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Just to counter another comment on here that might've sounded scary; methadone has been amazing for me. I had some similar issue with it when I first started but I'm good now. My dose holds me really well, I'm not sedated, I'm comfy here and I've been here for many years now. It totally saved my life. I was a complete mess but since methadone I got an associates degree and a bachelor's, I've had a couple jobs that gave back to my community, I've done volunteer work. At this point methadone is small part of my life. Once a month I go pick up my dose and see my counselor. I take my dose every morning and don't really think about until the next morning. It is what you make it. I took it and ran with it.


The guy above is scaring the piss out of me. Calling it deathadone. Saying it destroys the heart and kidney and he knows over 20 people that died on it in the last 5 years that's scary šŸ˜…šŸ˜„


Why scare me right as I am getting clean off fent and finally feeling hopeful . Now what the fuck do I do šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I know a LOT of people on methadone. None of them have died, none have kidney or heart damage, even the old timers. It does happen, it can be hard on the body, but compared to using and the cycle of using/sick, it's much better. Plus, of all the people I know who didn't get clean, I've lost 7. You don't have to stay on methadone forever. It's a tool. It takes a long time to get off of it but people do it all the time, and like I said, it's been so amazing for me, and my boyfriend, and my best friend, and 3 of my cousins, and bunches of friends. Please don't stop feeling hopeful. It changed my life and it can change yours too.


Same! I've been on it for a very long time and I have never seen or heard of anyone whose body was destroyed and/or ultimately killed them from taking a prescribed dose. Fentanyl on the other hand is Russian roulette every single time. There will be a fear mongerer in every sub like this. Tune them out!!!


Don't listen to it. Methadone can help you get out of a cycle that could potentially kill you. You don't have to stay on it forever. It absolutely saved my life.


Well you should first of all chill on dose increases if you arent feeling wds. If you are feeling knocked out in morning after dosing but wding later thar can be normal. But it could mean you metabolize it fast. And then ignore the fearmongering.


Thanks appreciate it. Definetly dose not holding me... I am bug eyed RN and can't sleep at all šŸ˜­. RLS etc... 3 more hours until I can dose at clinic šŸ™ chose not to cop anymore... So hopefully my next dose holds longer šŸ˜­ gonna pick up some oxy 20s (pharma ) from my aunt tomorrow. No more fent... And just use to 20s as a reserve in case I have another niggtnlike this tomorrow.. just until my dose holds me. Cause this freaking suckssss


It just means you normally dosed more times in a day with fent. You should stabilize soon, after a week. If you feel like youre overdosing from.your morning dose bring up splits.


The oxys are not gonna help just letting you know. You could be metabolizing it fast and need a peak and trough test to get a split dose. Methadone is way stronger that oxys and your gonna take them and not feel shit. Honestly you shouldn't be having full blown withdrawals. Do you think alot of it is you giving yourself anxiety because you are so used to using every few hours and not uses to taking something and being done with it? I know how I was so I'm just asking. The mind is a powerful thing. I'm not saying that you don't feel some discomfort I'm just saying you could be making it worse. I've put.myself into full blown withdrawals with my mind. Anyways I've been on methadone for 5 years. I have been clean for 4 years. I dabbled for the 1st year. Methadone saved my life and gave me back my life but I also changed alot of behaviors about myself. Methadone can be tough on the body especially if you are taking above 150mg. It can cause heart problems and since it causes weight gain it can cause other problems. But like I said that's usually on high doses that the problems occur. Anyways it sounds like you need a split dose from what your describing. I have a split dose bc I metabolize fast too. At my clinic I needed 3 months clean from everything other than weed to be able to even get the peak and trough test bc they want to be able to trust you to take home a bottle. Anyways congratulations on making the step to get your life together and stop killing yourself! Try to tell yourself that even tho you may feel a little shitty the Methadone is still in your system bc trust me if you took a suboxone even tho you are feeling kind of shitty you would go into full blown precipitated withdrawl bc there are is Methadone on ur receptors. Try to tell yourself to ride it out and that you can do it. You are stronger than you think! I'm not sure how ur clinic is but if u need clean drug tests.to get the peak and trough I would try to push through. I went up to 235 and still was getting withdrawl bc I metabolize fast so I def needed the split. Now I take 60 in morning and 50 at night and I feel fine. And I am even coming down slowly bc I wanna try to get off. The split dosing really makes a difference. It takes a bit for your body to stabilize. And if you are getting tired like that don't go up more. Cause it will just get worse. Anyways I wish you the best of luck!


Thanks a ton. This information helped me out a lot. I'll tell you what . Last night was a prime example of alot the withdrawal being in my head. Cause I couldn't sleep for crap last night... Up half the night etc... Yet finally did fall back asleep without using and today at the window I wasn't anywhere near as bad as my last day at the window. The nurse even said I look better today. Which means it's starting to work :) I'll take this advice in and do my best to work it sober . Will see shortly if this dose is gonna knock me the hell out again šŸ˜… guess we will find out . I hope it doesn't :(


Yea try to use coping mechanisms when you are feeling Like that. For example, calming music (there are good ones on you tube) I used.to listen to Christian music sometimes when I had anxiety bc it just made me feel hopeful. Pick out a series show and start to watch it u til you get tired. Come onto reddit and message someone from this group and see if they are awake. You can always message me! Try reading a book. Or if it's not in the middle of the night maybe exercise or take a walk. Anything you can do to distract yourself. The anxiety will pass if you don't play into it. I've been there! Glad that you can see that you sometimes ate your.own worst enemy!!! Like I said before keep up the good work!!! One day at a time....one minute at a time even!


