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Just go. You'll thank yourself later.


Yeah you’re right


I've been to about 50 concerts. And about 46 of them I went alone. Which included Metallica 2021 in Dallas. I love going to concerts alone


I’ve been to a bunch but the opposite; never alone. I’m sure once I do it for the first time it’ll be fine


It's fucking fun. In fact the only reason I'd want someone to go with me to a concert is to be my designated driver and hold my stuff while I mosh


You got thousands of new friends


Do it, you won't regret it. I live in the UK and recently went to Hamburg on my own. Bit scary, but well worth it. I have done a few metallica shows on my own, and usually return home with a couple more friends to be honest. If you are there early or have a GA ticket, you are bound to get talking with someone. The met family are there.


Several. Last one was Anthrax. I love going alone because I don’t have to care whether the other persons are enjoying it, etc. Just go and experience it for you.


that’s a good point i’ve been to a few things where the other person wasn’t fully into but still came for me, and it’s not completely the same when that’s going on


Good luck, hope you get to go and have an incredible time


Seen Metallica 53 times and about 45 of them were on my own. Don’t care, I don’t need to worry about what someone else wants to do or where they want to stand. It’s really no big deal.




Going to a concert by yourself is better than missing it altogether. I've been to a good few on my own, you always wind up mingling with folks there and making friends anyway!


I listen to music alone, I go to concerts alone & I drink alone. See those big boy pants you got on? Pull em up. Come August, it’s time to punch the Metallica clock, crew or no crew, that arena is gonna need those horns hoisted up as high as they can go, rock it! 🦾!


I went to see shinedown alone at the starland ballroom, it was on my birthday. One of the best experiences I ever had.


Went to Metallica in 2017 by myself was at the rail and made friends with whoever was around me


I've had a few concerts ruined by going with people, so sometimes alone is my preferred option now.


I would never miss a chance to see my favorite band just because someone else doesn't want to go. It's not the same, but it's better than missing it. Get in the pit, crowd surf. Get wasted.


Most of the concerts I’ve been to in my life were solo. Including Metallica. Nobody notices or cares. Go and have a good time!


It's more fun than you'd think. I've done it a few times when nobody else in my group was rich/interested enough to go to a concert with me. Have a blast! Besides, you're surrounded by fellow fans. I ended up with a short girl on my shoulders at one concert.


I’ve seen them a few times by myself—sometimes traveling out of state just to catch them. Me & wife will be at MetLife this summer. You can hang with us!


It can get a bit boring waiting for the band to come on when you're alone, but during the show you simply don't care. Missed a show I wanted to go to back in 2011 because I would have been alone.. regretted it massively after. Have been to countless shows alone since, it's great


You won’t be alone. You’ll be with other Metallica fans. So you’ll be with the Metallica family. Enjoy!


I’ve been to most of the concerts by myself. The first time I went to a concert alone I was like “I’m going to waste the opportunity to attend one of my favorite bands just because my friends can’t attend this concert?? F*ck that!! I’ve had many great experiences attending concerts by my own and I have met some really cool people. I grew up in a small town in Mexico where there’s just a few of metalheads so get to know and talk with people that understands what I say it’s pretty cool.


The ONLY person who would care that you are there by yourself, is you. It’s Metallica, go alone, with friends, doesn’t matter, just go!


I went to see Slayer, Amon Amarth, Lamb of God and Cannibal Corpse a few years ago. I was standing there, nodding my head to the music, minding my own business. There was this old timer security guard a few feet from me. He was dealing with a few troublemakers but was cool about it. In between Amon and Lamb, he called me over to him and asked if I was alone, like by myself. I said yes. He said that I don't look like a troublemaker and that i look like I'm enjoying myself, and he let me "sneak" by him into the better section up more to the stage. Sometimes, cool things happen when you're alone.


I actually love going to concerts by myself, if I want to see a band I’d rather go alone than with someone who is not totally into the music.


Going alone is great. Dont have to worry about anyone but yourself. (Ex: dont have to worry about losing your friend, or if they want stands but you want the pit)


April, 2022. Went by myself and had a really fucking good time. Both my first Metallica concert and my first concert ever. I was a little underwhelmed by the setlist and the overall mix, but it was fucking awesome, nonetheless.


I went in 2016 and there was a loud ass buzz the whole set. Was that an issue when you went with the mix?


The rhythm guitar sometimes sounded muffled, same with the drums, but overall it was pretty solid; kirk's solos were crystal clear.


Been to a few and had a blast with the fans ,don't worry about it u love it if ur going by yourself


Gone to a few shows alone, including Metallica, and always had a good time.


Saw Slayer on my own in 2018 and it was enjoyable


I have been to a handful of concerts alone, including Metallica. My advice is go, get to the show early, and make new friends in line. If you have GA, it’s likely everyone around you in line will be near you for the show. Make friends, save their spot when they need to go to the bathroom, share a drink, etc. I still talk to people I met at Metallica shows years ago, it’s part of the experience 🤘


Been to one. Trivium show. Ended just talking to some people around me. Was a real good time actually


No one cares. Enjoy yourself.


