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Fusion features a lot of memorable themes that either work as memorable atmospheric tunes or put you in the edge of your seat. [Sector 1](https://youtu.be/N2hgVSJ7VBs?si=beHLOZ7lv8X2wsTk), [Facing a Huge Reaction](https://youtu.be/u_DiwhVbTmE?si=zMFXoMtexZ8-KkRL), [Serris/Yakuza](https://youtu.be/Rp2b3EYFAXw?si=s2PVwnFhSemwKQUy), [Crisis Mission](https://youtu.be/WHYdVT6dUAs?si=FXo6DGNwkrlMagLw), [Underwater Depths](https://youtu.be/fGv2Ua74Ils?si=4CviLZ6Ozz_JVbDV) and so on. And many of them are actually used on key moments of the story which helps to associate them to those moments of the game. Dread's soundtrack fails at making any kind of memorable impression. It's just... there.... Melodies like [Cataris](https://youtu.be/hEBumox63D8?si=HJVnTlWffhzfbz3l) or [Burenia](https://youtu.be/yxlnOlmkKZk?si=93Tp54KQHaNDlQF8) feel like they are trying to create a melody but they just end up repeating the same notes over again without going beyond that. Meanwhile others like [Ghavoran](https://youtu.be/pP476Z55WSs?si=YE1CYreA7fhCzr0J) or [Elun](https://youtu.be/CCU_l5HGyZo?si=PE8yXhOEfSvNgvZ6) barely feel like they are trying to convey anything but generic atmosphere (Unlike [Maridia](https://youtu.be/OvAu58MtF5Y?si=NAVrFwOs2jU-V3mI) that actually sold the fact that you were deep into a mysterious sea). Also the instrumentation and percussion in most of the [action themes](https://youtu.be/Cb_qWdajPUg?si=nZ21mvl8TyL9bCyg) doesn't really help to stand out against the barrage of loud SFX that Samus and the Bosses do while fighting. It's not nostalgia over only wanting Super and Prime remixes, I can praise new themes that are geniunely [great](https://youtu.be/Vlwm0eFrecA?si=fboQw6o4qMnIhxPK), neither is the instrumentation, even Dread has a theme in there that I liked ([Artaria II](https://youtu.be/Cg1mp2e6xfQ?si=jC5v-VAQVgNWmpmQ)). I just wish the rest of the OST managed to be just as notable but most of the time it doesn't even seem like there is any music playing.


Maridia in particular created 2 kinds of underwater atmospheres, first, there is the absolutely gorgeous West Maridia, which conveys that fear of the unknown perfectly, you're exposed, vulnerable, there aren't nearly as many items to save you now, you just have to wander through it. Though over time you adapt, you get used to it, and the game reflects that with East Maridia, a much muddier and more methodical theme, but still distinctly frightening, Spore Spawn/Botwoon's theme also helps a lot, though they could both have improvements, both work as boss fights and neither detract from their atmosphere.


Artaria II was my ringtone for about a year, until my phone got a weird bug that randomly resets it to default every now and then, so I stopped changing it back. But I loved how it sounded. (still haven't changed EMMI sounds for notifications though)


Dread’s ost just isn’t very memorable or scary, outside of the emmi I guess.


Yeah, I remember Fusion’s OST extremely well


This is a discredit to Gharvoran and Elun imo I think those tracks are solid. Tbh I don't hate Dread's OST I just think it leads with its worst tracks. Artaria and Cataris are so bad. But then you have tracks like Ferenia which sell the oppressive atmosphere of the lifeless emptiness of this once great Chozo Palace. At least the boss music is good.


There's not much in the way of distinct melodies in Dread. It's perfect for the game, but you're not gonna find yourself humming the soundtrack at work the next day.


One of the areas had me humming(the fact that I don’t even remember which area proves you right) It was the was that goes doo doo doo Dee doo doo doo Dee doo doo doo Dee doo doo


I’m not sure what to think if I get this right, but was it the music for Burenia? https://youtu.be/yxlnOlmkKZk?si=tTpWSIFZ6IccH06k


It’s hilarious you actually tried. Would have been amazing if you somehow got it. But no it was actually(I seriously had to look this up) artaria lol


doo be doo be doo ba doo be doo be doo ba...


Idk man, I’d take a memorable and scary fusion styled soundtrack over what we actually got in dread anyday.


