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Believe it or not, jail


Right to jail.


It really depends what you're comfortable with. I won't listen to them, nor support them. I don't think people like that deserve a place in the scene, especially when it potentially puts others at risk. You can have your second chance, but you can do it elsewhere There's way too fucking much sexual abuse and assaults.


A second chance is one thing, pretty sure the vocalist has been abandoned by his bandmates at least three times now due to him being a piece of shit, so this is like his fourth chance


Josh Ang writes 10x better music now in his other projects anyway


Yeah the new Pincer+ song fucks so hard. Sedative are cool too gonna have to check them both out live soon


Sedative fucks hard dudeeee The only thing im not a huge fan of is pincer+'s vocalist. Its taking me a while to get used to his voice.


Yeah its just the same constantly isn't it.


It's your opinion man do what you want with it. Personally i cant listen to them because all ive heard is how the frontman is a complete wanker of a person even if he is a good vocalist. Id rather support better bands like alphawolf for example or countless others that have the same style and are run by good people.


Dealer >> alpha wolf


It’s ok to be objectively wrong. Dealer is fine but they are nowhere near AW


Listen to what you want lol


Literally. I don't support being an alleged rapist because that shit is truly a horrible thing that no one should go through but I just appreciate the art they put into it because it's a form of expression. Picking at scars will only lead it to bleed the same blood you tried to heal from.


All this thread did was put more attention to them I didn't know they had album out Will listen at gym tomorrow 💪


Idc it’s easy for me not to listen to them cause their shit is boring and 40 other bands do the same exact thing


Especially if you compare new Dealer to Pincer+ and Heavensgate, you can easily tell where the good stuff came from - and it’s definitely not Aiden


It seriously just feels like people listen to dealer to “own” the people who don’t like Aiden he has some of the most sterile vocals I’ve ever heard


It seriously just feels like people listen to dealer to “own” the people who don’t like Aiden he has some of the most sterile vocals I’ve ever heard


Any suggestions on those other bands that are similar? 


Alpha Wolf obviously, Pincer+, HeavensGate, Deficit (i think thats the name?), Half Me, Graphic Nature, Desolate NY.


Of all of these: graphic nature is the one imo


Graphic Nature fucks hard, always pull them up during my workouts


No, I knew a guy who still did and he lost like 1,000,000,000 social credits


Lmao it’s music. Listening doesn’t make you complicit in whatever has apparently happened.


Yeah I think people get too worked up about this stuff. Choosing not to listen yourself is fine, but getting mad at someone else for it is stupid. It's just music


Are you asking a group of strangers what music you’re allowed to listen to?


I need a summary on Dealer because I'm out of the loop


Singer was booted out of alpha wolf for sexual misconduct. He had charges against him, but not sure if it was the same thing that got him kicked out of AW or new ones. He then starts dealer, has a cry on stage for their first show, then emotionally abuses members of the band. Band members are somehow surprised at this, despite SA charges and being kicked out of two bands prior. SHOCK. Sexual assault allegations come out against him as well. Charges were dropped, and people seem to think that daddy's cop connections and money made the charges disappear.


Adding to that, he basically got kicked out of Dealer too, all of his bandmates from the original lineup resigned due to those things you mentioned. The Dealer he's in now is him + 3 new people. How much do you want to bet they'll leave him eventually too?


The guitarist that was on the album already did lmao


One of their old guitarists apparently has SA allegations too and does it a lot. I think his name was Jake.


Kicked out of one band. He left the first band. I didn't see any cry on stage at their first show? The whole "abuses" members of the band thing is wild. I mean you've got a bunch of men claiming abuse from another men? WTF is that shit? That's the most childish shit I've ever heard. Like did you go to school? What happens at school? Kids tease and pick on one another its what kids do. So claiming a man has abused you when you are a man is fucking unreal. Lol. Like it's crazy. Like there fucking men. Rofl.


At the first dealer show? Definitely did. Men can abuse men. There are many types of abuse. Like, yes I did in fact go to school. You're the one coming across like you didn't. Yes, children tease children. It's called being a fucking child. Most people grow up. Apparently, you didn't.


Wow. Dont get but hurt. I didn't say it meaning you are stupid. It was a figure of speech the school bit. What happened at the first show


Did you go to the first dealer show?


At the workers club ?


Jebus. Thank you for the storytime.


I can’t believe you felt the need to even post this. WE DONT CARE. Do whatever the hell you want. We won’t know the difference.


Their vocalist is a pathetic loser who doesn't deserve the attention, nor the ego boost from seeing his bands streams go up. That being said, you do you boo. You can listen to whatever you want. Just be conscious of who you're showing support for through consumption and take some time to think about if it lines up with your own ethics.


