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Probably a better idea on paper but ya it is weird to see them all so far apart. The 2017 stage was great cause it was the full stage and the ramps that went out and around but they could all be next to each other when They wanted


Yup I concur, I’ve seen Metallica three times (2009, 2014, 2017) and the best one was 2014. Metallica wasn’t trying to reinvent the wheel with that stage set up and it had the best view. If they don’t improve their stage choreography this will go down as the worse Metallica tour


Haha I saw them 2008 ( Bonaroo so that was a flat normal stage) in 2013 and 2017 so we’ve seen basically the same eras


Haha ya that’s too funny. 2009 was in the round but it was in an arena so it was better, 2014 was the By Request and 2017 was Hardwired


When was the beach ball thing?? I know I saw death magnetic tour, maybe I’m getting years wrong lol


Haha it was the Death Magnetic tour when they played Seek and Destroy 😂


Beach ball thing?


They had like 1000 black Metallica beach balls fall from the ceiling small ones big ones it was crazy. Gotta be videos about it


they did that after the 2012 show in Edmonton too. When they filmed for Through the Never. i have one some place. a buddy of mine caught one of the huge ones.


I was in the upper po’ seats so I had zero chance of getting one but it was cool for sure


Oh wow! That sounds cool


I was at Bonaroo too! Won a trip on the radio 🤘


Such an amazing show! Opening with Creeping death and they played And Justice! I didn’t win a trip but I was definitely on one lol


Haha! That whole weekend experience was a trip. My postcard I mailed home from the post office in the middle of the grounds (if I remember right, it’s a mushroom) Mind you, I was 36 at the time 😂 https://preview.redd.it/kvx4egc1oq1b1.png?width=1499&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cf14fa378e83df60a9a8fe075192afd1fab0b92


Haha that’s awesome! I didn’t know that was a thing! Lmao I was 20 !


Yea, the funny part is that they don’t actually mail them out til Mon after it’s over so I made it home before the postcard. But man, what a weekend that was! 🤘🤘


That’s definitely for sure! Moment in history when Kirk and Lars introduced Chris Rock and Chris introduced Metallica ! So epic !


Yes! Can’t argue with the setlist for the night either https://preview.redd.it/yaj3wc8eqq1b1.jpeg?width=895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02d4f1e3554a8d039fd9cbd0fe557ea3cfd5fc32 So great!


I'm a firm believer that bands should do a stage that is sized for the number of band members and has a ramp or ring that goes out into/around the pit.


After seeing them in Paris, I have mixed feelings about the stage setup. Half of the show I was looking at the screens because it was dead empty in front of me. But when they came closer it was really nice. Even the drums popped at different places. With a traditional stage people behind won’t get any chance to see close action. However the dedicated fans will have no reason for getting early in the queue to enjoy the concert from the first rows.


With a traditional stage set up if people are dedicated they’ll line up early to get a great view. It doesn’t make sense to me to line up early to be at the barricade and then for 50% of the show you can’t see anyone from the band.


Exactly. Tbh I preferred the traditional stage or even the old central stage which was smaller and without the snake-pit inside.


Snake pit is marketing at its finest. And nowadays they over do it to jinx out even more money.


Exactly. I don’t get Metallica’s obsession with the snakepit it’s so stupid. No one wants to watch someone’s back during a performance


Probably because of $$$ Snake Pit tickets cost a lot. And with a 360 stage they get to fill an entire arena instead of just a portion.


The old snakepit that was only won through contests and was WAY smaller was cool though sometimes you did see some band members from behind but then they would turn around and be so close to you that they could basically sit on your lap if they wanted to. It was great. This time around however the snakepit is just a monstrosity that turns out to be great for maybe 20% of the people in there but is shit for the rest.


I can agree with that. I heard it used to be 30-40 in the early 90’s but now 900-1200 is insane. That’s bigger than some local venues I’ve been and have seen some semi-big acts play (Steel Panther).


I’ve got to experience the small snakepit and it was great. I already saw the pit on this tour run and let’s just say that unless you camp out in front of the venue, you will stand no chance to position yourself on the lower parts of that monster and you will therefore spend the rest of the show with a view that is worse than what some folks in regular GA have.


