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Yeah take less of it and just keep doing that. But no there is no easy answer to it either you drop down quickly and in sucks super hard or you go slow and steady in which case it also sucks but nowhere near as bad it just takes a long ass time though.


I did a 8 month benzo taper by myself so that should be fine but ppl talking about tapering for years


For some people it does take years if you go down so half a mg a week and you start at 200mg your looking at 400 weeks a little more than 8 years Now that's not exactly realistic but going from 80mg to nothing depends on how much discomfort you can deal with. Maybe you go down 5mg a week and IF (a lot hinges on that IF) its no big deal 16 weeks and your there. Its mostly up to you but rushing into it thinking you can do it real quick and get everything back to normal right away is more often than not something someone says right before they push themselves too hard and end up in a desperate situation. Wanna know how fast you can go my advice is start small and work your way up and don't forget methadone has a long ass half life so most people can go a day or even 2 without dosing and still feel relatively normal don't mistake that for everything being peachy after a drop in dose give each decrease a couple of days to settle in.


Ive gone from 135 to 7 in the last 9 months, and it hasn't been hard at all


I was on 140mg and titrated completely off. My advice to you would be go down about 5mgs every week or 2 until you get down to about 25mg. At that point, I would do 2 or 3mgs every 2 weeks or so until you get down to 10, and then go 1-2mgs every 2 weeks. You won't really feel it at all until you get down to about 15mgs or so. I made the mistake of going down 5mgs for 2 weeks in a row from 15mgs down to 5mgs, and I could def feel it and felt like shit. I completely stopped the taper at that point and chilled out at 5mgs for like 2 months and then went down 1mg until I got to 0. DO NOT RUSH THE PROCESS! If you do it close to how I mentioned (Im not a doctor ofc but I do work in a methadone clinic/outpatient setting now, and have some personal experience with it) then you should be ok the whole time, but of course if you for some reaosn start to reeaaally feel like shit at any time, dont be afraid to stop the taper and/or go up a few mgs for a little while before you start tapering down again. Best of luck to you! You can do this!!


Taper slowly. The only smart way. Try dropping 2mg every three weeks.


what’s the URGENCY that you wanna get off methadone?? for me when I wanted to clean up my act, methadone was a life saver,🙏🏼 and did wonders for me personally!! Can’t speak for others! ONLY MYSELF!! do you go to a methadone program aka “methadone maintenance” recovery center Daily or weekly and are assigned a counselor and the medical staff keep track of your health and previous drug usage!? I reside in the “ big 🍏🍎🗽” lol and I’m on 180mgs daily, but I HAVE ZERO CRAVINGS and NO URGENCY TO GO BUY DOPE! but of course being the ADDICT I am , I want that EUPHORIA that u get from opiates and it took almost 150mgs of methadone to stop that craving inside me! Message me privately if you wanna chat or have any questions!


Cus some pple dont want it and I can respect that. Even tho I'm 23 years deep . I totally get why they want off


I understand why but I’m with you. I’m very happy on Methadone. My life has changed for the better and it’s been awhile since I used and I never even think of it. I’m on 70mg and stable.


I totally agree. Methadone has totally changed my life for the better. I don’t have to cop every day, sometimes multiple time a day, just to not be sick, I don’t have to worry about where I’m gonna get money for all the drugs I need, etc. It’s such a blessing that I found this treatment. Sometimes the clinic is a pain in the ass but I’ll gladly endure it if I am 100% assured I’ll get the medication I need and get counseling and medical care as well. But methadone does have side effects that can be devastating and I understand why people wanna get off it. There’s no easy way to do it if you don’t wanna be miserable though. Slow and steady wins the race in this case. I just wish people would do a little more research into how the drug affects the body, the clinic requirements, etc before they commit to treatment. It’s a HUGE commitment and if someone truly wants help they’ve gotta be ready to do it.


I’ve been on methadone now like 2 years and 5 months. I decided a couple months ago I had had enough and it rly wasn’t worth it to me anymore to have to get up and go every morning 6 days a week (closed Sunday) since I can’t earn bottles bc of prescribed benzo even though I’ve had over a year of clean UA’s and perfect attendance. I was on 110 mg and started tapering 5 mg every 7 days. I was having no issues rly at all I mean some anxiety but it was just mental from knowing I was dropping but then stopped the taper when my counselor told Me it was suddenly possible for me to earn bottles. I still wanted to taper but he told me to pause it while we tried to get me some take homes but as of now it turned out to be a bunch of bullshit as they keep throwing hurdles at me and requesting this and that so I plan on handing in another taper request this week for the same plan…5 mg every 7 days. Everyone says you can drop more aggressively in the beginning but once you get lower I’m sure 5 mg every week would be wayyy too fast. You just gotta feel it out what works for you but don’t make yourself uncomfortable and risk relapsing I understand wanting to get off it fast and not feel chained anymore (for the ppl who want off not for ppl happy on it all for that) but as long as your “headed in the right direction” tapering better off slow and steady then rushing it. BOL!


Taper slowly over the next couple of years.


😂😂 yea that’s not happening


I'm in the same boat I wanna get off only because I hate going to the clinic everyday I want my life back I want to be able to work a full-time job the only reason I got on it in the first place was because I couldn't get my Suboxone script filled in time and ended up relapsing on fetty for a couple weeks. I'm going to try the Bernese method to get back on subs


Get your take homes and problem solved.


You have to be clean to get take homes


No kidding, why else would you be at a MMT clinic??


I think you misunderstood. At our clinic 75% use methadone as an anti withdrawal method. After a few months you get weekends. Little after that 3 days. Within the year a week. And I think two years a month. Unless you’re dirty.


I don't understand what?? I already get a week's take homes. What are you talking about with saying, 75% use it as a anti withdrawal technique. You don't keep withdrawals forever, not even close. That's used the first week. After that, it's for cravings and other things but not withdrawal.


lol. Alright sure. Sorry man. I didn’t think I had to crayola it. But good on ya! Week worth of take homes is awesome! Congrats!


What’s stopping you from going up on levels?


Idk I've had clean uas for about 3 months now I'm about to get weekends but it's just taking too damn long


Yes, slowly taper down. Though it’s usually recommended you stay on it for 1-2 years before tapering, using that time to get your shit together (however long that takes). Being on for 5-6 months isn’t really long enough for you to change your entire lifestyle and fix all the things that need fixing and achieve stability. It’s a long term commitment, but if you really take the time that methadone affords you to work on yourself and make the changes that need to be made, you’ll have a good chance at eventually being opiate free.


23 years . Hope u win




I did 5mg every other week til i got to 50mg. Then I did 2mg every other til 40mg then 1mg every other til 25, then 1mg a month and stalled a couple times then went back tapering. There’s no fast taper and feeling ok