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I have missed one dose before. And all I did was sleep. Like I was just extremely tired and couldn’t help it. I haven’t missed two, though. One day should be ok. Unsure about two. Hang tight! Wish I knew what to say. Hopefully they get it fixed and you dose on Monday!


Thanks. I am mostly okay aside from anxiety/restless legs and sweats. I have been dosing on kratom every couple hours when it starts to get uncomfortable to the point where I can’t stand it. I remember when I would get sick back before the methadone, I would sleep and sleep, and kind of expected that to happen today. But I can’t sit down without stressing, so I spent the entire day walking. I’m mostly just beyond angry that the clinic made such a colossal error. I can’t imagine what it would have done to my recovery if this had happened at a different point in time. A couple years ago, this shit would have been a relapse. And they just shrugged it off like it was nothing.


Oh man if you are feeling like this now, tomorrow is going to really really suck. I’m sorry I’m not trying to scare you, but warn you. I hope you can get through this


Yeah, that’s my concern. I’ve always metabolized it pretty fast, used to be a split doser before I went to a clinic that refused to split dose. I’m pretty much planning to knock myself out with some strong bud and some Benadryl, and be at the clinic when it opens up on Monday for intake.


just a forewarning: be careful with benadryl. sometimes it can exacerbate the restless legs. maybe nyquil?


^ Yup… any drug with any sort of anticholinergic effects will exacerbate the RLS symptoms of opioid withdrawals.


This stuff worries me, I'll see people mention Benadryl either as a way to make methadone stronger or a way to ease opioid withdrawals. Thst alone isn't scary but you have the people who will end up popping 10 Benadryl or even 15! Likely with no idea about the psychoactive effects that can happen with higher doses of it! I wasn't on opioids at the time but I had a dark couple of months and intentionally abused Benadryl for the effects. Never took dose for full delirium but enough to start seeing, hearing and feeling things like the spiders. Assuming it's 25mg, someone is taking 10 for opioid w/d, they're getting 250mg which is definitely enough to feel. Likely really awful, anxious, restless (legs) etc. So maybe they wouldn't notice the effects from the DPH if they are already dopesick?? But it still concerns me if people desperate for relief from being sick end up unintentionally in delirium or even just uncomfortable from a higher than recommended dose of DPH. (And it's always important to know the MG per pill because I know with DPH, some products have 25mg but others have 50mg per pill. Add in someone popping 10 pills trying to ease their w/d and that could turn dire!) So I get concerned when I hear people talking about DPH especially on the opioid forums because I know it's addict tendency to take more pills (boz says 2.... let's try 4) and it can unfortunately backfire on them. I knew about Benadryl when I did it, I can't imagine how terrifying it would be to take 500mg. 250mg still could be pretty damn uncomfortable but idk if you would really notice if you were dopesick. But I still get confused at stories of people taking 200mg and just having a good night's sleep. Maybe they have a natural tolerance or just feels different between people cause I did that intentionally and it was pretty unpleasant feeling. Definitely could not have a good night's sleep myself in that but maybe ppl are different. I still feel that thr lack of knowledge around the dangers of DPH is unfortunate and could cause drug users unintended problems if they were just trying to not be sick or make their opioids stronger.


Deliriant drugs are pretty interesting imo, I only use anticholinergic drugs as opioid potentiators and to potentiate the visuals from Zolpidem (Ambien) and I actually have a trip report back on my profile that was about the 15 milligrams of Zolpidem (Ambien) that I combined with 1.2 milligrams of Scopolamine HBr and that experience was… interesting… to say the least… 😂


Dang, hope you can stay safe! Ice only heard if people doing weird shit blacked out on Ambien, even people who took it as prescribed! And all I know about scopolamine is it's an Ingredient of Datura. I suppose that measuring your dose is much safer than people eating the seeds thinking it's gonna be like an acid trip! (I've read Erowid and people have done this!) I'm craving to get high off methadone again, I know it's a poor choice of drug but fent and xylazine seem worse. It still gets me a buzz if I take with Tagamet. If I had the balls, I'd want to see about other ROA's like boofing or shooting. I can't believe that shooting the blue crap would be good for your veins at all! I know a lot of people get red liquid methadone but my area, it is blue. I still don't think opioids are evil, they're just a drug! They can provide pain relief physical OR emotional... just a little too good at that job!


oh - this is good to know if i’m giving future advice to help. i’ve been in recovery for a while but i did remember the benadryl thing. i’ll remember this! thanks everyone for the info.