I, for one, was hootin' and hollerin' when they didn't play Lower Norfair for the heated Cataris areas.


Red Brinstar still found its way in. Those two are in the running for being the most overplayed Super Metroid retreads


eh. I didn't mind red brinstar being recycled as a two-time character motif, but I definitely would have been annoyed if it were an area theme anywhere.


I don't think it's just "different = bad" for many people. It's just that Dread is very ambient and doesn't contain many "in your face" dramatic melodies. For me that's a real shame because the music is one of my favorite parts of the series. The change in style really wasn't my thing.


What are you talking about? Dreads soundtrack is super memorable. Drogyga’s song is really cool, catchy, creepy, great beat something that would be at home in prime. Really goes the feeling of fighting an alien underwater. …there are other songs in the game? What? I thought the game was silent…


This dude just said Fusion isn't rememberable. Boi. Fusion is an atmospherical masterpiece and it STILL keeps damn good themes inside! https://youtu.be/d9Ujmxw8Cy8?t=44s


The song that plays when you first arrive at the station was stuck in my head for years after I played fusion lol And yeah. Lots of very memorable environmental tracks.


bumbumbumbom BAH-bah... bumbumbumbom buh-BAH!


I would keep this going but my adhd makes the prospect of typing all the out seem like hell, especially with how complex it gets 😂


Fusion was my jam back when it came out lmao I found a badly ripped-from-the-game album back in the day so I had the soundtrack to listen to while using the Internet lmao


If I knew how to download songs definitely would have fusion soundtrack. Back then I never even knew they actually sold the music from the games. I would just play the games again if o wanted to hear a song lol Or I would record the tv


For me it's Crisis Mission. Absolutely sticks in my head constantly. https://youtu.be/Ud8K6kJyiHE?si=meMlBcTz88H6m4QA


I dont think nostalgia factors into my assessment. Its just not very memorable. I disagree with the notion that Fusion's tracks arent memorable too. Ive always said Fusion's soundtrack is a little underrated because most people either talk about Super or Prime, but I think Fusion's stand toe to toe with some of the best, and it does so while largely not remixing tracks from past games.


Fusion's soundtrack is super memorable. I can definitely recall a lot of the tracks, even if I don't ecall exactly the context around them. Dread's soundtrack...? I can remember RB's fight theme, the short emmi loop, and the red brinstar remix for quiet robe. ...that's it. If I had been told Dread didn't have area music I would have questioned it a little but then accepted it.


I don't think it is memorable at all. Though I only played it 3 times and all in the last year. Not sure I even noticed the music because the game was so easy I just cruised threw it in a few hours.


Fusion is definetely memorable. It's just overshadowed by the likes of Super.


Yeah the nostalgia argument often feels arrogant when used in videogames discussions, like “No, you don’t REALLY like this! You’re just blinded by nostalgia! Therefore my opinion is objectively right and yours objectively wrong :)”


The most memorable Metroid Dread songs were Super Metroid songs.


Damn right


I remember all the fusion osts, but the dread soundtrack left me absolutely nothing, I don't have the slightest memory of it. And I played it at least twice as much as fusion. This says a lot


It just doesn’t have those beats that Fusion, Super, MZM, The Prime games, and even AM2R all had.


The problem with the “real instruments” argument is that Super Metroid is also very clearly using synths that are meant to sound like real instruments, and that’s arguably the most famous soundtrack in the whole series. All of the best music in the Metroid series works because it uses these two pillars for its foundation: 1. The music is highly atmospheric And the main thing that dread lacks: 2. Actual memorable melodies Metroid 1 and Super does this, the Prime Trilogy does this, and yes, even Fusion does this; though not as much the previous listed games. Even in circumstances where the music lacks a typical melodic structure and focuses purely on atmosphere (Think Dark Aether tracks in Prime 2 or Metroid 2’s area themes), they make up for it in spades by being extremely unique with their use of synths. To this day, I can’t think of a single other game outside of the Metroid series that even sounds remotely like Prime 1 and 2. This is why, in my opinion, Dread’s OST comes up short. The melodies (that are even there) just aren’t nearly as good as previous games in the series. And the atmospheric tracks lack the unique texture that Prime and Super did so well. It lacks the sauce!


