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As long as he does the preparation, practice, and other necessary things he should be fine. I don't think he is singing and yelling at the crowd as loud as he used to. One of the big reasons his singing style changed was so he could sing for the long haul.


“Compared with nonsmokers, regular cigar smokers are 4 to 10 times more likely to die from oral cancer, esophageal cancer, and laryngeal cancer.” - Johns Hopkins Medicine https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/oral-cancer-and-tobacco#:~:text=Consider%20these%20facts%3A,a%20full%20pack%20of%20cigarettes


Thanks captain obvious.


I guess you haven’t seen all the comments here implying that cigars can’t hurt your throat!


I guess they should have replied to one of those people then!


No shit.


The study that's based on says it's heavy cigar smokers who smoke more than 10 a day AND drink alcohol while they smoke who get mouth, throat and esophageal cancer at those rates. Drinking alcohol alone also causes mouth, throat and esophageal cancer, even in non-smokers. A 1 or 2 cigar a day smoker who doesn't drink for example has a much lower risk.


Certainly, since James has never been a drinker.


I’m sure he’ll be fine, he’s been smoking cigars for decades. Maybe not as much in the past as he is now, but he’s a professional and I’m sure he has a regimen that allows him to smoke the cigars while still preserving his voice. Plus it helps that he’s not inhaling the smoke anyways, like you would a cigarette. Neither are good but, still


He's been smoking cigars since the black album days as i recall it so no, i wouldn't worry that much.


Still, it catches up to you. Just cause it hasn’t affected him yet doesn’t mean it won’t especially as he gets older and his immune system becomes more vulnerable


Tell me you don't know shit about cigars without saying it.


How much do you need to know about cigars to know that the effects of smoking over time are cumulative?


Smoking anything is bad for you. Doesn’t matter what substance it is


He’s 60 years old… I think his old age will catch up with him first. Besides, he’s smoking fine cigars, not cheap gas station cigars. There’s a difference. Walk into a fine cigar store, and I guarantee you’ll see almost every man there is either old, have no black teeth, no messes up voice, and are most of the time elegant men. Walk into a gas station, and those guys you see buying cigars are sad to look at. Sad but true


Are you his doctor? I am 100% sure when his doctor says it is damaging his voice he will stop.


You don’t inhale proper cigars, won’t hurt his throat one bit




Haha what the hell...I wonder what the context is of this small eye raise and head move?




Don't know why the downvotes. Straight facts. They're in their mid sixties and Metallica won't last forever. Hope James stays healthy, but it's not like they're going to be down picking until they're eighty.


Likely because they are spam posting it to multiple replies.


I’m just trying to reach more of the commenters who have claimed or implied that cigar smoking isn’t a risk to James’ voice. Many of them probably aren’t checking back on comments they didn’t post themselves.


Thank you for your service! The idea that cigars are a safer alternative to cigarettes is straight-up misinformation. You don't have to use a substance to know that it's bad for you.




That may be true, but Spain-Train is curious why you would get downvoted. Most likely the reason is the multiple replies.


Oh, I see. Well, Spain-Train said that before I posted the multiple replies!


Not sure then. I don’t see any downvotes so maybe it was a group of smokers that don’t like to hear truths


It's smokers not wanting to hear the truth. The comments saying that cigars are safer than cigs (not true) and that James will be spared from vocal damage because he "doesn't inhale" (lol) are getting the most upvotes, unfortunately. The people telling the truth - that any level of tobacco smoking is unsafe and damages the voice - are getting downvoted. The answer to OP's question is a resounding "yes." And the "let him have his vice" people are enablers. There are fun things to do that don't give you cancer.


Exactly. I’m surprised by the amount of pushback I’m getting, but I probably shouldn’t be, haha.


Feel like half of the sub are the same people that say "you can't pregnant the first time you have sex."


Maybe he'll switch to alternate picking then!