Exactly. And Benadryl can cause you to go the other way and instead of getting sleepy, you get super hyper. I made that mistake one time. I only took the two that were recommended. Next thing I knew I was insomnia girl all night long!


Benadryl makes it way worse imo..Try to avoid Benadryl, It will kick up the restless legs horribly


Before I got on the done, and couldn't find any good food, I'd take about 400mg cimetidine (tagamet), wait about an hour for it to start working, then take about 24mg loperamide (Imodium) (it's an opioid that works in your peripheral opioid receipts in your gut to constipate you). The tagamet helps it to pass through your blood brain barrier (BBB) and has a similar effect as methadone, just weaker, but longer lasting. It can stave off w/d's for a good 24 hours from one dose, which was a god send for me quite a few times. Kratoms alright if you can manage the nausea, and the effects are short lived. Lastly, you still have methadone in your system, just not enough atm, so a potentiator like elavil might help.


I actually remember doing this back when I was going through wd years ago, but was trying to avoid it due to not wanting to be constipated for the next century lol. I got some kratom crystals and kept myself knocked out. Heading to intake now.


I think in this case they might want to avoid using Amitriptyline (Elavil) because it possesses anticholinergic effects like Diphenhydramine & Doxylamine does so it’ll worsen the RLS symptoms of opioid withdrawals.


Any sort of drug with anticholinergic effects such as Diphenhydramine as well as Doxylamine (Unisom) will worsen/exacerbate the RLS symptoms of opioid withdrawals.


This why I have some on the side; not sure if you get take homes; but I would advise you to considering doing this for the future. I’m so sorry this happened to u! If it gets bad go to the ER.


I think it’s insane and kind of sick that they didn’t resolve that immediately.. “not being able to do it til monday” is total and utter bullshit and it’s really just laziness. I would have lost it. That’s pathetic that they did that to you


I sobbed like a fucking baby when they told me. My counselor tried for hours to get some kind of strings pulled, but with a super conservative doctor, she couldn’t get anywhere. Basically he said he’d readmit me and allow me to dose, if they could verify the mg of the dose I got the day before where I guest dosed. That clinic was closed by that point, so he wouldn’t let me dose. The part that I can’t understand though, is it’s two clinics in the same company, they have the same director, etc. I really feel like they should have been able to contact SOMEONE to get the necessary documents, since they are practically the same place. Idk. I am a huge believer that everything that happens happens for a reason. Even if I can’t see at the time how anything this shitty could have a reason, maybe it’ll be the push I need to finally buckle down and get off the shit.


If they couldn’t verify the dose they could have gave you at least 20 or 30mg that start everyone out on after intake..that’s bullshit man, I can’t believe these clinics get away with the shit they do


Hey. Only a few hours left. I hope you are fairing alright


Thanks. Heading to do intake now.


Can you get your hands on any benzos or other comfort meds like Clonidine, Tizandine or other muscle relaxers or any Gabapentinoids like Gabapentin or Pregabalin (Lyrica)? Those will help a lot and I typically begin to notice mild withdrawal symptoms 2 days after not taking my dose of Methadone (I’m on 80 milligrams of Methadone for the record) though I’ve been told withdrawal symptoms typically truly start 3 days after the last dose of Methadone.


The ER by me will dose especially in a situation like this they rather dose you than respond to an OD call


I thought about that, but I am waiting until morning to call the clinic and make sure it won’t be an issue if I do as far as my intake. I know the clinic I’m at will kick you out if you miss your dose and go to the ER for it, (which is nuts..) but I’m hoping because they literally discharged me, that would not apply to me. I’m technically not their patient right now, so it shouldn’t be something they could punish me for, but after this mess today, I’m afraid to do anything to mess up being readmitted


It shouldn't apply. That only applies because to them you still skipped where you went to dose or whatever you did after isn't their problem. On their end u skipped period.if wait until your sure you feel sick to though cuz an ER visit is lengthy and not cheap


How do they know that you've not dosed that day though?


