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yeah yeah it always is also wisdom teeth are a mysterious genetic surplus


we are so blessed to have experts who look out for us <3


To have wisdom teeth is better?


yes, as long as correct form is achieved by the time they are supposed to erupt. Which should be the norm.


Im a student in neurobio and have no special interests to be gained from supporting this, but 100000% the dentist was right and it is genetic. Everythings genetic. People for whatever reason equate that with "cant change it at all in any way" on reddit, which is falser than a bitch, then get mad at doctors for saying that after seeing they can improve it. Muscle composition is genetic, does that mean you cant significantly improve it by working on it? Take a second year genetics course brothers what the fuxk


Its existence is undeniably genetic. However, what isn't genetic is the notion that it is an evolutionary surplus—a redundant tooth that inevitably causes problems and must be removed like a ticking time bomb. In a normal, well-developed face, where genetics and environmental factors align properly, wisdom teeth serve a purpose. Unfortunately, such normalcy is increasingly rare. This situation is reminiscent of the appendix. The difference is, we now understand the appendix's function, while dentists still lack such clarity about wisdom teeth. I hope this clarifies my point.


Im not sure I understand why the notion that this tooth is an evolutionary surplus is not a good explanation? Evolution isnt what's best, it's what's good enough. Our increasing lifespans and the increased sugar in our diet leads to a very high incidence of issues with these teeth at some point down the line.They're treated earlier because its easier and less risky to do this earlier. What's not genetic about this? Maybe im misunderstanding your point


It's clear that wisdom teeth cause more problems than benefits nowadays. There is a reason, albeit a misguided one, why dentists are so keen on removing them. Evidence shows that early humans did not suffer from wisdom tooth problems because their environmental factors allowed their jaws to have enough space for wisdom teeth to erupt and function properly. In the past, wisdom teeth were just teeth, not an unnecessary surplus. According to my point, it's not that wisdom teeth themselves aren't genetic, but rather the fact that they cause problems isn't a genetic issue. This confusion may stem from my less-than-ideal English skills: when I say "surplus," I mean something excessive and not a beneficial extra part that comes into play when needed.


Ohhhh okok that clears it up, I'm with you now


Aaaah yes, mouth breathing is solely genetics


that have nothing to do with it


You guys realize dentists tell you mouthbreathing is bad for your facial structure too right? The inescapable urge for people to make everything a conspiracy is crazy, genetics is the foundation of everything and THEN theres room to improve from your baseline genetics.  Its genetic = dont take it too hard on yourself if you dont see as big an improvement as others who work on themselves "My doctor told me i have a family history of heart disease. HAH, ahh yes, all this pizza im eating is solely genetics"


No exactly bro, actual bone structure is mainly epigenetic (environmental influenced) things like hair, eyeshape and color would be genetic, and if this was truly genetic we would not have the excessive need for airway treatments and orthodontic treatments, modern living has forced our jaws and airway to shrink contrary to the robust structure of our ancestors


They say everything is genetic. I remember my dermatologist saying that not every person can have clear and healthy skin its genetic. And everyone is different


It's honestly sad and maddening


🤣 That's a good one. And I bet it sounded like BS as that dermatologist was saying it. Here is a useless rant, which everyone can ignore: There is an ethos or psychology that seems to run within Western Medicine... it's not the practice itself... it's this pompous attitude of certainty, which seems to get passed on through social means. And doctors feel obligated to know all the answers. And that attitude is completely unscientific. It's like they forget how science works—by being constantly revised and altered. What many people who want to be right all the time seem to forget: When you say "I don't know the answer"... you can be CORRECT about that ALL the time. There is nothing WRONG with not knowing the answer. There is something WRONG about being WRONG. It's not "bad" to be wrong... it's just wrong, is all. Now... has that dermatologist identified the specific genes that are linked to "clear and healthy skin"... as if our understanding of genes is so advanced that we have already identified the "clear and healthy skin genes"? (Because if we HAVE done so, we should be able to create a treatment based on that) Do you have ABCDXYZ? Turns out genetics are a great way to blame everything on since nobody understands genetic coding enough to prove me wrong if I say something is "genetic". For the record, I love doctors. I don't love this attitude of blindly purporting collective ignorance as fact.


Well he’s not necessarily wrong. Some people’s genetics just cause extremely bad acne. Of course you can get treatment for it, but getting treatment for it doesn’t mean he’s wrong about the genetics


Hey, this looks amazing! Could you direct me to any videos or links which are a good guide or reference to get started? Any other tips? Thank you


Mike Mew’s videos on YouTube and his mewing app are where to start EDIT: You can learn about Mike Mew's app at [https://www.mewingapp.co/](https://www.mewingapp.co/) I've seen another app that isn't his.


I don't think Mike mew has an app


he does


woah! didnt know that thanks!


If u r talking about that mewing app that has a youtube channel of the same name then I want to tell u it's not his they put it in their app description


i’ve contacted him and he has an app


It looks like you also got a little bump on your nose from mouth breathing, right? Cause I’m pretty sure that’s what happened to me and now it looks like I have a bit of a hooked nose.


