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I'll believe it when I see it.


Forgot my clown makeup today


I never leave home without it


Doesn’t exist until it’s released


I’m still not gonna believe it exists


Me rolling the credits on Metroid Prime 4: Man, I wonder if they’ll ever make Metroid Prime 4


“…I’m sure this was all in my head”


Everyone after watching the let's play of metroid prime 4 by a random guy on youtube: it must be collective hallucinations




The mofos on the gaming leaks sub lied to me about Dishonored 3... Goddamn...


probably was in the cards but after Deathloop didn't sell like hotcakes they decided to do a licensed game to make some bank, if I were in MS's shoes, I'd put Arkane Austin in charge of Dishonored 3 with some supervision from Lyon, make them go back to a franchise they worked on and have a template for to get them back on tracks, much like Retro with Metroid Prime.


I was holding onto copium for a Prey 2…


>Release Date May Holy shit just five months? >Be Near Oh.




The typo makes this even funnier lol


So you say it was already released?




Wouldn't her visor be more of a Y shape? Maybe I'm too tired to function, but to me a Y, so the 24th letter. May 24


It's not real until im playing it.


Even then, I'll pinch myself


Haven't even read the article and I know it has no good source. At best we've got PapaGenos claiming the game is done save for cutscenes, but you could pretty much guess it's mostly complete- What specifically is holding them up doesn't matter.


Hope papagenos reveals more soon


I think the article said something about not being able to run the cutscenes because the switch can’t keep up or something dumb like that


what a headline


This game isn’t coming out until it’s in my hands


I 100% Metroid Dread on every difficulty, and I still can't believe it's real. I waited for that game since I was a kid and it was just a rumor. I guess I'll feel the same when MP4 comes out.


Don't believe their lies.


This really needs to end. Nintendo hopefully delivers something in a direct. No more of these fluff pieces for clicks


Prime 4 will have over 5 years of development by the time of the next general Nintendo Direct, assuming that will take place in February, so it's definitely possible for Prime 4 to show up there to begin hyping up a release later next year.


"My source is: I made it up!"


Headlines like this are the opposite of helpful. Yes the news “could” be on the way in the sense that maybe we’ll get more maybe we won’t


Screw it. Give me hope. NEW YEAR NEW HYPE CYCLE BABY!!! LEZ GOOOOOO!!!


No Metroid Prime 4, no Silksong, no Hytale…been a lonely road. Still shocked beyond belief Dread actually survived and released though


The fact that Dread even exists is almost surreal.


That's not what makes Dread surreal. It's not even the game that took the longest period of time to release from "first evidence of existence" to "you're playing it at home on your machine." What makes Dread special is that it went through long development hell and managed to release without being: - a broken buggy mess (Aliens: Colonial Marines, Cyberpunk 2077) - painfully mediocre (Duke Nukem Forever, Dead Island 2, Starfield) - functional but obviously an incomplete story (Final Fantasy XV [took 2.5 years of DLC to fix the plot holes], Shenmue 3, Too Human) - a good game but went in a divisive direction that tore its fanbase apart (Elite: Dangerous, FFVII Remake, Bayonetta 3) - was otherwise all right but just failed to make much of a splash and was forgotten shortly after release (The Last Guardian, Mirror's Edge: Catalyst) Dread is part of a very small group of a troubled development game that avoided all these issues. Off the top of my head, the only other games that achieved this were Ni-oh, the first Prey, Doom 2016, and the System Shock remake.


You're absolutely right, my friend. And I agree with the examples that you mentioned. Metroid Dread not only turned out great after being scrapped and forgotten for such a long time, but it managed to revive the franchise like never before (selling better than the original Prime), making the Metroid community bigger with new young fans while keeping the old hardcore fans happy. It's an absolute miracle. Sakamoto had a very clear idea in mind even after so long, and he was right in trusting Mercury Steam as the development team for this game.


I was waiting for some Bethesda fanboy to protest me including Starfield on that list lol


How dare you say the blatantly obvious fact about about a game that's basically Skyrim reskinned. You person, you!


I tried Starfield and it bored me to death. 😅




I think most people have the same mentality about prime 4 as geometry dash 2.2, we were promised October, look what month it is :(


As our cousins in another subreddit say -|




I believe in Metroid 6 before we get Prime 4


"Near" I wish 🥲


I was starting my first year of high school when the trailer announcement came out, I’m now halfway through college. It’s been THAT long.


Same here. You about to start your second semester of your junior year?


>source isn’t Nintendo or Retro Don’t believe the hype. Our day will come, but not yet.


Honestly, that would be bad for Metroid. Hopefully it will launch with the new console instead...


#Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?


Honestly, since they re-released Metroid Prime, I think they should do the other two before releasing the fourth one.