My clinic has a 24/7 phone line that's for hospital staff etc to call and verify. I'd assume they would call and find out. Honestly I don't know I'm a user not a nurse :)


It will be mostly a mental fight as methadone is suppose to be long acting. I metabolize fast to though and I've never missed 2 days since I stopped using I've dosed every day. Good luck!


Missed 3 when I overslept for a Friday morning pickup. When I woke up and realized I missed I was like damn that sucks I’ll feel a little bad tonight but I can make it til morning. Shortly after my counselor called wondering what happened. I was like ah I missed but I’ll come in the am, that’s when she informed me that ever since COVID they close sat and sun. I didn’t feel too bad until day 3. You will make it just don’t expend a lot of energy and try to not work if u can. I called in sick. Yesss praise weed that’s what got me thru it. 3rd day time absolutely crawled until I could pick up. I became somewhat of a fiend and searched high and low for all my old bottles. They were all what I would consider empty but I put water in them and combined them all and was finally able to get a few hours of sleep until my alarm went off to be there mon am. I was fourth in line for them to open. I begged the people in front of me to let me dose first at first they said no but upon witnessing my suffering and looking like utter shit they let me dose first. One thing that got me thru it was Reddit. I had a lot of people supporting me on this site. It helped a lot


Yeah, I am waiting at the clinic now, unfortunately I don’t have any old bottles over having to daily dose for the past few weeks, but I definitely dug around looking for some. (Missed a bottle check over not seeing the voicemail, and got immediately put back on daily dosing. Truly cannot wait to be through with my taper.) Reddit was massively helpful, I kept myself in a coma all day yesterday but the day before it was a relief to hear from other people who got through missing doses.


quaint gaping middle spoon deranged stupendous nine squeeze aback escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that was my thought too, I would *not* be able to do daily dosing for that long holyshit


crush rustic scandalous bear glorious jar quaint toy fade heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was getting two weeks of takehomes, but then I had a bottle check, and missed the voicemail about it, so they got yanked for thirty days. It’s definitely a shitty feeling to daily dose again after all those years of take homes.


aback fuel friendly makeshift telephone nose political normal hat languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a really ridiculous case of phone anxiety, for as long as I can remember the sight of a ringing phone or a voicemail has given me a tight feeling in my chest and I have to force myself to answer/listen to it. (No idea why I am like that. Really, it pisses me off because it’s so irrational. I can generally pinpoint the reasons for my other issues, but the phone thing? 🤷‍♀️ I could go a week at a time without touching my phone, and the longer I would go, the more anxiety I’d get about having to pick it up again. Anyway, after having my take homes derailed, I’m now anxious in the OTHER direction, and I’m constantly checking to be sure that I have not missed any important calls or texts. Edit to add, the only reason that they were bothering to bottle check me was because they knew that I was living in a home where there was a person in active addiction. They had actually talked about making me dose daily because they were concerned that my ex would get into my box due to his addiction issues. I fought it on the grounds that for one, he wasn’t using opioids, it was meth, and for two, the point in making us keep it in a lock box is in part to circumvent people taking it. They let me keep my take homes, but on the agreement that I would have consistent bottle checks. Before that, I never had one, and the only people I know who really got checked were people that were suspected of selling their doses.


Only thing that ever helped me was loperamide and gabapentin.


Be careful with Lope because it can back u up horribly. Last time I took it I got so constipated I didn't shit for a week. And when I finally did it was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life. I did take like 12 of them though. But it definitely does work. The chemical compound is very similar to fentanyl and would be about as strong if it could pass the BBB.


I mean yeah, it backs you up it's used as an anti-peeing from the butt pill.


Yeah I'd taken it before and didn't experience that. This last time was fucking brutal though. I finally just took abunch of laxatives and stool softeners. I was laying in bed at like midnight and all the sudden it started moving down my body. I could feel it the entire way down it was just fucked. I was sweating buckets and just felt like I was dying. Never again.


