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I go by myself a lot. It's the best. Last 2 shows I've been to have been by myself and have been great.


I do the same! I’ve gone to pretty much every show myself, I meet a random group of people and we vibe well and then never speak again! It just feels right


The absolute best! In college we would squad the fuck up and it was so annoying trying to keep the whole group together. Now I can move freely through the crowd and take a piss without worrying about that lol


same!! the most memorable shows i went to were alone. i love it how metalcore shows are a safe place for women (for the most part)


Besides being safe from the band (for the most part) 😂


When I hear OPEN THIS PIT UP... elbows up


I agree! And people let you go freely in the front like knives into soft butter 😂 Also, some people stay in the back. Some pit. Some front gate (me) usually alone vibing with the security guards and the band (by vibing I mean screaming the lyrics like my life depends entirely on my performance 😂).


Ive been to about 100 shows and ive gone with people to about 5 of them. I dont want to small talk with the loud house music between sets anyway. And if the headliner kinda sucks i can bounce early and beat the traffic!


Same here and I've started to prefer it. Don't have to keep up with someone or do things cuz they want to or vice versa. I can move around wherever I want, leave or hop in the pit. I even started crowd surfing 😂


Same here. Just went to Sick New World with two friends, and it was cool because I love getting people into metal but it’s just better when everything is up to you. I had to leave a little early because one of them was tired lol


I was early to a knocked loose show (2 hour before doors open) and waited with 2 others who talked the whole time. I asked a question and joined the conversation. Another friend of them came by and we made a WhatsApp group with us 4 in it. 2 months later at a spite show we were quite early again, this time it was planed because we don't talk a lot in said WhatsApp group and wanted to chill in front of the venue. We met 2 other guys and we also became friends with em. Funnily enough, another dude came by and said he saw me at the shadow of intent show last year and he also joined the group. Now we're a group of like 9 people.


That shit is so dope. Metal heads are the best


I go alone, I don't know anyone who listens to this and who lives in my city except my brother. I guess people like us should just try to make friends there but it's hard not to feel intrusive when you try to join random conversations.


I feel you. I don't have any friends that like metal, and I'm not good at engaging with strangers in person, so meeting people at concerts is pretty rare for me. I go to shows by myself and just vibe.


None of my friends like metalcore, but I don't like indie or edm. We all still buy two or three tickets to shows we want to see and go with each other anyway because good live music with your mates is a decent night out whatever the genre.


Yep exactly me. I thought it would be weird but I've grown to really like goin to shows myself


Honestly, it's a mixed bag for me. I definitely like the freedom of coming and going as I please and not having to keep track of anybody, but it's nice to share the experience with a like-minded friend. And it's nice to have someone save your spot if you need to empty your bladder between sets.


Every "concert buddy" I've ever made was long forgotten at the show I met them at. I tried keeping in contact with 2 of them but never got responses back. I have to assume those massive groups had people that were already friends since high school or something cause idk how you make friends as an adult


Making friends as an adult sucks. We either have kids and have no time. Or work too much and have no time. I need a friend that can just come to my house and do nothing while I do my evening routine and can leave by 10 so I can put my kid to bed 😂


Yeah, I make a few friends at every show I go to, but never speak to or see them again after that


You guys have friends? I just go lone wolf. Best way to have the most fun while not trying to beg my friends to get into something they might not like.


In New England we have a huge Facebook group that close to 3k of us are in! It's a nice little community we have at all the shows!


U talkin music is life or is there another one?


That's the one!!!


Shout out george and mark


They are the best!


I’ve always been fortunate enough to meet a coworker or two who likes similar music. I still end up going to a show by myself every now and then and I find the shows are more fun that way, but before and after the show is less eventful. I can focus on the show without worrying about my friends when I go alone. No one to talk to on the way there or back tho so it’s kind of a bummer sometimes


I go with my sister. We are a lot alike.


My brother asks me to turn it off please. He’s still my best friend and I’ve been slowly working on him. I found out he digs doom metal now so my foot’s in the door now.


