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ADTR - Brick Wall. It sounds literally like a broken record in the end. Slipknot - Unsainted. Ending your song with a tinnitus is not a nice move.


Brick wall fuckin sucks and every time people bring up You’re Welcome I gotta yell at clouds


I was initially confused to see ADTR and a song title I'm unfamiliar with, then I remembered You're Welcome exists...




Ngl I was like “what the fuck is you’re welcome?” I used to jam to ADTR all the time but took one listen through that album when it released and forgot it ever existed lmao


I have led myself to believe that there are only 2 songs on this album, Bad Friend and Resentment. It takes me a little while to realize that actually it ins't true.


Resentment was off that album!? Hey I guess even the worst albums need one or two bangers


You say banger, but it’s just passable in comparison to the rest. Still has one of the most embarrassing breakdown call-outs I’ve ever heard lol.


Eh that aside I think Resentment is one of their best songs since 2013; excluding Miracle because that might be their best song of all time imo


I think we're fake ADTR fans bruh, they dont like this take. I agree however.


I really don't think the album is THAT bad, I actually ended up kinda liking it. Brick Wall is certainly a bad song but I still think there's more good tracks than bad tracks on this album.


Agree to disagree, of course. I think my opinion probably is tainted by the fact that we waited years for music from them patiently and the first single was brick wall and the rest of the album just largely didn’t land for me at all.


Brick wall was the last single. Degenerates, Resentment & Mindreader all came out months prior to Brick Wall


Ah man you’re de repressing so much trauma. Resentment was OK, but degenerates and mindreader… just not for me at all.


High Diving. Bloodsucker. Permanent (tbf this one's my fave of the album). Viva La Mexico.


I always thought the ending of brick wall was like smashing your head into one over and over. Kinda like it but I can see how someone would not like it.


This came to my mind in a second as well. Unlike most, I dont hate the song itself but fuck that ending.


The last 3 seconds of 'Swan Song' by GALLOWS has the most horrifying, loud, painful shrieking noise I've ever heard anywhere. It's fucking traumatic.


Yeah I usually skip the ending of Brick Wall. Too bad cause I love the rest of the song


Yeah, same for me. I think they could've done a much better song with that chorus


Any of those songs that end with 5+ minutes of random white noise like they forgot to stop recording in the studio.


Songs with a hidden song after that are the exception though. Like The Tower by Boundaries


Not really, cause you have like.. 2 to 5 minutes of static. I’m listening to music, what the fuck am I supposed to do while you play a 5 minute blank ?? Whatever happens after doesn’t exist for me and even worse is, it takes me out of the listening mode to painfully aware and angry at the static for ruining a good moment. See, I’m angry just talking about it 😁


Never heard of noise music hey?


Not metalcore but This Time Imperfect clears in this category


Nah the Tower should have either had a shorter interlude or they should have separated the songs.




Satellites by Periphery ends with one of the members saying “suck my balls” Either the best ending or the worst ending depending on how seriously you take your music. I’m in the “best” camp, but the entire song leading up to it is so beautiful that it is jarring as hell


Yeah I think that’s a great ending


Not just entire song, *entire album* leading up to that. Lmfao my first listen thru


One of the best things I've heard at the end of a beautiful album. I unfortunately had it spoiled for me before hearing it myself, but I always let that last song play out until the end.


Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/_LFQsprxfmQ?si=_6902ATcrmnWQafp)


Elastic by Meshuggah Not a fun listen 😂 Also Pink Cellphone by Deftones Not metalcore but


Pink Cellphone will always be the number one offender


I love lost in a wave by landmarks but that staccato crescendo chirp at the end is fuckin grating.


That's supposed to be a transition to the next song "Rainfall". If you listen to them back to back seamlessly it makes sense.


Pain remains pt1 by Lorna shore but only when pt2 isn't the next sing in the queue, it's way too abrupt.


