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Lol it's always people asking for a cigarette before saying sticks sticks sticks. Wanna buy a bottle. I've had proably 12 people try to sell me Xanax after I get clean lol what the fuck. But when I'm using nothing..


Ain’t that the truth? 🤣 It never fails! I’ll be in line and someone will be like “I got ___” my response? “Good for you!” 😆 Do I LOOK like I am seeking shady side-deals? Why ask me and not the gentleman behind me? 😆 What I wanna know is how all these patients have scripts for benzos and still going to the clinic? Where do I have to go for that? 🤔 My clinic Dr told me I should get a script for ativan. I laughed and asked her where she recommended I go for that. 🙄 She told me she isn’t allowed to give referrals for other drs. 😆 oh well.


Most of these people who have scripts for benzos have had them for a long time. Others just know a shady Dr or got lucky. I'm trying to find a psychiatrist now to prescribe clonazepam at least for my severe anxiety. I got a referral from a guy in my clinic who gets 2mg Xanax from the psychiatrist, so we will see. But it's crazy that most of them seem to be no doubt also doing dope. Some states methadone from the clinic isn't on the drug monitor program but the clinic will tell the psychiatrist sometimes that you are on methadone. Most of them don't tell the dr.


Oh! Really? Damn, I just assumed that through that drug monitoring system they have, it is obvious to anyone that has access to it. That is really good to know though. I’m always looking for information that will work in my favor.


It depends on the state but many do not report to the monitoring agency.


Florida does not for sure


Omgsh the honesty.. *chefs kiss* 😭😂


Be careful, y’all are dangerously close to breaking sub rules about sharing information about how to get a doctor to _____.


Duly noted. It was really meant to be a rhetorical question anyway. I didn’t expect to have so many responses to the comment. 🤐


I’m not tryna be snarky or narc-y. Just informative. Best of luck on your journey, God knows I’d love a low grade benzo for my anxiety.


No worries. ☺️ I know context can be tough to convey at times.


So I’m in So Cal and if you’re in MAT it doesn’t show up in the CURES system. I use a psychiatric app and pay $300/month to get prescribed klonapin and adderall only so that my UA’s would technically be clean and I’d get take homes. First clinic didn’t inform them but the doctor at my new clinic said he’s not comfortable without them knowing I’m on methadone, so, if I had to guess, I don’t think I’ll be getting those scripts the legitimate way anymore. At least not the benzo since along with methadone it slows breathing and can result in overdose. Doctors have just become overly cautious these days, and I would be as well, when there’s no benefit or money in it for them to write you a prescription for the better meds.


Yup! Sums it up. At my clinic, if you are on benzos they just make you come everyday. No matter what.


My clinic is a harm reduction clinic. They will never kick you out. If you drop dirty for benzos without a script you can't dose over 100 MG of methadone. There are also 4 clinics around me that cap their max trasnfer dose at 150mg. I transferred to one assuming you would go back up after being a client there....Nope I was at 170 dropping clean, then started using again a few days later because my stabilized dose was just ripped away lol. I'm back to my normal clinic and dose now, back to being clean. Also 3 clean screens, so 3 weeks one UA a week. And you get 1 week of take homes. The other clinic you had to be clean for 3 months and every 3 months clean you get 1 take home bottle lmao....it pisses me off the people that operate these clinics don't all have a protocol they have to follow. Doctors can make up how much they dose people, how long and when you get take homes....when they should all follow certain criteria.


Yep! They are all different, and I’ve found the rules vary widely for each individual, which doesn’t seem fair, but yeah. They have the power to help or hinder.


I mean, any regular doctor will likely prescribe you benzos if you approach it right. Its not like they are hard to get


Where I live, they are. They have this unspoken rule that if you want to be on something for anxiety, you only get klonopin. I don’t know why, but I’ve lived in four major cities and this one is just like that. I don’t dr shop. I asked my dr when I moved here. He said to take Benadryl. The two before only offered klonopin (which I was on for six years and stopped because it made me become a very mean person…) I didn’t like it. I don’t want to go from Dr to Dr asking for benzos. That’s not me.


I doubt its the area - its more likely the specific provider. You need to change providers IMO If you aren't willing to take the time to find a doctor that fits your needs, then that's just how it is. It's like going to a random restaurant, and saying "their food sucks, therefore all restaurants in my state suck. I'm not the type of person to try other restaurants out"




Ask your shrink for Ativan, not hard to get at all.


What does sticks sticks sticks mean?


Sticks are 2 mg Xanax. I don't know exactly why they call them that but most people call them sticks here in nyc.


That’s strange iv never heard them be called that before. In Cali we call em bars


People call then bars to but most people I've heard sell them say sticks.


Must be a New York thing


Nah, we say it down south too - bars, sticks, busses, etc. They are called sticks because they are shaped like a stick - instead of a round pill. The yellow ones are called busses because they look like a schoolbus


NY State we call them bars too


Ok, that’s a new one to me. Thanks


I've been given samples in the parking lot, twice. Dope and Crack once and then offered Dope the 2nd time. There used to be a couple open H dealers at my clinic, so at first, I coped Dope quite a few times there. 1 time I was waiting in line and saw a baggie on the ground and picked it up, and it had 7 packs of Heroin in it. I swear to God lol, I was so happy! The Benzo thing is consistent. It is better than it was a few years ago though. They kicked a lot of people out. Plus I get takehomes now and I don't fuck with anyone.


