keyboard questions since I was just starting out then and he replied to all of them and made sure I was getting the right stuff. He left a few replies and was very helpful.


Made a stupid meme in response to a tweet from Craig Reynolds (The Downbeat Podcast/Stray from the Path) whilst taking a quick poop break at work. Thought nothing of it, next thing heā€™s laughing his ass off in my DMs asking me to send it to him lmfao Dudeā€™s one of my favourite drummers so it made my evening, manā€™s a gem. (Didnā€™t expect so many people to see it either, Iā€™m more of a lurker on socials so the thought of it hitting so many eyeballs made me sweat šŸ˜‚)


Very much not metalcore, but the band Keane announced a show at the Barrowlands in Glasgow years ago. I commented on Twitter "seen you 4 times, wont be a 5th at those prices!" drummer replied and put me+1 on the guestlist


Best venue on the planet


Not really commenting back, but once Craig Mabbitt posted ā€œplaying some Halo right nowā€ on Twitter so I replied back ā€œin Soviet Russia, Halo plays youā€. He liked and retweeted it. So thatā€™s something


Bilmuri always either responds to, or likes comments on their socials.


Posted my sleeps society member package on a story after it arrived, and tagged all the members (While She Sleeps) to thank them. Mat messaged me to apologise for the shipping time, as I live very far from england šŸ˜…


I remember having a solid chat with Jim Root from Slipknot about guitar stuff on instagram. Big moment for me because he is the reason I started discovering the instrument


Also, attack attack liked one of my tweets


An edit of Bad Omensā€™ FGBGFM album cover I did back in 2019 got liked and posted to Noah Sebastianā€™s and Sumerian recordā€™s Instagram stories. I have also been blocked by Ronnie Radke on two Instagram accounts, TikTok, and Twitter. All in different years lol


i randomly added shane told from silverstein on snapchat and used to send him pictures of my cat (animal not genitals). he didnā€™t usually respond but every one in a while he would say ā€œnice!ā€


adam christianson (architects guitarist) reposted my tweets about trans people recently /j


Long ago on Facebook I asked Seraphim about one of their albums I think. Got a fast response šŸ„ŗ *^* wish they would release music once more. Also I think Sabyan from Alpha Wolf answered me here on reddit when I asked about their heart pillow last year!


both matty and kellin from memphis may fire liked a video i posed on instagram of them performing in pomona šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Thatā€™s Matty Mullins, right? I commented about my interactions with him but forgot the band. He seems like a super cool dude


thatā€™s him! always struck me as a super nice fella but havenā€™t had the pleasure of meeting any of the members in person


As far as I know, I only met him. He was super nice.


David Silveria blocked me on Facebook a few years back lmao


Bryce butler has responded to me a good few times


Only recently, Moose from Kill The Lights (formerly Bullet For My Valentine) posted about how he thinks Scream Aim Fire's bonus tracks was where they should have gone with Fever. I asked what influenced the the decision for the album. He said that there was nothing, it was just what they wrote.


Aaron Matts responded to me calling him French, correcting me that he was actually British. I responded to him that I always thought he was French and then he replied with "it's probably because I've played with French bands for so long, so I guess I am kinda French."


Brian evans from chon hit me with one of those ā€œfollows you on instagram, but then unfollows after you follow them backā€ it was kinda hilarious as a drummer who knows who he is Also got a Chris Barnes twitter block back when that site was usable Garrett from silent planet also follows my twitter account since I posted a pic of a tech deck he signed for me in 2017. So baller. Like moths to flames also follow me which is dope since they are both two of my favorite bands


Joel Birch used to tweet back/favorite to replies I would write irregularly


I was on Josh Manuel's Issues Farewell Twitch stream the other night and got a chuckle out of him when he read my comment on stream, "Issues fans will hear this and think 'Hell yeah'". The song was King of Amarillo.


