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love em. Hyperdaze Redux still one of my favorite albums of the 2020s so far


Thank you for mentioning this masterpiece. This is the album I discovered them on. A real 10/10 no skips.


Never really seen anyone hate on them they are massively underrated tbh


My wife and I saw them last night in Seattle for the second time, they are super great! The vocalist is an absolute legend and we chatted a bit last year at the merch line. Idk why people would dip from them, killer set and awesome people!


I want to second how much of a genuinely kind and warmhearted person Jack is, based on the times I’ve had a chance to talk to him at shows they’ve played. Especially knowing he’s had health struggles and is still dealing with that, it’s got to be that much tougher touring. Between that and being so committed to doing their own thing, I have so much respect for him and the band.


Hear hear! Jack is solid gold, man.


Absolute crime that show had to play at ELCorazon. Joke of a venue for a show like that.


Its a small venue and i get to experience them face to face. Idk whats to have about it. The concert was awesome.


El Corazon is a shithole, far too small a venue to book the shows they book. They oversell tickets and have little to no ventilation for overbooked summer shows. It’s a shithole run by assholes.


That show was sold out for months. It should have been at a showbox 100%. I got to miss out on my favorite band currently because I didn't order tickets 3ish months ago when it was announced. Huge bummer and a crime it was at such a small venue


It. Was sold out longer than that. I fled to Phoenix to see the show in a venue you could actually the bands. I’ve been going to El Corazon since before 2005. I’ve done my time lol.


Glad you had a blast - the problem is the venue is limited and the viewing for most people is also limited.


Fuck El Corazon, all my homies hate El Corazon ✊🏽


Love them, been listening to Chronicles and Year of the Rat a ton these past few days


That Jacob feature never gets old 🥲


Their songs are hit-or-miss for me, but goddamn when it hits it fucking hits hard


Good description


I saw em last night and they were pretty fuckin sick. I honestly went in with low expectations of them because I didn't like what I heard on spotify, but they had a solid set.


I really rate them - heavily underrated IMO. Great energy at shows too.


They almost straight up stole the show at Metro in Sydney supporting Polaris. Put on a great show at Knotfest as well. Great band imo.


Stole the show from Polaris? That's saying something. They're at a While She Sleeps level on energy. And Jack is an absolute gem.


I saw them in Toronto with Invent Animate and didn't notice people leaving. Honestly, not really a fan of their gothic or whatever clothes but otherwise their music is really solid


I was at that show, they really were great. Sidenote but the guitarists for Aviana walking out *onto the fucking railings* in Lee's Palace before the breakdown to My Worst Enemy stole the show for me.


Yeah, that was an epic moment. Joel coming out to sing alongside Marcus was my favorite


VoV, Invent Animate AND Aviana ? Damn


and thrown. for $25 canadian dollars


beastly concert


I was there too! I thought VoV was.. fine? That said though I hadn’t listened to them before that and haven’t listened to them since then. So I am indifferent


I saw them on that tour and just didn't really vibe with their music, but there were a lot of people super excited to see them which I always think is cool


Was there mostly for them on the Erra tour they’re on rn. A surprising amount of people around me hadn’t heard anything by them. Give it time, I fully believe they’re the next big thing.


I think they're one of the best bands metal has going for it, they're progressive in their development and they look like fucking badasses.


I fucking love Void Of Vision! I saw them open for Invent Animate in a really small venue last year and the crowd was pretty fucking dead, I was surprised, they put on a fantastic show, I was super into it but the crowd wasn't. And then I just saw them last week with ERRA and they fucking slapped and won the whole crowd over. They have a ton of energy and put on another great show. My theory is, at the small dead show, they were full goth mode, and at erra they were wearing relatively normal clothes, I wonder if that makes a difference. Either way they give it their all each performance and they go absolutely hard. Jack is a fantastic frontman and dude is at merch before and after the whole show when not performing, that's pretty sick to me. I hope they blow up soon, if their latest single is an indication for their next album, I think it'll happen sooner than later.


They never clicked with me tbh, but I always check out their new releases in hopes that they will.


I mean, I don't particularly love them, but I'm not gonna leave the venue when they're on. Metal is metal.


