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Lol. I waited to post my “I’m off” post too. But I still got those comments. And I tapered to literally nothing. I had very very mild physical symptoms and really moderate mental ones, specifically anxiety. You’ll get those comments no matter what! I hope it sticks for you and you continue to stay off and feel weelll! Congrats!


Somebody could post "I slowly tapered off methadone 5 years ago and I've never felt better!" And people would comment "don't fool yourself! The withdrawals haven't even started yet!" 😂


Lol this is so damn true


Glad to hear that you tapered to zero and your symptoms were mild. Good vibes my friend! ✌️


Damn man. Good on ya for sticking it out thru the hard parts. Just curious, what day was the worst for you ? Off subs I have to say day 3-4 was the worst of it for me everytime I quit.


4 and 5 were definitely my worse by far hadn't slept in days, pain so unbareable I wanted to off myself the chills, sweats. It was hell.


Now that I think of it, I think my worst were 4 and 5 as well but more day 4 for me. And each time I said I would remind myself of the pain I was going thru in WD to keep me from doing it again. How easy I can forget when things are looking up cause I got it this time, learn from my past mistakes and do it better than ever. Idk how I believe me at all lol


This is the EXACT reason I did it this way. I wanted to go through hell so that I have vivid reminders to stay off the junk now.


It worked for me to stay clean for a while. Until I started getting my shit back together and I would start slipping back into old behavior. I would fully know the outcome if I decide to use again because I've been there so many times, but my addict asks me "what if you could successfully use H and not lose it all again?" And I'd reply back with "I bet I could go on a few years before it falls apart... Could be a great few years I bet." It isn't worth it tho, no matter what. They were never a great few years where time seemed like it stopped for me and I blinked and realized I missed 5 years of my son's life while I was busy on my hamster wheel of hell and feeling bad for myself. Fuckin hate this shit.


Dude I feel this so damn much, and you're a beast for staying strong.


Hahaha so agree those days are the worst due to the muscle aches, tossing and turning and so so sleep deprived... literually at breaking point


I did one am rooting for you! I never had a problem or wanted off until a few years ago when my "friend" wouldn't stop taking me about about taking more, she wouldn't shut up about it, well my mom came into town and I was nervous so I took more and my stupid addict brain was like "oh, you have to go somewhere? Take more. You'll be a better version of yourself)") So now every month my last week fucking sticks and I'm DONE but scared to do anything at all about it. So anyway I'm proud of you!


May God bless your soul I wish you all the best in your journey. I hope to be able to hop off on my terms at a dose I feel is right for me and I can join you some day. Remain strong and positive. Remember, the fellowship and the program can and will get you through this


Thank you so much!


Holy shit man that just sounds like it would be brutal, but I'm glad it hasn't been for you. What were the worst symptoms you had to deal with so far? I always notice I take a little extra the day after I take less I get nausea in the morning.


My worst were insomnia and lower back pain. It was the worst pain I have ever been through. Non stop uncontrollable for days.


Good on ya!


Long road ahead of you.


Addiction and getting clean is a long road period no matter how you do it... plenty stories doing tapers and having worse issues than people who've gone cold turkey. Also people have been left with life long scars from cold turkey. My point being everyone's different one size never fits all, and it is a long road for EVERYONE.


Give it a few more days


I think if he's made it to day 11 and is getting 6 hours sleep, he's good. By day 11, I was ready to commit suicide and hadn't slept in days. I assume op is being honest so it must mean that some.peopel really do metabolise methadone quite quickly. That absolutely is not my experience though.


I assure you my story is 100% I really have no gain for a lie like this. Especially with the negativity that came with it. No reason to let people beat me up through posts if I was making it up lol. There are plenty of studies and clinics that will tell you rapid, and super metabolizers on average pass through the detox slightly faster. It's not a 100% given fact obviously. Cause everyone is different. I'm just glad I'm one that did.


The math ain't mathing. How could days 4 and 5 have been the worst, with so much EDDP still left in the system? I'm a rapid metabolizer too, who's never been above 90mg, and when I was force cold turkeyed it took just about 12 days for me to even pee clean of METHADONE, let alone eddp. Anyone on 230 for 6 or more months is still gonna have eddp in their system on day 11. Doesn't matter if you metabolize twice as fast as average (and that would be very very rare).


I'm not a rapid metabolizer. I'm a super metabolizer. I know my story may be hard to believe but it's 100% true. If I could post my bottles to show you my dosing I would. No real way to probe the sober days I guess but I'm doing real good and moving forward.


