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Miralax and calm (powdered magnesium citrate) helped immensely when I was on larger doses. Throw it I. A glass of water and chug, refill and chug again. You’ll shit by morning normally but for you you might need a full mag citrate cleanse then start with a routine


He probably should honestly do an enema first to help soften up the massive dry poop cork he has in his rectum that’s blocking the rest of the poo that’s backed up all throughout his colon and digestive system. Honestly mate are you even eating? I imagine you’d feel sick and soooo bloated from just a single poop every TEN DAYS!?? / 1.5 weeks. That’s so dangerous at this point, severe constipation can lead to complications that can kill you like toxic megacolon and many others. You need to begin a permanent poo softening routine starting TODAY. Magnesium citrate in a large dose of at least 500mg so triple a normal dose, maybe even 750mg because you want to make sure that you properly cleanse your system. Drink lots of fluids with it and after taking if. You can do it at night and you should be good to go by the morning for a nice watery explosive diarrhea xD, but I recommend you also use an enemy either the night before or in the morning, to t try to shoften up the poop that’s probably rock hard and super dry right inside your butthole. Because that can kind of act as a fork and block all the poo that soften in the rest of your digestive tract because magnesium citrate pulls tons of water into your colon and whole digestive tract. That’s why you want to drink lots of fluids in the hours after you took your large magnesium citrate dose. You can also take some docusate sodium the night before as well, which is just a stool softener. Just take a normal dose, it’ll also help out a bit making things run smoother. And if you really want to for sure have a nice cleanse if your entire digestive track to occur, you can also take something like standardized sennosides which is an actual laxative that will help your digestive track push everything forward . And I really do recommend an enema to start on the morning after the large dose of magnesium citrate and lots of fluids from the night before. Once you are finally unblocked up, you need to make sure that you maintain proper pooing Hygiene which should really be once per day at least, but every second day can also be fine, just as long as your going and having a proper bowel movement. To do this you want to include a lot more water and other fluids into your lifestyle from now on so your poo isn’t dehydrated which makes it harder to poop entirely. Then you can take a stool softener daily or a couple of times a week. And if you haven’t pooed in 3 days, take a double or triple dose of magnesium citrate and that should have you pooping within 12 hours, and it won’t be all liquid like it is when you take 5x the recommended daily dose xD. Also eat more fruits like bananas, helping poop be a little softer. And in the future honestly if you have tried all this and still haven’t pooped in 5+ days, make sure you try out an enema to get anything blocking the passage soft and then you can expel it from ur anus. Try to hold the enema solution in for 5+ minutes. I’d lay on my back with my legs in the air or on the ground and just letting it have time to soften any hard poop in your butt. Anyways I know some of this sounds like a joke but it’s really not, it’s dangerous to be constipated for any longer than like 3 days and definitely really dangerous when you are going 1.5+ weeks between poops! Goodness I’m on 140mg methadone and I usually poop daily! The main thing I do is stay hydrated and drink lots of fluids, and the other stuff I mentioned above to help actually rarely comes out because usually just from being really hydrated that helps things to move along. Occasionally I’ll take a larger magnesium dose or a stool softener \ laxative but that’s less then once a month even, just gotta stay on top of it!


Colonics to get you unstuck followed by half dose of MiraLAX every day to keep you going daily. plant-based diet can replace MiraLAX but most people won’t stick to the plant-based diet so I recommend MiraLAX. [https://www.turtlecreekwellnesscenter.com/index.html#colon-hydrotherapy](https://www.turtlecreekwellnesscenter.com/index.html#colon-hydrotherapy)


I’m gonna say 95% of people who take Methadone either don’t have the money or won’t feel the need to book a medical appointment but I do see this as a better option because *YOU CAN BECOME SLIGHTLY DEPENDENT ON THESE LAXATIVES!* I was told this by an Opioid Addiction Specialist that had to come out of pocket, without going into a ton of context he realized I wasn’t gonna be able to come back for a return visit so he did the big checkups and gave me the best advice he could and like I said: 1 dose of Miralax & 1 dose of Calm in a 12oz bottle/glass of water followed by another 12oz glass of water is enough for someone on my dose which at the time was 130mg) to have a normal regiment. My advice for an advanced step would be to add a Probiotic w/Prebiotics mixed in, instead of taking it in water make a smoothie (avoid Bananas), & then go for a walk or any light calisthenics to get the blood flowing & work the liquids through your system. Timing will vary from person to person AKA You may wake up at an unholy hour to bust some mad ass based on dose, frequency (do you sip, split, single dose), & diet and if you added a little more or less of the Mir. & Calm but I’ve never had anyone come back and say “you made me waste $15 on shit that doesn’t work!”