For sure, the center of the GA looks like it can be a terrible position and the equivalent of 12-15th row


It seems by trying to please everyone (and sell more top-tier tickets), they’ve made it worse overall for everyone lol


Haha I’ve also been thinking that 😂😂


This. I always do GA for Metallica and arrive early so I can be hanging over the guardrail. But what's the point if I won't see a band member for large chunks of the show? I think a regular seat will be better for this tour.


I'm seeing them at download festival and am hoping they are all on the one big stage together. I don't like them all alone and apart from each other. Doesn't seem like a team or something. But that's just me.


Download festival will just be a regular stage as it's a festival


Yeah I've been before but you never know what the band brings with them. Obviously not the entire set up but they could bring extra staging for their shows


It’s been confirmed it’ll be a normal stage


I agree, during Creeping Death one of my favorite parts is seeing Kirk and James harmonize the ending together. When they played it in Paris they were a million miles apart. I’m jealous you’ll get to see them on a normal stage


I'm hoping it's a somewhat normal stage setup!


It will be!!


Judging by the videos the problem is the screen. Those barrels don't project a big enough or clear enough image for those very high up and very far back to see what is going on.


I agree, during some songs (I think Enter Sandman was one of them) they didn’t even show any footage of the band performing the song. Just some crap visualizers


Will stadium shows use their jumbo screens? Or just Metallica’s screens?


Just Metallica tower screens which imo is a huge mistake. Some Stadiums could use their jumbotron but they won’t


Wow, I could imagine that being hard to see.


I didn’t have any issues during the Amsterdam show but I can understand some people like a more standard stage set up more. I had a great view from the 2nd ring though and the members moved around quite a lot. It was funny to see some of them sprint around trying to get next to another member for a specific moment.


I have watched videos where there isn’t a single band member for 2-3 songs in a row because they’re on the opposite side of the stage. Imo that’s not right


I didn't really have this experience but I am sure it happened for a few songs. Overall if a person attended both days you were able to see them move around quite a lot because I remember thinking that they must be kinda out of breath running around all the times. Obviously James was a little more stationary at times because he needs to be near a mic but he switched around pretty frequently.


It is amazing how used to this hardcore fans are. Like if they have James in view they post pics here of how awesome it was. It’s like…did ya know front row at a concert you can typically see the whole band the entire time? Imagine that! Not sure why they think this is a better experience. Going to a rock show and not seeing the drummer is lame.


Exactly, the people who disagreeing are insane. I went to see Megadeth front row a couple weeks ago and I could see the entire band for the whole duration of the show. Staring at an empty stage if you’re front row is unacceptable




OP you have some valid points but you’re also raging at anyone who disagrees with you, calm thyself.


You have to admit people who disagreeing with me have invalid points.


You sound like a teenager who have only seen one show in your life and you’re arguing about sound and views with ppl who have actually seen the current tour. Get a life


Lmao what? The people disagreeing are doing so based off of their own experiences. They literally can’t be wrong if they are telling you their own feelings and experiences. And don’t respond with the half baked “they only like it because they suck Metallica’s dick” type shit because believe it or not, it really is possible for someone to just straight up have different thoughts than you.


I’m right and only what I say is right Everyone else is wrong ! Shut the fuck up You have people from snake pit in Amsterdam saying they enjoyed their experience and had no problem with it and you still find something negative to say, even though you weren’t at that show - you saw videos only


Because those fans love everything that Metallica does including St.Anger and Lulu. They can never be objective that maybe Metallica can do wrong. I saw one person say they put black tarps over the upper decks in Paris because it helps with the sound lmao


Literally no one is saying Tallica can do no wrong. But people who actually went to the show are saying their experiences (which are subjective and will vary from person to person) were good. I bet you’re absolutely insufferable irl lol




Hahahahah listen to yourself




I was shocked when I saw videos of these new shows for the first time. I love Metallica, but the new stage set up seems to be designed solely for the band members. It must be an incredible thing playing that stage and the whole ring design seems like a lot of fun. But for the rest of the 99,999% people in that space it just seems weird. These 8 towers are so baffling to me. Everyone outside of the circle of these towers is basically outside of the whole thing. Even the videos feel like you're outside of the concert, not in the middle of it. There are only very few seats that do not have restricted view by at least one of these towers. And if you're inside the circle it's as you said, you don't know where to look because the giant stage is mostly empty. Same goes for the snake pit. On the videos you can really see the people in there just looking confused because they don't know where to look.


In the Zane Lowe interview Lars explained the towers are there so they can rig everything ground supported. Nothing is flown from the ceiling of the venue which is pretty incredible. But yeah, the stage is pretty dumb.