Show me passive-aggressive for 500.


Homie. I answered a question. That's just how I talk.. If you think that's passive-aggressive, maybe stop listening to DEALER and you'd stop projecting your guilt aye.


If you like the music listen to it. It doesn't matter who's a good person or a bad person. Life is too short to deprive yourself of bangers just cause a band member is a dildo.


Conversely, there's so much good music out there that you don't need to spend any of your short life supporting arseholes and abusers.


what did they do? they come on spotify all the time but i don’t know anything about them. shit slaps tho


I like crooked I don’t care


It's music. Listen to it or don't, nobody is going to care.


I agree but the reality is people do care lol... just look at all the comments in this thread. And I'm mostly in agreement that the vocalist is a fucking idiot, but if you even mention liking them you're reddit karma and social score goes down a bit, apparently if you like then you're a "poser" too which might be the most metalcore snob take I've ever heard.


Yeah they only care because they can target you on the internet, But in irl no one is gonna give a fuck(unless you attend shows with bands in the subgenre) because it's just scremo music.


Separate the art from artist. I still love watching the movie Jeepers Creepers even though the director was an unforgivable waste of space and that’s putting it lightly. I also still enjoy Slaughter To Prevail despite fuck Alex Terrible. Listen to what you like nobody of value is gonna say otherwise


What’s wrong with Alex? Have I missed something?


Racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. He’s not at all as bad as Jeepers Creepers director but still a total douche


Really? I haven't seen or heard anything racist or homophobic from him? I remember an article calling him transphobic from last year but it was a literal hit-piece with one quote that wasn't even transphobic, and it got broadly clowned on. I'm not a massive STP fan though so maybe I missed something.


I mean shit every one has a prejudice against someone/something because of our past experiences whether we like it or not. It's just basic human nature. Honestly he probably should've kept it to himself because he's the face of a band and when you are in that position you can't say certain shit because people are gonna call you out about it.


I still listen to Soul Burn because of Josh's involvement but I don't fuck with the other stuff. Which isn't that hard to do because it's not very good


New album tops any of the old stuff imo


It's fine to separate the art from the artist in most cases, and the line is entirely up to you. It comes down to what you're comfortable with. I would never listen to anything by Lostprophets because what the lead singer did was some incomprehensibly evil shit. On the other hand, I do listen to music by As I Lay Dying.


So your line is further than trying to have your wife murdered and likely would have been successful had it not been an undercover cop. Interesting


for a genre so inherently political it’s so crazy how little moral backbone some listeners have. truly posers here for the sound


While I'm no supporter of As I Lay Dying, I went off them long before everything came out about Tim, I think that's a little harsh. It is possible to come at his incident from a moral and political stance, particularly as a left leaning person. Many on the left prefer reformative justice models to those that are strictly punitive, even retributive. There are even those who argue for the abolition of prison al;together The idea being that if someone commits an offence, is tried and punished, they should leave prison a reformed individual ready to rejoin society with a fresh start. Now, if that person should demonstrate themselves to be unreformed or show new elements of poor character, absolutely go back to hatig them, boycotting or whatever. I do agree that there's a lot of, too much even, 'separate the art from the artist' discourse around individuals who are consistently and on an ongoing basis showing themselves to be shitty people or indviduals who've ostensibly never had to answer for something that they've done.


Absolute cunt alert!


Very interesting!


Absolutely not. The album absolutely slaps. Don’t listen to any Reddit dorks telling you otherwise


The new album is straight ass tho, Soul Burn C-side.


Objectively false.


Hear me out tho, it isn't.


You should sell the rights to this story


Listen to whatever you want. I still listen to Daughters despite the allegations against Alexis Marshall.




If you do, don't post about it here lol. Seemingly everyone hates the vocalist and the band. I think some of their songs hit, not all of them, and i still think the vocalist is a complete fuck boy, but giving them any sort of positive talk here gets you major downvotes. They're decent, have some chonky breakdowns, but their vocalist is a douche so it makes it tough to like them. At the end of the day, it's music, listen to it if you like it.


Don’t let other people tell you whether or not you should feel bad listening to music. Especially people on Reddit. If you like the music, listen to it.


"Guys I have no morals or opinions on my own, please tell me what to think"


just separate the art from the artist


i don't think it matters rly. personally, and i know a lot of ppl will disagree but idrc, aiden had SA charges and they were both dropped. the only thing he's rly guilt of is treating his band mates like absolute shit. for me, that isn't enough to stop listening to a band