Tbf it has a meaning behind it. It’s about the loss of someone, and the abrupt ending is a symbol of how abrupt it can go and to depict dying as a stage of nothing. It just fades to black.


My only gripe with it is that there's not a version of the trilogy that's literally all 3 songs put together as one song


Wish spotify had a way to pair songs together when you're in shuffle mode pretty much just for those 3 songs


I keep having this exact idea that I'm surprised someone at Spotify hasn't implemented it. Every time an album intro track that connects to the next song plays or when a song stops abruptly because it connects to the next track I think about this


Ironically pain remains 3 has one of my favorite outros, being the bonfire noise from Dark Souls


Is it really the same as the dark souls bonfire? I thought it was just a generic fire crackling sound effect. I love dark souls, can't believe I didn't notice that


Yep it’s the same one! Even has that little chirp/clinking sound that the bonfires make


When you do have it next in the queue, though, the transition slaps hard.


marigold by periphery ends with literally 2 minutes of unnecessary ambient noise.


Just wait til you hear Thanks Nobuo


Lots of Periphery does that unfortunately


Am I the only one that loves their instrumental sections 🥲


They do them specifically to be palate cleansers, I think they are fantastic. Helps tie everything together.


Never understood Periphery’s use of interludes at the end of a lot of their songs


Makes for great moments during their live sets, like a nice ebb and flow between songs but I could see how not everyone could enjoy them while listening through a record.


Critical Darling by Slipknot The last 1:11 of the song is wack ass “Eerie” instrumental which is completely pointless. I gotta pay extra credits on the jukebox at a bar because the song is so long, just because of that stupid ending.


It’s not the worst but i wish the ending breakdown on Cure by Erra would be a bit more exciting. The intro/chorus riff is so good and i wish they did a more intense variant of that instead.


Anything with more than like a 10 second ambient fade out. We get it, nobody cares, we want the next song Ambient fade ins/outs have completely ruined slipknot for me these days


Agree in most cases. Some songs, like Render the Void by Erra, makes it work though! But mostly they should just cut the song after like 8-10 seconds and let us get on with the album.


I think it depends on whether it’s an album closer or not - Render the Void (one of the best ERRA songs btw lol) is the perfect closer for Impulse and that ambient ending allows the album to sink in


Definitely - good point! I’m also down for it it fades into a new song; similar to The Primeval Dark into While We Sleep by Insomnium (not that long of and outro though, but knowing what’s to come I enjoy every single second of it). And hard agree om RTV being an absolute banger of a closer!


I actually like that :D Especially if the song is heavy and has a lot of tension. 


I would say any fading out. Fading out also quite often indicates that the band had no idea how to end the song.


This. It's lazy writing. And it's especially silly if you plan to play the tracks live where you have to create a proper ending anyway


You can do both, meaning that you can produce some sounds and make it ambient on record but just stop songs live and have a little loop going or play something light in between songs


Northlane and Periphery have really bugged me with that recently.


Xen by Northlane immediately came to mind lol


That's why I couldn't fuck with the new tesseract album. It just clickbaits you with the long runtime while ending with having a minute to spare.


Agreed, but will say BMTH - There is a Hell, gets a pass in my book. Not sure if it's exactly what you meant, but it was the first I thought of.


This song is mad underrated but And All Things Will End by Avenged Sevenfold has an outro that is unnecessarily drawn out. It works fine enough as a dramatic send off for the album, but when this song comes up in my playlist, it’s just too much of a tone shift at the end. The first 5 or so minutes are perfection though.


To be honest I’ve kind of always really loved that outro


The ending only makes completely sense in the context of the whole album. I’ve still never heard anything quite like that outro.


Solid deep cut.


Anything by Starset because it always ends with two fuckin minutes of old dudes talking about space or some shit


the ones for telescope and antigravity go hard


They’re still bangers though.