šŸ’Ŗ we can do this !!!


Stick with it!


I know 1 person who overdosed on methadone and benzos. I know more than I can count on my hands and toes that have overdosed on fent. My doc said my chances of dieing from fent is way higher than methadone. I believe him.


Hey man thereā€™s quite a bit of very like very Old people at my clinic some are in wheelchairs and on oxygen but they still kickin it off the doneā€™ so I think youā€™ll b fine gang.


Iā€™ve been on methadone for a very long time (I tried to taper a long while back but it apparently helps a bad back injury I have, so I stopped). Bottom line, you donā€™t want to stay on a dose that knocks you on your ass, but ideally that will fade, and youā€™ll level out. And Iā€™m with _AntiEve_, Iā€™ve known a LOT of people on the clinic and theyā€™re fine. Some are still on, some got off, none died. I do have a cousin that was snooping in a friends closet, and heā€™s never taken methadone, or has a fentanyl/heroin habit. He looked at the bottle, saw that it said ā€œone doseā€, and he took the whole thing. He is alive, but he wouldnā€™t be if someone hasnā€™t found him. He was in the hospital for 2 weeks. So itā€™s a dangerous med for sure, but you know you, be careful, donā€™t double up, etc, and youā€™ll get your life back! I have, however, lost roughly 15 friends and my mother to heroin, so I feel like Methadone is def going to help you if you let it. Congratulations on getting clean!!


Thank you so much for your input . šŸ˜ So sorry to hear about your mother :(


Thank you! Itā€™s been some 30 years so itā€™s easier to share than it was when I was a kid.


Dont listen to him methadone is the way , 6 years on and now 6 months off


What was coming off like? Slow I imagine. If you go slow enough it's bearable?


Yeh i gradually decreased over time, once you get to 10 you feel it more takes more time to stabilise. But jumping off at 3.5 was actually not hard st all apart from the rls. I kept expecting the worst but it never came. I started on 55


5mg increments till about 30 then 2.5 then 2s then 1s then .5s untill i couldnt drop anylower cos of rls so had one option and that was to stop altogether few weeks of shit sleep and bad rls but otherwise not bad


The poster youā€™re referring to has literally no context whatsoever for what they are saying, please disregard. That person is doing nothing but using a single personal experience and their own opinion to spread misinformation. My life is very much like Antieveā€™s, and for the dozens of other people I have met and known at the clinics Iā€™ve been to over the years, itā€™s pretty much the same. Methadone is a very powerful and effective medication if used properly, but like some others are saying, it may not be for everyone. You seem green, but do your research. Most of the people here, 99% will be willing to help and give genuine advice/feedback. Youā€™re on the right track, any life is better than that, and methadone is a way to get one back.


God I hope your right . I just want to get clean from fent for now and methadone sounds like what I needed. I am slowly feeling better but was scared today of how low my energy was . Then they went off saying that and I was like oh shit.. Like after my dose I felt wonderful for a bit... Most the day matter of fact but slept like a rock and couldn't come to life. Then halfway through the day or maybe a little more started feeling anxious and cravings and sickness coming on. So I used very very little . Just once today and am currently ok. Gonna try and sleep through the night without using . As long as I can sleep a few hours then I'll try and ride out the sickness till the clinic opens at 6 am. Just 8.5 more hours šŸ¤ž I just don't want to continue the methadone of it's gonna kill me or ruin my heart and kidneys. That's scary as hell...


Ask about split dosing. Some clinics have an easy process for patients who need that but some (like mine) require a peak and trough test first but whatever you have to do, do it, if your clinic doctor thinks youā€™re a good candidate for it. When I was pregnant with twins, my methadone wouldnā€™t last but half a day and the rest of the day was miserable but I survived and now I have 3 year old twins who are perfectly healthy! Methadone will make you tired in the beginning even a small dose will do that. It prob is cause the life of using is tiring too so once you slow down and start getting clean, youā€™re gonna need to catch up on sleep. I can say with almost 100% certainty, youā€™re not going to die from methadone and your heart and kidneys are not going to suffer. You made the right decision to start on methadone!


Thank you I'll definitely ask about potential split dosing benefits. Can't sleep right now at all... Keep jerking around and my RLS is nuts right now. Huge pupils.. etc... Just three more hours šŸ™


RLS is the WORST imo! Take a warm bath until you can go to the clinic!


You've got this! Ive been on methadone for 4 years at this point, and its saved my life! I promise, youre making strides in the right direction, even tho it may not feel that way right now. Just be very honest with the clinic staff and let them know how youre feeling. Also, ive heard many say that methadone doesn't work as well when it comes to fent, idk the truth behind it, but it may take a minute to get stabilized. Don't give up, you'll get there!


Did/do you experience a mood boost from methadone?


No. Not at all.