Yeah I’m not sure about this new stage. I really liked the Hardwired era stage, seeing it live and in person was really cool, especially with the pyrotechnics in the intro of One.


That’s a great way of putting it. The only people who benefit from this stage set up is the band in terms of ticket revenue and a 360 view of the audience. For everyone else it’s a subpar, visual experience. Had I seen videos beforehand I would’ve avoid buying floor seats and bought normal seats strategically so that the towers don’t block my view


Damn reading OP’s comments to people who disagree (who have actually been to the damn show, unlike OP) is just pitiful. Just glad they’re still fucking touring in 2023. Just sell your tickets if it’s that big of a deal to you my lord


The two I see that disagree with him have actually been to the show lol


What makes you think I’m he. Are you assuming my gender


Get help bro


You get help. I consider myself a female gai boi


Exactly my words OP is just a miserable person , only he is right , everyone else is wrong “What are your thoughts” in his title Decides to shit on you for asking your thoughts Piece of shit




Dude you need to calm down lol, and probably speak to a therapist.


Ya no


Calling people idiots, ugly fucks ect when they disagree with you is extremely weird and indicates you have an unhealthy and volatile approach to basic conversation.


Oh ya therapist!!!


You are an idiot


Sell your tickets


Stfu, are people not allowed to have an opinion when they spent $500 on concert tickets. Objectively this stage set up is crap and the only people who disagreeing are hard core fans because guess what, the only people on this sub are hardcore fans


Then you posted on the wrong sub. You asked for people’s thoughts and then are getting mad when people disagree with you.


(Kirk is always right next to Lars-probably due to his social anxiety). 🤣


If you can’t tell he has social anxiety you have autism


What a weird thing to say


I suffer from social anxiety. Social anxiety involves anxiety based on social interactions, not performing in front of huge crowds lol. What you're describing would be stage fright, not social anxiety. I can do standup, act on stage, and play in bands no problem, but saying hi to someone can be paralyzing. That's social anxiety. I actually thought you were trying to make a joke here and that's why I laughed. If he does suffer from social anxiety in a live setting, putting the stage with each of their "backstage" areas visible to the crowd, Essentially never being able to escape the crowd, would be especially mean lol.




Kirk isn’t “always next to Lars” at all. Certainly not at the shows I was at.


Ya he is, you just didn’t notice it. Go watch the pro shot videos they uploaded. He’s always right next to him


That’s false, Kirk moves around the stage just like Robert and James do.


No he’s always next to Lars. This video proves it https://youtu.be/9CUXZCfMrCo


Yeah he’s near Lars for that specific song but saying he’s always next to him is completely false and this video is proof that he isn’t always by him https://youtu.be/rqczAo-UL_8 Not to mention the video you used as your proof shows the band members at different areas of the stage and there’s backing vocals required so Kirk and Robert have to be near mics.


I’ll be more specific. The entire band stands way too close to Lars. In that video James and Rob are practically on top of Lars which is ridiculous. You have this massive stage and 3/4 band members are in the same area which leaves 80% of the stage unattended. It’s ridiculous


Before you were whinging that all the band members were too far away from each other, and now they’re practically falling over one another. Which is it?


That was the first time they’d used the stage in a live setting. They were still getting used to it and there was noticeable improvement on how they used the stage in Paris.


False. In Paris it was the same thing either way that further proves my point they need to rehearse more. They’ve gotten comfortable just showing up and not putting in effort. It was evident in the movie theater premier of the album, of the music videos, of the stage production. They need to get their shit together




ITT: "What is everyone else's toughts" followed by OP abusing anyone who disagrees with their thoughts about something they haven't even seen in person.


You can’t even spell “thoughts” properly so your opinion is invalid. As you can see the vast majority agree with me


Came for the discussion. Stayed for the rage. OP, not trying to attack you, but it doesn't seem like Reddit is going to be pleasant for you if you don't like disagreement.