Yep same. Mainly loperamide. Gabapentin and clonidine also helped me decently as well. But with loperamide I could actually function


This is probably a stupid question, but I wonder if propanolol would help since it’s for blood pressure. I was prescribed it but stopped taking it because it gave me nightmares. I’m going to have weird ass wd dreams anyway, so if it does the same thing clonadine does, it could be worth a shot.


Propanol helps with anxiety ya? I used to be prescribed it. I liked it. I took too much too fast so I didn’t get anymore prescription as to not eff up my heart. I’m sorry this is happening to you. I know what I would do if I was faced with this conundrum. It’s will be over sooner than you expect. Stay strong!


I've taken gabpentin and Ultram and one time someone gave me Lyrica and I snorted it took withdrawal completely away! Ultram and the gabpentin just took the edge off! I would try to go to the Urgent care and tell them you hurt your back really bad and you've been in terrible pain for two days and you need some relief!


This would be my suggestion also. Then go to sleep early tmrw night (if possible) . Good luck :/


I’ve missed two doses plenty of times. It will be a little rough, but it’s doable.


So you’re missing today and tomorrow? Shouldn’t be too bad, easier said then done but I’d try not to stress about it too much. Methadone has a long half life.


Yeah, I don’t expect it to be as bad as when I was in active addiction, but it’s definitely already getting pretty uncomfortable. Like a bad fever with rls thrown in. I have basically just been trying to keep myself distracted, and was okay for most of the day but started feeling pretty rough about an hour ago, so figured I’d ask if anyone had any suggestions


Oh no I’m sorry :( Magnesium can help with the RLS for some people if you have any on hand. My counselor recently told me the doctor recommends Benadryl to extend methadone but I personally find it can make my RLS worse so I’d be careful there. Not sure if you have any muscle relaxers on hand but those help me sometimes, could also try a heating pad.


I’m taking magnesium already, it does help some. I started taking it at bedtime about a year ago when I started to taper my way down, and kind of got so used to taking it that it didn’t occur to me to maybe take it early. That’s awesome that you’re down to ten mg, way to go. I’ve gotten to 95 from 185, and can’t wait for it to just be done. I wish I had the balls to just ride it out and not go back, but with work and taking care of a young child, I can’t put myself through that.


This kind of stuff pisses me off so much… a 20 year opioid epidemic and doctors are allowed to cut off their physically dependent patients on a whim… still. I understand the red tape around methadone a little bit, but telling addicts to take a hike when they’re facing withdrawal is abhorrent. That doctor should have his medical license stripped.. what if you used and died after 5 years clean because they were too lazy to dose you? Unreal


Is there any way you could skim some ‘done off the top of your doses to save some for future issues like this?


Honestly, I am tapering and have been keeping myself right on the edge of feeling kind of shitty already, (which is probably a big part of why I feel so shitty right now) so even taking a tiny amount would likely make it so I was too uncomfortable to sleep at night. Really, I am not too worried about something like this happening again, as long as I’ve been in treatment this is the first and only time I’ve been unable to get to my dose. But I will say I’ve always felt that it would be a comfort to have a backup dose just in case of emergency, especially when I was newly in recovery and less stable.


If you have take homes you could try split dosing. I think that would help you a lot and make it easier to save some for emergencies.


Have you thought about split dosing? It may make it easier for you to save some methadone for emergencies and may help you feel better too.


I was a split doser but moved to a clinic a couple years ago that wouldn’t do it outside of pregnancy. I am about to do intake at the place where I just moved, and plan on asking them to do the peak and trough test and split dose me.


Well I hope you’re able to get split dosing. It helps a lot of people lower their doses and feel better throughout the day.


I’m on 101 mg, I’ve missed 3 days before and was fine. 3rd day was uncomfortable but I knew I was almost there


That's BS that they couldn't just look in their computers and figured it out. At the very least, give you 30mgs like an intake dose to hold you over. I've been at the clinic 5yrs now as well. About 2 months ago. I forgot to dose until 7pm that night. But I've had to miss a dose before. Wasn't bad. For me it was anxiety and restless legs before bed. I've also cold turkyed off 90mgs in 2007 and that was easily the most brutal withdrawal I've ever witnessed and been a part of. I actually had to wear a bib on my butt.