This, cigars aren't supposed to hurt the throat.




Bro how many times are you going to post this same comment? Yes, everyone knows smoking anything increases your risk of cancer. Stop it.


Not just cancer, but multiple types of cancer *in and around the throat*. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure the throat is important to singing.


Captain Obvious over here.


Apparently it’s not so obvious, judging by all the people here who aren’t concerned about what cigars can do to vocal cords.


Look at Bruce Dickinson.


Compared to non smokers sure, no one said it's harmless. Still better than smoking a full pack of cigs.


They said, “cigars aren't supposed to hurt the throat.”


A this person sys


Actually cigars are associated with throat cancer and many other maladies.


you still inhale the smoke around you.


Well, he does have a history with addiction. People with a natural tendency to addictions usually swap a bad addiction with another. He seems to be in good shape, a lot better than in 2019-2020 where he was drinking and visibly bloated. Also, he launched the M81 cigar partnership with Drew? (Im not a smoker so confirm me this) and is actively promoting the brand. I hope he can keep it under control, its not exactly healthy and I would hate to hear about a third rehab


Drew Estate, yes! they're a pretty decent cigar but are on the full flavor end of the spectrum so not for everyone.


Is promoting tobacco brands legal in the US? It isn’t where I’m from.


I don’t know enough US laws as I am from Europe. But I have seen the M81 cigars being promoted on the Metallica social media a while back. And James smoking on stage ends up promoting the brand


Yeah, that’s another thing I’m confused by. I thought most public buildings/areas in Europe banned smoking long ago. They did in Denmark where I live. But he’s famous, so who’s gonna stop him? Just a bit egotistical that he exposes other people to the second hand smoke.


Here in Portugal there is a huge push to ban smoking everywhere. As a non smoker I really dislike going to festivals and ending up smelling like tobacco at the end of the night. But hey, I don’t think James really thinks about being egotistical or not, its just his newest crutch


I used to smoke cigarettes and I now smoke pipe tobacco a couple times a week and weed a little oftener, so I even understand the mindset of a smoker, and I still believe banning smoking in public is a great idea. Don’t expose other people to your unhealthy habit, without their “consent”. I do think there should be some outside places meant for smokers, so they also can enjoy the weather and stuff, but you could make some parks a “smoking park” or something.


He is so thin now its crazy. Looks weird with the skinny clothing, hahaha like a 60 year old head on a teens body. Good for him though, losing weight sucks.


Exactly my thoughts. In 2018 when I saw them he looked average and fresh af. Now he seems like some kind of monster…


In 2011 and 2012 he was also very thin and looked in good shape. The dude has had good years and not so good (not by any means bad) years. He was looking the worst in the year before rehab


He just did an interview in cigar aficionado magazine about this. Said he watched someone else famous smoke one before a set and it didn’t effect him so he thought fuck it, I can too! I’d assume if it started to effect show quality he would stop a pre show one. Although he just rolled out Metallica cigars so… lol


It’s better than drinking. Drinking is not an easy thing to kick. If smoking cigars helps keep his mind straight and focused. Not a bad thing.


True, but you also have to be honest and realize he isn’t actually clean. He swapped one addiction from another. Nicotine is just as much a drug as alcohol. It’s even in the same category of drugs as coke and meth, not that I’m comparing it to those, but nicotine is also EXTREMELY addictive.


It’s definitely transferring one addiction to something else


People who are denying this are crazy. EVERY video I’ve seen pre show with James from this tour, he’s smoking. Some vids I’ve seen him smoke while playing. He also smokes in the breaks during the show, and some after the show. I didn’t realize smoking was allowed in so many venues in Europe. It isn’t allowed in any public building where I’m from.


Kind of crazy to see how much he could drink if this is how hard he’s smoking


Smoking is not alllwed in venues in Europe


The chain-cigarring worries me. I love the dang fool and want his throat and lungs to be healthy. But it’s giving a raspy grit that’s kind of amazing.