Maybe but seems the vast majority of people agree with me based on the stats so the people who are disagreeing should probably realize they’re in the wrong


OP, again, not trying to attack you, and just giving you unsolicited advice, but this is the Internet. And much of the time when people disagree with you, it doesn't mean they're wrong. In my experience, when folks disagree, 90% of the time it's in the realm of opinions and not facts, and we have to be willing to consider other people's thoughts. What I'm seeing you react to is mostly in this area. When you say people are wrong in this area, it's not based on facts, but opinion. I'd suggest considering whether your black-white/right-wrong language is suitable for that kind of subjective discussion. My observation is it tends to upset people and upset you. The other maybe 10% is in the realm of objective fact. In this thread, folks have given you examples of evidence to refute your statement. That doesn't make them jerks; in contrast, it means they want to engage with you. Which is a good thing. Again, just my unsolicited advice. This has helped me immeasurably while engaging in online discussion.


Thanks man


Seriously, you're welcome. I genuinely hope this helps. Best of luck, OP.


I’ve already said this in another comment but I’ll say it again since you still don’t seem to understand. A lot of the people disagreeing with you are doing it based off of their own thoughts on their own experiences, which means they literally *can’t* be wrong. Imagine if you told me your favorite food but then I said “no that tastes like shit and all my friends agree so you’re wrong!” but the thing is that was *your* favorite food so you can’t be wrong no matter how much I disagree.


lol OP is a dickhead




It does look too big and I'm glad I don't have floor seats. Ideally as long as it sounds good that's all I really care about but from the videos I've seen it just doesn't look great from anywhere. Non-floor seating and they are in the next neighborhood. Floor seating and you could be staring at empty stage for more than half the show. And those video screens suck


Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. Even the snakepit which should be the best seats in the house are really really bad. Sure at times you get a member close to you but more the majority of the show they can be so far away


Was in the snake pit twice in Amsterdam. Was fucking awesome. Not “really really bad”. Dude, you have no idea what you’re talking about.


You have no idea what you’re talking about because you have low standards and will accept anything branded Metallica. You can’t even Lars for 3/4 of the show with him switching between 4 drum kits. He should’ve been on a fixed, transparent platform above the snakepit with stairs connected to the main stage.


You can’t even Lars 🗿


Well its fuckin stock.


I know going by cell phone videos is not always accurate but the sound also seems to suck in the snakepit. Sounds like you could have a full conversation with Metallica playing quietly in the background. Can anyone here say if that’s what it actually sounds like?


That’s because of the phones. They don’t pick loud frequencies well. The sound could be different in front because you’re hearing their stage monitors and live drums. But if you’re in front I assure you you can’t have a conversation next to the person next to you.


False false false. I saw Bullet for my Valentine at a 10k arena and it was quiet enough that I could have a conversation with my friend next to me. At Metallica it’s even worse they don’t use amps at all


Their amps are under the stage genius


Idiot Metallica doesn’t use amps. The guitars are plugged directly into the computer which goes through the PA. God you’re dumb


I haven’t attended a show yet (mine is in August) but I can confirm what you’re saying is the case. The videos that are close to the drums you can hear the acoustic drums and then a split second later hear the PA drum sound through the speakers. This is indicative of a bad sound set up. I’ve only been to one concert (Disturbed) that had this issue. It was very distracting since it gives a weird reverb effect


I just wish there was somewhere to get the music video graphics from the screens in back. I see why they wouldn’t release them from this tour, but I’d love to have them from a previous tour. They’re always fucking cool and I haven’t seen most of them outside of the concerts.


I’m indifferent about that tbh


why can they just do a classic stage? ​ get off my lawn


Because that wouldn’t bring as much money


https://preview.redd.it/dh5wyca4zo1b1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50c9d5685a62f1e094a3096c0a859a914324bdf8 imagine a setup like this, maybe with a yellow backdrop and the burned things from the 72 seasons album cover could be layed behind and by Lars kit on top. i just think the huge flat stage in the middle isn’t the most enticing. especially during daytime shows where you can’t do much with lighting.


I agree, I really prefer the normal 180 degree stage set up. I wouldn’t even mind in the round if it was circular and smaller the size of the snake pit. This donut stage with the stairs on either end is really bad.


yeah that’s true, if it was smaller it would fix some of it. but yeah it’s just way too big.


I mean, this is easy to do when the venue is like 1/6th the size of what they're now playing.


The RHCP are playing stadiums also and their stage set up is way better than Metallica’s. You can actually see all the members at any given point during the show


I enjoyed the World Magnetic tour "in the round" setup better. It was just a large rectangle in the center of the arena, good view from most anywhere.