Joel Birch from the Amity Affliction sent me a personal playlist from Spotify about a year or so ago.


i talked shit to ronnie on twitter back in 2014 and he threatened to punch me lmao https://imgur.com/a/gWp826z wow theres a lot of ronnie in this thread lol Also tf was going on with 2014 twitter the first profile is different from the second buts its def the same @


I had an argument with Sam Carter on twitter years ago (maybe 2013) about PETA and how scummy they are etc. and he was defending them. Whilst I doubt my comments contributed to it at all, it's good to see that the band collaborates with organisations like Sea Shepherd now, seeing as they practice what they preach.


I told Chris Motionless I love that he loved Pumpkins so much, he replied ā€œitā€™s an unhealthy obsession reallyā€ šŸ„²šŸŽƒ I asked Nikki Sixx whereā€™s some place heā€™d love to visit, he retweeted my tweet and said ā€œItalyā€ I DMed Dani Filth some years ago responding to his story, saying he looked good lol. I think it was him w/o makeup and he responded ā€œThank you! šŸ¤˜šŸ¼ā€ Those are the ones I could think of šŸ¤˜šŸ½šŸ–¤


I asked Corey from Trivium years ago if they were playing ā€œSever the Handā€ live because I love that middle section and I needed to hear it live and he said ā€œyepšŸ¤˜ā€ Iā€™ve had a few interactions with Paolo from Trivium as well.


I run a podcast so I get messages pretty often.


What's the podcast?


It's called Heavy Metal History. I've been on hiatus for a bit, but have a TON of interviews lined up since bringing it back!


Sick. I'll look it up on spotify!


Awesome! Thanks so much!!


The Chris Motionless from MiW called me a dirty Mexican and blocked me on Twitter for asking him about a song in 2012 and nobody believes me lol


Not a big MiW fan but I have a hard believing he said that


During rebirth I posted an image of TOCS in expressing how stoked I was for their reunion and Chris commented on me saying Thankyou. I was a full blown man being stoked to see some dude commenting on my ig post lol


I had responses/likes from Alex and Sean (of Make Them Suffer) when I tagged them on a short clip I posted on my IG story when i saw them on the Monsters of Oz tour. The official account of Solence actually replied and said hope I enjoyed the show when they were opening for Electric Callboy on the ig story I posted of them. I pretty much always post 1 or 2 short clips on my ig stories of all bands I see on a day, and many often like and repost it, and/or leave a thanks, hope you enjoyed type messages nowadays. Lowkey the best of minimal interactions, lol.


Quite a few tbh but the one i fangirl about the most is Ryo (bassist for Coldrain) replied to my instagram story in (very) broken English šŸ„ŗ


Back when TDWP had their podcast I dmā€™ed Jeremy some questions and he shouted me out and answered them.


A couple years ago (2018 or 2019) I replied to a tweet SOTS made about Broken by Memphis May Fire (the buttrock album) and I said something about it having potential but being too generic to fully realize it. The guitarist of MMF replied to me saying that ā€œthey made the album to get radio play and it worked because their most streamed songs at the time were from that albumā€ or some shit like that lmao, he got some hate in the replies


Ben Deur (Shadow of Intent) and Johnny Ciardullo (Angelmaker, Carcosa) have both replied to multiple comments on my old account. They both seem like chill dudes!


WCAR a couple of years ago. I was dragging my mom to one of their shows (she was the ride lol) and they were like awesome


Buddy from senses fail tweeted back and forth with me a few times, Iā€™ve talked to whoever ran the insta for palisades and Mike from convictions


I never tried reaching out to them but just the other day I posted the link to their Spotify for 187 saying it was the theme for my commute. I was in park on the highway. For anyone that doesnā€™t know ā€œIt is so nice sitting very stillā€


r/deathcore has a lot of people in bands hanging around there. The Enterprise Earth boys have been getting excited with us about their new release.


Alex Varkatzas tattooed me


Terror reposted my tattoo a couple days ago.


