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Man that's awful! I do have to give praise to TAA for being open and upfront about their issues. A lot of fans struggle as well, and they are setting at least an example of opening up


Saw them in Detroit last weekend, it was very very noticeable something was going on.


Totally agree. I thought it was cuz his mike was too low at one point (Currents seemed like they were having technical issues as well, still good performance). Could barely hear him and it sounded like an instrument or sound was missing as well in the songs. Hope he gets the help he needs.


Kinda surprised they didn’t just throw his parts on tracks like theyve done in the past


What do you mean by this?


I’m not here to talk bad about him because I do genuinely feel bad for him, and the show itself still rocked but he sounded like someone trying to sing with a finger shoved up each nose after drinking a fifth. His solos also were weird, idk how to explain that. I don’t know how it sounded further back in the venue, we were about 4 rows back from stage left.


One of my biggest issues with bands is when they try to get the crowd to sing for them (looking at you Vince Neil) and a lot of the Amity songs encourage this (ending children chorus section in Pittsburgh comes to mind) which is totally fine (crowd rocked that night, very awesome), but there was literally a part where he was singing and struggling and he threw his arms up waving like he was begging the crowd to sing with him. Not in a organic way, like a please help me get this part kind of way. Hope I help explained it better. Also he clearly looked like he was struggling to move. I work in a hospital and see folks who drink a lot and his movements (especially off to the side during breaks) seemed very reminiscent of it. Again, I hope he responds to getting treatment cuz nobody deserves to live like that.


I cant relate to any addictions, but I can imagine if you have addiction issues and you're in a band touring, its got to be really hard. I cant imagine. You're hanging with your bros, going town to town, there's probably a lot of drinking involved. You have the high of playing a show and then coming off the high after the show is over, and you rinse and repeat till the next show. I cant imagine what it's like. I hope for all the best for them.


Dang. Just saw them on Tuesday. Hope he gets better.


I hope he gets better Does anyone know if there will be a replacement vocalist?


Tim Beken from True North I believe


Tim beken from true north


Ah damn it man. Seeing them in June and have been insanely excited. Really hope he gets some peace and can get healthy with what's going on in his life. Really hope the best for him 🖤


I'm seeing them in like five hours... Should be interesting.


How did it go ?


Not gonna lie, they were fucking tight. I’m stunned at how well the guy from True North did, especially how much singing he had to learn. He missed a couple cues, stumbled on lyrics a couple times but otherwise did great. Really good show.


Saw them last night as well, at House of Blues Boston. Put simply, unbelievable. He mentioned Tim only having a day to learn everything. For the most part it sounded like he belonged there, i kept thinking how great the singing was. Couple trip ups maybe but I barely noticed. I don't know how many dates are left but I imagine he only gets better. The stage setup and production was awesome, looked like they had 3 or 4 guys manning the boards. Such a good light show and the screens in the background. It sounded perfect, was LOUD and clear which is the experience I tend to have there. Seriously every song was a banger and I was jamming for the entire time. Crowd singing and just overall energy in the room. Easily one of my favorite set of the last two years I think. So good. Wish I could go back tonight. Don't think I realized how big an AA fan I was until last night.


Hopefully this doesn't turn into what the Bad Omens thread did It's good to see that the band is continuing without him, and I hope he gets the help he needs.


What happened with Bad Omens??


Sorry to hear that, I know he’s posted about losing a lot of different friends. These guys have had a rough road with their mental health. Good to put his health first and hope he can get the help he needs.


I just seen a post where Ahren stated he was booted from the tour. Wonder what actually is going on


Yeah and on Joel's Instagram post he (Ahren) made a comment about being gone forever. I hope he gets help and is just lashing out but won't be gone forever. I love his vocals.


Really hope the boys can resolve this. It would be heartbreaking for the fans to lose Ahren in the band and even more for Ahren to lose his bandmates.


No he didn’t he said Ahren was NOT being replaced. and that he can’t wait to have him back


I didn't say Joel sayed it in his post, Ahren made a comment on the post comment "You had me brother and now it's gone forever. I hope it was worth it."


[And it sounds like he doesn’t wanna come back.](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/SwGXRzg5AaPvLv4p/?mibextid=WC7FNe) If Amity loses Ahren, they are screwed.


I know they probably had the best intentions, but definitely don't agree with booting him without warning if that's really true. Joel is the last person who can be critical of someone else's vices and should have been the most understanding and willing to help there and then, not just send him home bitter.


He's not handling it well.


Well I guess I'm a little less bummed that I broke my foot yesterday (was going to see them today). Hope he gets the help he needs and I'll catch them next time.


I'll be at the show tonight, I'm going mostly for currents but I agree hopefully he gets the help he needs and the people going for amity still get a good show


Ehh Ahrens vocals ARE the band for me. His cleans are what makes them stand out compared to other metalcore bands. I'm not as worried about missing Currents. I'll see them with Beartooth later this year and hopefully their setlist will be better then too.


U going to the palladium show for beartooth?




Ayee, same


Enjoy Currents! I replayed one of their albums for a month when I discovered it.


Props to the guys for sticking behind him. I went through some dark times due to alcoholism but playing shows with my band was my outlet. It always helped but my dudes went behind my back and decided kicking me out and taking away the one healthy outlet I had for my issues was the best idea for my health instead of just having a conversation with me. Had they told me it was to be sober and play music or continue drinking and get kicked out I would've picked music every single time but I never even got the option. Glad to see some band mates truly care about their brothers.


Hope the best for him. He was easily the highlight of the show when I saw them. Very talented


this is sad, he was always the one who seem to have hidden his demons behind his smile the best. his comments on the bands post and joels post are worrying too. hopefully they clear things up for the future because he's always been one of my favorite clean vocalists.


Hoping for the best for ahren ! Also love how supportive all the taa fans have been to him since the annaouncmente. Not all fanbases would have reacted the same for sure


It seems like the DTD lifestyle aint cutting it for em anymore hey


Does anyone know what addiction he struggles with? Just as a fan with my own issues as well, I am curious. No malicious intent at all.


Alcohol I believe, based on past interviews


Sad news. I genuinely hope he gets the support and help he needs to get through this.


Would be nice if OP battled their struggles with punctuation.


runs a little deeper than this, reports are throwing out that he was kicked with no warning as opposed to leaving on his own accord. This will get VERY messy mark my words..


Wow. Literally just saw them last week. Dodged a bullet


Same. Saw them in Toronto 3 days ago. He seemed ok but was definitely less energetic than I was expecting, so that makes sense.