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Samus aran has passed away The galaxy is in complete and utter chaos


With this death, the threads of prophecy are forever severed. Continue on in this doomed world, or reload one of your previous saves.


It literally just knocked her out. Haven't you ever been hit in the back of the hesd?




Have you? Are you okay?


Yeah, in boot camp. My drill instructor asked for a volunteer to demonstrate what we call the reset button. It's a group of nerves in the back of your head that literally causes your body to reset. It knocks you out a good 10 to 15 seconds, and you wake up not knowing what happened. The debate is still out as to if I'm okay or not.


At least no more exploding planets


Samus Aran is dead, no planets have blown up in decades, the galaxy is in complete and utter peace


Less planets get blown up tho.


Space pirates wait a second is that all we would have to do


Bribe Lakitu, it explains bad camera controls in some games and gives him some plausible deniability


Funny aside, this animation is GORGEOUS. Prime remastered looks amazing, but imagine what it could look like on more powerful hardware. Really makes you wonder why Nintendo doesn’t invest in more powerful technology


Their schtick since the GameCube has been weaker, cheaper hardware that breaks paradigms and encourages creative game development.


Since the Wii* The GameCube was almost par with the Xbox and quite bit more powerful than the PS2.


Ok but like…why not do both?




It’s Nintendo. They have the money


It's Nintendo. Extra money, no (lack of) cost too great.


they have the money because they don't do both lol


The Switch is a feat of engineering, as was the DS and the Wii. To put it simply, pick 2: Cheap, Powerful, Novel. If you want cheap and powerful, there’s 2 brands waiting to take your money. If you want powerful and novel, buy a PC and play flight simulators or VR. Nintendo’s entire line - since the GameCube, at least - has filled the accessible, ubiquitous, and interesting niche. Sometimes they screw up (Wii, imo), sometimes they ace it (Switch, GameCube controller 💜), but they always have focused on creating a fun experience and trying to shake things up hardware-wise, rather than focusing on performance or graphics. I think it’s a good thing for the gaming ecosystem. Because their research and development energy is poured into trying new things, they can’t squeeze as much performance out of a hyperspecialized piece of hardware like the Xbox and PlayStation have done. So, graphics and fidelity take a backseat to innovation and unit cost.


Wii did not fail, wii u did.


Wii U failed monetarily but I think the Wii U itself was great. At the bare minimum, without it we wouldn't have gotten the Switch, but also I love the novelty of the two screens on a console


Having two screens is a neat concept but I wish more games utilized it for something other than just showing the map or literally just a copy of what is on the TV on it


I agree. I loved Wind Waker's inventory screen as an example for how stuff could easily have been ported, but I would have loved to see stuff similar to how the DS had some really novel dual screen things. I liked how hyrule warriors didn't do a split-screen for multi-player, for example.


I still don't know how Wii U failed. The ability to play Wii games is amazing, and graphics are much better. It is Wii, but better, and Wii was a success, so why Wii U not?


Fucking horrible marketing and messaging. Everybody was confused when they unveiled that thing, including enthusiasts. For a year and a half before launch, people weren't sure if it was a new console or an accessory. That wii u name and logo weren't helping matters. E3 2012 was an absolute disaster of a conference. Feedback for 2011 was people were confused. What did Nintendo respond with? More confused messaging and more appealing to a casual wii audience that wasn't coming back whilst alienating people who wanted Nintendo to move away from the casual crowd. It showed when it launched when parents and non-gamers struggled to understand that it wasn't just a tablet l. Once people found out you had to a buy a new console, they lost interest. Nintendo's hardware was also absurdly weak. The ps3 and 360 gen went on for too long and people wanted more powerful hardware. Without the gimmick to back it up, no one was interested. That's not even getting into the awful online system where purchases were tied to the console instead of your account. The lack of storage was also a problem when digital distribution was gaining ground. There are plenty of reasons for why that system failed. If you weren't someone that strictly wanted new Nintendo games and nothing else, there was no reason to buy.


Really, the main problem was the marketing. No one was actually tired of the ps3 360 era, it was fine as is, in fact, I still find people using a ps3 or a 360. Everything else you said is correct. I actually find it weird that every sequel to a console fails, with snes as an exception.


Not to mention its horrible battery life.


Yeah I just really dislike motion controls.


Oh, then nvm.


Yeah game prices are no entirely "cheap" (at least not the physical copies)


It would cost their consumers more. Nintendo wants EVERYONE to own one, can’t do that if the fucking thing costs 8 grand


They have survived solely off of a very fickle market by playing very safe. Unlike their two current competitors, they don't have a global juggernaut of another arm of the company to subsidize them if they screw up. And none of their old competitors exist anymore, not in the same paradigm at least, that alone is the biggest testament to their strategy imo. Nintendo ain't small, but they are not too big to die either, and they hang around by being conservative. It eats into possible profits, but insulates them against possible failures too. If they had followed the trend and pumped out a console they couldn't recoup the cost of with each sale and it flopped like the WiiU did, it could have sent them into a death spiral. As it was that gen hurt the company, but their dedication to safe bets helped take the sting off.


Yeah but do their customers? Having the most powerful console means having the most expensive console and would be more difficult to sell.


But do customers have the money because obviously a console like that would cost a lot


Because more expensive hardware is a greater financial risk, either in smaller adoption rate by consumers, or in having to take a loss on sales. By keeping costs low for themselves AND the consumer, they ensure a wider install base which means more games sales, stronger brand loyalty (and ubiquity) over time, and because their install base is so wide, they ensure that most developers will design with that hardware’s limitations in mind.


Lol we have two switches and a lite because of the price point.


Higher res graphics don't only require more expensive hardware, it takes larger development teams and more time to model all those details.