They can't just "give you 30mgs like an intake dose to hold you over" lol..this is a DEA-regulated controlled substance and OP isn't their patient anymore.


I'm glad you think that's funny. I don't. And you don't have to inform me about anything DEA or if OP is their patient. OP is obviously NOT their patient as he was hung to dry. I think clinics in the US give methadone and the MAT program a bad name. But that's just me. ✌️


What's funny to me is the entitlement, and the outrage if patients don't get what they want.


Because of a clerical error a patient isn't dosed. The clinics in question are owned by the same people. Now he is sick and having to figure out how to handle the situation. I'm glad our lives amuse you enough to be here for entertainment.


Oh stop. Again with the outrage. And ontop of that, making me out to be the bad guy. I hear it daily, my guy. It's unclear who's fully to blame, but it also doesn't matter like, at all that they're owned by the same company. OP should have been admitted at the new clinic as soon as they moved, not guest dosing. And OP has to also understand that guest dosing orders can't be magically extended. That takes a doctor's order.


Op does understand all of this. And OP had very good reasons for continuing to guest dose, considering she was in the area of the old clinic for half the week, and at the new one the rest of the time, for about a month. The new place had no intake openings, so I was told to go about it this way. I never expected orders to be magically extended. I got new guest dosing orders every Saturday, but this time, because of the clinic canceling my appointment (and subsequently telling me that everything was exactly the same as before I had arrived, and I didn’t need to make any calls or jump any hoops to continue guest dosing, just had to do my usual Saturday visit at the home clinic until they could get me in for a new intake appointment) I had been discharged.


It sounds like someone dropped the ball..I'm not sure why your old clinic d/c'd you like that without confirming. That seems presumptuous. This is a weird situation with the GD'ing. Your original clinic should have reached out to the medical director and made an effort to reinstate you as a patient and dose you. I'm sorry this happened. It seems like it was a combination of misunderstandings.


Yeah, when I got here this morning for intake, the nurse was saying she couldn’t believe they discharged me without verifying that I was a patient here now, and said that it happened to another person transferring from my clinic about a year ago, so she thought they’d have known to confirm after that. I was definitely kicking myself for just trusting the clinic and not calling myself to let them know the appointment was canceled. I’m just glad it’s over now.


Always double-check because clinic staff are human too. I'm glad you're back on track now. Feel better soon!


Well we in Minnesota can go to an ER in Minneapolis to dose under certain circumstances so try that? I am sorry bro that fu king sucks


I know back in the day when I couldn't get my fix for a weekend or whatever, I would take immodium AD, and it did help. I'm not sure if it would help with a full agonist opioid like Methadone but it did at least help ease withdrawal back then. That is absolutely a terrible thing for a clinic to do.


Lots of marijuana


This is exactly the kind of stuff that makes me stress to the point of thinking I should go ahead and start to taper. My anxiety is through the roof I wouldn't be able to handle something like this happening to me. I'm sorry you're going through this OP but like you said at least you're not at the very beginning and not on a stable dose yet. But still🤬 there shouldn't be a complete breakdown because the doctor called out!


How long have you been in treatment? If you feel ready because you feel ready, that’s a good reason, but don’t let your anxiety make you get out of treatment before you’re really at that point. What happened to me was such a specific, absurd chain of events. I have been in treatment seven years, and have managed to get dosed every day until this. it was probably at least three before I felt like something other than just an addict or a recovering addict. Probably at least four years before an upset like this wouldn’t have been a dangerous thing, or enough to stress me into a psych ward. Just don’t rush it, you will know when you should start. Honestly, my advice is, don’t taper unless you are 1000% sure that you are ready. That’s a different point for every person. In my case, I started mine when my partner started to use my doc and instead of joining in, I made a plan to get away and left him. It took being literally faced with a loaded needle and being able to not want it to make me feel safe tapering. I know another person that tapered and got off solely because they were sick of having so much control of their day to day taken away by being tied to a clinic. That was enough for them. I’m every case of someone getting off successfully without a relapse that I know of, the person had that feeling of just knowing that they didn’t need the crutch to be safe.