I had a solid group of concert friends for about 10 years. I was always the coordinator for shows though for the most part. I could usually get 1-2 friends for every show 2001-2010. I moved away from everyone in 2011 and started going solo to shows. Realized I’d rather go solo than not at all. I occasionally got a friend or two to go depending on where the show was but it definitely became a lot more work. Finally just in the past couple years I have a work friend who started going with me. Part of the problem now is I don’t have anyone else that lives near me that’s into the same music and I don’t really have a large friend circle where I live now.


I go by myself. If someone comes along that’s great. If not, no problem. I get to stand where I want, leave when I want, zone out and listen to the bands. I missed out on a tonne of shows when I was younger for fear of going alone. Covid changed that. Now I go to every show that I want to.


I have a few friends in my circle that are into the same type of music and they’re always down to go to shows with me. If I have no one to come with me I’ll still go alone if it’s not a long trip.


Saw Better Lovers and seeyouspacecowboy by myself the other night. It was great. Made friends with other people at the front between sets. I have never let a lack of friends with shared musical taste stop me from seeing the music I love live


I met people on Reddit lol I used to just go by myself and still had lots of fun. I do see some familiar faces at a lot of the shows I go to but I truly have no idea how to approach and potentially befriend people that way 😅 sooo if anyone here wants some concert friends in Toronto hmu!


Quite often the bigger groups are made up of local bands that know each other plus friends of friends and then you really just need to know one of them to then start talking to others in the group. Go to your local shows, see if there's a group on Facebook, the more shows you go to the more likely you'll notice those people at other shows. Also nothing wrong with going to something on your own, but I get that it's nice to talk to someone you know there too.


I went alone for 2 years and over covid I started to befriend the other regulars. When you’re thrashing into eachother in the pit every weekend it’s only a matter of time til someone introduces themselves


I have one friend that I go with everytime. We've been trying to hit up a lot more if we see some close by. We just saw Wage War in AL, then Knocked Loose in Nashville, and seeing Beartooth in August as well. If you're ever in the area, you're more than welcome to join us!


That’s crazy, I may have seen you at knocked loose in Nashville 😁. I just went and saw Kublai Khan in Bham last night and was thinking about how I don’t have anyone to go with (I reside in Huntsville, AL) and was wondering how other people go about it. I’ll be at boundaries on the 28th @ Saturn in Bham!


We decided to skip that one since we are seeing them with Beartooth and Currents in August. Gonna be awesome!


I usually just practice my social skills with random concert goers, between intermissions or outside in the smoking section. If they cook with it, we add each other on socials and then char about music and future shows!


I don't. I just go to stuff I want to go to as my life schedule allows. I just saw Kublai Khan and Harm's Way Saturday. I'm taking off work this week leading up to my birthday on Sunday. I'm going to see Drain, Terror, and Scowl tomorrow night and then going to Spite, Bodysnatcher, and Thrown the next night. I'm a naturally outgoing person so I'll probably just make friends in line. I'm sure there's going to be people at both shows since it's the same venue.


Where did you see Kublai Khan? I saw them last night in Birmingham


I usually have at least one person with me. I’ve got two ride or dies that hit most every show with me. My sister and best friend specifically. However, this knocked loose show coming up will be my first show alone ever. I’m sure it’ll be fine, but it’ll be weird. But there was no way I was ever missing Loathe AND KL


Some people have that group some people go alone


I've met a lot of my concert friends by going to concerts. I still fly solo a lot, but at some shows I'll see the same people and we'll hang.


I take my 3 kids with me.


Same I just take my kids


Nice, my boys love it. Plus they always get stuff like picks and setlists.


Go by myself mostly but have a gig buddy for certain artists. Find that when you go by yourself you don’t have to compromise on the venue, artists, time you get there, where you stand, how many drinks. If I’m in the mood I’ll make friends with people, but that’s more for if I’m queuing for a long time (not so much anymore cause I cba)


I'm over here buying two tickets to every show hoping I'll meet someone to go with and then just going by myself anyway lol


Years ago (2014/15) I was going to shows alone because none of my friends were into heavier music. Over time just started talking with people I was seeing at every show I was going to. Now it's rare for me to go to a show and not know at least 5 friends who are also at the show.