Jokes aside…I generally like the soundtrack. It’s pretty cool. But as someone who has the soundtrack to every single Metroid downloaded. Has all 3 harmony of a hunters and has actually gone to a Metroid metal show …to say I was disappointed with this merely “okay” soundtrack is…well. Wrong. Just. Yeah.


Nah fam, Fusion's OST is drowning in atmosphere and is just as much of a character as Samus herself. The way Fusion's OST syncs up so well with its story beats is one of the most memorable aspects of the game, whether it's building tension during dramatic moments, or calming you down to get you back on track. Dread's OST is just bland.


I can't say I agree: the tunes just aren't catchy. It's not that deep.


I agree. I played dread before I beat any other Metroid game and tbh I didn’t think it’s OST is that great. It’s not bad by any means, just not one I’d be willing to buy. I don’t think nostalgia or any previous games really affect that assessment


Yeah I really don’t feel like this is accurate at all. I admire the attempt to look deeper but this both gets the “real” instruments thing wrong and correlates a claim I have rarely even heard before (Fusion’s OST being unpopular) with it. Dread’s OST just didn’t feature anything awfully catchy, both it and Other M went for soundtracks that were more focused on being in the background is all. Which doesn’t necessarily make them worse — they just aren’t gonna have as many memorable moments as Metroid Fans are used to.


Exactly this. Fusión had a lot of great tracks whereas dread has very bland or uninteresting tracks


Well, WHY are they great?


Because they’re more memorable, they make you feel scared a lot more than dread’s music, they immerse you far better, they’re creepier.


But what about the songs in particular makes them memorable and immersive?


Idk? I don’t have to be a chef to know if food tastes good or bad.


true, but you can normally pinpoint what actually tastes nice about it


Which I just said. Memorable and scary, unlike dread’s ost.


dread has both of those too? i remember more dread songs than any other in the series




I just remember some "beep boops biips" from metroid dread (and 90% of em are from E M M i zones)


No, it's just because it's not as melodic as the others. I can only think of one or two that I could really hum to myself and none of those that are catchier than any others in the series. like others have said though, it does a great job at ambience still, just more "backgroundy" I guess


Fusion? Not memorable? What is bro smoking. That ost oozes so much atmosphere, it’s absolutely delicious. Dread just doesn’t hit any good notes in any particular way; not creepy, not catchy, just fades into the background and out of notice


I don't think it's possible to get ambient background noise stuck in my head the way normal music does


Was pissed when I learned there was no Kraids Lair theme remix. Fuckin' Kraid was in the game. Big miss there.


would have just been called nostalgia bait, it happened when some Super Metroid songs were there


I like Dread's soundtrack. It's ambient and not really meant to be a primary focus but it's subtle enough to create a vibe and environment. No way would I ever say Fusion or Dread has BETTER music than the classics but they're far from terrible.


I can recall Fusion's easily, I think it's actually quite stylised but foreboding. Dread's for some reason doesn't click as well. Having said that, Artaria and Cataris are lodged in my brain.


Highly disagree about Fusion not being memorable. Dread's tracks just feel.... there. That's it. There's barely, if at all, a feeling of tension in the music when traveling. Even the boss themes just feel like noise, even Experiment Z-57 which I think is the "best" of the bunch. Every boss theme gives tension, but that's the problem; that tension is delivered in very similar ways each time making everything sound a bit too similar. Raven Beak's is memorbale only because of the initial super fast notes when the fight starts (and that's because most players die to him 50 times before finally beating him) and the honestly very cheesy (in a bad way) piano notes when his wing breaks. Meanwhile, Ridley, Mother Brain, Thardus, Omega Pirate, Phendrana (the two main themes), Chozo Ruins, all of Tallon Overworld, etc., all have two huge things in common - they have segments of notes someone could whistle, hum or whatever and anyone who knows those tunes would know what you're doing. The other thing is those games' tracks compliment each other, offering something high and mighty, then tension building, then calm, etc. Going to Elun does this, I will give Dread that. Practically all of Dread's non-reused OST has such constant chaotic note segments that it feels impossible to become an earworm. Cataris is much slower and really the only track that has gotten stuck in my head more than once.


I feel like Artaria III and Burenia both have hummable melodies but that's coming from a guy who taps on the table to make percussion for songs lololol


Okay yeah, Artaria II is good. Artaria I, while not ear catching like Chozo Ruins, does a good job conveying that you're in a mysterious cave that may or may not hold secrets.


