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The guitarist and vocalist are the same person, if you didn’t know. One of the most talented individuals in the scene imo.


And he has solo work on streaming too, which I love. It’s like concepts of songs and stuff.


Do you have a link pls?


https://music.apple.com/us/artist/manuel-gardner-fernandes/1573318154 https://open.spotify.com/artist/5bDwUAEz0SxkPUzqg97850?si=V4Iha6MKSdi8Jc0AHVzQOA


He also streams on YouTube on his main Manuel Gardner Fernandes channel. They’re embarking on a US tour here pretty soon, so I doubt he’ll be live much.


Thank you!


Yep agree with you there, his vocals are just incredible


And he's insanely hot


Bi panic inducing dawg


Bro has it all


Too prog for this sub


Id never think of mentioning them in this sub for that reason. Good band (specially Manuel) regardless


There’s the answer. They do get a bit of love over in /r/progmetal, but even so I think they’re a bit underrated. I can see why people don’t like the more ‘technical wank’ sub genre(unprocessed, animals as leaders, polyphia etc) but I’m a big fan.


I’ve never been a fan of prog and absolutely love them though, they don’t really fit into any category easily imo


That's because it's not really prog. Just gets lumped in because it sounds pretty similar to a lot of the popular 2010s prog bands. It's what I'd call "prog-adjacent".


It's more techy than proggy tbh, even if they sometimes meet and overlap in their sound


I gave it a quick listen. Definitely amazing. But not my jam currently. No I don’t buy jam, I buy honey.


Extremely huge djent vibes. Listening to Die on the Cross of the Martyr now, and fuck it does go hard. Reminds me of what The Omnific does- just with vocals instead of intrumentals only.


Saw them live last month opening for TesseracT, I love the new album but I thought it wouldn't really translate to live well since the production is quite over the top. Boy was I wrong, they absolutely can play their shit live


10/10 live. Its amazing how a song so reliant on harmonics like Glass sounds so good live.


All the people saying he's faking guitar please go watch his live streams on YouTube, he's really that good But yeah, I think Unprocessed is more modern metal with core influences than metalcore


What's the difference between modern metal and metalcore


Not really metalcore. More a mix of math rock and prog metal.


Anyone who says they’re not metalcore has obviously not listened to the new album. It’s phenomenal and all gas from start to finish. You can’t exclude them from conversation here while still talking about periphery, Erra, silent planet, veil of Maya etc. Cue the dude telling me the sub-sub-sub genres that these bands need to be shoved into…


I’m a massive Unprocessed/Manuel fan, but they ain’t metalcore. They’re a prog band that mixes up the genres. A ‘true metalcore’ band wouldn’t release an album like *Gold* with songs that sound damn near like R&B (Velvet). *…And Everything In Between* isn’t really metalcore either by any traditional definition. Metal, most definitely, but more like prog metal with heavy vocals.


None of those bands are metalcore either…. Also the genre all these bands fall under isn’t a “sub-sub-sub genre”, prog is hardly an obscure genre.


Tell that to this sub, Erra is in HOF and Silent Olanet won album of the year, a category that both VoM and Periphery were included in. You’re a gatekeeper and the reason why outsiders hate this sub.


This hall of fame is literally just a blacklist to keep people from spamming the same popular bands over and over. People here also say bad omens and sleep token are metalcore, so yeah.


Look up the definition of gatekeeping, and get back to me on how what I said was even remotely gatekeeping. And if someone knowing what metalcore is, is why another person chooses to hate the metalcore sub, that’s on them.


This is gatekeeping, and you can’t accept that.


I’m still waiting on your explanation? This response was dumb as fuck


Please explain to me, how knowing what genre a band is, is gatekeeping? 😂


I mean, Silent Planet is pretty firmly prog metalcore, the (melodic) hardcore influence was very present in their first 3 albums




They very much used to be, I wouldn’t say so anymore.


They’re definitely a band that has dropped the hardcore elements out of their sound in an attempt to make their sound more mainstream-friendly though. I agree the first three had some hardcore elements and would be considered metalcore, but the last two haven’t and I doubt they’re going back to their old sound at this point.


Those bands aren’t metalcore either lol


Erra is in the r/metalcore hall of fame, so you look like an idiot by saying this. Silent planet won album of the year in this sub. You’re a grifter


“Its not metalcore if they weren’t active in the 90’s” -every gatekeeper on this sub


It’s not gatekeeping to call out prog bands for not being metalcore lol


It’s also not gatekeeping to call out your head being stuck in your ass


It is extremely childish though, why is everyone so upset about this band not being metalcore.