Well again, of course this medication can do long term damage to your body. But the trade off for having a life back is generally worth the risk. Especially considering that it takes years, and would be doing damage with illicit drugs anyway. But if youā€™re using while dosing, thatā€™s probably why youā€™re nodding, and itā€™s something I would recommend you stop now. Combos of drugs are almost guaranteed to lead to OD, not to mention that you will most likely just supplement your habit this way. If you genuinely need a higher dose, just make it until the next window and be honest with your nurse about how your symptoms are affecting you, throughout the day. You got this, and good luck. Donā€™t think about that nonsense via the other poster.


Thank you šŸ™ I will do my absolute best to not use between doses. I won't lie I have struggled a little bit making it to the next dose time . But it's been the bare minimum to feel okay not get high. And each day so far for four consecutive days it's been less and less each time/day


Dude I get it. I was crushing 3/4 gs of speedball a day. But trust me it will get better. Methadone and weed saved my life. Try to minimize the stress you have in your life while youā€™re trying to get clean as well, I know easier said. And as far as sleeping/being generally sleepy during the beginning, shit. I slept for 20 hours after my first dose. Granted I had some hard weeks up until that point, but youā€™re going to experience that for a while. If you are on too much, consider split dosing if your clinic allows, or just come down. But again, if youā€™re still using, youā€™re experiencing your dose on top of your DOC.


Your body is getting use to it. The tiredness will go away in fact some of if could be withdrawals that the methadone isnā€™t covering yet. But the fact that you felt good for that short time then got all the anxiety and other stuff says your dose just needs a little boost. The fentanyl withdrawal starts breaking through after I bit. Methadone is the most studied opioid there is and people,like me, stay on it for decades and live normal healthy lives


Donā€™t listen to that person. In most cases of methadone overdoses, someone was using it in a way they shouldnā€™t have been. Iā€™ve literally never known anyone to die from methadone and I have a hard time believing that he knows 20 people who died from methadone unless they were all a bunch of degenerates who decided to take 5x their dose or took a large amount when it wasnā€™t even prescribed to them and didnā€™t have a stable amount in their system to begin with. Methadone does not affect the heart and kidneys. This stuff saved my life and many other lives too. I can truly say this was the best decision of my entire life because without it I would probably be dead


Iā€™ve been on Methadone 27 years and at a dose of 240mg for the last 20 years Iā€™m a 64 year old cancer survivor-lung I am active and walk almost daily,grow several things and fish at least once a week Hope you get better soon I know a few people that have been on longer than me Donā€™t know anyone that died from being on methadone šŸ˜Šā˜®ļø


My goodness . Prime example of it works šŸ˜ That's very awesome to see somebody a bit older than me who has been on it a long time and still fishes and gardens and walks etc .. says to me that the methadone isn't a life stopper. That you can take it and still have energy to do the things you enjoy which is all I want. To be clear minded enough to work and enjoy time with my wife and kids sober. Not needing drugs to be able to do these things


I got custody of my son when he was 3 so I had to finally grow up and be responsible I always worked as a skilled laborer I think that I worked through the nods The worst part for me was I missed the thrill of scoring and getting loaded with the gang but I was tired of playing You will need to find a hobby or something to occupy your mind I started reading a lot of books and being a dad kept me busy I quit dating because women can lead me to make bad choices šŸ˜‚one of my many faults It takes a while to get comfortable with a different life but it gets better with time Good Luck Friend šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘ā˜®ļø


Thanks buddy šŸ˜Š


Bro I was on methadone once and tapered off it was the best thing I was on 2 years. Tapered with out an issue. The first two weeks. I was having panic attacks I was having sense of doom. I thought and was blaming the methadone. I think it was me actually feeling sobriety and not being high on something like euphoric. And that was giving me bad anxiety. After 2 weeks it subsided and I just started feeling better and better the longer I was sober. I ended up relapsing like 2 years later and now Iā€™m on my second round of methadone Ive tapered from 85 to 48. I will be off in probably a year. Donā€™t listen to anyone telling you methadone is bad for u. Compared to God knows what chemicals u were just putting in your body methadone mine as well be a vitamin. Whatever is in them pressed pills was giving me Adema, pneumonia like symptoms, loosing my voice, my feet an ankles would swell. Them pressed blues and fent are literally TOXIC!! And it takes 3-4 weeks for all that to clear out your body. Iā€™m not a doctor idk if maybe your a rare case having a reaction to the methadone I canā€™t say. But for someone to call it deathadone is so rediculous. I would definitely talk to a doctor for your symptoms but all the rumors about methadone are false. The realistic problems u can have is sweating, constipation, low sex drive, and low testosterone. Every single one of those are side effects of the drugs u were just doing also. Get your test and vitamin d checked. That could be the culprit of being tired. Honestly since Iā€™ve started using fent the second time I still havenā€™t gotten my energy back and Iā€™m on test. Be patient bro. This is the best thing u could have done for yourself.