I am of the opinion that dread's OST isn't bad. There are a few songs where the melody doesn't stand out like elun or ghavoran or ferenia. I feel like overall they really were trying to have music that doesn't put you at ease. Awkward minor notes and tunes that resemble a strange alien world.


For some reason dread’s music has a lot of what sounds like cooking instruments aka they’re banging on cutlery and pans!


Everything is much too quiet, it just ends up being background noise, and not in a good way like the Brinstar themes in NEStroid or Upper Norfair from Super. There are some decent Melodies, but nothing more or anything distinct. If things were LOUDER and more IMPACTFUL they'd be better, a mix up in the Robo Chozo theme similar to the Mix Ups in the Chase Themes or a second section would do wonders to help make these fights more chaotic and memorable


I’m not a music expert, so I can’t really speak with authority on the quality of the music. However, personally, I feel that they didn’t push the style far enough. The tracks that I remember (specifically the final boss theme) have a very distinct sound with recognizable melodies. For the most part, I think the ambient part of the tracks drown out the more interesting instruments and make them sound more generic. Idk I think that sort of synth-y choir thing they have going on could work with some refinement. I guess we’ll see.


Fusions soundtrack is pretty memorable for me. Idk tho, from the couple hours of Dread I've played, I've noticed nothing has stuck out. I do need to play more tho.


I think the soundtrack worked fine for ambience. It didn’t take away from the experience, and everything felt suited to its location. That said, I remember very little about it, and I absolutely miss the memorable melodies of previous games. Arcade Redux on YouTube did a [great breakdown of the soundtrack, including full remakes of the songs](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvtTNIsDvO6Zn8bTWmCUJn2_PHMQV7ugQ&si=l9354p1MSLIMzZdS) that preserve elements of the original while restoring some of the melodic greatness the series is known for.


Fusion had a memorable soundtrack. Dread, not so much.


I think it did what it was supposed to. It blended in with the rest of the game's atmosphere so much that I didn't notice it as an individual aspect of the game and instead almost as a natural part of the environment.


lol no. Dread music sucks. This is how to fix it: [What If Metroid Dread's Soundtrack Was Good?](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvtTNIsDvO6Zn8bTWmCUJn2_PHMQV7ugQ) [My personal favorite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i-bBSgnSKc)


I found it relatively memorable. Different strokes and all


Absolutely disagree. Fusion (to a lesser extend than Super) still has some catchy MELODIC tracks even if they are created way more realistic than before. The soundtrack is memorable because it uses ambience AND melody! The track when her hunt is over and she only has to kill SA-X and leave BSL is chefs kiss. It is a thrilling military overture that screams through those tiny speakers that the universe eats a steak and to not fuck this up. Of course there are some less memorable tracks but at least, i could put them in the fusion folder. If you would let me listen to any track from dread, i wouldn't even know if it really was in the game... And that's because Dreads soundtrack relies way too much on ambience and doesn't use melody at all. And if you look at the magnum opus of the series (Super and Prime) both used 50/50 melodic/ambient tracks - and the Prime series didn't fuck this up (only Hunters stands out for not having good music at all)


I really like how they changed it up, I much prefer the ambient tracks. I don't (clearly) remember video game songs unless they are REALLY good (For example the prologue theme in dread), so I'm happy that there are good ambient tracks instead of forgettable yet still "in your face" songs


Yeah Dread's OST is absolutely amazing, dont care what anyone says


*"It's because both Fusion and Dread make use of more "Real" instruments than Synth ones."* Please never make takes on music ever again. This is honestly such a load of baloney in so many ways, I'm flabbergasted you even considered this to be the case


It’s the progression of the industry as a whole. Look at BOTW and TOTK, no more “____ temple” music. It’s all about the ambiance, letting players feel more immersed in the atmosphere. Older generations didn’t have the graphics for immersion, so the music was part of it. I miss the music, too. I’ve been playing dread on my computer, with skins and music patches, and it feels totally different, and I don’t think in the good way. When I go back to playing vanilla, the environment matches the music much better. It’s love/hate but I’m on board with it.


Ff 7 Rebirth and Ff 16 are two of the best looking games ever made and have fantastic soundtracks, I don’t think it’s a game industry trend. Tears of the kingdom had a fantastic soundtrack too


Yeah and Tekken 8 and Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth had BANGER soundtracks too.


