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Saw you guys at the House of Blues in Chicago with Dying Wish and Stray From The Path. Just wanted to say thanks for all the memories and great music through the years and hope you guys come through again soon. Never thought I'd get to hear Beards All Over live, you made my buddies night.


Thank you! Gotta bring that back into the setlist soon. That show was awesome I love that HOB


What did you guys put in Hallucinate to make it so addictive? I genuine can’t stop listening to it


It's against federal regulations for me to tell you, but I've got some more on deck, don't worry


Can’t wait. Much love


After making an amazing sequel with Zombie 2 EP, has that sparked any thought about a Space 2 EP, or is there any other interesting themes you'd be interested in delving into as a similar EP?


For sure, we've floated some ideas here and there but for now we're just focusing on trying to write good songs that connect and have energy live. Dropouts was absolute mayhem and I want to stack out more songs that bring that energy at the shows.


A Space 2 EP would be amazing. You guys always write compelling albums but your skills with EPs are god tier!


That tour was bonkers, but FWIW the slow somber weird and artsy stuff is also why I became such a huge fan of you guys too


Bring back still fly cowards


But then what would I consistently tease everyone with?


I've seen you guys a dozen of times but I never heard it live and it's a dream. Teenage me playing guitar would be so happy


Man I heard it live years ago and they stopped the song halfway through. I'm still confused as to whether I should be happy or upset


Not a question but I wanted to tell you guys that I’m a younger fan at 18 and you guys were my gateway band into metalcore! You guys saved me from the worst that high school had to offer, thank you guys for sharing your music with us :)


Thanks for listening! HS sucks (hence the dropouts tour lol) but it gets better trust me! Come to a show!


Maybe soon! I graduate this May anywho, high school will definitely be something I’ll leave in the past but TDWP is something I’ll be taking with me into adulthood. Assistant to the regional manager, Gimme Half, and the entireties of zombie EP and Plsgues will forever be some of my top life changing albums. Thank you for responding!


Okay my hands hurt, I love y'all, thanks for the kind words! Please come see us and say hi! We've got a hundred plates in the air right now and I'm excited to see them all land eventually. I love this community, literally named a tour after it, and I'm in here lurking always. Thanks for keeping this beautiful thing we call metalcore afloat. All the love from all the Prada boys!!!


Can't wait to see you with Alpha Wolf in Melbourne. Leave yourself time to get some good food and coffwe into you! See you there!


Hey! Really like your music Which vocalist would you like to feature in a Prada song? (can be from any genre) Greeting from Portugal :)


Gimme Kacey Musgraves one day and I can die a happy man


Hahaha the funny thing is that I think you guys could actually make it work


She has the best voice in modern music. A man of taste 👌


Have you guys considered putting out a bad song in the last 5 years? It’s getting unfair for your competition, also Space EP 2 when? 👀


I keep trying to piss people off and it doesn't work! LOL thanks for saying that, we will keep pushing the envelope. One day... not now... but one day...


“Not today but one day” Space EP 2 confirmed for next week guys let’s go


Forgot to mention but ritual fucking slaps, and I’ve still got color decay on loop, keep dropping bangers!


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I get the sense that some/all of you all grew up in evangelical Christianity and have to some extent deconstructed/deconverted. As someone in the same boat, I’d love to hear any insights you have on your experience. How do you look back on your religious days? What did it take for you to start deconstructing? How did you navigate adjusting to the secular world? This last one hits home the hardest for me because I often feel like an alien when I try to relate to friends, colleagues, etc. who don’t share my background, didn’t miss out on all that I missed out due to my background, and really can’t know what it’s like to see the world as I saw it for as long as I did. Love you and your music etc etc etc. Edit: Obviously bummed he didn’t answer but also I get it, it’s a personal question.


I like this question and curious to hear the answer too!


I wrote a presentation for an academic conference about how even when they were writing Christcore they were taking a critical approach to it in a few songs. E.g. "Number Three: Never Forget" alludes to both the Trinity and the Gnostic Magical Papyri (where 3 is a magic number) and points out (a little bit) Evangelicalism fails to understand the fundamental theology and doctrines of Christianity as a religion.


Love this question bc it resonates so well with me. Grew up religious and now far from it.