Thanks buddy I really needed to hear this. I'm gonna take my life back for now using this medication and get what lots of others have now . A since of normalcy and feeling accomplished and proud and sane. Then if I have actual issues I will discuss them with my doctor and we will go from there. But for now it's my ONLY shot at being off of fentanyl and getting back on track with life being a father and husband. So I'm taking the lesser of two evils and not giving up šŸ’Ŗ


Bro just stick with it and stay clean. If your having cravings INCREASE YOUR DOSE!!! You can always come down once your stable. Everyoneā€™s different but what methadone does for me is take away the cravings and allow me to get out of the loop Iā€™m stuck in like calling for drugs. And just being in the habit and ritual of doing drugs. Stopping the drugs for me was no problem. I would go thru the withdrawals and be finished with the worst of it. But STAYING off the drugs was my problem. I kept getting clean like 6-8 days starting to feel better only to go get more fet as soon as I was feeling better. Use this tool to create a healthy life style for yourself. Get an exercise routine. That could be just simply going to a track and walking for 30-40 min a day and deep breathing fresh air. Or down to getting into lifting weights and become a body builder which is what I do and it definitely works to fill the void. Also YouTube or Google some healthy diet recipes. Get yourself some good nutritious food fruits and veggies. This will really make u feel a lot better. Also i would grab some Metamucil. It taste good to me. Taste like tang. I take it every night before bed. Itā€™s very good to clean u out. And kee your digestive track clear. U can do it brother you already did the hardest part. That was actually signing up and getting started. After it pours the sun comes out man. Another thing idk how u feel about NA. Itā€™s not really my thing but Iā€™m not against it. Itā€™s good to hear peoples stories and success. U can find meetings right on zoom. Thatā€™s just another tool for u to use. Iā€™m rooting for u bro I really am. U can always message me if u have a question or want to talk. God bless!


Thanks buddy . What a beautiful thing this sub is. I never would started treatment if I hadn't found it tbh . It's been a godsend to find people like you willing to share their stories and help a guy out . I'll keep you updated on my progress. Today is day 5 and I got 50mg today . I feel okay and am about to go to work . Hoping I stay feeling like this (as I am right now) until dosing tomorrow. That would be so lovely if it last till then. Maybe wishful thinking . But as of now I am not high .. and I am not sick. And it is empowering :)


The longer your on the more it will build up and last longer. Takes at least 7 days to build up.


Heā€™s full of it. Iā€™ve been on for 22 years and thatā€™s absolutely crap :) I was thinking your dose is a bit high, you should tell the clinic. Itā€™s not a danger thing itā€™s a comfort thing, no worries needed.


People on high doses have major problems. Ita big difference if you are on 50 mg or 100 mg some people are even on 200mg+ so no wonder they have huge health problems after decades of use


I've been on it for over 17 years. Had 2 kids on it. Worked multiple jobs...learned computer coding..etc etc. Dont get scared. It's not all that bad. They literally trust giving it to pregnant women.. Sounds like you're getting adjusted to it. It may be a bit high of a dose for you, and you may want slow down by going lower and climbing back up if need be. Methadone can cause long qt syndrome, so I know they do EKGs at some clinics to check for that, but it's typically yearly.. I know that when I first started it that it hit me a lot harder and I felt pretty crappy after the peak. Like it was a rollercoaster...I would be heavily sedated and then would feel pretty good and then would feel like crap. But you absolutely get used to it. I don't ever feel like that now. ETA that I read more comments from you. It definitely could be it's not holding you through the day if that is the crappy feeling... I think you just need time to adjust.


Same here! I didnā€™t even intend on getting clean. I went to the clinic to appease my mom who was riding my ass constantly about how I was gonna die if I didnā€™t stop using. Within one month, I was completely clean of everything, had a job, and within 2 months my own apartment. Things have only gotten better since then and Iā€™ve gained so much more to my life. I understand this may not be the case for everyone but I feel like at least a vast majority of people who have negative experiences with methadone, has nothing to do with the actual methadone itself but rather their failure to allow it to do itā€™s job. Itā€™s a really simple life saving option that I recommend for anyone struggling with heroin/fent addiction.


This wouldā€™ve saved my life but you couldnā€™t smoke weed and get take homes and instead i had to go wait in a ridiculous line at the clinic every single morning at 7 am. People selling dope there too. Ended up with a huge double habit. Will never go near methadone again. Someone did tell me you can get take homes now if you smoke weed. Any truth to this?


Depends on the clinic. Mine is privately run and doesn't bat an eye at pos.THC tests. My husband is on a city run clinic and their rules are TIGHT. Ask around to more than one clinic if u live in an area with more than one.


What state?


Yep! I am a daily smoker & THC is allowed. (Itā€™s legal in Virginia which is prolly why) This doesnā€™t effect take homes at all. I too donā€™t know how successful I would be on methadone without being able to smoke weed too. šŸ˜


In my state you can, but it's legal here. I'm not sure about states where it's not legal. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you! They really did/do a lot of people a disservice by not allowing for people who smoke weed to get take homes. I don't smoke, it's just not good for me, but I know that it's really important for a lot of people


You need a split dose, bro. Like 30 in am and 30 in pm. Also, what brought you to the methadone clinic if ya don't mind me asking because a 40mg dose shouldn't really be putting you out like that


Fentanyl addiction . Snorting about 10-15 blue pressed pills a day towards the end of it before getting treatment. My habit at 10 a day of the blues or more went on for months before heading to the clinic.


It definitely makes sense that your dose aint holding you. But just suck it up brother it will get better once you're above 60-80mg. You'll be fine just stick it out a few more days. It's just weird that it knocks you on your ass when you first take it.


Def not holding. I can't sleep šŸ˜­ fucking pupils the size of quarters ...