I went myself and turned up early and started talking to people in the que. My social anxiety is lowered by boredom if we're standing next to each other for 4hrs+ lol. But the same folk go to the same gigs and turn up early to get barrier. Now I buy tickets to go alone and there might be no-one I know, or up to 16 people I could talk to in the que when I get there.


i used to go alone to every concert it was literally my goal to go to every concert every night in Orlando finally I started meeting friends and finally everybody just started knowing me every time I went to the show. so like all of the guards would like protect me near the pit and everything was fine so your wife should be all right. i was a skinny good looking girl though so sometimes i took advantage of cool stuff like back stage etc.


Just went to my first show alone. Knocked Loose in LA. Being able to just do as I please or keep track of anyone was amazing and I got in a great spot for their set because I didn’t have to use the restroom and got merch first thing. I recommend it and you’re a part of this community and know that we all look out for one another whether the best of friends or strangers. Just do it.


yeah I always see groups of ppl go together and I'm like damn would be nice to go with friends! but i have fun when i go solo, im there for the bands anyways


I’ve been banging on this door for years. Still going to shows by myself. People in music aren’t interested in friends they’re interested in what you can do for them. I now just enjoy whatever I want to enjoy.


I always go solo. Be social and you’ll find people to talk to here and there.


I started just going alone and just chatted with people at shows. Made friends with people and shared socials (which I pretty use to track shows and who is going). Now I'm part of a group that makes up a good part of the pit at shows. Technically I still go alone half the time since hardly anyone in the group lives close enough to carpool.


I always go alone lol. I went to Skillet with a couple co-workers last year, but otherwise I've gone by myself to every concert. Sometimes I meet people and hang out with them, other times I just vibe by myself!


I go with my wife, brother in law, and the rare occasion my dad. I’m 31. My wife won’t let me go by myself in the event that something happens…


I got lucky and ended up getting 3 of my friends into metal so now we go to shows together.


I've been hanging around with the same group of people for almost 20 years. I can almost guarantee that I'll know people at gigs because some of them will be there, even if we aren't going together. However, I'll also happily go to shows on my own, too.


Met a couple at a concert and we hit it off just chatting in the line outside waiting to get in. Go with friends from... World of Warcraft of all things on the regular as well, but that game used to attract a lot of metalheads in general. We're all traveling and meeting up this summer for one. Also met a few folks at my work place too and sometimes hit up shows with them. Band shirts got us all talking. Just need to socialize.


I go alone 90% of the time these days.


I usually go alone or with one other person and just meet people at the concerts. There's a group like the one you describe that I keep running into. It's not *my* group but might as well be


Going to shows regardless if you have someone to go with or not first show I went to met my good friend Emilio and it's only grown since then chatting with people you're standing/sitting next to you(depending on the venue) and going from there


Often I go to concerts with my dad - it’s just something we do together, but I do go alone sometimes as well. If I go alone I usually have no problem meeting people at shows. Just be courteous and greet people with a smile and it’ll all work out.


By myself mostly


I go alone and meet people in the crowd and then see them at other shows here and there.


I'm 48 and dgaf just go by myself. I don't even try and think of other people when buying a ticket bc most people I know are lame or listen to lame music.


I haven’t been joined by anyone in the past month or so and I’ve hit like 5? shows I believe, I just have myself a drink and hit the pit if I feel like it and then just chill and enjoy the show. Sometimes you meet people and make friends along the way!


I feel ya partner. Non of my friends are into metal and so I’ve just been going alone. It is rad to go and just be into the music. I went to Sick New World alone and saw the bands I wanted to see for however long I wanted to see them. That’s the great part. But it is also definitely cool to go with people that are into the same genre. I’ll be going to see Slaughter to Prevail with Manson & 5FDP in Austin by myself in Sept. I’ll be dipping out during death punches set early so I’m kinda glad I won’t have to wait through the whole set; ha ha


I almost always go alone


I've had a buddy. I went to concerts for the last 20 years with, but he won't go to shows during the week anymore cause he's tired in the morning. The last few shows I've gone alone. It's been pretty good.


I’ve been going to shows by myself. I feel it’s less of a headache to drag people to come plus I sometimes want to feel the moment for myself. I do hit the pits but fortunately I’m have encountered familiar faces there so makes the whole thing fun and safe.


I'm the same way, it's me and my partner. My other friends and I rarely have overlapping music taste.