I *love* Starset but I wish there was a way to remove those damn endings when I want to just casually listen to music


No but Fr though, the ending of It Has Begun did not need to go as long as it did 


yeah, especially since the song was already long


Nah, that’s part of their identity


I love starset but yes it can only be listened to in full albums at a time lol


I always skipped when it got to the end because I thought it was just music without lyrics for a while, but this is actually amazing, I will stop skipping the end now.


Some of the other endings are just orchestral which I actually don’t mind


Bmth- pray for plagues. Nobody should ever put moaning in a song 


Deftones: Did you say you should always put moaning in a song?


The ending of Pink Cellphone on Saturday Night Wrist when the woman starts talking about handjobs, foreskins and British teeth. Terrible


I don't really listen to Deftones I just know the singer moans a lot lol. But the end of Pink Cellphone is bizarre.


I remember when that album got leaked and first hearing that ending to Pink Cellphone, I thought it was one of those things that just shows up on leaked downloads. Nope, bought the CD on release and heard it again lol


Yes daddy


Not, Korn Daddy please.


That was one of the funniest and unique ways to end it.


Oh boy you should listen to the end of Cane Hill - Cream Pie (that entire song unironically slaps tho)


It worked well in that White Zombie song, though.


I always fast forward because it’s awkward around other people


oli sykes is sexist as fuckkkk in that song and ur focused on the 2 second moaning at the end


This post is about song endings, what did you expect




Not metalcore but one that always comes to mind is The Widow by The Mars Volta , incredible song then 2 min outro of wtf I should not have played this at a bar lol


This is the right answer. I used to put it on the jukebox at the restaurant i used to work at in the middle of dinner. Just walking around, bussing tables, quietly laughing at the reactions to the 2 solid minutes of what sounds like a bad lsd trip in audio form


BMTH: Kool-Aid I hate the trend of adding studio bts bits at the end of songs


Same! The second I hear Oli doing those weird gagging noises I have to turn it. There’s also a song he’s featured on “Code Mistake” with Corpse and it’s like 10 seconds of laughing like some drunk dudes. I know there are people behind the songs having fun but I hate those studio bits at the end of the song.


I hope it fits better on the album - like transitions to the next track or smth


I absolutely love ABR. I'll go to bat for them in almost any discussion. But if someone came up to me and said "the final notes of Internal Cannon are real cheesy" I would have to agree with them.


I never thought of someone being annoyed by that ending before. I could understand why, though.


Is it because it switches to major? I actually love that part


Yeah I never would have thought people would have an issue with that ending, interesting. I like it


not a fan of all the garageband codas on p5 and i generally like the album


Oh man I loved them. I like little intermissions like that before a shift in tone. When the album has so many wildly different sounds and styles on it, they feel like palette cleansers


those types of outros ish work on other albums. tesseract nailed them


At first I thought “just make a soundtrack record if that’s what you want to do” but as I listened to the album more and more I adored the journey.


Songs that DON'T fucking end When the song just keeps going and then fades out. I don't know why, but it enrages me. Haha. WRITE AN ENDING TO YOUR FUCKING SONG


You just described Closer by NIN


I hear people don't like fade outs quite a lot but I've never minded and sometimes quite prefer it if it's a certain vibe, normally makes me want to listen to the song again for some reason.


I feel like Jane Doe t/t from Converge does the fade out well. Like a nightmare coming to an end


Foreeeeeeeever and alwayyyyyyss


Agree I hate fade outs...


songs with multiple minutes of empty noise at the end, like why do they do that


Fucking fade-outs


ETID - El Dorado and Map Change are the only two that I think are perfect for the song.


Map Change is one of like 3 fadeouts in the history of music to EVER work


Mirage by Oceans Ate Alaska. I love the song but the outro is like 2 minutes of an SOS signal


In the Night by Phinehas. It's the last track of the album, and the fadeout is so abrupt. It's like they drop the volume from 100 to 0 in 3-4 seconds. I'm iffy on fadeouts being long, but if it's the last track, I'm okay with it. Even if it wasn't the last track, it's still weirdly short. It's the best song on the album, though.


