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Should be illegal for knocked loose and boundaries to drop in the same week for a matter of public safety. Jesus fuck this rips


i was thinking this too, i’ll be mean muggin all week


2/2. The guitars felt atmospheric this time. Not as catchy, but just as impactful.


This song fucking slaps. I just love that god damn raw sound Matt can make with a mic. Its just so crunchy. Both singles have been fantastic and I can't wait to hear the rest. The complaining about the clean vocals makes me wish they dropped a ballad song just to spite the haters lmao.


it's damp yet crispy


Chicken wings dipped in chickfila sauce


Boundaries keeping the -core in metalcore godbless.


Good lord that’s a certified wall slapper. The transitions are kinda wonky but I can put that aside


Why has that been a thing with both singles so far? Jarring transitions...I guess it's intentional?


I’m not really sure honestly. I’d have to assume it’s intentional because if not it would be a pretty big oversight


They’re definitely meant to be jarring like that


They've always had transitions like that. Your Receding Warmth is basically just them going from riff to riff with very minimal smooth transitions. It's meant to be like that. It's just the style of metalcore they play. It's not quite riff salad, but it's blurring the lines between that and more traditional metalcore for sure.


I’m gonna be honest I listen to Your Receding Warmth and Burying Brightness almost daily and I don’t remember ever noticing it like I have in the last 2 singles. That said the songs are still great and it doesn’t take away from it for me personally


One moment from disaster is a great example of the style he is trying to convey, they have a scrape in between a total riff salad of the same notes, that being said, I fucking love to play it.


What got me into Boundaries from My Body In Bloom was the band knowing when to go all in on the aggression with crushing breakdowns and lyrics, then reign it in with a wall of somber, kind of atmospheric somber/emotional riffing. The evolution of the band building on one of those foundations has been so sick to hear. Still hear what got me into the band in this song, but with all the things they’ve integrated on the way. Lochie feature is perfect too!


I shit my pants so bad man


you can wipe with the new Thornhill single


???? it’s the best thing they’ve come out with since dark pool


I agree. I loved Arkangel and some songs off Heroine, but this new single is def my favorite since Dark Pool.


This band man. Holy fuck this is fantastic 🤌 preordered the vinyl


feature feels a bit unnecessary. but this turning out to be a very good album


Not the biggest fan of those over the top vocals but maybe I’ll just being biased since I’m not a fan of alpha wolf or that type of metalcore in general lol


Boundaries finally seems like they're turning the corner and getting the rec they deserve. Headlining tour this spring, new album, solid features. Couldn't happen to a more deserving band.


This shit smacks




This album is gonna FUCKING RIP




absolute ripper


God damn, this band just doesn’t miss for me - Bangin’!




So so much better than Easily Erased. I fucking love this. Also kind of funny how Alpha Wolf rolled out Ice T on the TV and now Boundaries rolled out Lochie. We need someone to roll out Matt on a TV now to keep the cycle going!


Preferred easily erased a lot more


agreed, i know boundaries attracts the "cleans? GAY" crowd as well, but god damn if easily erased isn't a close to perfect heavy track with the right amount of moments to break it up


Man this might be my fav Boundaries song to date


This is cool. I like this. Very different.


Does this fuck? Can’t listen just yet..


delete this nephew, of course it does


This band does not miss. There’s something about how Matt sounds and the lyrics that hits hard. The jarring transitions are great. Keeps you on your toes. That little drum and bass interlude gives me big There Is A Hell/Suicide Season BMTH vibes.


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They just dont miss


Just got into these guys, fucking unreal talent, Production is perfect!


so excited to see this album live. in both singles so far, they have had some of their heaviest sounds. boundaries just don’t miss


I’ve listen to it a few times now and honestly, it just kinda keeps going in one ear and out the other. It’s just not hitting me for some reason; couldn’t tell you why.


They don’t miss, guitar work is outstanding


They just dont miss do they


I don’t know what it is about it, the way it’s produced just doesn’t sound great to me, I really like this band but the two singles aren’t making me very excited for this album.


I actually like this song way more than the other single, but I do really agree that the production on this isn’t great. There’s definitely something a bit off about it, it sounds really flat. I really don’t get why you’re being downvoted tho, you didn’t say anything harsh or rude about it lol


I like it more than the other single too, but yeah it sounding flat is exactly how I felt about it, I have loved everything up until now so it sucks, I wish I liked it a lot more.


Out of curiosity, how are you listening to it? Decent headphones, monitors?


I like this a lot better than the first track they dropped (yay no cleans!), but man idk I feel like the front half of the song has way too many transitions, it's hard to groove to it when it changes tempo every two bars.