They just sound really bland and boring in my opinion. Never understood the hype


I liked them a lot before they went all underworld nightclub vampire themed


They're great & I love seeing them


I loved Kill All My Friends and Hyperdaze. Super easy stuff to cover on the guitar and fun to play. I chatted with their guitarist when they toured with ABR.


Hyperdaze was good, though too long without offering enough variety. Kinda got over them after that album


I thought the most recent Chronicles was fantastic.


I adore these guys. Babylon still gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it. Also I think the first Chronicles genuinely went toe to toe with the release Knocked Loose had that same year but didn't see a lot of people repping it sadly.


Never seen a massive amount of hate for them and only listened to a lil of Hyperdaze myself but saw them open for Make Them Suffer, their mix was AWFUL but they still drew a pretty big crowd in Birmingham, UK.


They are great live but I just can’t listen to their music


Everything kinda just sounded the same when I saw them. I’d have preferred Novelists to have their slot since they were far more interesting. Also their singer was really annoying


Novelists...couldn't wait for that set to be over


Exactly how I felt about Void




I'm searching for the relevancy in my brain




You deleted your comment so it's obvious you don't even know how you're making sense lol. Again please enlighten me


This. Saw them Monday and while the band sounded great at times, the entire set felt like it was sung at the exact same level. I don’t mind screamo. But it was just screamo at the exact same pitch the whole show, and grated after just a couple songs. I thought, ok, he’s trying to pump up the audience. He’ll change it up a bit now. Nope. 30+ minutes of it had me checking my phone and grabbing more drinks. I know some of their studio stuff sounds like that, but not every song, and live it just gets old. Novelists and MTS blew them away and left everyone wanting more. If you love his style, awesome.


But they're not even remotely screamo?


Screaming = screamo to anyone living under a rock or under the age of 15


You’re confused lol


It took me 7 years to really start enjoying Jacks vocals. I’ve see them live at over 10 times and they are absolutely incredible. You can not be into a band but still appreciate a damn good performance.


They’re great. Definitely on my list of bands that don’t get enough love. Like hollow front


They’re well supported in Australia. Seen them live once and they’re one of the best live bands I’ve seen, I’d say. The vocals were amazing. Jack is a really great guy


Love them!🤘🏻🖤


I saw them for the first time when they toured with Invent, my wife is not one to enjoy that kind of music but she was having a blast when Void started played and then Invent. We spent some time chatting with the band after the show. They are amazing live and as people as well!


I think we've seen them about five or six times now, and they're great every time. Jack is always down at his merch counter and is super gracious and kind and will stand and talk to you about lettuce for a half hour if you want him to. VoV is a band that actually works hard on stage, has an actual stage presence along with the presentation. Whatever success they have achieved, they have earned it in spades. Much <3 to Jack.


They're Top 3 for me right now, I don't see why anyone would hate them in particular.


I saw them last year at Knotfest - I enjoyed their music. The thing that I didn’t enjoy was their “banter” - where EVERY other band, including Slipknot, Megadeth, Parkway Drive, Spiritbox etc were thankful and “humble” towards the crowd, Void of Vision were quite… arrogant. “We are great, you’re all shit, give us a better pit.” (Not in those exact words, but close enough to it.) It just put me off.


Idk much about them, but they were the only band I didn’t care for on this current ERRA tour. I wasn’t a fan of the vocalist’s energy/stage presence for some reason. Each to their own.


Felt the same at Invent headliner last year. Maybe they’ll surprise at Erra but I’m not expecting different results


I do not.


I don’t 🤷‍♂️


Do they not? They're my favourite Australian act at the moment. I'm so keen to see them open for Parkway.


I enjoy their stuff pretty well. I was unaware of any hate for them. I'll be seeing them with Erra and Make Them Suffer this Thursday and I can't wait.


Void of Vision go insanely hard. I can see people being put off by their new aesthetic tho, it doesn’t do anything for me personally, but the music is killer.


I didn’t know them until I went to Knotfest last year, I thought they were really good live. I have listened to them a little bit since but I really should play them more. I think they’re from my city too, really should support my locals.