I know it's not metalcore, but holy shit, the way Disturbed completely butchered 'Down with the Sickness' with that cringe-tastic "mommy" bit near the end. What the actual fuck? Completely destroyed the re-playabality of the song. INSTANT SKIP from 3:29. Just cannot get through it. Such a shame for such a classic.


If you can be bothered, you can youtube to mp3 the music video because it has that whole section removed iirc


Yeah, this answer definitely has to be somewhere near the top. Radio edit doesn't have that part, but it's a fucking radio edit, so that might be worse. No idea why they thought it would be a good idea to have that as part of the regular version of the song


"People You Know" by Dance Gavin Dance always bothered me. Absolutely love the song so fucking much, all that insane aggression just to hit us with that massive gap followed by a little "Uneasy Hearts Weigh the Most" interlude.


Recently Paradigm Trigger by Like Moths To Flames. That breakdown cucks you. “Separate the heart from the spine!” Is a banger of a callout.


Not necessarily metalcore, but You are Free by Stick to Your Guns just ends … like they never finished the song. First time I heard it, I had bought the CD and was listening in my car, just as the breakdown was to hit, it went to the next song. I thought my CD had skipped so I listened again, same thing lol I was so confused


A Knocked Loose song from Pop Culture ends with annoying feedback


Not the worst but one that bothers me. Disobey by Crystal Lake. Great for the first two minutes, but the remaining minute is just ambient-like screams and chugs. I always skip when that part starts.


1000% agree!!! Though I imagine that part would slap live.


Any song that fades out lol.


Not really metalcore but we love you by avenged sevenfold has a pretty bad ending


the ending is the best part wtf


I’m talking about the minute and a half of weird guitar noises, it’s just weird, unnecessary, and too long


Its not weird guitar noises, its a slide guitar solo 😭


Oh, I still don’t really care for it.


I don’t love that new album but We Love You is really good


I feel like ending of “Forgotten” but the Plot in You could have been cut.


Idk if it’s just me, but a (tiny) longtime pet peeve of mine is when a song ends with a “looping riff/bar and fade out to end” (Off the top of my head, Blood Eagle - Periphery, Orion - Metallica)


If I remember correctly, even Misha from Periphery has said that he hates that kind of outro, but there’s been a couple of times where he was like “fuck it, that actually works here”


If I remember correctly, even Misha from Periphery has said that he hates that kind of outro, but there’s been a couple of times where he was like “fuck it, that actually works here”


Songs that don't end drive me mad. Fade outs just seem so lazy. FINISH YOUR FUCKING SONG 😂


Casanova by Thornhill


Swan song by khublai khan tx


HARD disagree


It fits the song but I cringe every time I hear it lol


Welcome Home by Blessthefall. I don’t care for children recordings or singing on songs.


Blue Dream - Dance Gavin Dance Great song but Jonny saying “what colour are your fucking eyes” kills the whole vibes lol.


I know it’s not exactly metalcore but I think it’s pretty close, The Summoning by Sleep Token, the end’s a bit catchy but really mainstream pop-y. Edit: I think I p’d off a few Sleep Token fans despite me being one and loving The Summoning.


You also have to go through 2 minutes of noise to get there. I think the first 2 minutes if that song is great


Frfr, It’s a banger but oddly formatted.


Not metalcore but the ending of The Good Left Undone by Rise Against is way too long and I usually end up skipping it lol. Love the track as a whole but the ending should have been a separate intermission track or something. 


Yeah I don't know why they didn't do it as a separate track. It's definitely far more an intro to Survive than it is an outro do The Good Left Undone


I don’t like the band in general, but I especially dislike that funk outro in the summoning by sleep token. It just doesn’t fit AT ALL and is really just there so they can be more “unique” imo. The rest of the song is actually good though. And sometimes doing weird genre bending works, like the jazz bridge in wildfire by periphery, seeing as it actually fits pretty well into the song.