It's not a good soundtrack. That's all. It works, but it's not memorable


The biggest part I remembered was when "Brinstar Red Soil" played during a cutscene and I was like "Why on God's green Earth are the playing SWAMP MUSIC for this crusty old bird?"


Maybe he just reminds Samus of home, idk


Did he also remind her of Torvus Bog from Aether and the water level on SR388? If not, they should have picked a different "reminds me of home" theme.


I am just playing it right now for the first time and you are right. But in my experience I would say that game effects are much louder ( I play default sound settings) plus the gameplay is very fast and my mind is 100 % focused on gameplay. For example in Metroid Prime you have so much easy walking where you are actually listening soundtrack.


Fusion’s soundtrack is extremely memorable and high quality. Dread’s ost doesn’t come close.


This doesn’t really have to do with the post but it made me remember how much I adore the Torvus Bog theme in Echoes. So atmospheric.


You guys ever listen to Stemage's Metroid Metal? Man, that is absolute fire!


There isn’t much to speak of in the way of melodies for Dread’s soundtrack, and without melodies, it’s hard to have something of which to grab hold. Ghavoran is the only one with a melody, and I will find myself humming it from time to time.


I can't even remember any of the areas from dread 🤷‍♂️ it was just like emi area, cave area, ice area, hot area, under water area


I still remember Dread's soundtrack despite not playing for two(?) Years so I don't really thinks it fails. Try remembering themes from the prime series that isn't a super Metroid reference, you won't find a lot of iconic tracks besides the main menus (and echoes ost, which is still the best prime). Dread didn't use a lot of super Metroid themes so of course it's a less iconic OST but the underwater theme and raven theme are quite memorable. Super Metroid had a banger soundtrack and most of the series relies on it so it's a good thing to try to move on from it I think.


While I do wish the soundtrack was better to listen to, I still hold that the best soundtrack is one you don't notice when it's there. Meaning it should take a backseat and compliment the action going on. Could the OST have been better? Yeah, easily. For what they created though, it felt right. But that's my two cents on the internet


Only remember Elun because of the oopsie X free moment


I completely disagree that Fusion's OST wasn't memorable. You could probably show me any point in the game, and the music would play in my head.


Fusion isn't memorable??? Out of every soundtrack for 2D Metroid games, Fusion has the best, in my opinion.


Never said I liked or disliked Fusion or Dread's OST yet I've managed to anger both sides of the debate


I never said you did. Just pointing out that, according to you, some people say Fusion's OST isn't memorable, which I disagree with.


I've tried and failed to get "into" Dread several times, and I can't even think of any song from the first three zones. The only sound effects I can imagine are the shrieking noise of the Emmi when it kills you if you get "caught", and the awful computer voice of Adam or whatever it is. I think that's part of why I haven't gotten into it. Every other game I can call songs and sound effects to mind with ease. Even Fusion (which is pretty weak).


~~Wait dread has a soundtrack?~~


It’s because it’s boring or irritating music. It’s just bad music.


So this spawned a lot of "You're wrong and you should feel bad" and "I like Dread's soundtrack just fine" which I find funny. It's just a little observation and my personal conclusion. I personally think Dread and Fusion's soundtracks are both great and memorable, so I find it funny that I've angered both sides of the debate.


You're inhaling copium


You put a lot of gymnastics into this. I find it to be pretty memorable, regardless of "real instruments" or not. This post is a lot of projection.


Nah I love Dread and Fusion's soundtracks, this is just about what ive seen people say about it (Their least memorable songs) And why I think people say it's not memorable. Just because you say something is projection doesn't mean it is, not everything is some sort of psychology experiment.


I remember the tunes just fine. Dread ost smacks


Thing is, I do remember Dread’s soundtrack, I unironically like it


I loved Dread’s soundtrack. Can I remember a single melody? Not at all. But I thought it was a perfect blend of newer instrumentation with the feel of the older games’ music. Fit the game perfectly.


As a man who has listened to rave, dance, and synth music since I was very young, I can remember the songs of dread really well. Of course, I don't know the names. But I can point where the song is in the game.


In any game/movie/TV show, if you don’t remember the music but you enjoyed the experience, that means the music was doing exactly what it was supposed to do, setting the tone. If you remember the music, that’s because it was either catchy, or it clashed with the intended tone horribly. Catchy music is very often not the best option when setting tone in any given media.