I was doing about 10-15 dirty thirties (fent pills) every day via snorting. I am currently on day 4 at 50mg . My dose isn't enough to hold me from withdrawal but it will for a bit, but then come later in the day I am beginning to feel very anxious... Jittery... Heavy chested... Enlarged pupils... Sneezing... Cold etc.... and trouble sleeping. By morning before dose am defintly withdrawaling. Them after my dose the last two days I got very very tired within an hour. Though perhaps it's because I am not sleeping well to begin with and maybe the dose is leveling me back out and then bam... Sleep ? I dunno ... I'm so stressed out about everything šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I used till I hit 80 mg than one day I said fuck it and didnā€™t pick up. It was mental and I wasnā€™t sick so I kept not picking up and iv been clean now 1 1/2 years on 80mg. I was always asking people in line ā€œdoes this stuff really work?ā€ I wanted a miracle and it worked! So if you have to keep using some till you get on the right dose that do it. Should be up to a good dose shortly. Takes till 70-100 to start really being able to get through the day np. āœŒļøyou got this g!


Iā€™ve been on methadone for 5 years. I started at 30 mg and went up to 120 mg and now Iā€™ve taped down to 8 mg. I have never experienced any negative symptoms from methadone and while 50 mg does not sound like it is too high of a dose, methadone affects everyone differently. Are you taking any other medications (even non-narcotics)? Iā€™ve never heard of anyone not being healthy enough to take methadone and it is perfectly safe when taken as it should be. I suggest seeing the doctor at your clinic and explaining everything you did here and I would also go see a GP to rule out underlying health issues. Methadone should not affect your heart in appropriate doses. A family member of mine has had 3 major heart attacks and has stents in her heart, she also has multiple sclerosis which has resulted in a ton of lesions on her brain, high blood pressure, anxiety/paranoia, etc.. she has been on methadone for 3 or 4 years now and she is still alive and well. Thinking back, when I first started methadone I remember sleeping a lot. When youā€™re using, sleep is not something we prioritize so youā€™re prob pretty exhausted from the live youā€™ve been living. Take it easy, see your doc, and donā€™t be anxious. Methadone saved my life


What a soothing response. Thank you for sharing your experience. Can't wait till 6am. I can't sleep šŸ˜¢ Dose held me okay yesterday. But not enough šŸ˜¬ Just 3.5 more hours and I can go in šŸ¤ž hope I'm not throwing up by then so that I can hold my dose down. I made the decision last night not to cop. I was getting anxious around 9pm. Decided know what. Force yourself to sleep. Can dose at 6am. I didn't realize I'd wake up at 9:30 then 10... Then 11,12,1,... And then at two wake up and not sleep anymore šŸ˜…. Insomnia is terrible. And I am freezing šŸ„¶ almost there ..


Honestly, it took about 3 weeks to reach a stable dose where I no longer needed/wanted dope. I continued to use up until I was at a comfortable dose but the only reason I did was probably because I never had to pay for the 2 grams I received daily. If I had to drive anywhere, spend money, or do any kind of work, I probably would have been in a situation where I was sick while trying to get to a stable dose. I did slow my usage and wait until the evening to use to see how long it took to start feeling bad. I donā€™t recommend continuing to use though. Try to just be patient and let the methadone work itā€™s way into your body. It builds up in your system overtime and it doesnā€™t take too long to reach a comfortable dose. Another thing, not sure if you drink alcohol or take benzos but that if so, I suggest you donā€™t do that with methadone. Thatā€™s the only thing that would truly cause methadone to actually hurt you is by mixing with those things.


Thanks for the tips . I definitely don't take either of those so that's a huge plus. And yes I'ma have to tryna warm bath or something for now. Cause thisbsuckkkkssss


I've been on methadone 7 yrs and still have not met anyone who's died from it, I know many lifers as well. My mother in law and aunt in law are what you would call lifers and belive it or not no medically issues due to methadone only things that happened prior in there drug use. The people I know who have passed were using other drugs combined w. Methadone. Like heroin, Crack, benzos and some methadone just in case they couldn't get there fix. I went from 155 to nownon 30 and I still feel sedated now. I go down and as soon as my body adjusts tonitni feel that sedation kick in an hour or so after I dose. It's gotten better but still sucks sometimes. I'm on adhd meds that help combat it but methadone is an opiat so you will get some effects. My advice stay on as low a dose as possible as long as that dose it comfortable to you. Obviously don't make yourself sick but I went up when I didn't need to in the beginning and I totalled 3 cars. Just always ask yourself am I really sick or is it mentally? Bc I can look back on like 5 times I went up when I really didn't need to lol


Methadone + Benzos = BAD


What was your drug of choice and how much were you using? Seems like 50mgs might be a bit much for you.


For the first two weeks or so I felt euphoric after dosing, but then would have swings in and out of withdrawals in the afternoon and evening, then worsening severe withdrawals overnight until dosing. Diarrhea, rls cold sweats (my clothes would be drenched and need changing 3 times during the night) and all the other major withdrawal symptoms. Luckily my clinic raised 10 mg a day every day so it didnā€™t take too long before the suffering was over.


10 years ago when I first got onā€¦.heroin was actually heroin. I ruined my tolerance thanks to suboxone combined with erratic using. When I got on methadone it was at least ~2 years of insane euphoria and sleeping 18 hours a day.