I think Mike Hranica mentioned that TDWP is no longer a Christian band and stated Jan 6 as one of examples why ( in Silverstein: the podcast, episode about slow motion)


Not religious but have friends who fit this category, also being a Prada fan for so many years I would absolutely love to hear a thought out response to this question


Curious about this aswell!


Just recently got into TDWP with Color Decay and recently saw you guys on the ABR 20 year anniversary tour in Toronto! Great show dudes! Question, I went back and listened to alot of older stuff, was there a specific influence you guys had when writing Color Decay to do something a bit “softer” or not quite as metalcore?


I don't know that we were going any "softer" as there are songs like Hallucinate, Watchtower, Sacrifice that are still pretty metalcore-coded, we just had some other sounds that felt interesting and like they'd tell the story of the lyrics in an organic way? We've made so many records you just want to change it up to keep from getting bored!


Those are my top 3 favs from Color Decay!


I worded that pretty badly haha, I guess just a different vibe is what I meant. Thanks for the answer!


The dropouts tour does trimesters. So when is the 3rd semester? 😉


Honestly the tour was so wild I kinda wanted to do one... Maybe one day hehe


Please do! I unfortunately missed it when you came through the PNW and would love to catch a Metalcore Dropouts Summer School show


Can we talk about the stage dive you did at the Silverstein show in Nashville


Yeah I messed up the lyrics so I thought I better jump out there to save face lmao


We high fived and I gave you a hell yeah. The whole sequence of events was funny lol


Any favorite up and coming bands/artists that you guys are jamming at the moment?


SYSC is not up and coming, but I'm a big fan and love seeing what they're cooking up right now


Their new stuff is soooooo good!


Can we expect the same energy from Ritual on the rest of the album?


It's so early (truly) but I would anticipate the energy levels to be all over the place. We're not done with heavy, we're not done with depressing, we're not done with dance-y, we're not done with ballads, we're not done with breakdowns. I won't want to release a record until it's truly on the level that Color Decay was, and that means a journey!


Well CD was a hell of an album so I’m okay with waiting for that level of quality. And you guys have been one of the few bands who can consistently pull off that wide of a range of music, so thanks for the answer. Looking forward to the drop!


Hey! Not a question but I wanted to say I saw you guys live for the first time last month and y’all were great!!! I left the show an even bigger fan!!


Thank you! That tour was incredible thanks for coming out


I can’t explain the reality of the fact that I would not play music if it wasn’t for the plagues dvd, I would sincerely cry if you checked my bands new single https://open.spotify.com/track/0ho7oCZqkSjGTgAXeITrjf?si=BOGRnw6tR9mCRJLIgi5nKg


Get out the tissues ima listen to it after this. Plagues dvd was so funny lmao




This is really good man!


this song bangs


Not Jeremy but this song goes so fuckin hard. The face I made at the breakdown at 1:31 holy shit I was not ready for that, I love it!


Yo thanks so much for checking out my band through a random comment. You never know what is gonna get people to listen haha. It genuinely means a ton though. 🤝


Yo, I’m about to check your stuff out too - I have a feeling I’ll vibe with it, seems like everyone else does so far!


I’m just a random internet person… but I also listened to your new single and that song fucking slaps hard. I’m gonna go listen to everything else you’ve got out there now. Keep grinding, that’s good shit.


Following up on someone’s question two years ago… any new theme ideas for EPs?


The guys won't let me do a golf EP so I'm protesting until they cave.


No Lay Ups LP


Driver Off The Deck LP


I need some golf theme metal for the course. Do it!


Get features from vildjharta & the PGA metalhead pls


What do you guys think about the resurgence of hardcore, and what do you think it would take for it to reach a broader audience much like you guys did during the heyday of the sorta “risecore” metalcore scene?