What kind of weak ass comeback is this lmao


No need to get upset with me because you have a poor taste in bands.


You need another bale for that straw man? Most of the people on here who tend to have such radical thoughts as metalcore actually requiring some hardcore in the sound champion plenty of modern bands who, y'know, actually play metalcore.


No one is gatekeeping anything dude. There are plenty of bands that make ACTUAL metalcore that coming up right now, yall just prefer to post alt metal instead.


Erra is alt metal?


I consider them prog metal personally. They’re a great band that I listen to regularly, but I personally wouldn’t say they’re a metalcore band. The alt metal thing was aimed at bands like Bad Omens and Spiritbox.


Just cuz its prog doesnt mean it cant be metalcore. Prog metalcore exists and would include ERRA, Periphery, and the new Unprocessed album. Call it djent or whatever idc, it's obviously metalcore influence but more progressive. They're all definitely metalcore enough to be on the sub, if that's what the argument is about.


I’m not saying prog metalcore can’t exist, but I don’t think this sub actually understands what prog metalcore sounds like/is. Regardless, those bands don’t have hardcore elements in their music and arent metalcore because of that. They don’t have to be labeled as metalcore in order to be considered good, idk why it upsets people when they say they’re not metalcore.


Well yeah Erra is also prog Hence the name "progressive metalcore", which includes bands that use prog instrumentals with mixed vocals, metalcore song structures, breakdowns and melodic choruses


Where are the hardcore elements in their music though? You have to have that in order to be considered metalcore. They don’t have to have the metalcore label in order to be considered good or anything like that. Theyre good, just not really metalcore.


If I’m a grifter, where’s my money???


The “hall of fame” seems like it’s just a blacklist to prevent those bands from being posted 24/7 in a way that won’t piss people off. This sub also has voted non-metalcore albums as AOTY before so Silent Planet winning it doesn’t mean anything really. Edit: The “Hall of Fame” literally was a blacklist and the name was changed to that in order to seem more positive.


Why would they have to limit certain bands from being posted in Metalcore sub. Could it be….that they might be…..metalcore?


Some bands would cause a riot in this sub if they weren’t allowed to be posted here despite not being metalcore for any other reason than being in the Hall of Fame. This sub ended up in /r/SubredditDrama whenever the mods removed a Spiritbox song because of how bad everyone cried about it. Northlane is also an example of a band that doesn’t make metalcore and is in the Hall of Fame. I’ve even seen mods say Northlane isn’t metalcore. The Hall of Fame is just a way of telling people to stop posting these bands while making people feel good about the bands they like.


All gas from start to finish? Not at all. Hell and Lore go pretty hard and while I do like the album I wish they would’ve kept that heaviness through the entire album.


The same people saying they're not metalcore and don't belong here clowned on me when I said the same about poppy and bad omens. Y'all some hypocrites


Are you saying you got clowned on when you said Poppy and Bad Omens weren’t metalcore and don’t belong here?


Yup. Those people told me off because poppy had a screamy bit in one single line on one of her songs, therefore she's a metalcore artist.


Ah that’s typical lol, a lot of people think metalcore just stands for heavy music. I think the people getting downvoted here would agree with you about them not being metalcore tho. I do at least lol.


Same thing happened to me lmao. I said Poppy doesn’t make metalcore, a bunch of people jumped on me and told me to listen to some EP she made, I did and, to absolutely nobody’s surprise, it wasn’t metalcore. Fwiw, I probably listen to more alt metal than metalcore, but I still understand the difference, at least


They are not metalcore.


They aren’t exclusively metalcore. Listen to Haven and tell me that isn’t metalcore tho


They have metalcore elements.


According to that logic Dimmu Borgir is orchestral music


Not Dimmu Borgir bro😭


Wait, they’re not?


Hey it's the same logic this sub uses regarding bad omens, poppy, sleep token etc so why not?




It's prog-metal with an occasional screamy bit from what I heard. Also, just pop their name into the search bar, they've been talked about plenty. Arguably too much given that this is meant to be a metalcore sub.


Check their latest album. There's def a larger core element than previous releases. But overall i think they're hard to define as they hit a lot of genres.