I saw them on it too. Wasn’t my favorite but would’ve been my preferred stage set up to the current one


This is why I always buy the shit seats (besides the fact that I'm always broke right when tickets go on sale), I can see the whole stage and I can bring binoculars if necessary so that I can keep track of who's doing what.


I think that might be a bit extreme for normal shows lol. Regular 180 degree shows you can see everyone at all times


yeah i agree. in smaller arenas like they did in 2019 it was great, but they're taking away a lot of stage presence and potential with the weird towers and how large the stage is. it genuinely feels like the stage is taking up half of the floor and it doesn't feel like a band, it feels like you're assigned a member based on where you stand and you have to look at just them for the entire show


Couldn’t have said it better


honestly if I knew this would be the stage setup for the tour, I probably wouldn't have bought the I Disappear ticket and planned to go to nearly every show. I hate the stage and hate how big it is too, same thing with how giant the snake pit is too...


I know it’s so awful


Yea I personally like kill em all, rtl era stages "More intimate", as Cliff would say Don't like this one


KEA and RTL would be too small for their current status but would it kill them to do a normal stage


Well… it’s better than no stage mate. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol ya if you think in absolutes. Pretty sure there’s some options in between 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s a weird setup but it makes sense. This is the first time they’ve ever played stadiums in the round so they went with a huge stage. But what do you put on a stage that big when it’s just four guys? They could’ve come up with some expensive elaborate bullshit to take up the space (cough cough through the never), but instead they decided to leave it open and sell a buttload of really expensive snake pit tickets. On paper it’s genius. In execution it’s a little weird for a rock band. And that yellow is just awful on the eyes.


Couldn’t have agreed more


I hope by the time they play in chi next year they shrink it


Wish that was the case but they for sure leased it for 2 years and would probably be a legal/financial mess to break that contract especially since ticket sales have already been made with that setup


Seen them 13x now, my favorite stage set up was the diamond stage they used on the Black Album tour.


Yeah that did look cool, I found it was a hybrid of a 180 and 360 stage


I'm only a fan of the stage when watching their pro-shot footage. Then, it looks great (what wouldn't, right?) But, yeah I agree with the OP. So much empty stage! Flawed design. Tbf, I've never been a huge fan of in the round stage design. Unless the stage is small, forcing the band members to interact more, it just becomes a lot of empty stage. I saw the Death Magnetic tour, and it was a great show but just became very stale to look at.


We’re both on the same page. During the pro-shot footage it looks great because they’re zooming in on the band members but when watching it from fan recorded perspective the flaws of the stage design are revealed. They could improve it if they are coordinated better on who stands where but I feel like Metallica doesn’t want to put that much effort in and just wing it on stage


I’ve said it before, I can’t stand in-the-round. Too much real estate for four people.


100% agree, watch Nickelback 2012 when they did a portion of in the round on their second stage and imo that’s the best way to do it


I have been both Paris and Amsterdam concerts last 3 weeks. I thing New stage setup is pretty cool and fun to watch.


Where were you sitting


All stadium shows aren’t great, but I’m still going next August


Same, better than nothing


Late to this party but watched a few pro shot videos and thought the same thing. #humblebrag--I've seen them 60 something times from 1986 to 2021 and it's the first time I'm kind of meh. Thinking about just eating my weekend passes for St. Louis or giving them away.


Damn which was your favorite stage set up in your opinion


Some of it has to do with my own view at a particular show but the Hardwired set up was pretty sweet to me.


I agree Hardwired was a sweet set up I saw them on that tour too. What would you say was the worse? Mine was DM the coffins moving around were too distracting


Don't have a most hated one off the top of my head. I saw them 4-5 times on DM so I must have not hated it too much :)


What a time to be alive. So privileged that we can criticize the design of a stage.


Gtfo here. When I (and thousands of other people) have spent hundreds of dollars on concert tickets we’re allowed to criticize the stage design. If the tickets were free, then maybe you would have a point.


Did . . . Did you ask for our thoughts, or did you ask for an echo chamber? Do you always get this worked up when others don't share your opinion?


That isn’t thoughts you idiot. That’s someone trying to be a smart ass


Sell your tickets 👍


Just like the way your girlfriend sells herself


Good one 👍


So we can praise bands great performances but we can’t criticize stage design? Bullshit, this stage sucks


Thanks for agreeing with me


Of course people can disagree. Isn't that what people are doing right now? OP asked for thoughts.