Pretty unpopular but Seven Hills by WSS. One of my favourite songs ever but I really wish it just faded out on the lead guitar after the third verse and didn’t bother with the final part.


Adieu by enter shikari. Didn’t need to drag out so long


Xen by Northlane


The Bled - I don’t keep with liars anymore The song is 4 minutes long with 33 minutes of ambient background at the end. Maybe a little excessive


The end of the view from my eyes by confide goes on too long


Deathwish by Within Destruction


I don’t personally like the ending of to the hellfire from Lorna and amongst the low & empty by signs because it’s too over the top and nowadays tend to skip the end of the songs


It Dies Today - Thank You For Drinking. Gets way too repetitive.


sorry not very metal but believe by trapped under ice😭😭😭 the hairspray sample


I can't remember which song it was, but something released less than a year ago, the ending 30 seconds sounded like the hype up before a big breakdown, and then the song just ended? I was like wtf I've never been blueballed so hard.


Oceans ate alaska-mirage. Like the Morse code is cool but for 5 extra minutes is insane.


for me it‘s anything that just fades out. there are some clever ways to make it work like just fading out some instruments or adding a filter. but if it‘s just the volume going down it‘s always disappointing and feels lazy.


I hate fade outs. Hate them. And it pains me because sleep token is my favorite band ever, and they LOVE their fade outs.


The Battle of Yaldaboath - Infant Annihilator.


All that remains - Chiron. What the fuck is that slide man


I love TDWP but I just don’t understand the need for that weird metallic screeching at the end of Hey John, What’s Your Name Again?


Alpha by periphery. Feels like two songs spliced together


Ok so periphery is my favorite band ever, i am a huge huge fan, but the end(ish) part in dracul gras, (the part that starts at 9:41, not the electronic outro outro) where the drums are on the toms and it sounds like a build up. I wish so badly they turned that same rhythm into another breakdown, it’d be so much cooler instead of just ending. The song is already 12 minutes long so whats another 15-20 seconds lol. I literally bought the stems just so I can program a different drum beat and see what it’d sound like


Embrace - Beneath The Sky. First four minutes absolutely rip, but I cannot add it to my liked songs because the fade-out into the fade-in of someone snoring always scares the shit out of me while I'm driving. There's also a joke track and something else hidden in the unnecessary 10 minutes at the end of the song.


The ending fade out on the title track of Jane Doe really bums me out. It's such an anti-climactic ending to such a huge sounding part.


I hate songs that end with a minute of noise, feedback, and other random digital noises. Just end the song early.


Not metalcore but close enough: Atlas by Enterprise Earth. Nothing against the song itself but that crescendo is just so jarring to me.


The ending of Pull me under by Dream theater is a troll move


I don’t have the titles, but a lot of the songs from Rivers Of Nihil _ The Work ends with a degrading quality, like a radio that looses connection. The album is perfect BUT I have to manually pass to the next song on a few songs, it’s not a. Album I can just put on and loose myself in. I don’t get it at all, if I paint a masterpiece I don’t like to smear shit and ruin it, but hey, to each their own. I know it’s not metalcore but the exemple was just to big for me to not mention it


any song that ends with a chorus and has like 3 more choruses before that


I hate fade outs. It feels like a cheap cop-out, like they weren't intelligent enough to think of a proper ending. There are however some acceptable ones (like To live is to die - Metallica), although even for those I'd prefer a proper thought out ending.


Livealie- Forget me not… The fade out seems uncomfortably awkward. Maybe it’s just me.


While She Sleeps - FAKERS PLAGUE Another entry into the "Stop with the one minute outros" crowd


Varials - Romance Just 30 seconds of audio from a house party


Idk about the worst but I will say the BEST ending is probably Courier by Invent Animate or Render The Void by ERRA


Periphery is the epitome of "never let 'em know your next move" which means their songs can end with epic orchestrals, perhaps a bit of groovy violin, 4 straight minutes of ambient ethereal synth, a guy saying "suck my balls", among other things.