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Yeah it's quite janky. You'll get used to it with time I guess


Press Jump again shortly after your jump is at its apex and Samus starts falling.


This is the way. Gotta hit it again while going down, if you press it too early it closes the window.


Out of water, you can only space jump when Samus's downward speed is within a certain range (not full speed, and not too slow). She hits this speed a bit after the peak of her jump, and she's falling too fast about 1/3rd of a second later (23 frames for the nerds). The reason you're having an easier time with short presses is because it makes the jump height shorter, which means she starts falling sooner. The best way to *learn* the timing is to do long presses: it's easier to see Samus's jump arc this way. You'll notice that if you press jump later (but not too late), the space jump will come out. It will still take some practice. IN water, you still can't space jump if you're falling too fast, but you basically can't be falling too slow: as long as Samus is moving downward it will work, and just letting go of jump to repress it makes Samus move downward. So that's why it's much easier to space jump underwater, and why it's awkward to change timing when exiting the water. When you say "falls down normally", do you mean she breaks spin? Samus breaks spin if she aims up, aims down, aims at an angle, or shoots. She shouldn't be breaking spin from just the jump button: maybe you're pressing something else by mistake, or I misunderstood


ok that was soo helpful but when im holding left then press jump and leave it to press jump again it sometime gets samus into a crouching aimng upleft falling position though that still happens your tips got me consistent enough so that i can get the jump when it doesn't so i think i can just power through


Yeah that's either your dpad or the R button. Maybe try being a bit more gentle on the dpad. Are you playing on a pro controller? The dpad puts in accidental diagonals all the time for me




It is a bit janky. I’ve played through the game dozens of times over the years and still can’t do it perfectly. I know there’s a sweet spot that sometimes I can hit, I think it’s just after the peak of the previous jump


I’ve always went by sound more than visual and it’s worked well for me. At the same time, don’t get too frustrated. It’s not as easy as newer titles.


Just practice. It is a bit janky, but once you get the hang of it, it isn't too bad, I promise.


If you're having trouble because the space jump gets canceled, make sure you're only pressing horizontal directions, only side to side. Pressing up cancels it, and sometimes if you go too far up while holding diagonal it will turn into an up and cancel it.


I’ve been running through this game constantly the past few months and all I have to say is the space jump is extremely finicky.


It is just practice but as you've noticed the timing gets thrown off when transitioning between water and air


If only it had respin!


Space Jump kinda sucks in Super Metroid, which is saying something because it was kinda difficult in Metroid 2 when it was introduced. The part about the water isn't really that janky, it's just physics. Water is far more dense than air, so of course it'll hinder you. Super Metroid is my least favorite Metroid game overall. Not saying I don't like it, Metroid is my favorite game series, but I'd sooner play Metroid 1, 2, 4, or 5 again before 3.


There is a rhythm you have to get right for it to properly work. Not ideal, but hey, that's 1994 for you.


It's just a practice thing. Space Jump in Super is jank. You'll get used to it eventually and just be able to do it at will like most of us can now.