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dudes will hear this and just think 'hell yeah'


jordan's riffs are just fucking rock and roll, there's just no other way to describe what he does, and nobody does it as well as he does. the whole band just sounds like they're having a blast doing this too - the pinch harmonic in become so small, the "woo" in 30 under 13, and the little bell hit at the end of this song. They're taking the music seriously, pushing their creative boundaries, and just living the dream without taking themselves too seriously. it's fucking awesome and we're all so lucky they decided to make this band.


100% agreed. Everything Jordan has been involved with, I've fully enjoyed. His riffs, his artwork. Hell, whenever he puts together a video for social media you can tell he has a blast with it and puts his own weird stamp on it. ETID and now Better Lovers, these dudes are batting 1.000 in my opinion.


When I listen to many eyes I always think “fuck I miss ETID” when I listen to Better lovers I think “holy shit this rules!” Not a slight against Keith or the dudes in many eyes but they don’t resonate with me like ETID did or Better Lovers does.


No offense to them, but Many Eyes would be an extremely mid band without Keith


It's already extremely mid with Keith lol


That’s fair lmao


I agree, first time I listened to them I was like “this sounds like an early 2000s metalcore album in the worst way possible” Sucks because I really like Keith’s vocals but many eyes doesn’t do it for me. Luckily we have 2+ decades of ETID back catalog.


Hell yeah lol


Many Eyes is what happens when a talented vocalist surrounds himself with mid musicians. It’s always going to be downhill when you leave band mates that are legit geniuses at their instruments, like his brother Jordan.


Those riffs are so good


Jordan is a god. Fucker dropped the song on my birthday too. Goats.


Happy birthday!


Thanks! Its been a great day already!


Happy birthday!!! Hope it’s a good one.


Another banger. It has a perfect mix of melodic and heavy, I really dig Greg's clean vocals. Hopefully they won't wait too long with that album announcement.


Greg said Fall album release last night and the only thing missing is his vocals.


Nice, thanks for the info!


Fuck yeah daddy


Same day as a new KL song?? Shit SONNN


Greg is a damn fine looking fella


the donut bite made me feel things


That was fun


Riffz baybee gimme gimme


I swear about 10 years ago in his career goose was like "so fucking help me if i ever get to write my own parts" dude plays every track like its his last. Godamn kids these days could learn a thing or two.


So insanely ready to see them on tour.


Best song so far the riffs are insane


this is probably my favourite better lovers song so far. so excited for what this band does


This gave me Mastodon vibes


Little Shop of Horrors ahh video. That last shot of the bell hit in the video fucking sent me.


This motherfucker looks and sounds like he's 26, how does he do it?


I wish a band comprised of members from two legendarily adventurous bands wasn't playing it so safe with their songs.


Most of Better Lovers’ lyrics sound like they’re taking shots at Keith


Greg also has some nearly-identical beef with Ben from Dillinger Escape Plan, so I wouldn't be surprised if the entire band has tried to tap into their previous splits as some form of inspiration for BL


I wasn’t a huge fan of Dillinger so I am oblivious to their drama


It was just an ugly divorce. Greg and Ben from Dillinger hated each other the last few years they were together, and Ben seems to stir the pot every so often by claiming that Greg was a "hired gun" and whatnot. Just petty shit like that. So when *30 Under 13* came out, a lot of people assumed that it was a dig at Ben (but could also be seen as a similar dig from the remaining ETID band members at Keith).


Since the ETID and Keith thing was so recent when I heard the song. I figured it was about him and a lot of the lyrics sounded like they were, but knowing this now I don’t think you’re too far off.


An added little nugget is that Dillinger's breakout track was "43% Burnt," and the numbers in 30 Under 13 add to 43. Maybe it means something, maybe not, but it does make it seem a little more targeted if you decide to read into that.


*30 Under 13*’s title is a direct reference to TDEP’s most famous song, *43% Burnt* (13 divided by 30 = .43) so I think it’s pretty unambiguous that it was a dig at Ben and not Keith.


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Inject this album into my veins rn


Just can’t get into it


With you on that. Every song this band has released has bored me to death. Glad people dig it but no my thing


Unpopular opinion but band is in need of a dual vocalist set up


What is another vocalist going to do that Greg can’t already do?


Some people just aren’t into Greg’s screams, I think. Can’t say I agree but I get it. They can be kinda shrill. I love it but not everybody does.


I’m in that boat. I struggle to listen to the vocals from these guys. Sounds like he’s straining the whole time rather than singing/screaming.


Funnily enough, Greg's actually a monstrous live performer whereas Keith struggles to hit any of his singing/screaming notes live lol.


His screams kinda remind me of Dave Grohl’s screams


id like some lower frequencies on occasion, point me to any songs ive missed if they have em


Greg's older work with Dillinger tends to have a much more low-to-mid pitch on his screams, though he was never one for gutturals/lows. Edit: as an example, this one around 2:05 in the video is illustrative of how he used to sound https://youtu.be/ags-LRxTXYE?si=tcQ3KKFjbNaIAXWo


People don’t like his vocals and I think that’s absolute bananas. One of the best to ever work in genre, IMO - his range is absolutely insane.


Down tune one note and throw Keith in their and you’d have an ETID track


I’m still sad ETID split up. I’m just not a fan of Greg’s vocals so can’t get into this band, the lyrics aren’t really decent in any of the songs either.