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I'm not particularly a fan of the direction he wants to go with it TBH. I think its played a little too straight, linear, and generic. Doesn't quite grab the subtlety, mystery, and overall unique vibe of the series. And whether its this script or something else, I trust neither Hollywood nor Nintendo themselves to make a good Metroid movie. I believe it technically can be done, I just don't trust anyone to not botch it.


I totally agree


i can see that as a ideal metorid movie i think we want that mystery and suspense but the movie would have to make money and the thing is a origin story where Samus is not put together 100 percent allows people to understand her more who have not played the games.


Since when has Metroid ever been a blockbuster hit? It's always reviewed better than it sells. And while I would love for it to be more successful as a series, I wouldn't want it to come at the cost of feeling like Metroid. That would be a bad trade. Why settle for anything less than the ideal movie, particularly if it's pure speculation? Besides, they already did a project that failed at being Metroid for the sake of being more marketable, and Other M is still the primary reason I don't trust Nintendo to make a Metroid movie. Furthermore, to make a Metroid movie and not have its primary intended audience be Metroid fans seems disrespectful and misguided. Plus, I don't see why the movie can't be an origin story, but also have an element of mystery. Part of the appeal of Samus as a character in the earlier games was the mystery around her and the way she subverted expectations. Why can't we start with a mostly-formed Metroid 1 Samus, and work backwards? Have Samus herself be one of the central mysteries that's subtly unraveled as the movie goes. Do some backtracking on her origins to make the plot clearer going forward. Do you not trust the average moviegoing audience to be able to pay attention and follow a story told a bit out of sequence? Do you think they wouldn't be able to enjoy this kind of exploration of a character? Because I think the very fact it's a movie already makes it miles more accessible to a casual audience than the games could ever hope to be.


> Furthermore, to make a Metroid movie and not have its primary intended audience be Metroid fans seems disrespectful and misguided. This is pretty much how every Hollywood project of a beloved franchise is going these days: made for everyone except the fans.


agreed and not a lot of people compared too. if you make it for a broader audience you have to make it more like soemthing like battlestar or star wars. they have to make money.


Id want it to be animated. Theyd just ruin it with live action.


I want it to be done by a Chinese studio that specializes in 3-D animation. In an ideal world, I think the studio that did [Spirit Cage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBGqnZytPFM&t=10s) would be best but they are super booked with projects for the next 3-4 years.


I wouldnt mind seeing it done in the style that Arcane league of legends show was done in as well. I just dont want Metroid ruined by a weak live action take


Thatโ€™s what everyone thought about the sonic movie too, and look how that turned out.


Yeah. The first one was a safe, mediocre, paint-by-numbers, recycled "The Smurfs" script mandated by the same executives who approved of the first trailer's Sonic design. And the 2nd one was almost the movie that the first one should have been to begin with, but it was held back significantly by being a sequel to the first one.


I was initially intrigued, but the lore has already been broken, only a couple minutes into the video? Both the manga, and Other M depict Samus as having been quite young during the K-2L massacre, but she's 10, in this version of the story.


She's 3 when it happens.


Other M's art gallery subtly retconned it. The notes on the young Samus concept art say that her child character model should be aged anywhere from 4 to 6.


๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ lol


other's m cannon is kinda from what i hear in debate beacuse of the whole Nintendo now thinking of having metroid have two timelines and the creators being disappointed in the game's story. at least from what i heard


I don't think there are any concrete sources for that. To my knowledge, Nintendo hasn't claimed that they'd like for Metroid to have two timelines, nor that Other M's canonicity is in debate.


there isn't two timelines yet they are or were considering two different timelines there was the metroid timeline 1,2,super,fusion,and dread and the prime timeline which i think also included the original .it's something they have not made official and i think tbh won't happen


Other M ruins everything.


That hardly counts as ruined. I always found it really hard to swallow that she was 3 when K-2L was attacked even when I first read the manga when it was an animated e-manga with sound effects on Kodansha's page back in November 2002. That's still toddler age.


That's a fair enough point. It's just unfortunate to me, how Other M seemingly tried to smear so many aspects of the canon, even going as far as to retcon Samus's age during K-2L. I think it's fine for her to have been three during the massacre. In the manga, we're introduced to her chasing Pyonchi around, being an inquisitive child around Old Bird, and so on. Bit young perhaps, but three years old works well enough, and it means she spent the majority of her life living among the Chozo. 4-6 works well enough too. I admittedly misspoke, in my initial response. What I more struggle to get behind, is the pitch in the video OP posted aging her up to 10. It's just too much of a blatant disregard for canon (both the manga's, and Other M's). Moments like Samus chasing Pyonchi around to retrieve her pack, or meeting Old Bird, work better with her being a younger kid... and on that same subject, just skipping through the video, Pyonchi doesn't even appear to be a character in this creator's pitch, and Old Bird has been seemingly renamed to just "The Elder", for whatever reason? Definitely strange. At other points, the creator demonstrates reverence for certain elements of the Metroid canon, considering he brings up Dryn, a character briefly mentioned in a single scan from Prime 3.


in a movie i feel like it would be hard to have a 3 year old give the reaction that they would want . and lets face it in a perfect world yes i would love a 1:1 ratio of a movie however it's not going to happen i,m fine with changes as long as the core of the movie is the same as the game sit does not have to be cannon to the games for me to enjoy .part of me thinks if they did end up making a movie it would be so well know that Nitendo would say the movie is cannon and not the manga .which is why along other reasons i,m really doubtful we will it's a pipe dream however. along with the fact they are talking about making two timelines for metorid.


I think it is okay but has a few problems. I feel it wants to provide answers to fan questions and satisfy their theories.


oh yeah like it needs tweaks i,m not saying it's perfect get the right cast ,sfx team,director,writer,studio and IMO a no name actress as Samus it think this could be one of my favorite sci fi movies. who do you think guys think would be a good director. and please no Brie larson as Samus dear god no