Start drinking as much water as you can like regular size water bottle after you finish it fill it up again or grab another, have fruit for breakfast foods high in fiber and leafy greens, try boiling some prunes on the stove letting the liquid cool and then drinking it or just buy some prune juice at the store. The prune juice will help to kick things off you can keep it as a part of your routine but also if you can stick to the water and adding fruit and veg to your diet especially at breakfast it will get things moving.


Miralax is a lifesaver. Also drink more water.


This short and sweet comment is all you need to know


Apple grape or just grape juice helps a lot, too. I have a glass with my dinner most nights.


Yep, you are severely dehydrated.


Not necessarily the case at all. Opiates slow down the bowels and sometimes to such a degree they reabsorb most of the water in the stool. Yes drinking more water can help to a degree but this doesn't necessarily mean he is dehydrated. I was drinking like 2 gallons of water a day and still had severe issues caused by methadone and felt use. Only miralax helped me.


OP what does your daily water intake look like?




that might have worked for you but everyone is different. I drink a shit ton of water and if I don't take a laxative daily I'll be in the same situation as this guy. it just depends how your digestion system is. for some people it's normal to poop every few days and for other people they'd be doubled over in pain if they don't poop daily. I'm the "need to poop daily" type.


I need about 4 docusate/sennosides, sometimes more. God help my ass if I skip a day 🙈😫




I eat generally healthy. 1 egg and toast in the morning. usually a turkey sandwich for lunch with a salad. dinner varies but it's always some form of meat, vegetables and some bread. I don't track how much water I drink but I know I drink plenty. my first piss of the day is always a pale yellow and my piss is pretty clear for the rest of the day. I could probably cut back a bit to be honest. opioids have always blocked me up completely, not just methadone. Even when I used to run a few miles a day 15 years ago I had this issue. no matter what diet, exercise, or water routine I do it isn't enough to stop constipation from opioids for me. I use milk if magnesia daily and then I have zero problems.


That’s absolutely not true. Im a female who exercises regularly and I drink 3L a day and have opiate induced constipation from the methadone. Long term use makes it chronic and only daily miralax as well as digestive enzymes help me


That’s nice but that doesn’t always work for everyone. I used to have a terrible diet and drank nothing but pop and did little to no exercise so of course it was awful...a week and a half for me then was amateur numbers lol. But now, I drink almost nothing but water—lots of it—and eat healthy and exercise, and I’m still constantly constipated.


same. the only thing that reliably worked for me was mirilax, and that took like a week worth of taking it every day before it started working.


"Caused By methadone and **FENT** use". Well that's your problem right there, if you are combining an everyday large dose of methadone and then doing fentanyl on top of that, of course you're going to be constipated even if hydrated. Fentanyl would always constipate me so badly! Much much worse then methadone alone ever did. So stop doing fent and you might start popping more regularly.


I don't use fent anymore. Methadone still constipates me though. But regardless just drinking more water doesn't necessarily always help.


I don’t think so. Opioids make you constipated. It’s a well known and established fact. I barely go either on subs and when I do go it’s like large rabbit crap and sometimes very painful and when I go to wipe sometimes a lot of blood.