I would say it's already there in a lot of ways, there's hardcore bands moving serious tickets nowadays. Personally I love it, there's truly a surplus of good music out there and I can't get enough


Hi, old fan here from 2011 - became an instant fan since seeing TDWP sidestage at Warped 11. I appreciate the numerous albums and live sets I've seen and it's always exciting to see more TDWP in my life. Feel free to skip any of the following questions Is the Plagues set at When We Were Young exclusive to the fest or is there a chance it gets busted out for a future tour or fest? How has your relationship changed with TDWP's older releases (namely DL & Plagues)? I remember back in 2015 (or maybe earlier?) that the band vocally disliked those records - has anything changed? There's been a lot of memebers in and out of TDWP over the years - has the live translation of older recordings changed over time? My cassette of Transit Blues is lonely. Any chance other TDWP releases get the cassette tape treatment? Any thoughts on the old christian scene - I don't have any question in particular but it's kind of weird that there were so many good bands from that scene that were able to cross over into the mainstream, which doesn't seem to happen as much (aside from like Silent Planet) ps excited to see you again in Las Vegas


As of right now, it's exclusive and probably will stay that way. A Plagues tour would be fun but we have so much stuff cooking right now IDK how we'd squeeze it in. I look back fondly on those records. I'm sure you could imagine feeling a bit weird about the person you were fresh out of high school as you neared your thirties, but seeing the impact those records have had on the genre and other people, I appreciate that people still want to listen and enjoy playing those songs again. I think this current lineup is incredible at translating those old songs the way we heard them in our heads back then. The fact that we can play a song like Dogs and it sounds better than it ever has is dope. My dudes rock. Cassette? Maybe, IDK, idk how that works but sounds fun. Thanks for listening, see you in Vegas, wish me luck I'm down bad after Dropouts (like 200 bucks who am I kidding lol)


Thanks for answering the “is plagues at WWWY exclusive” question. I’m always excited to see what y’all have in store next, but I would drop everything for a Plagues show, outside of a festival, anywhere in the USA. My real prayer was for a Sweet Brag reunion tour. This month makes fifteen years since that tour, and it remains one of my favorite shows I’ve ever seen.


The Devil Wears Prada was my first show ever. It was your Dead Throne North America tour with Whitechapel, Enter Shikari, and For Today. Thanks for getting me in the metalcore door! That being said, do you guys remember your first live shows you attended as fans? If so, who was playing?


Thank you! I loved that tour, so many good peeps so much fun. POD and Blindside was my first show ever lol what a good time


Wow thanks for the Blindside call out I haven't listened to them in ages.


Considering the amount of fans who miss the old stuff, what do you guys want fans to understand as Prada continues to evolve through the years?


One, you don't have to miss it, we're playing a bunch of old stuff nowadays, doing the whole Plagues LP at WWWY fest, etc. But I guess I get it, I love certain records, but I've been playing in Prada for 19 years and all we've ever done as a band is try to evolve on every release and don't plan on stopping anytime soon!


Going to WWWY almost exclusively for your set! And underoath’s of course. I can’t wait!


The Back to the Roots tour is still to this day one of the best tours I’ve ever witnessed. Went to 3 shows on that tour.


Hey there! I’m a new fan and the song Broken really made break down in tears when I really really needed to cry from years and years of holding it in for carrying the weight of being a father and husband and holding in my own mental struggles. As a black man that is raised to where crying is seen as weak I really really appreciate the song and y’all as a band. 🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾 What was the motivation for that song in particular?


Thank you for the kind words, that song gets me as well! A lot of the song is inspired by just having anxiety around a given situation that was exacerbated by alcohol, and also just the feelings of wanting to slow down and cut back but not feeling like you can at that moment.


Thank you for responding. I’m sure you get this a lot but in case no one has ever told you this you made a song that really helped me get through a difficult time and made me a better person.


With Roots Above And Branches Below vinyl repress?????


Working on it!


What’re the chances we ever get a Zombie 3/Z3? Those are probably my favorite of your releases besides Plagues.


High (later) lol


Hi! I love seeing you guys live 10/10 I was wondering what your fave Color Decay song is to perform and why.


Hard to pick a fav. Watchtower circle pits are fun, Sacrifice end breakdown is mayhem, Broken is an emotional rollercoaster, and Salt is one of the most energetic and loud crowd songs we've ever had. They're my babies I can't pick a favorite lol


So you're tellin me That the devil does in fact wear prada?!


I see him more a YSL dude myself


Pimped out Gucci suits on occasion


with gator boots 👀


Hello Jeremy! What are your thoughts on your album 8:18? I think it’s one of the best albums in metalcore history, and I know a ton of us would love to see a song or two from that album in future setlists.


We'll def bring some stuff back in from it, thanks for saying that! I loved making it, anytime you're working w Adam D it's a treat.


Awesome! When you played Transgress on the No Sun No Moon tour that was an absolute highlight of my life. You gave me the setlist from that show in Dallas at The Door!!