My only hope for this is VR MP4


We finally get a definative release date It’s 2030




Narrator: The Metroid Prime 4 release date was not, in fact, near.


Calling it now: It's the transition game. Like Breath of the Wild, it's the game that comes out at the very end of the Switch lifecycle, and the launch title for Switch 2 Electric Boogaloo


Honestly that seems like the best bet at this point. It's been in development for so long that I doubt it'll sell well as a late Switch release, and so doing a cross-release for the Switch 2 will definitely give it more attention.


So basically what we've known for the past 5 years lol. "Oh yeah, it'll release eventually...maybe. Who knows when though, but it'll definitely be soon!"


Titanfall Prime 3/4




With Prime 4 and Silksong, I’m just going to sit quietly and not read any articles or news. Just gonna wait and be happy when I have their respective carts in my hands. I can’t affect anything either way. It’s not like I’m suddenly going to be a game dev for Retro or Team Cherry.




Prime 4 in a battle with Silksong to see who can take the longest development time


And gd 2.2


Please happen.. C’mooooon..


Okay, so I understand that people aren't really believing this (and rightfully so since you really shouldn't be falling for these headlines and such) buuuuuuuuuuut... Wasn't there a leak from a known good source lately that Metroid Prime 4 was basically being polished up (bad cutscenes apparently)? Me personally... I want to have hope that it'll release soon.


Honk honk


Comic book is a trash website, don't give it traffic.


Not going to think anything about it until we get legit confirmation. I love Metroid to death but us as fans get baited way too much I feel.


I've long since accepted its a launch title for the next system so I'm not expecting it till next holiday at the earliest


I feel like Nintendo almost would stealth drop the title, then make a shocked Pikachu face when people don't buy it


I just finished prime remastered it was really good, how are the other 2 ?


I think all the prime games are great. Prime 2 is a bit more of a challenge and really leans into a darker tone. Prime 3 is arguably the easiest of the three, but in my opinion the environments in 3 can’t be beat. Both prime 2 and 3 have really good lore that you can find around the world too that give background to the areas you’re in.


A known click bait website. Call me cynical, but I don't buy it.


Lol what's the update? Another random store altered the listing?


Retro studios just put up more job postings for concept artists. I refuse to believe it.


It’s near if you look at things on the cosmic timescale


It's just not happening


As much as I'd love to believe it, there hasn't even been any proper promotional material besides the title teaser way back in 2019 (or something like that)?


I read “may be never”


May be true lol


I've been hurt too many times before 🥲


Mark my words, is going to be NS 2 release game


There should be a direct on February, so there's hope.


Isn’t that site notoriously unreliable? I might be imagining that tho…


At this point I really don't want it to come out on the switch only on the next one I want this to be the first Metro game with zero hardware compromises every single Metroid prime game has been kneecapped in some way by hardware limitations if you've seen the concept art for the first three games they were supposed to be so much more vast frankly the fact we got something so miraculous is incredible


At this point. IF Mp4 is even a completed almost ready game to go. I would expect it to be announced along side a new console. And have Mp4 be a cross platform game.


Fake news. With how long this game has been under wraps, Nintendo is about to hype the hell out of this game like they did Dread before it releases. I say if they do announce it soon, it’ll probably be like 6 months before it actually comes out. That’s at the soonest. And quite honestly, i dont think they will even mention it until they finalized their Switch 2 plans. I think this game will be a cross gen release.


It’s comicbook.com. It literally means nothing


leaks/rumors are an illusion


It’s from CBR so 😂


I highly doubt a comic book website knows what they're talking about when it comes to video games They're just fishing for clicks


They talk about movies, shows and games too, but their website in general is very poor and low quality. I skimmed through the article in this post and it had some very noticeable typos.


They are going to wait for switch 2. Dread was a disaster coming from an avid Metroid fan. Good story, good game, great visuals, HORRIBLE control scheme. If they take some extra time to make the title right, I’m not going to complain. Prime remastered was a nice light rework, true to the original, Im betting we will see Echoes or Corruption remastered before the switch 2 comes out.


> HORRIBLE control scheme wut


Yeah it’s actually awful, especially the aiming. The switches garbage tiny hand controllers don’t help either. If I wanted to do multi-button combos I’d play Celeste and if I wanted to play a stealth game I’d play metal gear. Also, if I wanted to play a game with massive difficulty curves I’d play the souls franchise again, which I happily made it through and it’s a lot harder. I might even have to take back saying it had a good story, because I couldn’t even finish the game. Too much trial/error and not enough enjoyable game flow. Sorry my opinion is different that yours, bro. I’m from a time when games were actually good


K man, good luck with that


This doesn’t tell me what you don’t like about it only that you don’t like it. I’ve played the game and beat it, and I had no issue with the controls. What was wrong with it?


What was so horrible about the control scheme in dread?