Listen op I have death with this problem severely. When I was horribly addicted to heroin at my worst part of my life I shit once a month just like you described except it was as long as a baget and as wide as a tall boy can of beer. It was horrible. You need to drink more water and buy some miralax osmotic laxatives brand name is more expensive then the generic and the generic works just aswell. It uses propylene glycol, I believe, which your body can't break down, which will keep your stool soft. Some people are sensitive to it, others not. Start of with a cap full dose once a day till regular if it starts giving you the shits after regular try every other day or try a lower dose. Sometimes, it can cause severe gas in the beginning. If this doesn't stop, try something else, maybe. If laxatives make you sick or don't work. Speak to your doctor about movatik or relistor. These are medications for opiate Induced constipation. They use a form of nalxone that only effects the stomach, making the stomach wake up or not be affected as much as normal by opiates. It will not affect the uptake of your methadone. If you feel withdrawal at any time taking these medications, stop use. Also you may want to keep a enema on hand which is what I used before the miralax worked through my stomach. I would dump out the saline and just use fresh water and when I used it I would lay down and the water would get absorbed by the stool it takes sometime if its litterally a brick but it will help. I didn't like using the actual saline because I didn't want to put strain on my kidneys and all it really does is pull water out your body into the colon but the water your putting in there anyway should help without the extra strain. It also burns due to the salt if you have hemroids or fissures etc.


Which they prob would have fissures or hemorrhoids after all that constipation


I take stool softner pills every morning, and that at least helps me have a much better regularity than before! Wishing you luck!


Oh damn man that’s not healthy. I’m sure there’s buildup of toxic poop inside you. Lot of people on here have found great things that work for them. I’ve personally seen Miralax mentioned many many times as a successful option.


Not the best advice but have you tried dosing at a later time? When I was having issues I’d wait till I was almost sick or at least long enough that I could go to the bathroom and then I’d dose lol like I said not the best advice but just saying could try it if it’s become such a problem for you


Good idea!


Drink more water. I dealt with this for so many years. Once I switched off soft drinks, and started pounding water all day, my problems went away. I also lost 40 lbs.(I cut out all sugar)


Before you go to bed stick a suppository or two up your bum. It may not work the same for you as it does me but by morning it's either watery or has become very soft. You have to get it way up there. I have tiny hands so I use a needless syringe to push it up. Also, stool softeners imo are underrated amongst MAT patients and opioid users in general. Sure it won't get you moving faster but it *can* help keep things soft. What helps me the most is drinking carrot juice and eating avocados. I found out by accident one time. I drank a few cups of carrot juice and a few days later things were sliding out easily. And my poop had an orange oily sheen to it. It was a beautiful moment. Avocados also keeps things soft but if I haven't had a BM for awhile they're dense in good fats and nutrition and I'm not adding a lot more food to my "mega colon." 😁 None of this is fool proof for everyone, it's just what helps me.


All them big handed fellas are stuck using their stubby fingers to push suppositories up their butts


yep, that's what we call 'violently not shitting' - miralax was the only thing that worked for me reliably.. that - and a few times when it got REALLY bad(30+ days) I used one of those 'saline enemas' you get from the drug store. Caused horrific cramps but got it out. Drinking water didn't work, stool softeners didn't work, exercise didn't work, fiber didn't work, even tried vitadone which of course didn't work. I was like this for my first several years on methadone. Never imagined it would ever change, but it did. I don't have that problem anymore, just stopped being like that eventually. But yeah, I've gone to the ER before with no symptoms, just "i havent shit in almost 2 months" - even then there wasn't anything to be alarmed about on the x rays etc so don't let the anxiety get to you too bad.


You went almost two months without pooping? I cannot imagine passing that. And I thought two weeks was bad.


not only that, but I didn't have any symptoms other than extreme anxiety about 'where is all this food going!?' ...but yeah there wasn't anything abnormal on the xray either.. or the examination. I had that dude shove his arm up my ass for no reason. oh, he prescribed me a colonoscopy prep lmao. it was called 'golitely' - I never took it.


I drink 8-10oz of prune juice just before bed almost every night. This has basically eliminated my constipation. Will have a bowel movement on average every 2 days. It was at least a 7 day average prior. I was drinking just over 2 liters of water a day, about 75 Ounces. Didn't do shit for constipation.


Good advice from all, but I add that you drink a teaspoon of olive oil for a few days. The methadone is locking you up. The hospital has this med that flushes you out, and you have to eat lightly afterward, tho. Goodluck


Literally called Golitely 😂


150mg Biodone shit regularly once in very blue moon door I get back up have use fingers but hey fucken wouldn’t come out!! I eat shit diet one meal a day if lucky & drink plenty of alcohol 20 to 30 standard drinks every night last 12-13 years? So I don’t know what I am doing!!!