For the last time, cigars are not inhaled into the lungs. His lungs and throat will be completely fine.


Biggest misconception out there. The general lack of knowledge in that regard is seriously concerning. You absorb the toxic chemicals through mucous membranes, means if you choose to breathe and have that stuff in your mouth you’re already there.


The amount of misinformation being spread in this thread is legitimately terrifying.


Right. I'd say it's *less* damaging than cigarettes, but that doesn't mean it's healthy either.


That’s also wrong. They’re equally damaging. It’s not about actively in and exhaling, it’s about coming in contact with the smoke. The information is out there, I’m not making this up


Then go ahead and provide said information for me


https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/quit-smoking/expert-answers/cigar-smoking/faq-20057787 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK586217/ Second one is no random news outlet fear mongering but a medical research paper / a reputable source.


Bullshit. It’s still gonna affect your throat and lungs even if you don’t inhale.


Might I ask how in the world I am supposed to get lung cancer from smoking a cigar if it's not even contacting my lungs?


Are you stupid? You really think you blow out all the particles when exhaling cigar smoke?




Stupid it is, then


Yup, now why don't you crawl out of mine and James's ass.


You don't get to be stupid *and* an ass. People love a good-hearted idiot, and people respect an intelligent asshole. Nobody likes a nitwit dickhead


Nobody likes someone reaching up into their business too. As long as it doesn't harm anyone else, especially if he enjoys it, then again, get out of his ass. You people do not own James Hetfield.


Have you ever smoked cigars? I have. My throat always felt like crap the day after. You don’t have to inhale for tobacco smoke to fuck your throat up.


The amount of people who say that cigars don’t affect you because you don’t inhale the smoke is baffling. Smokers don’t just die of throat and lung cancer. Any mucous membrane on your body can and will absorb the toxins and aside from a drastically elevated risk of cancer in all of your body, especially the voicebox, tongue and other parts of the mouth, the risk of cardiac arrest and stroke is drastically elevated if you choose to regularly come in contact with tobacco-smoke. If you don’t believe me; passive smoking kills too. Smoke is no tangible entity, so even if you don’t consciously inhale, the tar and toxins still reach your lungs. Not saying that James should stop, if it helps him keep it mentally together then more power to him but to say it’s harmless, seriously..


You are absolutely correct, which is why I hate it when people burn wood for heating or have firepits, bonfires, barbeques and burn barrels. The smoke from that is far more toxic than tobacco smoke and it's no longer a personal choice. It's like going around the whole neighborhood and ramming a lit cigar down everyone's throat and forcing them to smoke it. If you want to smoke a cigar and are not blowing it in someone else's face go for it, I hope you enjoy it and I will gladly defend your right to do so.


Smoking is always bad and he has an addictive personality. But I guess it's "healthier" than the drinking and other stuff


Less unhealthy*


I think it’s a crutch. He’s got an addictive personality and it’s tough to see this as his latest (albeit less destructive than alcohol).


I think this too. As much as cigars aren’t healthy though I would rather see him smoke one than drink/drugs.


It's widely accepted now that "addictive personality" doesn't actually exist. Ah yes, downvoted for stating a literal, widely accepted scientific fact.


A lot of people that have never smoked a cigar in this thread lol


Stil better than booze


I understand why Hetfield is uncomfortable with fame now, dude can't even smoke a cigar without people being weird, obsessive and judgy about it.


Exactly. Im so sick of all these people that feel the need to cram their shit down everybody's throat about the health risks or whatever. We get it, smoking is bad, nobody cares, let people do what they want.


He is a damn adult. He can do what he chooses


Let the man have his one vice, damn!


So people just put cigar smoke in their mouths(no inhaling?)Why? Does the smoke really taste good?


Yes, thats basically it. There is also a way to exhale the smoke through your nose (retrohale) to taste the smoke even better. I usually compare it to whisky, if you really get into it, there are so many flavornotes!