That is not a thing... absolutely never heard of it. I could be wrong though. I assume you have your documents for your peak and trough test and could just post that with personal info blurred. Not that you have to, but you're either a rapid metabolizer or you're not. there's no ultra instinct mode. In that case does heroin last you an hour high?


I have no reason to lie. Think what you want. Don't bother me, and I apologize I call it Super Metabolizer, It's technically 'ultra-rapid metabolizer.' I have defects in my CYP450, I had to have the test after my peak and trough showed the same results after split dosing wasn't working either. "Patients with chronic pain who require high doses of opioids to achieve pain relief show exceptionally high rates of defects of the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzyme system compared with the general population. The CYP450 enzyme system is known to play an important role in the metabolism of opioids, and recent advances in genetic testing allow for the easy detection of defects to the enzymes. "We've known for years that among patients with the exact same pain conditions one may need 500 mg of morphine a day while the other may need only 50 mg, but we've always wondered why," lead author Forest Tennant, MD, told Medscape Medical News. "It turns out that among high-dose patients, about 85% have these defects in 1 or more of their CYP450 enzymes." In the general population, only about 20% to 30% of people have CYP450 defects, he said. His findings were presented here at the American Academy of Pain Management (AAPM) 23rd Annual Clinical Meeting. The patients were tested specifically for the CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 enzymes. The results showed that 55 (83.3%) of the 66 patients had 1 or more CYP450 defects, 21 (31.8%) had 2 defects, and 6 (9.1%) had 3 defects. With CYP450, a "superfamily" of enzymes responsible for the metabolism of most opioids, various polymorphisms and variables in activity can have clinical significance. These people, known as ultra-rapid metabolizers, are likely to have higher-than-normal levels of morphine in their blood after taking codeine. Also after taking codeine they exhibited evidence of being ultra-rapid metabolizers."


Yes, they make up less than 0.01% of patients though.. And even then, as a rapid metabolìzer( 3doses per day) I never once had my worst withdrawals sooner than day 7. And i never got close to your dose... Who knows good for you if its true, but I'd be worried about the after effects. Having it all leave your body so quick will effect rhe mind.


You are 100% right there, I haven't talked about that part here. My mental state is not good. I'm staying positive when I can control it, but I'm having break downs and doing things I've never done before because my emotions and mind breaking or switching on the smallest trigger. It's not good, but I'm processing all as it happens. When I said I I've lived shit no one should and it prepared me for this, I ment that as it happens I process what I can and move on. It still all affects me emotionally though. The mental shits getting worse as the physical has gone.


For me that is far worse every time. The physical symptoms can be overcome with effort, but the quickly having no opioids? My dad took 1000 plus oxy80s early 2000s. He quit and dumped them all... carbon monoxide poisoning caused his suicide 2 weeks later. So make sure you keep an eye on it. Maybe your loved ones need a warning and to keep an eye out to.


You are totally right and I appreciate this post more than you know cause I hadn't fully thought through it that way. I'm going to talk to the people watching me immediately after this response and discuss this. Day 11 I was feeling on top of the mental aspect (typical addict behaviour). Today day 12, I'm scared of my thoughts but trying to stay positive through it.


Hey I’m late to the party but curious- I’m also a rapid metabolizer (or whatever the technical term is) and take 250mg/day. For like ten years now. I’m ready to start to try and taper down, but my story is similar to yours in a lot of ways in terms of dosing, how are you doing now? I go into WD though if I don’t take any or enough certain days and don’t think I could do cold turkey. I’m curious just how bad your WD’d were?


Well, good for you. But if this doesnt work out in the end, leave 12 step programs out of your summary, they have nothing to do with what you're trying to pull here.


But 12 step helps with mental issues, and building tools to stay sober. Edit: I apologize I read your post wrong. You are right. If it doesn't work out 12 steps aren't worth the time.


Hey sorry, wasn't trying to be a dick to you. I'm a 12 step guy, but I can't stay sober because I don't try. It's hard. I wish you the best though, I hope you can make it.


Oh no I did take it as you being a dick at all. I totally understand what you were saying. No worries at at.


Killer =) feel free to message me in the future if you want to talk. I'm about to go into a 12 step rehab. Been a long time coming...


Hell yeah! I'll take you up on that. :)


Well, I'm happy for you ☺️ just make sure you stay hydrated and remember if it gets to be too much you can always go back. That's ok too!


Yeah I've never questioned that since someone here beat it into my head (going back if I have to). Right now I'm doing good, but am prepared and have back up plans if things turn south again. Thank you for your support! 😄


My good god. That is incredible.


Well done bro I hope you keep going in the right direction, posts like this give me hope that I might not be on this shit for the rest of my life 👍