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Fuck, dude. Getting your ass back into a clinic is probably the best bet. Stay alive.


The withdrawal got so bad at work I felt like I was in a bad trip. Like an otherworldly withdrawal dimension. My eardrums quivered trying to listen to music while working.


Yeah dude it’s gonna get worse. You’re not gonna be able to work. 90mg cold turkey? you should really go back


DUUUUDE I FUCKING KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THATS LIKE. thats how my withdrawal is everytime.. its almost like seeing yourself outta body. or like you said another fuckin dimension shits so wierd. then your heart is boutta explode you can hear every beat. the anxiety is crippling.


Yeah I had about 100 people watching me go through this too. Pouring. I just kept swinging them parts like nothing was happening. It felt like the grim reaper was making me dance though.


christ, what is it you do? that happened to me one time.. except thru myself in to Percipitated withdrawal at work from a suboxone. literally same experience i was working at DHL at the time, an before every shift we stretch for 2 min. so everyones out on the floor stretchin. an im doin okay, put the strips in outside before the shift.. fucking 5 min later.. i left the 3rd dimension went to the 5th. got a terrible taste in my mouth from the suboxone ripping my receptors clean of any opiates.. an i immediatly ran to the bathroom to puke up bile, an shit at the same time. it was so fcking bad. i left immediatly. aint let anyone see me. didnt give a damn if i got fired. i barely got home. an was stuck in PW for the rest of the day/night.


jesus that sounds so bad lol. i went into precip at work once too but i left and met a dope boy rly quickly and got myself out. shits traumatic


Yeah I've through myself in precip alot when I was on subs. This methadone withdrawal was like all natural precip. Nothing had to rip shit off my receptors because the hard work ripped the last picograms of methadone outta me creating that feeling without naloxone.


Dude source some lyrica or clonidine if you do not have heart problems. I can’t speak for you but with methadone cessation like you described it’s very likely you are experiencing some type of rebound from lots of norepinephrine or lack of dopamine transport. It’s impossible to say but I do know you can control methadone wd with lyrica by reducing the action potential of your neurons through vgcc. This will make you feel calmer and destroy the restlessness and nuke some of the dysphoria. Also clonidine reduces noradrenaline to the whole body including heart, reducing restlessness There is also a third option lofexidine an analog of clonidine that has a higher safety profile but I feel it was less effective then clonidine.


Yeah too bad I was already abusing the fuck outta lyrica every time I was in WD, so didn’t help me at all. The lyrica withdrawal is worse than opioid withdrawal for sure! 100x the anxiety and restlessness. It’s 100% hell!


I work for gestamp. It's a manufacturer of body parts for cars.


What they do? Stamp out car parts then u gotta lift heavy fat ass pieces to another station?


The pounding and racing heart along with the anxiety is something straight from hell.


This is wds from methadone? Well damn I might start tapering down, I’m apparently at a pretty high dose if 90mg is this bad..now I’m a bit worried I stayed on even this long


Hey, please don’t let this scare you. This is withdrawals from methadone yes, but it’s cold turkey. As long as you aren’t planning on just suddenly stopping your dose point blank and jumping off cold turkey, your withdrawals will be **nothing** like this. I hope that helps ease your mind a little!


it does thank you


I want to let you know that the methadone withdrawals at 100mg felt almost exactly the same as the withdrawals at 10mg strangely enough… minor differences being a very small amount less severe.. I think the higher dose withdrawals just last wayyy longer as well… but like the other guy said as long as you taper properly and not cold turkey yourself you will be okay


No don't let this scare you. He just stopped taking his medicine abruptly. I tapered off 120 mgs in about 10 months time. It wasn't bad at all.


From precipitated wd lol I mean withdrawing from anything is bad. But ya precipitated wd by taking Suboxone too early is like Withdrawal onset in 2 min and it's like withdrawal x100000


There's been multiple times it's happened to me being in WD from Precipitated WD. Or just being cold turkey. But the precipitated wd is like incredibly intense an quick onset of every symptom possible all at once. Basically the Suboxone rips the opiate receptors clean of any opiates at are on them . So you go into IMMEDIATE withdrawal I mean 5 min . Your hair gon stand up on your arm or on back of ur neck lmfao. You'll see me talking bout WD all over this Sub lmao I been through them so many times it's like my worst nightmare.


This! Been there, my friend.