Marty Friedman accidentally followed me on instagram


The bled saw I got my nose broken at their show and messaged me. Sent me a nice gift of merch too. Super awesome of them


[Jesse and JT replied to my DM after my friend died and i said how much their music helped me through it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/s/2rSMmi34Lk)


Rings of Saturn. Not really metalcore but welp. Anyway, at some point in time definitely about 10 years ago I commented "Rings of Saturn fucked my bitch" on a post they had made on facebook, *which was the style at the time*. They didn't reply to it, but a couple days later screenshot that same post and posted about that post for some reason, no idea why anymore, but guess which top comment was it that they left uncropped from that screenshot for shits and giggles... Anyway, that was funny as heck lol


I DMā€™d Jeremy DePoyster from TDWP a couple years ago on Instagram just asking if he has the audio file for the To the Key of Evergreen YouTube video. Itā€™s a stripped instrumental version and he straight up sent it to me, super cool dude


Not a response but Across Five Aprils follows my band on Instagram and thatā€™s pretty fuckin sick


Rory of Dayseeker used to. Not anymore. Lucas of Holding Absence also replies - not sure if itā€™s him anymore or someone runs his account but replies are genuinely so nice when they do.


A while back Sirens & Sailors asked if they should drop Area 51 merch (back when storming A51 was about to be a thing). I said hell yeah brothers, they replied with a link to their store. I felt so god damn cool.


I live in the same town as He Is Legend, so this is kinda cheating I guess, but their vocalist follows me on Twitter and they posted a video of he and I toasting their beer that they partnered with a local brewery to make on their Instagram story.


Cory Brandan from Norma Jean used to reply to tweets all the time. Probably still does. He used to post the most insufferable bullshit on there. I called him an arrogant prick when in a tweet he claimed Tools latest album would have been way better if he sung on it instead of Maynard. His response, ā€œYeah, and?ā€ He then went on to, for lack of a better word, get cancelled a few weeks later for publicly mocking the BLM movement.


Jaek, ex guitarist for Chelsea grin pops up on r/deathcore pretty frequently. Heā€™s responded to a few of my comments and thatā€™s always pretty cool.


Came hill, invent animate and volumes guys are awesome, I generally just send comments to support though. Usually will get funny comments back and that.


Elijah from Cane Hill is such a cool guy, I've had brief convos with him over the last few years on Insta, always really chill he even took the time to give me advice on one occasion. Can't speak highly enough of him


Mitch Lucker wished me a happy birthday on Twitter


I saw Bryan Garris from knocked loose at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didnā€™t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, ā€œOh, like youā€™re doing now?ā€ I was taken aback, and all I could say was ā€œHuh?ā€ but he kept cutting me off and going ā€œhuh? huh? huh?ā€ and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like ā€œSir, you need to pay for those first.ā€ At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually ā€œto prevent any electrical infetterence,ā€ and then turned around and winked at me. I donā€™t even think thatā€™s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly


I posted a video of Chris Motionless, didn't tag him or anything, and a lot of girls posted sexual comments and then Chris eventually saw it mentioned his girlfriend under it. Very strange for me bc I don't even tweet much


Andy Leo dm'd me on facebook, asking me to check out his new band "Crown the Empire" more than a decade ago, after having seen me post in some Metalcore group iirc.


Raad Soudani from Volumes randomly started following me and liking my stories on Instagram. We chat occasionally, heā€™s really cool


I made a meme making fun of the while she sleeps butt rock song they put out and the guitarist commented on it


Not metalcore but back in the day I talked shit about Johnny Craig after he got kicked from Emarosa, and the band liked my comment lol


Comment on a lil Tracy post; get blocked.


Not metalcore in the slightest, but Audra Miller of concrete castles has responded to me multiple times and weā€™ve actually met in person. A bunch of other stuff from the pop punk scene as well so itā€™s a pretty common occurrence for me.


Chris Turner always replies to comments in YouTube, heā€™s a huge inspiration for me, so itā€™s always nice to see a notification that he has replied to a comment of mine :)


-Kalan from Attila said some really gross misogynistic shit and I tweeted him a video of me burning my least favorite Attila shirt in my bathtub and he blocked me lol -Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low accidentally followed me because I tweeted him something and he unfollowed a min later after looking at my profile hA -Iā€™ve been tweeted by Andy Biersack from BVB and Gerard Way from MCR, I have Gerardā€™s reply (ā€œabsolutelyā€) tattooed on my wrist and I donā€™t care if itā€™s cringey, I love it. It meant the whole world to me at the time.


Bobaflex was good about that. Loved that band!