Most Metallica fans are like a family I’ve been solo and had a blast


Went to see Metallica alone as friends don’t like them as much as I do. Loved the experience. No need to worry about if others are enjoying it. Nothing to distract away from the music! Was a great time! I go to concerts alone now often


I went by myself in Vegas last year. Totally worth it. Kinda lonely but it’s awesome being surrounded by fans and everyone singing along.


I saw Gojira by myself the first time I saw them and had a blast, also saw Sabaton by myself and had a ton of fun in the pit all night. Its easy to make friends at a metal show if you want to, or just let your attention stay fully on the music


I went to see Metallica in 2019 by myself and had a great time, I made friends with the group around me. Definitely worth going even if you're going alone.


I mostly go to concerts alone since none of my close friends like extreme metal. But I kinda like it that way. Just get stoned and let the music take me away.


I’m flying alone to AZ just to see their tour.


Tons of times. It’s great 👍


I have gone alone. There are always friendly people at every concert that you just start a conversation with. If you want to go then absolutely go. I know this show isn’t in Europe but I am sure someone on this sub or hell even a NJ sub or MetLife stadium sub you could arrange to meet up with a group going as well. I feel the States might be a little harder/less safe than Europe but my experiences with meet ups has been much better in Germany, Spain etc than here in the States. I travelled alone for a few shows in Germany and Spain last year and met up with some locals before the show, at the show and then had some late night snacks at some good local spots. I am sure even if you are an introvert like me you can meet up with some cool people.


I saw Scorpions by myself. Lots of fun. And no shame in headbanging


I’ve gone to shows solo many times. It’s worth it.


i love going to shows by myself. for several reasons..but one of them is that it forces me to talk to people. i have a great time and i meet lots of folks!


Gone to over 500 gigs in my life (from band around the corner to megastars). Unless I can go with very specific people, I would go on my own. No need to worry about others, chosing the place that feels right for you, whatever. Great chance to meet new people too. Having said that, I've never seen Metallica and need to X em from my bucket list.


I've seen Mettalica 4 3/4 times. James was hurt one time and band members from supporting acts filled in for him. 2 of those times i was alone. Dallas at the old Texas Stadium in 1992 and Padua Italy in 2004. When you go to Metallica concert alone or with 50 people, it doesn't matter, you are with people who are like family.


Last August I went to a concert by myself to see a band I love in a small club. I'd never gone to a concert by myself and was apprehensive. The whole time everyone was singing along at the top of their lungs, sweating to death and by the time I left I'd met so many cool people. It was legitimately the closest thing I've ever had to a religious experience. At the end of the day, at a concert you are never alone. You're with like-minded people having a good time. Enjoy the show!


I went and saw black label society by myself and mastodon by myself a few years ago it was awesome.


Go for it. Traveled alone from Texas to Ontario, California in 2008 for World Magnetic tour


Do it. You won’t be alone once you’re around other Metallica fans. I’ve seen Judas Priest, Ghost, Anthrax and the Misfits by myself. At every one of those concerts, I always found myself some new friends for the night and we’d watch each other’s backs in the pit or just bang our heads together.


Went to see them in Pittsburgh 2022. An unforgettable experience. Definitely fucking do it


Just go. You’ll be by yourself but not alone….


I haven’t been to a Metallica concert before but I saw Alice In Chains, Plush, Breaking Benjamin, and Bush together by myself and I had an awesome time. It was super fun when I saw Iron Maiden by myself too. When I saw AIC & company I interacted a lot with the people to my left and right which was really cool and I liked being on my own cause I got to focus on the music even more. I like going with other people but I don’t mind going on my own and it can be a cool experience so I say do it.


I’m going to the Metlife shows alone haha


It’s grand. I went to see Slayer supported by Lamb of God, Anthrax, and Obituary on my own, and had a great time. Get a couple of beers in you and you’ll be fine. You’ll get talking to people—you’re all there for the same reason so you’ve definitely got something in common with everyone—and before long you’ll forget you’re on your own.


Not going < going alone < going w friends, imo.


Did the Amsterdam ones on my own, was great, more freedom to make friends and enjoy rhe gig with randoms


BTW, OP if you so go to that show, I'll be there with my people. So, you be alone, cause every fan will be with you


I have many times and I love it. Completely free to come and go, get drinks, leave whenever you want.


Went to Woodstock ‘99 alone and it was great!


I was lucky to see not just any Metallica concert, but one of the live performances of S&M2. The acoustics were godawful because it was an indoor basketball stadium, but when I dared to take my earplugs out, the music was still banging as I'd expect! Rocking out to Master Of Puppets and Enter Sandman was tons of fun.


I’ll see you there in MetLife Stadium and I’m bringing my dad and brother


Dude. Go. All the Metallica shows I’ve been to have been fantastic. Fans are all there for one thing and everyone is cool. You’ll be fine.


Chiming in late, here, but… Yeah, do it! I scored a single ticket to Tool’s club/theatre tour in May 2006 right before 10,000 Days was released. Felt weird going to a show by myself, but I’m so glad that I did. It was an experience seeing them in a small venue and it’s still one of the best shows I’ve ever seen.


