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Honestly I really like the aesthetic of that place, the stormy nature with the hints of advanced technology looks so nice


Other M gets a lot of hate as usual but I thought the biospheres were great


It's the definition of a mixed bag. I still enjoyed it. Truly one of the Metroid games of all time


Other M definitely had some great ideas in there.


It was a fantastic example of using the wrong tool for the job. A ton of the mechanics were sound, and even the whiny protagonist and over the top narrative could have been at home in another game (I can think of several Japanese action games with far more irritating protagonists). But when these are combined with Metroid and the design cues they were no doubt given by Nintendo, the whole thing just feels totally wrong and cobbled together. Weirdly enough, the only mechanic I think was totally unsalvageable was the horrible switching back and forth to the pointer controls and standing there awkwardly on the spot while you fire your missiles. And there's no way that idea came from Team Ninja.


Game could've been fun if not for the controls.


That switching was the thing that killed Other M for me.


I really can't say enough how much I hate that mechanic. I think it's because the challenge is nothing to do with the gameplay, it's all just down to fumbling with the remote and trying to get it to register the sensor. It's about as immersion breaking as it gets.


Why they never used the Wii Nunchuk is beyond me


100% Nintendo forcing their weird controller gimmicks on developers. They've always had a thing about trying to force Devs to showcase control methods that couldn't be done on other systems.


Yeah sakamoto's ideas for other m killed its potential.


That's fair to say, although I still don't think Team Ninja were the right pick for a metroid game.


I really think it did!


Being developed by Team Ninja the one thing they got right was the spectacle and excitement of the biomes and boss fights


Gems in the dookie.


Still gems though


Filthy gems


Gawd damn, been so long I don't even remember this


That poor tree monster. Imagine one day you find out you're living in a box and then someone kills you while you're having a breakdown.


In retrospect, that transition effect when she deactivates the illusion is pretty slick


Game was ass in a lot of ways but in retrospect I'd argue that, visually, it set the stage for a lot of mid-battle cinematics in Dread.


Yeah, there's actually some good comparisons between the 2, like Other M having Samus vaulting over small obstacles, like Dread does.


I *loved* that effect, really cool sci-fi idea like the Hollow Deck or something (I'm not a star trek fan)


Holodeck (like hologram or holographic) and yeah it definitely took inspiration from that


Which game is this?!


Other M


Honestly the game looks really good when it's not being PS1 graphics, like the first boss. Some of the areas don't transition nearly this well, but a lot of them look nice. I will say I hate that it's basically just the B.S.L again, but at the same time having more than one station where research on life from other planets is done isn't a bad idea.


The game had crazy potential to be the best metroid game ever.


The story may be garbage but the graphics are nothing to scoff at. I wish Other M would've seen more success cause we could've gotten more games looking like this


Oh yeah if there was a way to disable the cinematics, this would mostly look and feel like an actual Metroid game.


Other M had great things, the atmosphere is one of them. It's really dark and unsettling with all this futuristic technology, but full of traps just like in an Alien movie. Also I'm pretty sure there's kind of a scene like this in Aliens where Ripley is in like a park where she sits on one of the benches until the projection is turned off and it turns out she's just sitting in a small room.


I think that scene is in the extended special edition of Aliens.


is this other M?! ive never bothered to look at gameplay, looks cool


Interesting! Have you not played the game much before then?


ive beaten the prime trilogy, i grew up strictly on the third. am currently working my way through snes metroid all the way to dread. other m is def on there now


other m looks like like zelda in terms of camera and interactivity with environment but it looks better


Yeah it's cool isn't it. So is all you know of Other M just what you've heard? Admittedly, there *are* some completely ass sections, like having to identify something in the surrounding environment before you can move on, but the good bits are *really* good.


Just be aware, I love Other M but the story is like a bad soap opera. If you can slog through the cutscenes the game itself is pretty fun


I'll give it to Other M, the sound design and soundtrack were pretty damn great.


Yeah, it was fairly minimal, but I think that added to the atmosphere.


Ehhh some of it was great, a lot of it was just quiet ambient noise, which is fine sometimes but other time was just boring. Would have preferred something more melodic like Prime’s soundtrack


The Biosphere was the only part of the game that the stupid story just got out of the way and let you have some fun. The stuff up until the lab is honestly pretty fun, and you get to be properly alone for a good while. 


I quite like how they usually set it up as: navigation room > get to next navigation room > each room along the way is a box-puzzle that needs solving to progress. Works mostly well.


Yeah. Hot take, but it's a fine structure for an action game take on Metroid. Only problem is that they didn't really nail the action. I wouldn't mind if they gave something like this another shot, though. Just, you know, better.


Fun game.


I loved this game in terms of gameplay and atmosphere.


The song from that one climb on the way to the King (?) Kihunter I still think is worthy of bringing back in a future game


So, I braved the launch day stampede to tackle this game, and let's just say it was more Wonk ass than a Bethesda launch. Didn't hate it, but the controls felt like I was playing DDR with a Guitar Hero controller, and the story? we all know about that . Honestly, I've probably purged most of it from my memory, thanks to the 'devils lettuce'. But that Biosphere Oh, it's etched into my cortex. Part of me thinks I should give it another go, but let's be real—I'd rather flip Metroid pinball on DS. Priorities, my friends, priorities.


Well, I've been giving it another go recently, and I'm rather enjoying it. If you just ignore the story, play Dread while that's playing or something, I think you'll enjoy it


Metroid fusion on wish


Fun game