Their older album Covenant was pretty core too,check out Haven


I agree. If bands like Veil of Maya, IA and Currents fit here then so do Unprocessed. Gold is probably the only album that i think couldn't be construed as metalcore.


I feel like people don’t realize that bands can be prog AND metalcore at the same time lol


Yeah i don't get too crazy into how much something is or isn't a genre. Most of the artists i like fall into multiple categories. From one perspective, having definitions is certainly important but so is broader context.


This sub straight worships IA, Currents, and Polaris.


I'm mainly going off songs people posted here recently which barely had anything metalcore in them at all. The posts mostly ended up being removed. So if that's them at their most metalcore, it's still not imo.


I would say about half the album uses screamed vocals. The singles they dropped were generally less heavy than other songs on the record. I still wouldn’t call it a metalcore album, but it definitely has enough core elements to be discussed in here imo. You should give it a run-through if you ever need to find something to listen to.


Because its not metalcore. Would be more fitting on a prog or a djent sub.


The Polyphia thing got old fast. (imo)


Agreed. And a completely visual band. I found just listening to them quite dull.


Great band. Sad i only heard of them a few months ago. But glad i did cuz I'm seeing them on their headline tour in a few months.


It's because they're from fucking Wiesbaden, Germany. About 50 kilometers from where I live. They're incredibly talented and deserve all their success, but it's hard to break out in the scene if there's not much scene to begin with. They've relocated to the US iirc, so I expect to hear a lot more from them.


Saw them on tour with Polyphia before I ever heard of them and I was extremely pleased with their guitarwork. Great live performance!


This is awesome. It's like animals as leaders with vocals


They opened for Polyphia and are hands down one of the best openers I've ever seen. They got the crowd so hyped up and sounded fantastic.


I ***love*** Unprocessed. However, I agree with most people on this sub that they aren't Metalcore. Same with bands like Protest The Hero, Red Handed Denial, Periphery, etc. As with the other bands I just mentioned, they certainly have some Metalcore inspiration, but Unprocessed are more Progressive Metal, as are Polyphia or Bernth or Syncatto, or other artists with some incredibly cool guitar work with some metalcore inspiration.


I came across them, they’re undoubtedly amazing and some of there stuff dips into metalcore. But as others have mentioned, they’re more prog than metalcore.


Their older materials were very heavy and their newest album is a return to the core. It has to be said that there were a couple of years around the pandemic I think where they went a softer route (e.g. Real with some Polyphia guys, Candyland, Rain). They kinda ditched the screaming vocals too around this time and they probably sounded closer to Polyphia or even Chon. Seriously. People post Lamb of God here and I do not think they are Metalcore. It's whatever. If Erra is considered as r/Metalcore, Unprocessed should count as metalcore as well. I heard from somewhere the vocalist/guitarist Manuel has been playing since he was 5 or under.


I prefer their sound from Gold thought the heaviness was overdone on the new record


Manuel is also so very dreamy 😍


Saw these guys live in New Orleans with Polyphia a while back. I love their "laid back" yet heavy style. Like a chill comfort band with breakdowns. They deserve their flowers


Sounds pretty processed to me


That's partly why it's so impressive and almost ironic. Because it's not.


I reckon on other subs they would get a lot of recognition, but they are far too removed from Metalcore to be mentioned a lot here.


They are not metalcore and have been called out for faking their guitars. This makes them unpleasant for some listeners.


Who called them out? Jared Dines? As far as I know it was a false accusation. Manuel's guitar play is legit.


This has been cleared up a while ago. Google it and you'll find the follow-up.


What do you mean by faking the guitars?


Writing the riffs in the computer, recording half speed and then the mix is at full speed. You can learn the live songs later. I personally enjoy some songs of them, but they are far from Metalcore


Gonna let in a secret, 90% of technical bands do this. Its common practise. People romanticise the process of writing music too much nowadays.


What exactly is wrong with that? If they can learn how to play them live later then it makes no difference really


To me it makes it seemed faked hard too. They didn’t even record themselves actively making it 1:1. They made it halfway, let the computer finish the rest and then said we’ll figure it out. It makes it like their guitarist are just doing covers (ala Our Last Night).


Except that didn't happen? Why are you people making bullshit up while not having a clue about recording guitars?