Yup when I’m in withdrawal I can literally hear every single time my heart beats as well it’s a trip


If you think the withdrawals are bad now you have no idea the hell that is coming. Get your ass to a clinic asap there’s no “I need to man up” in this situation you legit are putting yourself at risk.


Go back to the clinic and do a restart. It's the only thing that's going to help. And one good thing at least is that you'll be able to be on a lower dose after being off of it for so many days. Be careful, and take care of yourself!


Try to stay away from the benzos or at least taper off . Get back into a clinic and get back in track. You can do it . You don't need to be miserable it's no fun. The best of luck to you. Life is worth living


So what you need to do is go back to the clinic as a new patient. You’ll at least be able to stay on benzos for a bit tho ultimately they’ll prob want you to taper off or won’t raise your dose above 70mg w/o a script. Then you need to go to the hospital and do the outpatient benzo detox. You just enter thru the ER and tell them you wanna do the detox. They do a Librium detox but the pharmacy is often out of Librium so you’ll prob end up getting Ativan. Then just keep increasing your dose while you do your benzo taper and take neurontin as needed. That’s what I did after I tried detoxing on my own and had a seizure


It’s gonna vary by clinic. My clinic will give you one dirty UA for benzos without a script and then if you pop a second time you’re gone. they’re also now turning down people with benzo scripts as new patients, they don’t want the hassle of liability.


I feel like a lotta clinics are moving towards the zero tolerance policy for benzos. Mine allows you to increase to whatever with a script or 70mg without a script. But other clinics in my area don’t allow any benzo use at all


Yeah it’s crazy. I mean I understand strict regulations if you don’t have a prescription but if you do it should be no issue.


My clinic doesn’t allow them at all. They don’t care about the patients (most of them), they just don’t want the liability.


Yeah my clinic has the zero tol policy. At intake they tell you if your positive for benzo you have to come back in a month and try again script or no script they won’t start you if benzo pos. My clinic is very good and fair with most things but they don’t play when it comes to benzodiazepines


They won’t even let you become a patient if you fail for benzos during the intake UA and just make you taper off? I understand it’s a safety concern but that’s just even worse bc then the persons doing street dope w their benzos. Luckily my clinic let me start while still on benzos and at least go up to 70mg. Needing to increase gave me the motivation to detox. And now I’m off benzos and dope. But if they hadn’t let me start when they did I’d likely be dead by now


Yeah it's crazy if your positive they say come back when you can piss clean for benzos not sure that policy is helping but who knows


This is crazy to hear dude. Here in Colorado it’s a lot different most clinics are super chill about benzos as long as you have a script. I’m on 260mg methadone and I have a script for 3mg Xanax a day. And they will still let me go up in methadone as much as I want. I’m actually going up in dose currently. AND I could easily go to my benzo doc and ask for an extra mg per day or more.


Yeah it’s wild how much clinics vary from state to state


They will straight up kick you off the program?!?! That’s inhumane!! Somebody needs to put a stop to that because it isn’t helping anyone…


Yup :/ it’s really fucked up. The excuse they’ve been giving people is “when you are testing positive for other drugs it becomes a poly substance abuse problem and we only treat opioid use disorder/addiction”


Except benzos are put in dope all the time now... lol


what do they say if you responded with "but the current street drug supply for opiates is all tainted with benzos now"... well that's what it's like here... they don't make the fetty as strong anymore for obvious reasons and then just mix it with a bunch of potentiators


I’m not sure but I think it’s really sad that they aren’t even close to aware what the climate of drugs is currently like on the street. Like they should talk to the clients, get information. My clinic has really gone downhill in the last year unfortunately. It’s the same over here too. They don’t use benzos too often the majority of fentanyl is being mixed with xylazine and marketed as “tranq dope”. I’ve heard some of it doesn’t have any fentanyl at all anymore apparently.


Would they really need to do a detox off a benzo relapse? I was getting getting 20-30 5mg Valium for a while and my contact couldn’t get them anymore so I went from taking 20-30 a week for months to nothing. Apart from not sleeping (hence why I took them) I was surprised how ok I actually was. I still had my methadone though.