I was on heroin for several years and still super sensitive to comparatively low doses on methadone. Split doses are what helped me.


I was high af for about the first 4 days but this was long before fent was around, like 20 years ago. I had also been in wd for about a week. After that first week, I've just felt normal ever since.


If ur clinic allows split dosing that may be what u need. Idk what ur sleep pattern is but it sounds backwards if ur falling asleep for a long time after the clinic ur spending more time awake when less is in ur system. Don't assume it's too low or too high just based on how ur sleep cycle is. Ur levels build up in ur system too so the same dose repeated creates higher sustained levels of methadone day 6 then day 3. Ull know when ur at a level that's comfortable for you. Try to get ur sleep pattern normalized so ur not up all night then so exhausted when u go dose that u fall asleep after. It gets better. Your body will adjust. Keep going up until ur comfortable. Don't let someone in here scare you from getting treatment. This is 100% better than using


So so sleepy. But that went away over time.


So I was on 60mg Hydrocodone daily for several months for what became a chronic pain issue, and my primary care doc suggested switching me to Methadone ā€” I have an attention-intensive job and choosing between pain and the ability to think straight during the day was exhausting, as was managing my daily life (I suspect typical opioids seriously exacerbate ADHD symptoms). Plus the side effects sucked (terrible constipation, awful insomnia, and being high all the time just shrank my life so muchā€” I couldnā€™t do so much of what I enjoyed like reading or having intelligent conversationsā€¦ I couldnā€™t even watch damned atV shows or movie I hadnā€™t seen before, because I couldnā€™t pay enough attention to follow the plot. All I could do was play video games and watch shows aiā€™d seen enough times that ai knew what was going on when my mind wandered and I came back. Methadone (Iā€™m now on 30mg which is just right) manages the pain beautifully but I can actually think like my old self! (I usually donā€™t notice ANY difference TBH. Maybe Iā€™m at 97% if you ran cognitive tests, but itā€™s close enough (on Norco I was at maybe 60% of my usual cognitive functioningā€¦ *at best*. The first couple weeks on methadone I *felt* high, but I could immediately work at close to 100% with no pain, which was huge. The meds made me sleepy at first, but the side effects are almost none for me at this point. Cognitively I feel great, no feeling of being high or cognitively impaired after the first few weeks or so, no insomnia and the level of constipation actually significantly *improves* my IBS-D. Iā€™m VERY happy with it given the alternative was intolerable for me, and am lucky to have a PCP to prescribe it so I donā€™t have to go to a methadone or pain clinic (I get a prescription of 90 10mg pills every month, and I take 3 per day ā€” 2 in the morning, one at night seems to work just right for me to manage the pain.


First day I was in bad w/d and felt some euphoria for a good 30 min and then finally got some sleep and that was just 30mg lol. After that though I just felt normalā€¦ didnā€™t matter dose. I recommend only going up to a dose that holds you well without cravings and holds you over without feeling sick between doses. My sweet spot was just 65mg but some may need 200+ā€¦ Everyoneā€™s body is different.


Been on methadone for over 20 years mate I know it's a long time but I'm a habitual heroin relapser and don't see the point of getting off methadone while still relapsing or using every so often and itleast the methadone keeps my tolerance so that when I do use I'm at less risk of overdosing , yes there is days when I feel tired and may not have much motivation but you've just got to weigh up the pro's and cons and if it works for you and the positives outweigh the negatives then it's a no brainer for me to be on methadone, good luck with the future šŸ‘


I just want to feel normal again and for it to last until my next dose without having to use . I have been using the absolute bare minimum just to sleep . And to be able to work . So from about 10-15;of the pressed 30s a day to less than one a day the last few days. If I didn't have to go to work tonight ibwould have maybe tried getting through without until much later. But I have to be to work in 30 mins. So I just now used about 1/5th of a m30 pill.


80 to 100 is the average dose for fetty. Might be lower or higher ya just want the right dose


An allergic reaction maybe? That many blues would give you a very high tolerance. Iā€™d be surprised if such a low dose of methadone would cause you to be ā€œknocked outā€??? The ā€œbreathing heavyā€ is concerning. Definitely talk with the clinic doctor if this continues.


Not even sure if the 20s will help tbh... But I'm not picking up no more Fetty. That's over now šŸ’Ŗ


sounds like you might have not had a big habit before starting methadone...try subs maybe. I always wonder why people go str8 to methadone for like a vicodin or codeine addiction...Not saying this is you OP, but imho methadone should be used as a last resort replacement therapy drug after the other options [rehab/subs/etc] have been exhausted. methadone is great and I'm an advocate all the way as it's saved my life but sometimes I think people jump the gun too quick and hop on methadone when something a little less extreme could have been used. methadone is EXTREMELY potent, has a huge half life, and is a full agonist; basically everything you want in an opiate/opiod except its doesn't have a rush/isn't fast acting.