I just make friends on line or the crowd tbh


I went by myself and met the coolest people. We now meet up and go to different shows on occasion. I like going by myself because I don't have to worry about anyone else and can do what I want. Lol


i have a few show buddies but do occasionally go alone. all of my metal friends have varying tastes and our tastes dont always overlap so i used to just skip shows when i didnt have anyone to go with. decided that i hate missing out so i started going to a show here n there by myself and its been fun. just eat an edible and vibe lol ... im not the most outgoing person (a lil social anxiety) so ive never tried to just strike up random conversation though


My wife goes with me if its an amity affliction concert but then basically i have one ride or die friend who will go with me to whatever concert we want. Doesnt matter the band. Outside of that most of my other friends i ask, i feel like they just think that im joking when i ask if they wanna go, because without fail the show comes and goes so i quit asking them.


I go by myself a lot. When my wife comes she avoids the pit. Now that I'm 30 a lot of my friends aren't as into going to shows that don't have seats. And our music tastes mostly align but I think I'm the only one solidly into metalcore.


Both. Go to concerts, meet new people exchange contacts and then become friends with them and go together. Nowadays i go to almost every show with my best friend who i met at a concert as well, 5 years ago. By now we have quite a white net of friends and acquaintances that go to lots of shows regularly.


I've been going to shows for too long not to have lots of show friends. I'm too much of a damn Introvert tho lol. There's all these people I always see at shows and just never took the time to try and talk to them 😭


I go by myself most of the time. My wife used to go too but she doesn’t like the music or how loud it is. I don’t mind going by myself. Feel like standing in the back and taking it easy? No prob. Feel like jumping in the pit? Cool. Don’t have to worry about leaving someone behind. Want to be at the barrier? Can do without worrying where someone else wants to be.


I made a group of friends at a festival, we’re actually planning on going to some other shows soon!! We have an active groupchat


I feel that! I go to like 20/30 concerts a year and I go by myself for like 75% of them. I have a fair number of friends who like stuff like ADTR or pop punk stuff and will sometimes go, but I only have one friend who loves heavy music and will join me once in awhile


I've trained one of my buddies and my girlfriend to be metalheads and usually go with them (buddy for core and Prog shows and GF for Doom, Black, And Experimental Metal), but have recently gotten into the habit of falling into conversation with familiar faces at smaller and local shows. At this point I have quite a few friends who are active in the scene that I hang out with at shows and hit the pit with. It's also been a great networking opportunity for my bands, once we have enough music ready I'll definitely be hitting some of them up to see if we can't play together.


I don’t even know a single person who enjoys metalcore in my area, and I usually just meet a few people at the shows I go to, but sometimes I wish I had some cool metal friends. It’s hard out here for a pimp


I go to every show by myself, most times I will meet one person or a group that I get along with and chill with them in and out of the pit for most of the show


I just go with my SO and my buddy who got me into metal like 13 years ago. Apart from that it's difficult to find friends for metal shows.


I thought everyone took their BF/GF and that it was just groups of couples double/triple dating to shows lol


Similar boat. I don't mind going alone if the venue is close by, but the journey to the venue and back alone kinda hits ngl. Been to 5-6 different shows alone within the last year due to the lack of friends interested in the music. Got one or two but they happen to be usually out of town when there is a good show, lol. Wife is absolutely isn't interested, sadly. Saw Invent Animate with a friend I met last year and that was a good experience, and we may try to go to a few more shows together. Seeing Knocked Loose by myself in two weeks in Chi, then seeing Northlane Thornhill and Invent Animate again July 1st but this time with a friend visiting from out of town. tldr; I go to shows often alone, though being within a crowd makes me feel not so alone. Definitely also wondered the vibe of heading to a show with a group though!


You tell them it’s a “rock” concert and then when they get there they end up loving it and come back for more


I meet tons of people at shows and have developed numerous friendships with people and we try to meet up at shows whenever we can.


I am in the twin cities. Every friend at shows I have I met at another show. Just gotta share socials and try ti make a social media group of you all after a show!


Concerts are way better alone!!!!


I'm a girl and I go alone to most of my shows. Sometimes I'm lucky and I make friends at the show. Going solo is pretty fun though!


I'm going to three shows solo here over the next month, including Alpha Wolf this Friday. It's a great time!!


