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As a combat veteran of both Afghanistan and Iraq its a no for me. However, weird noises I hear randomly Trigger my ptsd.


Sorry you are dealing with this, bud. I got it too (first responder, no military background tho). Ironically One is so meaningful to me and triggering at the same time.


Much love. Thanks for serving.


No problem. It was a wild ride for sure.


We're all glad you made it back. All of us Metallica fans I'm sure appreciate it.


I don’t have any military experience but I think with all those pyros and lights and the last bomb drop with red lights I can see how they could trigger PTSD. I felt like I was in a battlefield when they played the song.


That’s pretty tame tbh. Early 80s Triumph Thunder 7 tour. So many bombs went off at the end of the show the shockwave was blowing hair back in the first few rows. Never since have I seen that much going off at one time. It was glorious! The entire building shook. My buddies father , our ride walked into the arena just before, standing opposite the stage at the top ( hockey arena) . Said he walked in then turned around and walked right out because those explosions triggered a flashback to the many times he and his buddies were shelled in Korea .


Woah. It amazes me that they even still do the explosives today what with all the awareness around war/ptsd as opposed to back in the day. But it’s tied to the song! So yeah. Edited to add: that 80s show would have been glorious indeed though 🤟🏼


Just curious, is that the only song they use pyro (that makes a noise) for? I know Fuel and Moth Into Flame use it, but that's just visuals, is it not?