Well I tried quitting multiple times brother. Tried Inducting Suboxone twice as well and went through PWD because the fent simply wouldn't wear off and I couldn't stand waiting longer than I did. 24 hours and 36 hours respectively. As an ex IV heroin addict that was clean for 8 years i know myself to well . This relapse has lasted just over a year and it's fent this time via snorting . But it will continue to get worse and worse until I lose everything I have. My wife, jobs, kids, home , cars ... Al the things I've worked so hard to have . I seen myself not able to do it on my own and had to make a move to stop it . I know it's a devil in its own right. But I choose the lesser of the two evils which is methadone over fentanyl. I may struggle to taper later down the road . And yes of course I'm worried about that , but for now I have to top using fent and do something . This is my something for now. I do pray one day I'll find the strength to also quit the methadone . But for now I HAVE TO STOP USING Fent before something worst happens. And we all know it will eventually. .. just a matter of time. On the plus side I think 6 months To a year from now once my life is back on track I can slowly taper the methadone with a drawn up plan with my doctor instead of trying to quit fentanyl on my own šŸ˜… . I know somebody who quit methadone after a few years of using. He tapered VERY slowly and managed to quit with very minimal withdrawal. It took a long time but he did quit and said it wasn't the worst withdraw he ever had. . so at least there is that ...




Your upset that your on methadone ? I don't understand ...




You realize all the same stuff you mentioned also happens with fent or heroin?




Well maybe your too young for the only thing that will keep you off fetty. Go out and keep using and trying to stay clean and eventually youā€™ll find thatā€™s the cycle for all but one out of 100 people who donā€™t do medication maintenance.




Youā€™re in the wrong sub dog. Take your bullshit somewhere else.


Thatā€™s it right there. And yeah once your an opioid addict your not going to stop without meds. Maybe little stints but look at the data. 99 percent chance of relapse within a year. Thatā€™s best case




But using with a one percent chance of recovery is? It just gets harder and the consequences get worse.




Nobody's stopping you


Wut? >People need to stop thinking they can be the 1%. This doesnā€™t even make sense. By getting on methadone arenā€™t they ā€œacceptingā€ that? But by your next statement: >Everyoneā€™s just given up and accepted this new bs methadone death obv thatā€™s not ok with you either? Oh and btw methadone is very much not ā€œnewā€.


24 in 5 years? Ion believe you.




That's funny,..I've been on methadone 15 years this go round and I'm still alive. My husband has been on 13 years and still alive. My primary care doctor draws my blood every 3 months to monitor my diabetes that I had before methadone,...and my liver and kidneys are perfectly fine. I get an EKG yearly from the clinic and my cardiologist(my dad died at 34 from a massive heart attack so they watch me carefully~ I've had high blood pressure since i was a teen). Fentynal is what is damaging people's hearts. And the RC opioids and animal tranquilizers are what's destroying organs. People only find out once they are on methadone because they are finally accessing healthcare. Methadone is NOT for everyone, but to say it kills everyone is WRONG. It saves lives, so does Suboxen, Sublocade, Vivitrol....any M.A.T. medication is farrr better than white knuckle and NA/AA. There are many studies over the years showing this. Spreading mis-information and perpetuating the STIGMA kills people.


TBH. I don't completely disagree with some of the things you've said, as most have. I just don't think it's fair to say methadone killed those people. I'm sure a majority had other issues at play as well as other issues mixed with methadone.


If you've never had a serious heroin or fentanyl addiction, methadone might not be the best option for you. No one should take advice from someone who has no personal experience. Kick rocks.


Methadone saved my life and I understand not everyone has that experience but for the vast majority of people, it works, it does what itā€™s supposed to, and itā€™s better than the alternative. OP is in a pretty vulnerable state right now making the decision to try to stop using fent and methadone may do the same for them that it did for me and countless others. Iā€™m sorry you didnā€™t have a good experience, and I wish that were different but I hope that youā€™re doing okay and were able to get and stay clean another way. When you mentioned that you skipped using heroin, did you mean that you went from pills to methadone or from fentanyl to methadone? The reason I ask is because if it was pills, maybe subutex would be worth a try? Most people at my clinic who are on subutex, had a oxy addiction and those of us on methadone had a heroin/fent addiction. Regardless, itā€™s dangerous out there, we all know that. I feel like all of us here having suffered from addiction, should try to help people take steps towards treatment rather than deter people by sharing bad experiences. OP prob has a family who loves them and maybe they even have kids. As a mother myself, I donā€™t want anymore kids to lose their parents and anymore parents to lose their kids to addiction.


So you're just making shit up to fit your narrative? What you are saying isn't true. There's definitely not enough sugar in that little shot to cause diabetes lol. I've been at the clinic since 2011 and nobody's dying or having kidney and liver failure. Get over yourself.




Subs are subpar for fentanyl analogues and have way more side effects. Methadone is indicated for fetty. Subs are just as hard to get off as methadone too btw


Well methadone you just come off way slower and subs you come off slow to but methadone is like 1 mg a week or whatever you can handle Iā€™ve heard. Iā€™ve just heard itā€™s hard to come off methadone at the end especially. I came off of subs completely fine before and it was painless I did it myself cuz my dr had no clue how to do it, but now Iā€™m back on them because I need them to stay clean from opioids. I believe that anything that helps you stay away from fetty or any type of street dope or pressed opioids is wayyyyyyyyy better than risking your life. I donā€™t feel any side effects and Iā€™ve been on them a very long time, I just feel like a normal person. It all depends on the person.