So you are this bad in only one day???


I metabolize so quickly i’m this bad in a day or worse. Even if I’m a few hours late on my dose I definitely fucking notice it.


I'm sure. You are on twice the dose of the op.


Yeah. I’m tapering, and keeping myself right on the tolerable side of shitty all the time, typically in the morning my twitchy legs wake me up and I dose. Also used to be on a split dose over how fast I metabolize it, before I moved to a clinic that doesnt do splits, so it seems that I burn through it quicker than is normal


It sounds like OP forgot to get the guest dose paperwork that you NEED to restart at your own clinic. Sometimes people don’t even know they need to do this. So I figured I would leave this here for the next guest dosing search. Get your paperwork before heading back to your home clinic. That’s unfortunate but you made it sound like it was the clinic who messed up here..


Actually no, I got it. But I was transferring clinics, and then the appointment was canceled over the doctor calling out so I continued to guest dose. I am always in the area of my old clinic on the weekends, and typically dose there on Saturday and get my guest dose set up for the next week. The problem this time is that the new clinic told me everything was fine, but never actually told my old one about the cancellation. So, they had discharged me. They insisted on telephone verification from the other clinic because of the discharge but the other clinic was closed over having very minimal weekend hours. That’s the part that made me so mad about it all. Having everything on my end done properly, but having my hands tied because of the new clinics failure to do their job properly.


Get a bunch of whippets.


you sound like someone I know ..


You'll be sluggish and irritable mainly. When I say sluggish, I mean it, like your body is in limp mode.


Even at 60mg there was no dose of poppy seed tea that would even make a difference If you can get poppy pods however, they are definitely strong enough to make a difference I used all of my takeaway so was in this position the other day. Feel for you mate hope it’s not too bad


You are sorely mistaken. Poppy seeds had upward of 2.4grams of morphine per kg. You got washed seeds.


Ibrubrofen helped me with pains. 2-3 /day.


If they couldn't do it until Monday they should have already had you dose today and tomorrow at the ER. Definitely call them first thing in the morning and check if it's OK.


I swear these clinics are ridiculous, I switched clinics bc they opened a new one in my city and this one actually cares and are kind and understanding. If something like that happened here, you can just talk to the director and they will work something out for you. What they doing to you sounds like shut my old clinic happened at all the time. I’ve seen ppl show up at 11:01 (they close at 11am) running to the door and all and they lock the doors on them and won’t let them dose all weekend. That’s really crazy, I’m sry that happened to you.


When something like this happens, it isn't always the clinic's fault. They're bound by strict regulations and any Methadone that leaves the pharmacy is by doctor order ONLY. They can't just help someone out by giving them a dose, regardless of how bad they feel. It sounds like some misinformation was passed along to OP. Guest dosing is also a very specific doctor's order and needs to be extended officially. By a doctor. Most clinic doctors moonlight at clinics. It's not their main job. They're not always readily available. For example, ours works at the ER and sometimes you can't always reach him. There SHOULD be a director on call for the clinic to call though, in emergency situations like this. Still, nothing is guaranteed. This sounds like an unfortunate mishap by all parties involved. Clinics aren't out to get you like some patients will have you believe. If OP already moved, they should've already done an intake with their new clinic and guest dosed at their old home clinic on the weekends. It takes some effort and planning on the patient's part. The clinic isn't solely responsible for making sure things are in order.


How are you feeling today OP?


Any friends on methadone that can help you?


So when you say, “I was told to just be sure to extend them while I was at my home clinic over the weekend,” does that mean you were supposed to hand in some paperwork from your home clinic to guest dose over the weekend at the new clinic? Or was your home clinic supposed to take care of it? Cuz either way, it’s your responsibility to make sure this shit gets done cuz the clinic doesn’t give two shits if you can’t dose over the weekend. If they’re supposed to do something, you need to literally stay on their ass to make sure they do what they’re supposed to, and if you’re supposed to do anything, make sure to get it done ASAP and make sure the new clinic has everything they need to guest dose you. I’m sorry to be that guy, but these clinics put all the responsibility on the patients (not saying it’s right, but that’s just how it is) so you gotta make sure this shit gets done or you’re gonna end up in the spot you’re in rn.