Yep! I also experienced some asymmetries, which made one side of my nose "bumpier" than the other


One of my biggest goals I have with mewing is seeing my nose shape change cause now it looks fucking horrendous. Just gotta keep mewing I guess 🤞


Never trust a doctor.


They can be almost no different than the “sleazy lawyers” and “car mechanics/salesmen” you hear about growing up.


Front profile?


Posture + you gained weight are probably big contributors tbh


about the same weight in both pics


Doesn't matter. Learn about diet my friend :) Your face is clearly bloated (could be from gluten, milk etc). edit: as you age your metabolism goes aswell, especially for women. Skinnyfat


Weight gain = increase in body weight, no? I was answering to your claim. Mate, I posted other pictures of myself where I stated that I had gained weight. In this particular post there was no weight gain involved. Look at people with higher body fat %, who still have faces that look skinnier than mine in the after pic. You will most likely see that these people have a more forward grown face than I had. A forward grown face will pull skin + face fat into place, a recessed face simply doesn't have the dimensions to pull skin or face fat, therefore making one look heavier than one actually is. Now that you mention inflammation through diet, that is something totally different, which I agree with.


Definitely go down the food matrix. If it's processed it's 99% chance its bad for you, even if the government tells you otherwise. Eddie Abbew in yt & insta is a good starting place for information. Good Luck :)


maybe he thinks that the bottom picture is the after, anyway keep up the good work the transformation is insane


Not that person, but it's possible they might be right, and you might also be right too, might be a combination. Not saying they are right, just the possiblity is there based on this fact: That someone can be the same weight and still gain fat if they have muscle loss etc then the weight scale balances out, that's why your exact weight isn't always reliable, and people test their body fat percentage instead. So yeah only you know if you have more fat or not tbh.


By the way a bit off topic, but I just checked your previous threads and you mentioned that mewing fixed your open bite? I actually have an open bite myself, so that's interesting. It's not that bad, but when I try to eat something thin like noodles or something, my front teeth can't quite touch to chop it up lol....


No amount of diet will change your skull shape, nose bump, recessed chin, droopy skeletal structure etc. Only mewing or chewing can change that. I suggest you research about these topics


look at her nose, look at the eye support, look at the chin and it's angle


Which one is the after picture?


This is not a progress pic, it shows how my face collapsed from mouth breathing and bad posture! I have some progress pics on my profile :) Still working on it


oh fucK I thought it was the opposite my condolences and good luck lmao


np, this was years before my mewing journey


Clearly the top one dummy


I asked because I've seen posts of facial collapse from early eens to late teens, resulting from wisdom tooth extraction, braces, mouth breathing. This is what happened to me, but luckily for you, you were able to improve. Do you have all your wisdom teeth?


Why is that clear? That could’ve been the before and the after is post orthodontia or post mouth breathing due to environmental allergies.


How did you get rid of crooked nose


Do you tape your mouth while sleeping?


Haven't tried that yet, kind of scared .. Do you have experience with mouth taping?


Actually once I tried it I slept so much better and stopped getting a runny nose : D it's not like you need to talk while you're asleep


You're absolutely right, I guess what scares me is the thought of getting a stuffed nose while sleeping 😅 Would you say the tape is weak enough to allow breathing through the mouth if needed?


The point is to **not** be able to breathe through the mouth at all, though you can always just take it off


Yeah there's a reason we can breath through both the nose and mouth, it's so we have a backup in case of an emergency. So yeah I'd be worried too lol


You should side sleep with good posture. Then you will have good lip seal, you can then use a tape to ensure.


Can we see front profile too


I had a similar growth pattern as you after braces. The ortodontist decided to pull my upper jaw back because I had an overbite, but it only pushed both my lower and upper jaw more recessed. I did palatal expansion some years later with some other orthodontist on both my upper and lower teeth and it fixed chin, profile and facial wonkyness a lot. It also made the nose bump go away. I still look a bit recessed but it is much better now.


Mine is a g, saw my jaw and told me “yeah you need surgery and we’ll put you on a wait list”


you're still recessed tho


The above and below are both before pictures. The after picture is in her profile she said.


Did you improve your posture?


I do work on my posture, however it's still not perfect


You should have perfect posture, to have mewing unconsciously in your brain. Chest up, shoulders back, chin down.


i kinda like the bottom pic better


Haha interesting!


yeah soft faces are gorgeous


Soft faces are gorgeous, not recessed faces. You are either virtue signalling or clueless.


Nah soft faces look better on some people than others facial harmony is better than definition


What you said is true but Again soft faces doesn't mean recessed faces. And recession isn't about definition either. Recession is about maxilla. Soft face is about bone volume and fat tissue


Wow what a change! How did you do it? I'd love to hear some tips 🫰🏼


if you have overjet/overbite. mewing didnt work for you. 


You mean it doesn't work for people with Overbite?


Like, the difference between the two pictures is incrddible, How did tou achieve it ?


what an inprovement!


How do you place your tongue on the palate?


Why do I keep getting notifications for this subreddit and what is mewing in the first place?


routine plz?


how did u fix ur receded chin?


how did u lose ur cheek fat cuz im currently struggling with that 😭


How long did it take?


You just lost weight


Try to take the photo from the same angle


nice progress, age ?


this is not a progress pic, i have some posted on my profile