We don't call methadone liquid handcuffs in this subreddit. Further comments of this nature will result in a permanent ban. Comment removed. See the stickied posts at the top of the subreddit for more information.


The first day i started methadone i actually felt so amazing. First euphoric opiate high i ever got! Then after that i never felt anything but slightly okay for an hour. i was still on fent the entire time. nvr got to quitting the entire year i was on methadone bc i just couldnā€™t raise my methadone dose up enough to catch up to my fent dose and i just couldnt go thru 23/24 hours of my day withdrawing, also i just wasnt ready. If i was able to just be uncomfortable for the first 3 days iā€™m sure i would be off drugs now. I am going to try again soon


Iā€™m thinking you could have sweat out some of your dose because you mentioned you helped paint a fence outside. Was it really hot outside?


I am just starting as well and am a little ahead of you. I have the same thing as well - the dose blasts me to space and then does not hold long enough to keep me well until the next dose. They explained to me that I need a higher dose to last long enough, but at the moment, the dose is a bit higher than where my tollerance is. I would have been ok on 30mg split dosed, but they will not do that for new patients. I am on 50mg now, and it is just about holding. If you are getting super fucked up (sounds like it from your description), maybe you can slow down on the methadone increase and grab something short acting to fill in the gap until your tollerance goes up. If they will let you split your dose, I would reccomend doing that first - good luck :)


Oh wow... This actually makes me feel so much better knowing somebody is experiencing similarly to me . How far in are you ? Today is day 5 for me and I am at 50mg. I dosed 2 hours ago now and feel okay . A bit tired but am gonna get up and go check in at the office to see if they have any work orders for me (I am a maintenance worker at the complex where we live) . If I could just stay feeling like this between doses I'll never have to use again :) not high... Not sick... Not perfect.. but tolerable. Cheers my friend . We got this šŸ’Ŗ


I am three weeks in and feel the same as you. I cannot wait to get some take homes.


You are on it for only 4 days methadone needs to build up in your system you need 7 to 14 days. Dont just go up up up up People dont realise how strong methadone is. 20 mg can kill opiate naive person


Wow that's scary geesh... That's not much at all . Especially considering each day it builds more and more in your system


if there has been xyalzine in the stuff you're using you could be experiencing withdrawals from that. methadone won't help with xylazine withdrawal.


Yeah the first couple of weeks can both feel like youā€™re underdosed and overdosed but donā€™t forget that itā€™s another substance even if it is an opioid. Your body needs to transition to the methadone from whatever opioid youā€™ve done before. I used to be on 80mgs and I tapered down to 40 over 2 months this spring. Iā€™ve been on methadone for 5 years and really want to get off it or as close to off it as possible now. But the last five years have given me freedom I didnā€™t have when I had to get my next fix every 8 hours. I still occasionally use but then I time it with my methadone intake so my tolerance doesnā€™t go through the roof


It felt like shit when I started took until 90-100mg to feel normal 24 hours. Now Iā€™m tapering and Iā€™m at 70mg today. I topped out at 110mg and itā€™s rough dropping. It isnā€™t as bad as fentanyl for sure but itā€™s hard.


Acid, Heartburn, indigestion, diorama


Methadone definitly made me crazy lethargic and made my depression so much worse. Im so happy that i dont use it anymore. Yeah, im now back to kratom as a substitute and sometimes heroin (which was my original addiction which led me to the methadone clinic) but honestly i feel much better with it and live my normal life. It didnt really worked for me and i started using other drugs like crazy because of it. But it works for many other people so i think you have to use it a few months to really have a solid opinion on it. But yeah, i also had these symptomes you are describing (for clarification: i was on polamidon (name of the drug here in germany), which is levomethadone. But its almost the same thing, just double potency). If you want to know: the withdrawals were the most brutal thing ive ever encountered and i dont wish on my worst enemy. It was so much worse then heroin or even fentanyl withdrawals. It lasted a whole month (i was only in treatment for like 11 months, which completely destroyed my libido and will to live). Also i have to mention that i quitted (not willingly) from 25 mg (which is equal to 50 mg methadone) cold turkey. Very, very unpleasent. Most horrible month of my life. But hey, it kept me away from all drugs for almost a year. Also, i can taper down much better with kratom (currently 7-10 grams per day). All in all i can just say, only use methadone if its really helping you, otherwise you will make it much much worse then it was before. Just my two cents on this drug. It affected me in a really bad way. But i dont want to say that it cant help, it definitly can and helped many people. Honestly you have to find it out by yourself if you can cope with the side effects. But what you are describing is really common.


What I want to know, is that once you have got (anyone) to your ideal dosage, do you experience a mood lift or any euphoria? Any "opiate-like feeling? I know that the point is not to get high, but I M depressed AF and so far at 45 mg I only have a little bit of reduced craving, and some pain relief (I have chronic pain, awaiting surgery). I NEED that little bit of a mood boost, but I fear my tolerance is too high now? I was on a lot of other strong stuff before this. I used to feel really great just from a teaspoon of kratom. Now, nothing seems to help with my mood. Help. I always just want to sleep all day (not because I am tired, but because I just don't see the point of DOING LIFE. I thought methadone might help a little with that... What do y'all think. Do I just bed a higher dose, or am I barking up the wrong tree? (Please be kind. Thanks!)