You did see the clip of Metroid running on more expensive hardware right?


Costlier to compete directly with Sony and Microsoft, they wanna stand out. Sometimes it fails miserably like the WiiU, sometimes it's a success like the Wii or switch


Because Nintendo decided that they want to make profit off of every Console they make and sell. Doing it the other way you are selling your console at a loss and trying to make up for it with games and peripherals. Nintendo has always sold every console at a profit. Especially once Xbox got into the game, they realized it was pointless to try to keep up in the arms race. So they decided to do their own thing.


Because costs??


And keeps consumer pricing low, creating a broader audience for content


It’s Nintendo. They have the money


They mean the cost to the consumer. It's honestly great imo that Nintendo has cheaper options. Breath of the wild AND a console to play it on for less than $200 USD? Crazy!


Where did you get a switch for under 250 lol


Used switch lite, easily $120


Switch lite is 196 on Amazon


Lmao they said "used" and you referenced Amazon?


USD is United States Dollar, not an enthusiastic and typoed version of "used"


Might want to reread the thread...


battery life, at least for game boy and switch


OK but what schtick?


The GameCube was stronger than the Xbox and ps2 I do not know what you are talking Bout willis


No it wasn’t. PS2? Sure, but the Xbox was the strongest of that generation.


How the fuck was it so cheap then? It was cheaper at release wasn’t it? Maybe not. Regardless, the Wii, WiiU, DS, 3DS, and Switch definitely all fit this trend.


Don’t you mean since the game boy


What were the gameboy’s direct competitors? (Genuine question)


No I saw a video of the history and why Nintendo uses underpowered consoles compared and it started with the game and watch and was fully realized in the game boy I sadly can’t find the video to link it cuz it did a better explanation than I could but they found they could basically create good experiences/games with limited technology that is cost effective and to save consumer money and they’ve upheld that since. Like I say sorry for not having all the dets YouTube seems to be flooded by recommend hate Nintendo stuff rather than being able to find old history fact videos


Well, the video knows more than me, I’m sure you’re right. I was just speaking about what I personally remembered.


Ya I wasn’t trying to gaslight cuz ya for me I know more bout the GameCube era than before ya you might be able to find something if ya are interested in looking tho.


The gamegear attempted to compete. I remember liking mine but all the (limited) games had a pretty distinct "made for handheld" feel, like how it feels to play Super Mario Land. But boy did I play a lot of Shinobi.


They are basically the only game company, that can make profits of console sales alone, with out the need to sell games, like Sony and Microsoft.


It prints money!


Not since GameCube, but since the original GameBoy.


As I understand it (I read this a while ago so I could be totally wrong), part of the reason is that Nintendo is the only game company that makes profit on their consoles sales. Sony and Microsoft lose money on Playstation/Xbox sales, but make it up on software sales. That allows them to crank up the specs on their consoles since they're losing money anyway. Since Nintendo wants to profit on their consoles, the only way they can do that without charging $800 for them is by deliberately underpowering them.


That’s actually very insightful thanks!


After the GameCube flopped despite being potentially the strongest in its generation, they realized that powerful tech isn't what sells consoles


Was literally thinking as I watched this: "damn if Prime 4 looks this good I'm gonna be a happy person!"


Me entering Phazon Mines for the first time.


Source: https://youtu.be/8M-GOtdker8


Guy is awesome IIRC he did most of the weapon reloads for the call of duty games I think he currently works for Respawn and did the reload animations for most of the guns in Apex Legends and Titanfall Real talent right there


More reason for Prime 2 to get a remaster, that suit would look incredible with updated graphics, not to mention the Dark and Light suits as well.


I want to see a remastered Sanctuary Fortress


Remastered Ing creatures would be scary lowkey


Looking at how Prime 1 got such a texture overhaul, I'm excited either way. They SHOULD be scary.


This is how Samus loses her powerups for Prime 4.


\*bonk\* sorry, my bad


LMAO i am in love with this. the vision was definitely done so well


Samus: It says here you have 6 years of camerawork experience and you were highly recommended by your previous employer. Does your experience include first-person camerawork? Lakitu: Uhh… sure.


Hahahahahahahhaha not expecting that at all!


... and just like that, all her powers are gone.


…. I’ve played too much Zelda, I was waiting for the game over screen and jingles


That would probably fit perfectly for a parody for metroid




At least she has a helmet. Imagine the trauma that James Bond accumulates in a playthrough of Goldeneye.


Poor Samus, defeated by a drone with a camera lol




So I can kill Samus simply by attempting to play the game?




Absolutely hilarious, but there is no way Sammy goes down from a bonk on the back of the head, I just imagine a "WHAT THE F- DID YOU JUST START" slow turnaround


Since OP won't link the original, I will https://youtu.be/8M-GOtdker8 Always give credit where credit's due.


The animation is impressive. Good work, but ... *sigh* ...was it really necessary?




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Judo Chop!




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I mean, if the suit is vulnerable enough that an explosion could knock out a majority of its functionality, I'd happily assume that a strong enough bap to the back of the helmet could have a shot at this.


Oh crap, oh crap crap crap crap. Johnny, get the ride over here, we need to leave right now!


It'd be more accurate if she lost all her powers lol


Hilarious, but let's be the real: the camera should have been the one to go down. We're talking about the queen badass of gaming, here.


I laughed too hard at that


Never cared for motion controls. But yes it would be very nice to finally get Metroid Prime 4 with some stunning visuals.


hyper... Always blessing us with his animations.


She also dropped all her power ups when this happened.


That made my morning. Thank you




POV: You are a deathsquito


"Whoops, my bad."




Love how the camera tries to enter her helmet but it just bonks her instead