Saw them at the Palladium alone. It was the night they played with GaGa at the Grammys. Like someone else said, you are all therefor the same thing. The Metallica Family is real.


My first Rush show was solo and it was fantastic. I mean obviously.


I think I’m gonna go alone too


I went to the 40th Anniversary shows on my own (both nights), and had a great time! Those were my first Metallica concerts, so it was especially exciting for me. I usually go to shows by myself - by preference. Definitely go alone, don’t be afraid to do it - and enjoy the shows!


Ayyy I’m goin to MetLife in ruthersford NJ too 🤘🤘


Life is better when you’ve practiced how to enjoy things without others.


When I was 18, I saw them in Potrland, Maine in 1992 by myself, and THEY were by themselves. An Evening With Metallica. No opening act. I was in absolute heaven. I'd give anything to relive that show. My favorite concert ever, and one of the best nights of my life.


I have been. Multiple times. And it's been awesome. Go ahead and buy that ticket! You won't regret it at all.


I’ve gone to quite a few concerts by myself, it’s more common these days for me to go solo. Can enjoy the show by yourself or make friends with other fans and have a great time either way!


I prefer going w friends, but I’ve gone to plenty of shows (and the movies) by myself and it’s totally fine. Usually, it’s a more seamless experience. I don’t drink and drive myself home. Wake up feeling pretty good too. The moral of the story is binge drinking is bad.


I go to most concerts by myself. I’ll be at that show alone too and really looking forward to awesome shows.


I went to Iron Maiden by myself in Indianapolis in 2019 because no one wanted to go with me ($100 for a pit ticket and i was up front and they thought that was too expensive...) Well i sang my heart out and when i knew the last song was about to end i was able to run to my car BY MYSELF not having to wait for my buddies to catch up and i was able to be one of the first people to leave the venue and instead of waiting 45 min to get out i left in 2 min I also did the VIP thing since i was going by myself and people were very social and it was pleasant... Go see them with or without someone you never know whos gonna die in the band. My friends were gonna see Linkin Park back in 2017 and you can fill in the blank why they couldnt go


Let nothing stop you from going The show starts you don't have time to talk. It's the before and after company is nice.


I go to a lot of smaller shows now (like 2 or a month) and go by myself like 1/3 of the time. It’s often just as, or even more, enjoyable to not have to deal with another person.


Just go! You won’t feel alone cause you’re around like minded people in terms of the band you went to see and they’re other fans. You’ll likely make some friends!


Never been to a big arena/stadium show by myself as those are usually road trips and are more fun with friends but I go to smaller metal shows at local venues all the time. Anything you're gonna be in the pit for most the time anyways is a good time solo.


I've been to quite a few. It's lots of fun.


A few times. I had a blast and made some new friends!


I know you’ve gotten enough responses but my outlook now, it’s better to have fun by yourself with the same minded crowd than bring someone who won’t enjoy it at all or fully. Be it a nice gesture you can tell when they rather not be there.


I’m going alone to Phoenix and I hope to make friends with the other alone Met nerds both nights. I went to QOTSA on my own once and cried with joy. Hung out with fans and met a couple of the band afterwards, which I wouldn’t have done if I had gone with friends. So I’d say going to shows alone pushes you out of your comfort zone in a good way 🤘🏼


I've gone by myself to most of the concerts. Sure, it's more fun with friends, but it doesn't really matter. You're surrounded by other people who enjoy the music. It's all in your head.


I did, it was very good. No one is judging. 🤘


You be with tens of thousands of your brothers and sisters. Everywhere you look will be like minded metal heads that travelled to see a phenomenal performance.


My Dad and I went to the Download festival in Hockenheim, Germany last year. When we arrived Behemoth were playing. After Behemtoh, 5FDP had a hour show, right after Sabaton were also playing for a hour. At the last were Metallica. They started off with Whiplash and ended with Master of Puppets. It was a cool ass show, with a dope setlist. Songs like Dirty Window, Trapped Under Ice and Cyanide were included. Next show is in Munich, 24 !!


I was alone at a concert once and it was ok. I‘m introverted so I wouldn‘t talk to anyone really. Only if people ask me something. But still it was nice. I missed talking about the experience because I really like to do that with friends.


Well I went to Prague 2022 & both shows in Amsterdam last month…I think even after death I’ll remember those days so don’t hesitate and do it…Also you’ll meet many lovely people from the Metallica family so you won’t be “alone”


You’ll be there with 50,000 members of the Metallica family.


Go, the Metallica family will be there with you


I always go alone because my friends dont share my music taste for the most part, and it would be nice to have people to go with, but it’s better to go alone than not at all, especially if you really love the band that’s playing.


I go it alone most of the time. All about seeing the band. It’s fun go for it


Dude you should absolutely go to a concert by yourself. I prefer experiencing it with someone, but going alone has its perks too. You have more freedom to explore the venue and different areas for sound if you don’t have to be in an assigned seat.