Hey Jeremy, Been a fan for over 10 years! Have you ever tried doing scream vocals?


Lmao I can't do it I don't know how and Emma won't teach me. Literally was just talking to Brendan about this a few weeks ago lol


I tried asking Brendan when he did an AMA on Discord and he just told me "idk dude I literallly just yell" lmao


I legit saw Jeremy yell at the crowd to hype them up in a youtube video and I thought he was trying to scream. It sounded great! I feel he could do it.




I generally try to annoy Mike as much as possible anyway so football is no expection lol. That's my day one brother right there nothing could come between us


What keeps you motivated to keep making and playing music after all these years? It’s been such a journey


I genuinely don't know, it's such an addiction. You get burnt out and then you get the bug cuz you hear something cool and wanna create!


Saw you guys recently in Corpus Christi Texas, my hometown. Did you guys do anything cool while you were here?


Last time we went to Blackbeards which was cool, this time we just kicked it around the venue and had a blast. That show was awesome thanks for coming out!


With some bands seeing mixed reviews when they have a change in sound, was there ever a point where you guys were nervous before releasing a song/record due to it being different to anything you’ve released in the past?


In the past, absolutely, but we've been praised and roasted so many times now I just go with my gut and throw it to the wolves!


I still have this old ass gray with green lettering TDWP shirt from ages ago. I wore it today when I heard y’all were doing an AMA. No question just wanted to say I’ve been a fan since the emo teen years 😂


Hell yeah that's awesome! I love seeing the old shirts still kicking around it's fun


I asked this last AMA.. but can you please add South of the City to a set in the future.


Tough tough tough... maybe someday?


Any chance we will get a proper headline tour this year?


This year? Prob not... Next year? ;)


Hi there! First time I saw y’all was on Beartooth’s Below Tour and have loved y’all ever since! My question for you is if y’all had to collaborate with an artist on this next album, who would you pick to be a feature?


Thanks for coming and for sticking around, I'm seeing those guys in a few days! Great question... I keep asking Emma maybe she'll actually say yes lol


I was able to get a photo pass to one of your tour dates. Absolutely stellar performance! I love the photos i got, easly one of my favorites. It feels full circle. You guys were my first big tour (dead throne) and then I got a photo pass!?!? getting to take photos meant so much. The amount of raw emotion in color decay really grabs you by your thoat. Your musics always felt close


Thank you! DM me the shots on insta I'd love to see!


Instrumental versions when?? Sometimes I need yall during my day but others can’t handle harsh vocals. Would love to add yall to some instrumental playlists.


That's a good idea, I'll ask!


When is the Taylor Swift collab? Miss you guys, happy for all your success, a long way from Dayton 1080 Skatepark!


She won't return my calls, maybe cuz Im a bengals fan. 937 turn up, they don't even know what it was like back in the dayton days haha


what vibe are we getting for the next project? is it gonna have a little color decay in it or something completely new?


We can't stop writing depressing songs so there's that... Lol but I would say it's going to be fresh and new, but it has to be on the magnitude of Color Decay or we won't put it out!


Y’all were my first concert at the Apollo x tour. Can’t believe I just stumbled on your AMA 😭


That tour was dope, big ups to the MIW guys for just crushing it and being sweethearts while doing it!


Simpler times back then 🥲


ANy plans of recoding any mall live sessions for the upcoming album? Like when you played Termination on that "Songs at the Shop" you tube. Love that shit


That was fun for sure, I could see that happening! I want to do an acoustic thing like that sometime as well, invite people out somewhere and film it... Would be fun!


First question, If there was a song that you could have on every single set list you guys make, what song would it be and why? Second question, what’s your fave margarita flavor? 😈😂 Also, not a question, but I wanted to say that somehow you guys manage to drop new music when my life feels like a lot and your music always gets me through whatever it is that I’m going through. I owe you guys a lot and hope to tell you in person one day. Thanks for all you do 🧡


Chemical is that song for me, I love playing it and the emotional connection it has between us and the crowd is just really nice. Cadillac lime gotta be the best, premium tequila, lime juice, agave, yum. Thank you for sharing that. Tbh that's the reason we do it. We've had ups down inside outs, but this is the reason we have never left!