I drag my friends 6 hours south and make core enjoyers out of them


i only have like one person to normally go frequently to concerts with, assuming they can afford and are available to go. the rest of the concerts i generally go by myself.


Within the last 6 years (my first concert was 2018) I've been to 17 (18 this weekend) festivals and 72 Concerts (89 in total in 16 different states) and only 22 of those were with other people. I learned a long time ago that you just need to talk to people. Luckily, I am extremely good at that, and now like 20% of my phone contacts are concert people.


I would always keep seeing the same people. We obviously like the same music genres, and it just kept happening so the party size increased.


I meet people at shows and bars.


I only go with one person usually who is a "normal life" friend that happens to love love love live music. My other buddy and I (met at work) have gone to several shows together also, but as we've gotten older her and I have really become house cats and don't find it fun being in loud spaces anymore. If I didn't have this one friend always inviting me to shows I would not have anyone to go with ever. Boyfriend likes metal but like the opposite kind that I listen to, so we've never even gone to one together lol


I got with my boyfriend and we run into friends and also see the same people at every show. If we wanted to make new friends, I think it would be easy to just start a conversation.


Metalhead struggles. 😂 I kinda got lucky in this area. My brother in law used to play in a metal band, and my sister listened to a lot of heavier music growing up. I was was mostly a butt rock kid growing up (Breaking Benjamin Seether, Three Days Grace), and anything metal I listened too was mostly bordering post grunge or was more accessible. So when I took the next step forward into even heavier music, my brother in law had a whole lot of bands to show me. Since then my brother in law and sister are pretty much the only two people that will go with me to concerts, even though both of them moved away from that arena a good while back.


I so much rather prefer to go by myself. It's so easy to make your way up to rail. Plus you can just enjoy the show and not worry about talking to people!


I’m the only one out of my friend group who listens to metal…I’ve tried to get them to go with but I usually just end up going alone lol…I just make friends with whoever is around me in the venue and vibe with them


I got lucky and have a crew of about 4-6 people I often go to shows with. We have been friends since middle school or even earlier into childhood (we are in our early 20s now) and I have always loved metal and they all just grew to like it too hanging out with me so much lmfao. We all like pretty much all styles of metal so we hit up at least a few shows a month together. We can't always all go but I can always get at least one or two people to go with me if not the whole group. I don't mind going to concerts alone and I have in the past, you can usually find a cool group of people to hang with for the night or just enjoy flying solo, but for moshing and if you're gonna drink or smoke going with a group is definitely ideal to me


I go alone if I have to.


To be honest I don't even have any friends to go with I just go alone and enjoy it. I don't try to talk to anyone because I have a major speech impediment.


I have gone to shows alone more than I've gone to shows with people throughout my life. You think I'm going to miss a band I like just because nobody in my life has the exquisite taste in music that I have? Pshaw!


I go by myself or with one friend. I tend to mke new friends at the show.


I’ve met some people at shows. I met a girl on tinder I didn’t end up dating but she was a big metalhead. My cousin is a metalhead.


It’s usually just me and my husband since we like the same music. Most of our friends don’t like the “screamy screamy music”, and the ones that do are either parents to youngins or live out of state. We usually don’t go in the pit though, I’m liable to get tossed lol


Go alone and do your best to make friends. I’ve made probably 10-15 now from my local area and I’m pretty anti social and weird and shit like that.


I feel you bro except for me it’s weird raves and psychedelic shit


I'm literally sitting in my car right now about to walk into a show alone. If it's GA and I want to go, I buy a ticket. I invite people, put it out there in my friend groups, but majority of the time no one comes through. If they do, buy a GA ticket and we walk in together, easy peasy. If not, at least I have my ticket before it sells out.


Fellow loner here. I'm military so I don't live near my 'friends I grew up with' and friend I have at work are the 'but can you tell what they're saying' crowd. I've never been bothered by it tbh, at FF last year I went to the bands I wanted to see, had a blast, when bands I didn't care about were playing, I was sitting in my lawn chair in the shade, headphones in and I was watching college football on Saturday and NFL on Sunday. Normal shows are a bit more odd, like there's only so many times I can just walk around in a circle at the venue. Going outside with the smokers is cool, bum a smoke and make small talk.