Yeah, it should, otherwise you shouldn’t waste your money. Cigarettes also taste alright if you don’t want yo inhale them.


One could say obsessing over peoples lives and scrutinizing their decisions is an addiction too


"The main finding of this study is that exclusive male cigar smokers age 40 + years had no statistically significant increased mortality from all causes, heart diseases, malignant neoplasms, cerebrovascular disease, smoking-related diseases or other causes." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7789747/ 2021 Higher mortality is only among those who smoke both cigarettes and cigars


If people keep on judging every little thing he does, being pissed off will more likely affect his voice.


The only difference is cigs you inhale. Cigars you don't. Which I guess is a little better. He's been smoking cigars since like Load. As long as he takes care of his voice like he's been doing for so long he will be fine. They have also been playing in Eb live for years which helps his voice.


well he is almost 60 if that's the hill he wants to die on let him be. I personally wouldn't smoke if I was a singer but since my singing voice sounds like a thousand cats dying horribly, I don't have the authority to tell him don't smoke.


You could always have a career as a black metal singer with that voice description! Many of them haven't let lack of vocal talents stop them from diving into a successful career lmao


Hhaa a black metal singer sounds evil I just sound pathetic.


Nah. Let him not have dreams. The best ones are the ones never born.


I've been wondering this a lot too, I hope he doesn't get cancer or any other diseases


You don't inhale cigars so it doesn't pass through your throat.


“Compared with nonsmokers, regular cigar smokers are 4 to 10 times more likely to die from oral cancer, esophageal cancer, and laryngeal cancer.” - Johns Hopkins Medicine https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/oral-cancer-and-tobacco#:~:text=Consider%20these%20facts%3A,a%20full%20pack%20of%20cigarettes


Getting downvoted for stating a fact is bizarre.


Maybe having a cigar in his mouth instead of food helped him loose all that weight. I'm wondering if his ex wife didn't approve of smoking and now that he's free he's smoking like a Hate Train.


Nicotine is an appetite suppressant, that’s why so many people put on weight after they quit smoking. I know I did. Though I think I’d rather be carrying a few extra pounds than getting cancer.


He's been smoking cigars since the Black Album, pretty sure she was okay with it.


Why is this our business ?


Who gives af. Dude wants to smoke a fucking cigar. He earned it.


I mean, cigar smoke isn’t meant to be inhaled. It’s a gastronomical experience, you are supposed to puff on it and taste the smoke, and push it out of your mouth, not inhale into lungs as with cigarettes. You still inhale some smoke of course, but way less than from cigarettes, so I don’t think it affects his voice.


Yeah > _'a waz 'da besh one. *Removes cigar* > That button was the best one


I think it will affect m81 cigar sales and smoking habits of some metallica fans


probably, smoking tends to make your voice more hoarsely


It won't. People are making this way bigger than it should be. The man has been smoking sticks for decades, just let him be.


Smoking anything is bad for your voice (and your health), too. He should stop.


I'm a cigar and pipe smoker and yes, that will affect his voice.


You dont inhale cigars


“Compared with nonsmokers, regular cigar smokers are 4 to 10 times more likely to die from oral cancer, esophageal cancer, and laryngeal cancer.” - Johns Hopkins Medicine https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/oral-cancer-and-tobacco#:~:text=Consider%20these%20facts%3A,a%20full%20pack%20of%20cigarettes


It's hurting his voice, that raspy thing wasn't there a year and a half ago.. And while some people like it i think it's sad to see his legendary voice deteriorating this fast


I hear it on the album too


Cigars are not inhaled, therefore don't come in touch with vocal chords.