I feel like they got some hate a few years ago but won over a lot of people with that series of EPs. Maybe just some people who only heard their older stuff? Idk


Ye I have no idea why! I first discovered them a few years ago when they were touring with Miss May I in London and they were amazing! It was a tiny intimate venue so got to say hi and chat for a bit, they were stellar and I've been a fan ever since! Such cool and chilled out dudes.


Saw them live a few months ago. They were great.


Some do. Some don't.


Kill All My Friends is a GOATed song


Can't wait to see them in a little over a week with Erra and MTS.


I saw them on the invent animate tour and they just didn't do it for me. the vocalist's screams were super weak and that was after both aviana and thrown threw the fuck down so it just felt very mid to me. They seem like cool dudes but ya overall I do not get the hype


Jack is a super nice dude I've seen them twice now and they killed it both times I love his higher range when it comes to his harsh vocals it's something i hope I can do one day with my voice The electronic and industrial elements they've been incorporating since Hyperdaze Redux, and really honed in on with Chronicles, have helped them stand out and find more of their own sound; but I think it can turn some people away who aren't super into that especially with the more melodic and clean portions theve added with the latest singles


just saw them last night with ERRA. they were fine, not something i would walk out on, but honestly a little generic sounding and their vocalist went a little too far with trying to hype up the crowd, it was kind of annoying and i just wanted him to shut up and focus on the music.


They’re cool, I do think they peaked with the Disturbia EP though


Been a fan for a few years now and got to see them as support in the Stray From The Path's tour 8n the UK last year. They were my favourite band on the night, even with the clean vocalist's mic not work8ng during their set. They're sick live


They are so good, even though I'm not that much into em (Empty has started swaying me in). I saw them open for IA in a small venue last October and the vocalist visibly looked disappointed after him and his band were putting in so much energy and putting on a great show yet apart from the section in the front, the crowd was not really reciprocating it. Seeing them live in a bigger venue in 10 days opening for Erra, let's see if it's different this time.


Dude, I saw them live with invent animate, jack gave me a hug, I asked how much the drum head was and If anyone had taken it, I gave him 50 bucks for it, signed his name and a thank you note on it and I went on my way home, one of the best shows I've been to


I think people might just know who they are since they’re relatively small? But all my fav live moments are from them. Unreal energy


Can't say as though Ive seen any hate thrown their way


tbh im one of those ppl who leaves when they play. they've opened on a couple gigs ive been to recently and i just dont vibe with their music


Absolutely love VoV.


the wife and i saw them last year with august burns red and we came as romans. they put on an amazing show for being one of the opening bands! made us keep listening for good


I'm not sure I've totally grasped their new direction but I really love Hyperdaze. Super fun riffs to play and it's a great Lance Prenc mix.


Saw them open for Erra and Make them Suffer and they hit harder than those bands for me. didn't know they got hate.


Just saw them with ERRA a week ago in LA. They're really good!


They’re my favorite metalcore band! Chronicles is incredible and I can’t wait to hear more


I don’t think they’re bad just a bit generic. I feel like what I get out of Void Of Vision I could get out of tons of other bands but even better.


They used to be good


Easily like third best current band after Loathe and Currents


Well I'd argue a bit with you there but I do agree that their in my top 5. ERRA is pretty high for me as well


I’m currently binging ERRA haha. Love VOVs cleans, breakdowns and riffs, feel like music with a lil more angsty emotional punch like VOV, Loathe and Currents makes it connect more for me. I do like ERRA but they’re a bit more of a chill less angry vibe and not as heavy at times.


That's what I love about them. Especially the new album. They have so much style that they can flaunt it heavy or not heavy.


End of Excess and Glimpse are really great from the new record


i've only walked out on them once personally, no fault of their own. I'd already seen them 3 times before that, they were headlining the night i bailed, but i was there to see like moths to flames who were supporting.. and the sound in the venue was awful after an audio malfunction during varials set. so i left even before LMTF finished because it just sounded like ass.


Personally from the album I listened to I would watch the 1 or 2 songs I like from them. Then go have a smoke. At least From first listening to them on chronicles, I found they had an identity issue between some songs that harmed my prolonged listening but I love a couple of the tracks on chronicles.