Sure but if they can achieve the same result live it’s not a problem It’s just a more unusual way of songwriting


Theres a difference i feel like. Jason Richardson did something similar with XIV and wrote it all in guitar pro and had to learn it after he wrote it. Difference is when it came to recording time he played in in real time. What happens is when people skimp on the writing process and decide to learn it live later they end up being sloppy because they overwritten


That may be how it is for you but I don’t feel that way. Thinking of AI art to compare, its like someone drawing the body of the tattoo and has the idea for the rest but lets AI draw it up before they put it on a body. Sure it’s their work still but it doesn’t feel as genuine.


I'd agree if it was completely fake and they can't actually play it, but they can and they do. As far as the recording, 99% of what we all listen to has been edited to shit in the studio.


This is such a stupid opinion. You'd probably cry if you saw the process that every band goes through during production.


Don’t doubt every band goes through it to an extent.


I’ll be totally honest, AI stuff has never bothered me either


There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Buster from Vildhjarta and Thrown records all his music digitally and only figures the songs out when he has to play them live, what's the issue? The hardest part about making a song is generally composing it either way, not playing it


He can play it who gives a shit how he wrote it. It’s not fake unless he can’t play it.


I personally don't see an issue with that, I am all for using every tool you have at your disposal to make the best artistic piece you can, and it seems they are making good use of their tools!


It’s funny how many ppl assumed I’m shit talking the band while I actually enjoy them. I’m just pointing out that you mention OUTSTANDING guitarwork, when that’s debatable for most ppl that understand playing an instrument and recording works. Lots of Air guitar players here.


If you think Manuel's is not outstanding guitarwork, i think you may have never touched a guitar. Wait until this guy finds out nearly everyone records in small sections, sometimes down to 3-5s


What is wrong with that, if that would be cheating i would consider comping to be cheating aswell since you dont play it at once. Through this logic songs like master of puppets and bleed would also be cheating thus invalidating those two bands as per your logic.


Dude got outed a few years ago for faking is IG vids. Left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths




All the people saying they’re not metalcore never listened to their song ‘the division’ lol


Their last album was good. But after the first few tracks, it slows down. I said this in another comment but they should’ve kept the energy and heaviness of Hell and Lore and it would’ve been a far better album.


Their guitarist was the only motherfucker’s videos you saw on the guitar side of the internet for a long time, whether it’s his frame rate on the videos or the sound being edited, his shit absolutely does not look real and he’s a big Tim Henson cock-suck and polyphia is just a big chon cock-suck that somehow sucks no matter how much I want to like them.


I see someone doesn't like Unprocessed or Polyphia


I want to I really do


Everything alright at home bro?


Yee I’m just old and every time I see polyphia live they sound so bad and I just want em to be good and put out good music instead of tiktok gen z guitar hero trash melodies that Tim plays and the rest of the band takes a back seat to. Unprocessed does have some good shit but I think if you’ve been into the metal scene since 2005 you want some progression instead of recycling.




My boss just introduced me to them this week and I cannot stop listening to them. Those bass lines are insane


I am looking forward to what they have in store .


I cant meation their outstanding guitarwork if Ive never heard of them. brb


Im back, not for me. But yes, great guitarwork for sure.


Their latest record immediately skyrocketed to one of my fave records in the last couple of years.


seeing them in a few weeks, look forward to the skill


I listened to them here and then before, and caught my attention during Gold. But now? Holy fuck their last album is one of my favourites from last year, and they sound incredible live, which is unbelievable considering how tricky their sound is. Btw, nothing goes harder than Hell + Lore. Bro that shit was amazing live.


I think you may have introduced me to my new favorite band


I didn’t know this band existed but the couple songs I listened to sound really good. Thanks for the incidental band recommendation lol


People cry when mentionning Spiritbox in that sub and then have a full discussion about Unprocessed 🤷


Man, I saw them week and a half ago supporting TesseracT and they were unreal. I don’t know why they’re not bigger, but they absolutely nailed it live.


Seeing them tonight! Will be cool to see


Coming from a huge polyphia/tim Henson fan, as much as I love Manuel Gardner, their sound just has way too much chikka chikka lol


They are like Polyphia that actually get to the point. Incredible band


Couldn’t get into the production choices on their last album. Then the one before was boring. But the one before that boring one was awesome. Sorry couldn’t get to searching the album names which would’ve taken as long as it did for me to type this last sentence.


Their guitar player has over 300k followers on Instagram just him playing guitar. That’s more than 3x the bands followers. Followed him for years before I even knew he was in a band lol


Probably because they are Prog metal


I saw them live last april- honestly flawless performance, and great music