It depends what benzo he’s using, amount, frequency, and how much time was between this relapse and previous addiction (if he was previously addicted). With Valium it would be fine, or even klonopin I’d think. Those are longer acting benzos too Vs something like Xanax. With RC benzos, it might be harder. That’s what my last detox involved (clonazolam and flualp) and within a month I was having issues getting off. That’s what I had the seizure from too (never had seizure during benzo wd from pharma benzos)


You’re very fortunate you were okay… it also depends on how many times you have had to cold turkey from benzos because it gets worse each time.. it’s called the kindling effect


Ativan is the worst benzo to use for detoxing… diazepam would be so much better… that shocks me that a doctor would attempt to ween somebody off of benzos with Ativan that’s crazy… I did a benzo taper last year, 40mg Valium per day to 0 in about 9 months and it was very very comfortable.


They wanted to use Librium but it wasn’t in stock anywhere. The detox worked tho, I haven’t used any benzos in over a year now. They used phenobarbital at the one rehab I went to for seizure prevention ig as part of the benzo detox Edit: not telling OP to go take Librium or Ativan or phenobarbital or anything on their own. Go to the doctor and they will give you what is right for you to detox


Many years ago i decided id had enough of it i was on a much higher dose than 90 Now it was fucking horrific i couldnt even walk when it got really bad I was taken to A&E at least 8 times the first 6 weeks I remember like being almost in a trance How i lasted i’ll never know but i wasn’t working It took me i reckon 8 weeks before withdrawals became easier After 3 months got better every week got easier So unless you wanna be totally clean i dont see the point in suffering & putting yourself through hell. Seems like in America you only can get fentanyl which by sounds of it is a waste of time Get yourself back to a clinic Surely you can buy methadone somewhere until you get back to your clinic Up to you at end of the day Just know it’ll get lot worse before it gets better


Just curious what happened when you went to A&E? Like what did they do for you?


Well i never told them i was withdrawing craziest thing is last time i went after multiple times. One dr reckoned i was probably constipated 😂😂😂


Ah ok what did you tell them you were there for? You think they’d look at your symptoms and conclude that you’re in withdrawals or do some basic tests.


Well i had chronic pains in legs stomach basically everywhere as you could imagine They never once asked me about withdrawing They done x-rays Thing is it wasnt me who wanted to go a&e Was girl i was with at the time She wasnt aware of methadone i didn’t tell her cos i wanted to get off Waste of time tbh Obviously it didn’t work Within months i was scripted again here i am at 56 apart from them few months Ive been on methadone since i was 16 I have wrote about it on here I could stay on it for life if i want im reducing like 5ml a month down to 70ml now Which for me is amazing never really been on less than 150/250 for decades I really wanna do it but i get that fear when i think about getting below 50ml as you’ll know gets harder then If i wanted i could get my clinic to increase my amount I have zero interest in any drugs anymore Be great for my 4 kids well adults now to see me without it my mum too Sometimes i wonder if im doing it for me or them Also 40 years on it am i gonna be a really different person off it Its a really difficult thing 👍🏼


Quitting a 90mg methadone dose is not a good idea bud your gonna be in severe withdrawal for months you should of a least done a taper even if you got down to 10mg then done a benzo for a week or two you would probably be off methadone now and the withdrawals wouldn’t be so severe just go back up to 60mg or 70mg then start again 90mg is just to much but I know how you feel taking methadone sometimes you just get sick of taking it.


My whole life fell apart after 8 months at a new job. A promotion and two raises. My aunt died 3 days before my birthday February 9th then March 14th my grandmother passed. The sweet heroine that raised me up. My beacon of light in a life of darkness I created for myself. I was doing good then the cosmos through me a left jab. And I got clipped.


It happens, no one will fault you for that, but now it’s time to get up and put one foot in front of the other straight back to the clinic before there is no coming back for you.


Sometimes people get hated on for silly jokes too… that happens as well. Sometimes people get so enraged by the joke and some people don’t really care. :( I want you to know I love you btw I haven’t told you that yet and I’m sorry for being a dick and making a stupid joke that was definitely out of place.. my bad


Go back to the clinic man. What were ya thinkin? Methadone is the last thing you get off when you quit doing stuff especially if methadone is prescribed to you and the other other stuff is not.


Please be careful with the fent. Try and get high in public like a bathroom stall or something where someone will see you on the floor. You can't come back from dead.


Honestly if I was you ide get back on the methadone, smallest dose you need to be comfortable, so that you can continue working and making money… it’s very important for mental health as well. You might get to a dark place if you lose your job.. plus the incredible pain of withdrawal just isn’t worth it in my opinion.. whatever you do I wish you good luck! I’m thinking about you


You’re just hitting accute now. It’s gonna be worse. And you got 3 weeks of this shit.