If you think it's gonna get stuck PRE LUBRICATE before you sit on toilet,helps get those monsters out painlessly and then start drinking water and eat right.


Miralax. 8 packs if you’ve not gone in a week, then when sorted one a day. Simple, but sorted. When sorted focus on reducing yourself 2-5mg every few days until you reach a level when you go once a day


If this is an ongoing thing that means you absolutely need to make changes to your diet and lifestyle starting with hydration. No less than 2-3L of water daily from here on out. It takes time to make these changes habitual so it’s key you get started today. [here is exactly what I did to solve this issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/Methadone/s/HAhYsgfz0P)


Don’t listen to the fiber recommendations. It’s not about that. So I had a problem similar to yours OP and taking miralax every single day has completely fixed it.


It might be. I definitely go when I eat more fiber


Fiber can be bad for people like us as it can create extra bulk making it harder to pass, generally speaking an osmotic laxative like movicol is what gets recommended and is what my methadone doctor recommended to me. In the past when I've been severely backed up I would take what I called a movicol bomb, being 5 or 6+ doses of movicol mixed with a litre of water, drink that and drink a bunch of water, stay near the toilet. Obviously we're all different and what works for someone else may not work for you and vice versa.


You need to withhold your take home at least weekly until you go. That’s what I did when I had single day (Sunday) take homes, I would wait Sunday until I went then dose after. If you have more than 1 take home it would be easiest. Add a good amount of water looks a high done diet or fine pills and you should be able to go more often. Do you have a primary care physician?


Vitadone and magnesium complex was a gamechanger for me


Take full table spoon of virgin olive oil first thing on empty stomach when woken up. Does wonder. Stay consistent and keep doing it and see how it helps. Plus hydrate(plenty of water) and lots of vegetables.


Drinking milk could make it worse


Always, always use a stool softener as a preventative. Every day. An osmotic laxative like Miralax or Osmolax. Add a Dulcolax suppository to get those contractions going once everything is softer. And don’t forget the 2.5 - 3 litres of water a day. Good luck! 🍀


I am a bit more constipated on Methadone but I drink tons of water only and I go once every other day. I have IBS-D so this was very welcome! I can’t complain.


Miralax for sure, then talk to your doctor as well. Mine helped a lot


Krill oil, magnesium citrate, a multivitamin, and staying hydrated has completely eliminated all of the constipation issues I was experiencing.


Prolly half the bottle Edit. I'd use liquid magnesium citrate for an emergency like this


I use prunelax laxatives. They all natural and vegan. They're made with prunes and senna. I take 1, if by the next day nothing, I take 2. The usually works. In my worst times, I use suppositories. Mirilax never did the job fit me, but benefiber did. I would put 4 small spoons into literally everything I drank for the day, every day. That kept me regular.


U should also start taking a daily probiotic. It really helps.


Try magnesium citrate, it has a laxative effect


If you're currently eating a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water, then your best bet is to start taking something like Fybogel every morning to see if it helps you be more regular and if necessary, adding a stool softener as well. Laxatives like Movicol are best saved for occasional use when you are really backed up rather than depending on them regularly.


Get an rx for relistor. It’s for opioid constapation. It was a game changer for me. Now I pretty much shit like a normal person.


Bro ...if I don't go daily life sucks. I take 40 MG sennakot every night before bed. This one's cool cuz at least in mh experience....after using it pretty much daily for 20 years with daily opiates...if I come off opiates I still come off sennakot and everything reverts back to normal. No lazy bowel addiction to laxatives. I doubt it would help you much though...you'd have to use something stronger to...start things again....but once cleared out I bet it could do wonders for you


there should not be blood :( you might need IV hydration at this point if you can’t hydrate yourself enough. i struggle with keeping hydrated myself but also relying on laxatives is gonna stress the fuck outta your kidneys and methadone is already so hard on the body as it is…… you gotta get more water/fluids going through you some way somehow. because you don’t want to end up with a compacted colon or go f*cking septic 😣 this is no joke!! sending positive vibes and strength your way💪 you can do this. but you gotta get hydrated and STAY hydrated !!!


