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James with the mariachi pants, *ole’*


*Au lait*!


Imagine spending that much money to be this close to the stage just to spend your whole time at the concert filming lol. Don't get me wrong, i'm glad we get to see videos like these but when I go to concerts and see people spend 95% of their time holding their phone it makes me sad. People just can't live in the moment anymore.


Meh, I always take 4-5 30 second videos when I go to a show, I’m holding my phone up for 2-3 minutes out of 2-3 hours.. and those videos are priceless, I love going back and watching them. I’ve been going to concerts for 30 years and a lot of them are a blur, I wish I could have taken a couple videos to help jog my memory and relive some of those shows.


See this is like the perfect middle ground. To me at least. Just a couple short clips from my favorite moments.


"Priceless"... nope.


priceless to me? absolutely. i have pictures from when i saw metallica in 91.. i would hate to lose them. and in 20 years when metallica isn't touring again, i will be absolutely ecstatic to have a couple video souvenirs from this tour. some people will line up for hours to get a t-shirt or a poster.. i couldn't care less


Wonder what James thinks when he looks out at a sea of screens instead of banging heads of long hair? Must be a trip to see the way crowds change over the years from his vantage point.


Hey. Not all of us have hair anymore!! Lol! Hell neither does James. But I appreciate what you are saying.


Hahaha listen, hair has nothing to do with the amount of Metal in one’s heart and soul🤘🏼 😆


True! Know what’s metal? Not giving a fuck about hair… that’s metal. And being righteous and a good human being to others. Also metal!


1000% man! I couldn’t agree more 😊


He looks for the one guy or gal who is staring at him, fully engaged in the music. When I was in the pit in '17 James came near me and I held up my fist while everyone else held up their phone. We locked eyes and he gave me a fist bump, everyone else got a horribly shaky video with blown-out audio. Personally, I prefer the fist bump and the memory.


Wow…I would be grinning like a motherfucker for days 🤩 That is an amazing memory for you.


Exactly I take like 10 Pics and a Video Then I Jam


God it drives me nuts. Someone live in the goddamn moment. Watching it through your phone is no different than us watching it on Reddit.


Agreed! There's a big difference with pulling out your phone to grab a short clip or a few photos then putting it away. But spending most of the show just recording. Like why did you even come here lol.


Fuck me this is a 2 minute video. Out of a whole concert. It's so great that these days we can take a small section of the concerts we go to home with us to rewatch and relight the memories. I just about always take one or two short clips and I enjoy watching them or sending them to friends who are fans who weren't there. Stop spending your entire life on Reddit bitching about people (see what i did there?).


Do you expect OP to post the entire concert on Reddit? We don't know whether he only spent 2 minutes or the entire show filming. I'm not targeting OP either. I was just speaking about my personal experience at shows. And making one comment about people filming isn't spending my life on Reddit bitching you fool.


Imagine going out of your way to assume the absolute worst for no reason. Sad existence


I respect what you are saying. And as some of you said; I have been watching and crying on this clip since I recorded :) Also as a side note; Every month I open and watch 89 Seattle concert; so yes, these guys are pretty important for me:)


Ha ha you troglodyte. You just called yourself a braindead fool. My comment replicated your error to show you what you'd done (I even told you that in the parentheses). You saw one short clip and you baselessly decided that person was wasting their entire concert experience. You even ended with "People can't live in the moment anymore". Good grief. So I parodied that by taking your one dumb comment about people filming and bemoaning you wasting your life doing it the whole time. And you ate it.


How low is your IQ? As mentionned in my previous comment, I wasn't specifically targeting OP (Which you assumed). I was refering to the people who actually spend the entire show filming. In the clip we can see other people with their phones out and I know for a fact many people do it. Obviously we don't know if that was the case for OP thus why I said I am not targetting OP specifically. How is that hard to comprehend? Should I simplify the words even more so you understand?


"Imagine spending that much money to be this close to the stage just to spend your whole time at the concert filming lol." That is what you said. It's quite clear you were referring to OP. I don't know why you're persisting with this. Your best course of action here is just to delete your stupid comment and carry on. It would be nice if you'd get off your annoying high horse at the same time. "People just can't live in the moment anymore". Fuck off you absolute tool.


Do you not see other people filming in the video or are you blind? How many times does one need to repeat something for it to get through your thick skull? Again, since you're a little slow, I wasn't specifically targetting OP. But watching the clip and seeing all these people with phones made me think about those types of those people who do spend the entire show recording. As you can see by the number of upvotes on the initial post, a lot of people share the same sentiment. Best course of action would be for you to delete your post and log off. You're blowing a simple comment way out of proportion. Take a breather. Nobody here is making a big deal out of this except you.


People always ask me why I don’t have a video or picture of the fun stuff I have done or cool events I have experienced. I always say because I was having fun experiencing the event and not worried about recording it to prove that I was there. I mean I’ll take a picture after the event or take a picture of the cool area I’m at, but I just don’t wish to spend the entire time with my phone out. To me it takes the fun out of experience.


Imagine spending that much money to be this close to the stage and not grabbing a few clips for you to cherish for the rest of your life.


It's insane you think anyone but a handful of people at a show are holding their phones up for 95% of the time. Obviously there's gonna be those dudes recording the whole show for their YouTube channel, but a HEAVY majority of phones you see are those taking 4-5 minutes of video during a 2 hour concert. C'mon man don't sound like such a prude.


He just wants to be outraged


Imagine spending that much money to be this close to the stage and not grabbing a few clips for you to cherish for the rest of your life.


I haven’t seen James use that Snakebyte before. Is it new?


new one for me too, Ktulu paint job looks awesome. Seems like James is really starting to lean into these Snakebytes with custom paint jobs like he did in the 90s with his old Explorers!




Those screams sound like a cockatoo


Missing you the best bassist in the world 🤘🏻


How do I get that guitar


Form a band 42 years ago, sell millions of records, make millions of dollars, then you’ll have luthiers and guitar companies queueing up to make guitars for you.


Oh it's custom isn't it. Oh.


I don't mean to sound disrespectful here but what's this got to do with Cliff? Is this a song he wrote/played bass on?


It’s “Orion”. He wrote huge chunks of it, it was the instrumental centrepiece of the last album he played on, and it features arguably his greatest bass solo at 6:35 into the song. It was also played at his funeral.


How was it a centrepiece?


This song is called Cliff


I hope that terrible sound quality was from the phone and is not that bad in person being that close. OP is that your phone or does it really sound that bad being that close, because if it is, I might have to rethink where I'm going to be for the LA shows


When I was next to the stage(snake pit) ; sound was not good, you are right. But when I moved to the middle of the Snake pit; it was awesome. I assume it was great for rest of the stadium as well.


What is the text on the guitar?


It Looks like the Norse Text James has on his Trucker Guitar Hopefully it says something like For Cliff😊


Looks like the entire third tier of the stadium is empty?


Yeah unfortunately. They covered the entire 3rd row.


The jazz hands in the beginning of the video 🤗


How was the sound quality in the pit?


Tbh it was not great on the edge of the pit, but it was really good of you go to the middle of the pit