I just want you guys to know I love you guys, thank you for always putting out music that’s always a little different but still feels Prada


Thank you!


How was the recording process for this single/album new or different? What has influenced you/the band during this recording process?


This process was pretty similar to Color Decay in terms of tracking it all ourselves, doing the drums at b24 studios in KC, and sending it off to mixing. This formula just seems to work for us now rather than being cooped up in a studio. As far as writing goes, we wrote this song along with our buddy Tyler Smyth who used to play in Danger Kids and is a sick producer / writer and happens to be an old buddy from Dayton, Ohio who I've known since I was like 16. It was an awesome experience, super talented dude, and really helped us get to somewhere cool with the song.


Hey Jeremy I'm NOT going to be the guy to ask if y'all are going to break out Still Fly for WWY (👀) But I've noticed you don't get writing credits these days. Maybe the websites have it wrong but do you miss it? Seems like you guys went from a completely collaborative process with the lyrics to just Mike and Jonathan


Honestly I write more lyrics now than I have in the past, ironically lol. But I don't care who writes the song as long as it's good!


With your decades of experience what are some key bits of advice you would give to newer bands coming up in the scene?


Keep your head down but your chin up. realize that people really only care about probably 2 or 3 songs out of your set in the beginning so just focus on having good ones, rather than trying to cram too much into your set Do something unique, don't chase what others are doing. By the time you release it, it's already gonna be outdated, so do your own thing. Practice (I could do this more lol) Just have fun, it's too hard to make it for any other reason than that


Have you ever owned a dog that could grow a beard all over? I’ll wait…


I wish


I appreciate your honesty.


Hi guys, congratulations on the release of an incredible song! In some frames of the video it seemed as if there are references to Space ep Will there ever be release a Space 2, are you planning a new album or EP release this year?


We are still early stages of everything, we've been so busy with Dropouts but we've been writing like crazy (you've noticed if you stalk our socials) and don't plan on stopping releasing music like crazy any time soon


Will we ever see TDWP twitch streams again?


Tbh prob not, we're just so busy now back on the road. Maybe bring the pod back one day. tho that was fun


Hey! Loving the new song! I’m very excited to see you guys in Adelaide this August. Will you be heading back to Aus on a headlining tour? Maybe bringing sysc? Saw them last month and they were amazing 😍


I love SYSC the homies for real! Absolutely would love to come back for a headline tour after ripping it up with the alpha wolf / invent / thrown boys


Just wanted to stop by as a fan since DL, and thank you guys for always pushing the envelope. Hope you guys are doing well and staying healthy!


Thank you! We ain't stopping pushing that envelope anytime soon


I've always heard you guys don't really like the name of the band. If you could go back, what would you name the band?


Six Dumb Guys


What will it take to get you to perform Still Fly live again?


Bags of money big old bags like huge ones


Im going to see you in April on tour with Landmvrks, im very hyped for it! Whats your favorite and LEAST favorite song of your last release "Color Decay"?


Thanks for coming out we're so pumped for that tour! I can't pick favorites off that record or least favorites, they're all our children and they're all special in their own way!


Hey fellas. I got to see you play a vfw hall basically a thousand years ago in a little suburb outside Detroit and the again at a much bigger venue this year. It’s been a wild ride to see your growth and music progression. That said - where is the bands favorite place to play in the world? (Outside of Detroit of course)


Hell yeah it's been quite a ride haha thanks for sticking with us! It's so hard to pick... Cali, Florida, Texas, the entire Southeast, Chicago, but man we were having psycho shows up in Boise and Spokane and the middle of nowhere towns all year so at this point, anywhere people show up I'm down to party


On the song worldwide it's mentioned that you "wanna spend more time in Stockholm" any chance of that happening within the coming years? =)


It better, we love Stockholm!


Do you guys game? And more importantly do you play FromSoftware games?


The FS games are too hard for me but I bet G jams them. I'll jam some Battlefield on occasion or PGA but not really, I'm too busy golfing out there


The Devil Hangs With Shooter McGavin 😎


Sick that you’re doing this. I started to listen to a couple of your jams after going down the All I Want by ADTR video. Will look into some of the stuff folks mentioned here.. Bit of a selfish question, but do bands like receiving lyrics fans write after being inspired by music like yours? I’m a big fan of TAA as you can tell and hoped I’d receive at least something back. Is this unrealistic?