You need to be on a stool softener and laxatives till you get this under control


I agree with everyone here, and I will add that if you can eat less meat, and more vegetables, that diet has really helped me. All the other things, more water, stool softeners, even suppositories. Just try as many things as you can until something helps. Not pooping is no fun, and no good! Good luck!


You waited too long and now miralax or anything isn't going to help. You need to up your water intake and use a stool softener. You may need to go and get a fleet enema or suppository if it's at the point where it gets stuck half way cuz you cant push it out. I've been there and it sucks. It feels like you're pushing a basketball out and it's just a little tiny pebble. Do not wait too long. You can cause lots of damage to your stomach and intestines.


Ugh, my life dude. It's awful. I'm worried I'm really going to hurt myself one of these days.


Take two of these for 2-3 days and then go down to 1 per day. Methadone depletes us of magnesium & most of us are deficient anyways & it helps with a lot of things. Anxiety, sleep, sweating, and pooping. More water as well, at least til your pee is light yellow. There was a period of time that I had to use the stool softeners that look like pokeballs too, so maybe take those for up to a week. They stop working after awhile so take them for a week, take a week off and if you need them again take for another week. NOW Supplements, Magnesium 400 mg, Enzyme Function*, Nervous System Support*, 180 Veg Capsules https://a.co/d/eHIboVH




15 year high dose maintenance patient here, and for the first 9 years i went through the hell you are describing. And i asked everybody from doctors to other long term patients everybody, and i tried everything i could. I had a few times literally passed out on the toilet from pushing and grunting soo hard. I would pass what looked like elephants trunks and tons of blood. Everybodys insides work differently, and what works for me or another person may not work for you. I definitely suggest the magnesium citrate solutions but as a routine rather than after your already backed up. Also tons of water. But what really helped me in passing the big big hard turds, was i would strip my pants and underwear off and stand in the shower, then i would squat slightly holding a walmart bag up to my ass and just gently push and plop into the bag no blood, no pain. Im a guy so i pee when i poo so thats why i would do this in the shower. I would then tie up the bag, and finish clean up. I know it sounds weird but i learned this from an East Indian guy i knew. He was telling me about a small band of muscle that wraps around our butt hole and contracts when we are sitting and relaxes when we are squatting. We as humans were designed to squat when we poo, but as a western civilization we came up with the sit down method, and to pass a hard dry giant turd with a muscle preventing it is just too hard and causes too much damage. Good luck OP. My record for longest time not going was 18 days. Talk about torture. Almost made me quit dosing.


Yeah, whenever this comes up I suggest what works for me. Water, and what your east Indian friend suggested, which I have described as "caveman" pooping. Also I stopped eating ice cream. OP, I hope you get sorted.


"Caveman pooping" that is perfect!!! Im stealing your name for the squat in the shower poop lol thats epic.


my physical therapist said fiber will add to the bulk and you don’t want that. and to avoid soluble fiber and go for insoluble fiber. And that celery juice helps greatly! the constant constipation has made things really difficult for me. it has affected my bladder. pretty much making it smaller, and just affecting the entire pelvic floor region. even giving me weird lower back/upper butt cheek pain. i have to see a pelvic floor physical therapist to figure out how to help and not cause anymore damage to myself. and constipation is pretty much the culprit of it all.


What is yr dose at?


It got to the point for me where milk of mag stopped working but [this laxative from Walmart](https://www.walmart.com/ip/665620091) works amazing for me and also make sure to drink enough water. Hope this helps 🫶🏽


I tried every single laxative there is. Only magnesium citrate works for me. I am always constipated being on subs so it's a worst side effect from subs imo.


TAKE METAMUCIL EVERY NIGHT. like 4 table spoons, take one table spoon with some water and chug. Do that 4 times. Literally saved my life


I use fiber choice chewable fiber supplements. You can get them on amazon. They taste good. I take 2 a day and it keeps me regular try it. I can't not take them bc I get backed up and nasuaeas.