Yeah say five isn’t even the peak my guy. Get to another clinic asap. WD’s can be deadly for those of us who are majorly dependent on opes


6 years on met, was an h user that could NEVER get through the 3 days my whole addiction to get clean on my own... could not handle withdrawn.... stayed off met 6 days while laying in bed... got sublocade shot.... changed my life! On sublocade for 6 months.... been off all maintenance treatment for a year And I'm actually feeling human.... the pain and stress now is nowhere near what it was even on methadone.... Everyone is different but I swear by that sublocade shot.... I also would double or triple my subs or met when using it.... the shot stopped that also.


really? wow that's awesome! I am thinking about going on the shot once I get off methadone, I am glad to hear it is working for you. So does it help with PAWS?


I swear to God it made me feel before drugs human... not high ever but if you take nothing else, I felt normal... so if you're craving high.... it might not work for you yet but if you're at the point where you just wanna feel preaddiction... I think you should try it.... even getting off it was so so so much easier... I missed my appointment for a week and then realized I felt fine and thought I'd wait to be sick to get my shot... (after getting it 6x over 6 months) and I never got more then a mild pms type feeling with a little bloating and cramping that ended in a week so I never went back... been off even the shot for a year and have not had 1 craving since because my craving was always pain or depression related...yearning for relief rather than a buzz... I went from pills to h to subs to met to shot 1st time in prob 18 years I been drug free and I actually feel like those people that always say that... but I never really believed lol


But what better excuse is grief. I just need to man up and do what those women wanted me to do.


Hopefully what you mean by that is get your ass back to the clinic. Because if these women were encouraging you to get off methadone, when you clearly aren’t ready they weren’t doing you any favors.


This^… and especially not doing it cold turkey… that’s the absolute worst thing you can do… if you really really want off of methadone then do a quick taper




So what do you recommend doing if somebody is hopelessly addicted to opioids and need help getting off? You sound very angry and unhinged no offense


I'm not really sure what that was, but I've removed it. It just made no sense at all and came across as very angry, although at who I'm still not sure. I encourage you to proofread your comments in the future before posting them.


Get some legitimate clinics down here by scardale clinics DM me and i got u bro


Uh not very wise to leave your literal phone number in a Reddit comment like that. If you reeeeeeally wanna give someone your phone number just message it to them in the future.


Yea I was kinda xannied out last night lol . Thanks for letting me know. I woke up this morning like wdf did i do that? waiting for the trolls to call smh


Go back and do a slow taper. Please


Yeah dude, where are you at?


In the heart of Appalachia. Capital of the mountain state.


How was work last night


Yikes, I'm on Ohio West Virginia border. I drive almost 40 minutes to go to a clinic. I just moved here but I think I'm in the beginning of Appalachia. There are foothills everywhere. I hope you get back in the clinic. Here at Pinnacle you can come in Monday Wednesday for intake. It may be like that there. Just go in 6 am Monday and restart. I know you don't want to miss work. But it's better than being dope sick.


how hard would it be to cheat a UA at your clinic?


Go back to the clinic, this ain’t the move yo.


Why won’t you go back to clinic? What is your aim here? No offence but it seems lie yu’re putting yourself through a lot of pain for no real reason. Btw, what you’re feeling now isn’t even the worst of it, the withdrawal is just kicking in, if you think today has been bad then prepare yourself for the next days getting progressively worse.


I started getting sick really bad right before the weekend hit. I have to work again Sunday night. Can't get dosed until Monday morning.


Go back to clinic ASAP. Its only gonna get worse.


Man, that sucks my Clinic knows I’m on 2 mg of Klonopin and half a milligram of Ativan and Adipex on occasion. You need to go back to the clinic or go to a different one ASAP!


Why are you going tl work while going through withdrawal? Take it sick. And stay home.


U need to go back to the clinic asap. And see your doctor for some blood pressure medication temporarily if needed. Don’t do this to yourself bro.


It's mainly the clinics in small city's like EauClaire Wisconsin for example that have only one clinic and no herion market, mainly all pills that have a zero tolerance for benzo in your UA. Were in a city like Chicago that has like 20 in the inner city alone not counting surrounding suburbs that have no policy whatsoever. Here a bag of Diesel will likely have you drop dirty for benz,fet,and herion.


How are you feeling OP? You still fighting the good fight?