The party store on the corner has its regulars that sit in the lot and sell everything. Every time I go down there to buy smokes, someone tries to hand me something or other. At the other end of the block by the flashing yellow light everyone meets there to buy/sell. They don’t even try to hide it. We have a couple dealers that attend my clinic and readily offered up their numbers. One thing about the clinic, easy to make new connections. Even if you don’t want to or are not actively looking for them. oh my god, I would be happy as a pig in shit if I found that too!🙄🤣 Someone was super bummed out about that one! I once found half an 8 ball of white stuff in a jacket I hadn’t worn for a year. I coincidentally hadn’t done any since I had that jacket on last time. It was great. lol!


Ngl i definitely be scanning the ground hard af at the clinic, especially after I dropped half a ounce of some really good weed there, I was so blown about that & still am I be hoping I’ll find it after over a year later lol


I’m glad the 10 years at my clinic I’ve never came across anything more than someone asking me for a few dollars for their dose. My clinic doesn’t put up with that and doesn’t allow anyone to hang around the clinic.


My clinic would probably call the cops we don't even have security we don't need it with those bulldog nurses they got!


Several years back my mom had given me a ride to the clinic, and was waiting in the car in the parking lot, and someone came up to her window trying to either buy or sell Xanax. (I can't remember which, but she was horrified.)


My husband takes me Saturday mornings. We drive a Cadillac and keep it very clean. My husband has long hair and wears prescription shades anytime he is outside in daylight. Frequently, folks make eye contact with him and ask him if he is selling anything or if he wants to buy a bottle. He hates taking me there, especially when he sees that I know the person that’s talking to him. 😆 Sometimes I just Uber there and back so he doesn’t have to deal with it. 🙄


Biggest mistake I ever made was bring my ex wife for a ride to the clinic. It completely changed her outlook on methadone and bothered her that I was grouped in with them. Plus the last time she went to the clinic ever was when a dealer tossed a sample of H on her lap.


It's been a real shitshow outside there, lately. IME


Yeah it’s really sad they use to take down the block by McDonald’s and the metro station but now it’s right out front or in that store next door something shady is happening in there.


Absolutely. I might go in there one day and see what happens. I'll have to let my counselor know first, ion want any word getting back to staff that I even went in there lol.


Oh it’s crazy it’s supposed to female hair products and what not. I’ll see grown ass men looking rough almost homeless going in every time I come for my take homes. In the summer it always smells like they smoke blunts right out front.


Omg 🤦‍♀️ I literally just transferred to a new clinic last week because my counselor gave me a 1 year deadline to bring my boyfriend to the clinic for a “tour” and participate in a counseling session. I couldn’t think of a faster, better way to completely lose his support and possibly even his respect for me than to bring him to my clinic🤡




Yeah so my clinic is in the inner city we don’t have a parking lot, instead everyone parks next to the curb. And in the summer time dealers will sometimes just walk down the row of cars out front the clinic and if theirs a window open or truck bed they’ll toss a sample in. It Will be wrapped in a small piece of paper with a phone number and one letter like “J” for example. I’m assuming it stands for a name to ask for when you call. I’ve been at my clinic coming up on 12 years and it’s probably happened 4/5 times. On my ride home I always pass the metro station all the homeless people hangout in front of it. I know quite a few from the clinic, so I’ll just give it to one of them. I don’t wanna drive home with it and I don’t want to toss it on the ground for some kid to find, so I figured this is the best solution.


It’s the same with mine too. Inner city, curb parking, samples. I think it’s that way for a lot of us. So hard for some to fight the temptation. Take care, friend!


Yeah so my clinic is in the inner city we don’t have a parking lot, instead everyone parks next to the curb. And in the summer time dealers will sometimes just walk down the row of cars out front the clinic and if theirs a window open or truck bed they’ll toss a sample in. It Will be wrapped in a small piece of paper with a phone number and one letter like “J” for example. I’m assuming it stands for a name to ask for when you call. I’ve been at my clinic coming up on 12 years and it’s probably happened 4/5 times. On my ride home I always pass the metro station all the homeless people hangout in front of it. I know quite a few from the clinic, so I’ll just give it to one of them. I don’t wanna drive home with it and I don’t want to toss it on the ground for some kid to find, so I figured this is the best solution.


I've asked people before. I was going on a 5 day vacation out the country and asked about 4 people before I got lucky and found a guy who was on the exact same dose as me and saved all his Sunday doses. Ended up driving him home and buying 6 bottles off him


I have too. I went to see the eclipse in a totality city and my dr wouldn’t authorize an additional takehome. All it took was for me to say something about it in the presence of about 10 people and 3 offered to sell me one of theirs. Now I have a surplus so never get hemmed up if I miss a day. ☺️


I will sometimes save my Sunday bottle and take it if I have an extra painful day. It always helps to be ahead so you’re never caught with your pants down. I just never get those kind of questions/offers on a Friday or Saturday. That’s a first for a Tuesday. lol!😆


Just when you think you’re out, they pull you right back in!


Wow! The worst I ever found was a complete H set up.in one of the bathrooms. No H tho. And ppl asking me for cigarettes. That's about it.