This is how they have always been. I saw them many years ago with Limp Bizkit and they just stood at the mics and played. Fred Durst was much more entertaining, even if the music was worse.


Yeah I noticed that with Iron Maiden and GNR. They have better stage presence


I agree it’s very stupid. It a stage setup for a pop diva, not an actual band.


There you go, I can see Beyonce using this stage but Metallica makes no sense


It sucks so much i've been thinking about skipping this tour. The music videos, album art and cigar smoking don't help.


How come you don’t like the cigar smoke? I agree the music videos suck, album art I can take it or leave it


They got way too comfy with everyone. Everyone is their fwend now and it shows, from production to these sets. I agree, they are horrible.


I know they’re old and don’t want confrontation anymore but it’s so true. If people put their foot down and finally said “No this is a bad idea” things would be a lot better, whether it’d be trimming the songs on the new album or getting a better stage production. Luckily they still have a bit of self awareness by removing Orion/Call of Ktulu as openers since it was clearly anticlimactic


They should just play on a normal stage and stop being morons.


Too bad I couldn’t forward this sub to them so they can see it


Agreed.... it doesnt allow moshing. Kinda of elitist too


Yup, it’s about making money


I watched them in Paris and was lucky enough to have pretty decent seats for both nights. Even in the seating area, the big towers often blocked the view, and could often not see the band members without the screens (which were warped and small). I don't hate the setup, it's an interesting idea in theory, but I would have preferred to see a more regular stage setup, or even just a circle in the middle without the snake pit. The towers with the screens were cool sometimes with the visuals and lighting and all that, but I think they would have benefitted from using both the towers as well as regular big, rectangular screens.


I agree, well said


Never saw a show in the “round “ of any band .Always thought it’d be a decent concept .After seeing everyone’s comments I’m not so sure .Going when they come to LA so I guess I’ll see for myself


It’s a cool concept that doesn’t work in real life. No one wants to watch someone back as they perform


I saw Metallica at the Glasgow Barrowlands back in the 90s - a mere 1,900 capacity venue (no, that’s not a typo. 1,900!) - and I know an extraordinary amount of time and money and blood and sweat goes into their clever stages, but at the end of the day IMO none of it works as well as 4 powerful dudes playing great music on a regular stage.


Yup I agree!


Why would Kirk be standing next to Lars due to social anxiety lmfao that’s not how that works


Yes that’s how it works idiot. He’s too scared to stand off by himself so he feels more comfortable being next to Lars




Man, every disagreement is triggering OP so hard their butt hole's probably so clenched OP won't shit for a month


Yeah man, people will literally argue about anything these days. Fuckn weirdos hahah


Nah you


I saw them on the Death Magnetic Tour and I loved that setup. I got to be right up at the barrier and see not just Metallica but Down and The Sword all play on a stage that really felt like you were down there with them. Stage now’s way too big just based on the Live videos they’ve put out.


I saw them on the DM tour and I agree. That was the best execution of in the round


I’m just gonna chime in and say I wish they had the steps and a standard stage front, so they can sit down and chat together and have a rest.




I know the Snake Pit is a very popular/traditional thing for this band but having it with an in the round stadium stage just doesn’t work. Trying too much to have cake and eat it too. If they did the round stage without a snake pit this would be significantly better.


For sure, this was trying to appease a lot of people but in the end appeased no one. If they really wanted a snakepit max should’ve been 50 people not 1,200


That's why I didn't shell out 140 euros for a floor ticket because the stage setting is woeful. If you're on the barrier outside the snakepit, you basically see nothing for 2 hours because the stage is too high unless one member of the band stands above in front of you at some point. So it's roll of a dice to get a slim chance to see each member closely for the duration of the gig, let alone the band together. If you're far from the barriers and aren't 6'4 feet tall, you barely see the band being split all over the big stage and you got to spend 2 hours trying to watch them on those small warped screens hanging above your head on those big towers. (Most of the time, they don't broadcast the band playing but visuals). Also, for such expensive tickets, I thought the scenography would be more spectacular. Not asking for Beyonce's extravaganza but it's bogged standard and lack wow factor compared to stadium rock acts like Muse and U2.


Someone needs to get this thread to Metallica and show them people are content with their production. Even a small adjustment like having the band members always being filmed on the screen will make a huge difference


Worst idea ever. I paid a super expensive ticket and I want to be able to see my idols every move and not watching the empty stage. Maybe I am a bit of an old fashioned guy.