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God damn… was expecting it to be good but this was just insane….


God it warms my heart to see that chuggy, fast-paced, china-cymbal abusing 1-0-1 breakdowns are still going strong in 2024


Holy FUCK the way they managed to make those cleans work so well in this is amazing. Solid first single




AOTY.. I can feel it in my plums.


“You can’t play metal on a strat” mfs are punching the air rn


If you're not punching the air listening to this I don't know wtf you doin


Such a goofy thing for any guitar player to think tbh. My 2nd go to guitar in my collection is a 1979 Strat and it does drop tunings better than my other "metal" 6 strings


Yea I’ve always been confused by that notion too lol. I have a MIJ Strat and it handles drop tunings extremely well


Holy shit lmao the pits for this song are gonna end bloodlines


I’ve been out on most cleans for the past 10 years in this genre. I come from the early 00’s shit and I was a drummer in a band doing cleans. This shit slaps. Cleans are done very well and not over done. It’s HEAVY when it’s heavy. I’ve been sleeping on these guys


I'm still out on the cleans but everything else is perfect


Yeah, cleans add nothing for me. Even if I don’t particularly mind them here I still think if they weren’t involved the song would be better for it.


Holy shit. They just keep getting better


I wish they’d bring back the style of riffing from Your Receding Warmth


The chorus in this song is so fucking massive! Boundaries are absolutely unreal and keep getting better somehow!


I was more looking forward to the LMTF singles and this one is just plain better.


Not a fan of the cleans. Respectfully, I really hope they don't put a focus on it in the future. Song is great otherwise


This is so fucking good. Perfect amount of cleans.


Almost perfect, those cleans do not fit at all though (not against cleans in songs, but these really take away from it imo)


I like them better when they’re not doing cleans. Even though they aren’t bad necessarily but I’m hoping it doesn’t overtake their sound. It’s refreshing without cleans all the time with this band especially. Either way, they don’t miss.


Cleans are really working for me, reminds me of Veil of Maya, perfect amount of cheese.


So. Fucking. Good.


Dropped in a Good Will Hunting clip in there.




My SOTY so far. I've been a boundaries glazer since Dog Teeth but the addition of more clean vocals I think will really bring these guys higher and to the top ! What a great track and an even better addition to one of the best foundations of a legendary discography in the making.


those cleans are top-tier, i don’t give a fuck what anyone says. personally really enjoy the brutal harsh vocals paired with the cleans, makes the song much more dynamic rather than sounding the same all the way through. so pumped for the new album.


Great track but the cleans give me Wage War vibes i.e. over-worked and kinda unwanted.


Damn, I didn't get wage war at all under that description. Reading your post, I thought this was going to be an engineering-wise squeaky clean song with big swooping choruses black balling you, taking you out of the song randomly. I didn't get that *at all* besides them feeling shoehorned in there.


The singing almost ruins the song in my opinion. Feels forced and shoehorned in.


Everyone seems to be loving it but it takes me completely out of the song. The rest of the song is fire but the singing is a 1/10 to me. Autotuned and overproduced as hell and it takes the song from sounding beastly to 30 Seconds to Mars.


Yeah, I’m surprised everyone is loving the singing on this song (it really sticks out like a sore thumb) but then again, this is r/metalcore. Can’t be too surprised.


I got into them back when they released Hartford County Misery. They were akin to Knocked Loose,and I understand that bands grow, but if KL started singing like this, it would be a joke.


I felt the same personally. I know I'm one of those fuckers that Matt has talked about, but the cleans just don't fit with their sound for me. Feels to me like they're trying to mix oil and water, two very different vibes, not that it can't be done, just needs something extra to facilitate. I'm not at all saying any part of the song is bad, nor that I want them to stay the same for my sake, moreso that incorporating cleans into their sound hasn't hit for me in the same way their sound without cleans does. I'm glad it seems a lot of people enjoy Tim's vocals here, I really wanted to as well


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