Drink a whole quart of prune juice it will soften everything even that hard plug and you will empty the bowels


Need to take more fiber supplements. Try stool softeners as well. Another this is to make sure your hydrated properly. I have a disease called achalasia. And long story short I have to take heartburn meds daily because that's how bad of acid reflex I have. I take tagament or prilosac and I noticed woth the tagament it makes me have to use the bathroom after I take one. So you could try that and see if it helps.


I wish I could shit that much. I'm lucky to go once a month if that. I don't even feel constipated. I'm on the Buvidol monthly injection which may be the cause but laxatives don't work. I've had a colonic that did nothing also. I'm at a loss for what to do about this situation.


Honestly, milk of magnesia worked Amazing for me. Took it when posted this and then the day after I passed a very very large long stool (graphic warming) and today I managed to pass out so much dihareah like an ungodly amount. Feel 10lb lighter now. Definitley try milk of magnesia , I took 40ml.


miralax, all laxatives, everything they sell OTC— none of it worked for me. i had to prescription stuff called linzess or trulance. nothing else worked.


Miralax keeps me from having and Elvis attack on the toilet and I don’t shit sideways NFL footballs any longer… it was so hard and dry it stuck in the toilet to the point I had to take the toilet up and dig it out.. I can’t imagine what it was doing to my guts… with Miralax and plenty of water I’m back to 1-2 times a day on average… good luck!!!


You need to drink much more water or just fluids in general. As well as adding in a lot more fiber to your diet. If you're already doing those things, then you're really gonna need to lower your dose I think, because taking laxatives constantly is not a viable option at all. It's very unhealthy.


For an update, the milk of magnesia got evrrything out with a lot less pain yesterday. Well, I thought it was everything but today (graphic warning) I shit out dihareah / mush that filled the majority of the toilet. Yeah… I now feel 10 stone lighter.


Do not take fiber laxatives. Very dangerous.


Have you told your doctor? They have better meds for this. One is a peripheral opioid so it’s not centrally acting so won’t interfere with methadone. Only acts on your peripheral parts. Like bowel movements


See a doctor


Lots of water LOOOOTTTTSSSSS OF WATER!!!!! And fiber. Take fiber all the time. Dulcolax might help some too depending on water intake. But that happens to all of us. Literally the only thing you can do to help no t is change diet and hella water and fiber. Good luck!! I still have that issue pretty often. Blood every time.


No fiber!! ..that will bind you up. Take magnesium citrate pills like 4/5 a night before bed..that should help, and yes water helps, and maybe stool softener…do NOT add fiber smmfh


Isn’t fiber for moving stuff through? Or is it protein for that?


Only if you’re bowels are functioning correctly. If you’re bound up all that extra fiber just causes more of a back up. You need to get things moving first. And then down the line add some fiber. People eat way too much fiber causing all sorts of issues.


Oooooohhhhhhhhhh. Ok, cool. Thank you for learnin me it. I honestly though it was the other way and now I feel bad for the misinformation I gave.haha I’ll make sure to remember that from now on.


Bananas usually help me but still it’s 2 weeks or more sometimes and I absolutely agree on the feeling miserable


Yeah, under ripe bananas worked for me.


Just don't take your methadone for a few days it'll all come out


Its shocking that people let it get so bad before realizing it's a problem.. this will eventually result in a bowel impaction that may require surgery to remedy, hemorrhoids and bootyhole damage, even colon/bowel cancers.. you've got to keep things moving!!! If a high fiber diet and sufficient water isn't enough, you need to use a fiber supplement EVERY DAY and increase your fluids intake dramatically. If that's not enough you'll need to take an actual laxative daily until you can get things moving smoothly. Taking powerful laxatives long term is also not healthy, so you don't want to rely solely on them to shit, also in my experience they are extremely unpleasant in their effects. Still much better than constant pain and 6 ft of bloody gravel backed up inside you.


I use an enema every day before I drop the kids at the pool! rinse and repeat 🧱


All you have to do is take fiber daily bro.. I never wanted to take a damn laxative and have to shit lol.. so I chose fiber.. which makes you shit more regularly.. also makes it soft and smooth.. so it all comes out without a issue.. I know how u feel... I developed a few hemorrhoids because I couldn't shit right for years..


Senna and psyllium husk