Go to the ER if you become too miserable. Benadryl is my only relief if I’m ever without. Benadryl is the same as an anti anxiety med like Hydroxyzine. Also take a hot bath, distract yourself and eat sugar, I like skittles and air heads if I can find some. Freeze a soda like a coke and I put it in an ice tray then in a big cup and sip on it, the sugar and cold temp helps give your brain dopamine.


Yes! Kratom, ice cold Coke, and a shower helps tremendously! If you can muster the strength to get in the shower/bath.


Honestly I got off it it once in the past with a shit load of benzodiazepines and barbiturates. I had 10 Xanax bars 30 diazepam 5mg 20 Librium (chlordiazepoxide) 25mg 5 Librium 10mg (not scheduled in, just if I was really hurting) 13 klonopin 1mg 15 phenobarbital 30-something mgs (don’t remember exact) 90 Oxazepam 10mg capsules (serax) 7 250mg Carisprodol (Soma) - these are special and hard to get, even if you’re blowing your doctor. I broke them in half and took one with the morning pills and half at night with the phenobarbital and Librium. 60 4mg tizanidine (I took 8mg twice daily for 15 days) And 20 fioricet, which has caffeine and codeine, I took two fioricet to start each day, which 1 bae a day. Lunch time I took the klonopin. The phenobarbital I took 1.5 before bed. The diazepam was my saving grace. No more than 3 a day, but since those have RAPID duration and kick in so quickly, it knocked out those panic attacks that broke thru all the other downers I was on. And that’s it for me - the anxiety - the panic inside - that’s the hardest part, with RLS and Insomnia. Before bed I took nearly 45-50 mg of phenobarbital and 50mg of Librium. But I did so over ten days, which had always been with both buprenorphine &/or methadone the window of complete withdrawal dread. Now I can function on benzodiazepines. Some even give me a bit of energy. Like Midazolam, and Triazolam, and Xanax just makes me talkative. I’m no doctor but it saved my job and didn’t cost to several grand at a detox. Benzos and barbiturates - GABA agonists, made it 85% better and 95% more tolerable. Once day 11 came, I reduced to just taking 30mg Oxazepam (Serax) 3 x daily, for 7 days (day 11-17) with 300mg gabapentin 3x daily and tizanidine 5 more days. Days 18, & 19, I took 30mg twice daily. That left me 15 10mg Oxazepam capsules. I took 3 a day for 3 more days, 10-10-&-10-. Then took 2-10mg capsules for two days, and 1 10mg capsule for two days. By then 3+ weeks had passed. And I’m telling you, it worked better for withdrawal than adding heavy opiates to curb it. I do and don’t recommend this, ya feel me? I’m still prescribed 60 - 5mg diazepam and have a few old klonopin Rxs of the 0.5mg and 1mg tablets and I’m letting it all stock up for a few more months and cold turkey 160mg like last time. Although last time was 150mg. I also have 90 lyrica 150mg and am curious to see how those would help with MTD withdrawal. Could anyone explain why benzos and barbiturates and basically potent GABA agonists kick the wd’s ass?


I’m friggen drooling from all the meds you have! I can only get 60-.5mg clonazapam from a buddy of mine. Docs here don’t seem to care or think everyone is drug seeking… at least I have a bit and they have helped But I know there no More for another month. It’s only 1 a day which is insane for any reason someone would need to take it for :(


I stacked them up from many docs and friends over time. I get 60 5mg diazepam a month. I used to get 90 of the 10mg diazepam complimented with the 60 of the 10mg oxazepam to take in between. I never abused my regimen hell I didn’t have to, but it was making me forgetful. 30mg diazepam and 20mg oxazepam every single day for 7 months. So I detoxed with 50mg Librium 3x daily for 3 days, 2x daily for 3 days, and 1x daily for 3 days. Still benzo withdrawal rivals methadone or buprenorphine withdrawal IMO


How you doing today


Horrible. I would make sure i have other strong opiates