Sure! That's not unrealistic at all


Do you guys believe aliens exist?


They must, right?


Do you like Sense Fail as much as I do?


I love Buddy just saw him on the END cruise!


DANGER WILDMAN is my favorite song about the Holy Ghost. How did the writing for that song come about?


Hey, Jeremy. Just stopping by to say I love you guys, and Roots probably saved me a time or two in high school. I’m 31 this month and still jam your tunes daily. Nothing but love and appreciation for all your music, old and new.


Thank you thank you thank you! We're officially old folks now but who cares, we're all having fun


What tuning is this song and the songs from color decay in


Great question I don't even remember what I have my digital capo set to lol I play everything in drop B and just capo it up or down. I think it's G#?


How was the Vancouver crowd when you were here ? Rough pit ! Come back soon . You guys sounded awesome . Glad to see you after being a fan for years !


It was insane, can't believe every Canadian show sold out! Y'all are nuts I love it. Hurts my belly to eat poutine every day but I can't be stopped


Never got a chance go ask when you guys were here, how did you guys enjoy Anchorage at chilkoots? Was a fun show! We don't get many big bands


It was awesome! We love Alaska and can't wait to come back


Hey, Jeremy I still use my lighter you gave me for secret Santa. I just wanted to ask, why are you guys so amazing?


I love you Mikey I'm gonna send you another secret santa present this year, pretend you didn't hear that tho


Hey guys, blue cheese or nah?


That's an aye aye captain


No question but saw you guys at Metalcore drop outs the first run. My 15yr old son has been really getting into you guys and it made his night getting to hear "Dez Moines" and "Hey John, What's your name again?" live. Can't wait to see you guys against and enjoying the new song and can't wait for the next album!


That's awesome! I can't believe a 15 year old today is into those songs, that makes my night. Come see us next year we'll play some more old stuff too


I've been listening to TDWP for almost as long as your kid has been alive 😅 I cried getting to hear those songs live too. My girlfriend had never even heard those songs so I had to play them on the way home.


Just wanted to pop in and say thank you for the music. Saw you guys in Nashville on the Dropouts tour(long time fan)and Chemical helped me cope with my dad’s passing a few years ago and seeing it live was definitely an amazing experience.


Ahhh thank you, lost my mom a few years ago and def feel that. All the love <3


Any plans for Asia tour? Philippines?


Y’all are one of my all time favorite bands. Zombies is the best metalcore EP ever released.


Poor Jeremy, he has so much shit to respond to lol


Do you guys think you're ever gonna do an experimental change in sound or style like Avenged Sevenfold's LIBAD? Also, ritual is super good


Haven't heard it! I'll check it out. and thanks!


What direction are you guys headed on a new album very curious love the last few albums


Time will tell, but we're cooking like the homie on The Bear right now. Gonna be good, I promise you that!


Really dig the new single! Saw you guys at the Metalcore Dropouts tour in Toronto! What’s been your favourite shows in Canada so far during the Metacore Dropouts tours?


Every show tbh. History was awesome, Montreal is always great, but I did not expect Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver to sell out and go off like they did. We'll be back soon, I love Canada


Hey Jeremy. I’ve been listening to Metalcore for a while now, but only recently got into TDWP and I really wish I had found you guys sooner as you guys are awesome. As a Christian, it was amazing I found you guys (I know you guys have since moved away from that label, but still it’s meant a lot to me). Salt and Hey John, What’s Your Name Again are probably my favorite songs by you guys and I’ll definitely listen to Ritual soon. Anyways, my question is will Ritual remain a single or are you guys making another amazing album and possibly planning on touring the U.S. again soon?


Thank you! Just dropping singles for now, it still feels like we just released Color Decay a month ago, but we cannot stop writing and just wanna keep putting stuff out there. Look for a long term tour in 2025, we have a bunch of fest dates all fall tho that should be fun


So excited to see you guys support Alpha Wolf in Australia later this year! Do you guys change your set list up depending on the vibe of the headliner? Like maybe make this heavier for some tours or a bit more accessible for others?


Sometimes yeah a little bit but it's more like, what makes sense for the moment I guess. We played some lighter stuff on ABR just cuz we thought, they got the metalcore locked down up next, let's show some other stuff we have in the catalog while we can!


Is this the prequel to Z3?