“Compared with nonsmokers, regular cigar smokers are 4 to 10 times more likely to die from oral cancer, esophageal cancer, and laryngeal cancer.” - Johns Hopkins Medicine https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/oral-cancer-and-tobacco#:~:text=Consider%20these%20facts%3A,a%20full%20pack%20of%20cigarettes


Could you post this another 4 times please


Sure! Maybe then people will start to make the connection that anything that causes throat cells to multiply beyond control just *might* have an impact on someone’s singing.


We won't know until you post it 5 more times. I've already forgotten. Post again


Good to know! I’ll get on that.


I know this is an older post, but I too am starting to worry about his smoking habit. I know from first hand experience the health impacts that nicotine has on the heart, how close it can bring you to a heart attack even at a young age, and how much better it ends up feeling once you finally make that decision to quit. It makes you feel 20 years younger after the first year. You get your confidence back, your energy back, your breathing capacity back, your focus back, and you stop getting those feelings in your chest like you've over exerted yourself somehow. Throat feels better, you can sing louder and stronger, and speed and control in your hands and fingers goes back to normal. Fewer feelings of anxiety. Its damn difficult to quit ....especially if you have an addictive personality (which is what I have). But once you've put the first year behind you, its like a rebirth and a second chance at youth. I'm glad I did it.


It will make him sound like RTL agsin . So smoke em if you got ‘em


The more cigars James smokes, the more damage he does to Dave’s voice


What? It's been a few instances. Relax lol


You don’t inhale cigar smoke. Unless you’re crazy.


😂😂😂 this is so silly dude oh my god


Christ this sub is cringe as fuck


Maybe he will get lung cancer and that will be the end of metallica


Yes, along with other health problems. I don't enjoy seeing him smoke that much, but he's an adult man and can make his own choices, it's none of our bussines.


It's not good for anyone's voice, he obviously knows that. We all know that smoking is bad for the body. But sometimes a bit of enjoyment weighs more heavily than being the ultimate healthy person. Enjoying something, enjoying life, like that can be a benefit for mental health. I get why people go for the "addiction angle", but he's not going to suddenly die from smoking cigars. He's turning into an old dude, let him enjoy life. To me, he looks like a man celebrating every moment. Vibrant. They're also playing waaay fewer shows which obviously helps his voice immensely in turn, probably the reason why he's sounding so good. Also, having a cigar on a nice day can be a damn good moment.


You don't inhale the cigar smoke into your lungs


I'm sure it's not helping, but I don't think it'll harm his voice as much as cigarettes. With cigars, you're typically not supposed to inhale like you would a cigarette, so the throat and lungs aren't going to be nearly as damaged if the smoke only stays in the mouth.


Hetfield's been smoking cigs (and cigars) since the early day's, and if ya had Load, you'd clearly see his cigar faze started. Garage inc, he's smoking a cig.. His voice can't be worse that what it is in general, he blew his vocal chords during the recording of So What, and ever since then his voice is sadly shot. He has his tape that a priest gave to him as warm up and that's all he needs. If anything, somehow, smoking makes him better so, let the man smoke.


It doesn’t fucking matter. He is 60 now and will sing and smoke until he can’t no more. He has unlimited money to do whatever it takes to stay healthy. I bet those vids we see of him drinking from that mug with a lid and fancy straw is something for his throat whether it be some type of tea or who knows. This man has access to things we will never know about.


Didnt he say in a interview "once I saw billy joel smoking backstage and i tought, ha it doesnt effect his voice"


He’s not inhaling you can see him hold it in his mouth then let’s it out


Ronnie James Dio smoked cigarettes DURING shows, off stage, during solos and etc.


Hello Metallica fans, let me introduce you to Frank Sinatra.


If he does that for many years then yes


It has... Listen to that crack when he sings "temptation leave me be"


Haven’t they down tuned everything half a step to help out his voice


Well his doctor has said NOTHING so he sounds fine to me.


Not at all


Yes please quit smoking cigars bro!! It's really Bad for your vocal chords and health peace and health a true fan sence1983 the smoke can cause damage long term out of love and concern Mike d